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All About Oceans
2024/07/24 16:20:45瀏覽26|回應0|推薦0
All About Oceans (上)
We are talking about water this July, especially the biggest water in the world.
That’s our oceans.
Oceans are very large bodies of water.

Oceans are huge bodies of water.
They cover over 70 percent of the earth.
There are five oceans in the world:
the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.
The oceans are home to all sorts of animals including whales, fish, dolphins and more!
You can also find beautiful corals珊瑚(蟲) in the ocean.
Corals look like plants, but they are actually animals.
They form reefs礁,礁脈.
These provide food and living space for about 25 percent of the world’s fish!

Lots of different kinds of animals live in oceans.
Sometimes these words "seas" are used to mean the same thing.
But actually they’re a little different.
There are many smaller seas, but only five large oceans.


Hey, Sam. What are you watching?
I’m watching an interesting YouTube video about the ocean.
Which ocean? 
There are five of them on the earth, you know.
It’s about the Pacific Ocean and the many kinds of animals in it.
The pacific is home to all sorts of animals.
I know. There are dolphins, fish and whales , just to name a few.
The plants in the Pacific Ocean are very interesting, too.
So are the corals.
They look like plants, but they’re really animals.
They look like gardens in the ocean when they form reefs.
Yes. In this video, I can see them moving in the water.
These reefs provide food and living space for about 25 percent of the world’s fish!
That is amazing!

Earth is similar to another word "world" we talked about earlier.
We live on earth.
Sometimes you’ll see this word with a capital大寫字母 "E" when it’s talking about our planet, Planet Earth.
The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean.
It’s between Asia and North and South America.

It is home to all sorts of animals.
The ocean is amazing.
Yes. It is home to all sorts of animals.
The forest is amazing.
Yes. It is home to all sorts of animals.
The zoo is amazing.
Yes. It is home to all sorts of animals.
And animals are amazing!

句尾just to name a few表示稍举几个例子
I love farmers markets. There are crafts, fresh fruits and plants, just to name a few.
Lily grows flowers in her garden. There are roses, sunflowers and tulips, just to name a few.

Dolphins and whales, both of these are very large sea animals that swim underwater.
But both of these animals are special.
They can’t just be under water all the time, they need to come up to the surface to breathe air just like us.
Just like humans.
If you visit an aquarium水族館 you might see a dolphin show.
They do so many fun tricks, they’ll throw balls up into the air and do amazing jumps.
They can twist and turn.
Plants take sunlight and turn it into energy.
The plants in the Pacific Ocean are very interesting.
They are you can see things like seaweed or other kinds of plants.
A coral looks like a plant, but it’s actually an animal.
They look like plants with lots of different branches.
But actually, it’s thousands and thousands of really really small animals.
And these animals look like gardens in the ocean when they make or form reefs.
Reefs are big areas full of lots of corals.
Those reefs are beautiful places to visit.
There’s a famous place near Australia called the Great Barrier Reef.
There are many many corals, we call these coral reefs.
Those reefs provide food and living space for about 25 percent of the world’s fish.
Some fish like to hide among the corals.
When you visit a hotel, you can ask do you provide breakfast.
My parents provide all the food I need to eat every day.

句中living space是现在分词加上名词是复合名词的形式之一在生活中常常出现
Where did I put my reading glasses老花眼镜?
She spent time at the swimming pool this afternoon.
Let’s take dancing lessons next month.

The earth has so many kinds of plants!
Many kinds of whales live in the ocean.
I see a dolphin next to the boat!
You can form a poem with words.
Libraries provide books for students.

Dolphins are smart and fun animals.
Can you provide your information?
Hold hands and form a circle.牵手并且围成一个圈
Rain waters the earth.
Some whales sing for hours.

The ocean is something magical about it.
It is so big and there are so many mysteries within it.
But our oceans are in danger.
There are lots of problems with the world’s oceans.
One of them is that there is too much plastic in our oceans.
So we can do our part to keep the oceans clean.
There are whole areas filled with trash.
So we need to make sure to recycle our things.
Sometimes people will use the three Rs:
Reduce, use less
Reuse, use again
And Recycle.

Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue. 
they ran aground on a reef 他們在礁石上擱淺了

All About Oceans (下)
When there are many corals together, they create coral reefs.
Coral reefs can be very big and they actually provide a home and some food for about 25 percent of fish.
we learn the word form, form also means create or to make.

sea turtle就是海龟

The weather today is beautiful.
I know. If my family and I were still in California, we’d all go snorkeling浮潛 on a weekend like this.
Snorkeling is a great way to enjoy nature in the summer.
I’m still a little scared to snorkel.
But being underwater is so different from being on land.
I agree. It is much more peaceful.
You also feel much smaller when you’re in the middle of a big ocean.
I went snorkeling in Costa Rica a few years ago.
It was fantastic.
Did you see a lot of ocean animals?
I did. I saw lots of colorful fish, some sharks and even a sea turtle!
Was the ocean water clean?
It was. It was calm and clear.
That’s great.
That makes snorkeling a lot more fun.
Yes. It’s also easier to see the underwater life.
And that’s the main point of snorkeling!那就是浮潜的主要目的!

假设语气的句子 当假设的事情与现在事实相反时就用句型if加主词加过去式加逗号主词加would加原型动词
If it were sunny today, we’d have a picnic in the park.
If I were taller, I’d play on the basketball team.
If it were quieter in the house, I’d study better.

Snorkeling is a water activity you use, you do under the water.
When you go snorkeling, you don’t need very much.
You have a mask over your eyes and your nose and a tube that goes up above the water which you can use to breathe.

Snorkeling is a great way to enjoy nature.
Snorkeling is a great way to enjoy nature.
Yes. You can see colorful fish.
Snorkeling is a great way to enjoy nature.
Yes. You can see sea turtles.
Snorkeling is a great way to enjoy nature.
Yes. You can see sharks.
Sharks! No thanks.

If you want to use the opposite of underwater, you might want to use two words.
You might want to use on land or just above the water.
From what I’ve heard though, most sharks won’t attack people.
They are just looking for some food, they are just looking for other fish to eat.
But you still need to be careful around them.
Sea turtles are animals with a large oval橢圓形的 shell.
Some oceans are kind of dirty, there might be a lot of trash or just a lot of dirt in the water.
So it’s hard to see very far.
Not only was it clean不僅水很清澈, the ocean waters in Costa Rica were calm and clear.
If the ocean is calm then there are not a lot of fast violent waves.
You won’t feel as nervous if the water is calm.
And you’ll get to see a lot more of underwater life.
Life is things that are living.
We can think of animals, people and even plants.
We call these things living things生物.

The main point of his speech was the importance of hard work.
What are the key points of this lesson?
He pointed to the top of the mountain.
She pointed her finger at me.

I feel relaxed when I’m out in nature.
Can you see under water at all?
Sea turtles are so beautiful!
The ocean is very calm today.
Ocean life is beautiful and amazing.

The children love playing underwater.
How big can a sea turtle get?
Al is studying研究 plant life in the forest.
It’s calm today; there is no wind.
What do you like most about nature?

You can say the subway is underground.
It’s not on top, it is under the ground.
If we’re talking about things up in the sky, we can just say it’s in the air.

How does the ocean say goodbye?
It doesn’t say goodbye, it just waves!

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