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Wonderful Paris
2024/07/19 16:24:54瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0
Wonderful Paris (上)
The language people speak is called French, the people there are also called French.
Paris France is the capital of this country.

Millions of people visit the wonderful city of Paris each year.
Many go to the famous Eiffel Tower.
It’s a symbol of Paris.
You can take an elevator to the top for an amazing view!
At 11 p.m., the lights on it sparkle in an amazing show!
The Mona Lisa is the world’s most famous painting.
It hangs in the Louvre Museum羅浮宮(法國藝術博物館)in Paris.
You can also see thousands of other beautiful pieces作品 of art in the Louvre.
It’s the biggest art museum in the world.


Susie, is that a picture of the Eiffel Tower?
Yes. I’m dreaming of going to Paris.
What would you do there?
Visit the Eiffel Tower, of course!
It’s a symbol of Paris.
And go to the top?
Yes. I’d take an elevator to the top.
But I really want to see it at night.
At 11 p.m., the lights on the tower sparkle!
In Paris, I’d go to the Louvre.
It’s a wonderful museum.
To see the Mona Lisa?
It hangs there.
Yes! It’s the world’s most famous painting.
But there is a lot of other great art in the Louvre, too.
I know. It would take you 200 days to see it all.
Really! That’s a big museum.
It’s the biggest in the world!

片语dream of表达人对于某件事怀着强烈的渴望与幻想
Cindy has dreamed of being a movie star since she was a child.
They spent many months dreaming of a vacation in Europe.
Sam is dreaming of writing a popular novel.

What would you do there?
I’d love to go to Paris.
What would you do there?
I’d visit the Eiffel Tower.
What would you do there?
I’d take the elevator to the top.
What would you do there?
I’d enjoy the sparkling lights.
So, that’s what you do there!
Yeah. Sparkling lights.

In England, one famous symbol is a big tower with a clock on it.
And a bell called Big Benn.(英國倫敦議會大廈頂的)大笨鐘.
People also think of想到 the bus with two stories, the double decker bus雙層巴士 when they think of London.
The largest art museum in the world and it’s in Paris.
It’s called the Louvre.(法語的r不發音)
There is an "r" in there, but with the French pronunciation, you don’t really say that "r".
It is a massive宏偉的 museum that actually used to be a palace for Kings.
I don’t think any of us have enough money to pay for that many tickets.
So we’ll just have to make some choices.
It really is the biggest museum in the world.

sad saddest, thin thinnest, hot hottest
This is the saddest story I’ve ever read.
The thinnest book is just four pages.
This is the hottest room in the house.

What a wonderful idea!
What a tall tower!
A heart is a symbol of love.
Take the elevator to the fifth floor.
Where will you hang that picture?

They are waiting for the elevator.
I just read a wonderful book.
Hang your jacket by the door.
Let’s go to the top of the tower.
Taipei 101(one o one) is a symbol of Taipei.

Wonderful Paris (下)
If you want to go to a cheaper museum, I would suggest le Musée d’Orsay奧賽博物館.
They have a lot more sculptures there.


Welcome, Tara!
I hear you’ve just returned from Paris again.
That’s right. I love Paris.
It’s one of my favorite cities.
Here, I brought you something.
Thank you!
Yum! A chocolate croissant.
They’re my favorite sweet treat in Paris.
I love to sit in a café by the River Seine塞納河 and have coffee and a croissant.
Sounds wonderful.
Do you walk along the river?
Yes. There are some beautiful bridges over it.
And some lovely buildings along it.
There is so much to see in Paris!
Did you walk down to Notre Dame聖母院 this time?
Yes! It’s such a beautiful church.
Too bad I couldn’t go inside.
There was a bad fire there several years ago, wasn’t there?
Yes, and they are still repairing the building修建中.
It should open again in December of this year.
I’d love to see it.
It must be beautiful inside.
It is! I’ve been inside several times.
Another wonderful place to see near there is Sainte-Chapelle聖禮拜教堂.
What can you see there?
Marvelous令人驚歎的 stained glass彩繪玻璃,教堂玻璃、鑲嵌玻璃 windows!

We use that word return to say that we’re coming back from somewhere.
It usually means you’re coming back to the place where you live.
You went somewhere and now you’re returning.
they are more of a rectangular長方形的 shape with chocolate in the middle.
They are a popular breakfast or afternoon treat in Paris.
The River Seine runs in the city.
It’s the one big river that runs right through Paris.
There are many little cafés and restaurants on the sides of the river.
There are plenty of pathways小徑,人行道 next to the river and there are some beautiful bridges over it.

There’s so much to do in the park.
There’s so much to smile about every day.
There’s so much to learn in school.

Tom has a really bad cold.
There was a bad storm last night, so many houses lost power.
I need to go home. I had a bad headache.

I love to see it.
Paris is a beautiful city.
I love to see it.
The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
I love to see it.
The Louvre is in Paris.
I love to see it.
Especially all of the art.
That would take 200 days!
Oh. Never mind.

Stained glass windows are glass Windows with lots of different parts.
Each part is a different color and they make a picture.
You can see lots of stained glass windows in many different churches.

Kim will return from lunch soon.
Can I walk across the bridge?
Hundreds of people work in the building.
The fire burn the building down.
I need to repair my car.

I’ll wait for you inside the building.
When will you return?
There is only one bridge over the river.
Can you repair these shoes?
We can cook over the fire.

Musée d’Orsay
奧賽博物館(奧塞博物館、奧塞美術館;法語:Musée d’Orsay)是法國巴黎的近代國家藝術博物館,主要收藏可追溯至1848年到1914年間的法國繪畫、雕塑、家具和攝影作品。

KK[krwɑˋsɑn] DJ[krwɑ:ˋsɑ:ŋ]
Even at this moment I cannot forget the croissant I ate in Paris. 

KK[sen] DJ[sein]

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