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Keep Cool!
2024/07/12 16:51:15瀏覽32|回應0|推薦0
Keep Cool!(上)
The months of June, July and August are the summer months.
It’s very hot during this time, temperatures are higher.
You’ll see a higher number on your weather report.
If you don’t drink enough water or stay cool you might get sick.

Summer often brings high temperatures.
When it’s hot outside, working or playing in the heat can be dangerous.
Do a few things to stay safe.
Drink plenty of water.
This will allow you to sweat and keep a safe body temperature.
Stay inside during the hotest parts of the day.
Save exercise for early mornings and late evenings when it’s cooler.


Wow, it’s so hot today, Julie.
I know, so I’m drinking plenty of water.
Me, too. Water helps you keep a safe body temperature.
Did you know that?
I did. Getting too hot is dangerous.
It is. Drinking water also allows you to sweat.
That helps keep you cool.
It sure does. Here.
Have some more water.
When it’s really hot, I don’t go outside unless I have to.
That’s smart.
I also stay inside to keep cool, especially during the middle of the day.
I also exercise inside when the temperature is high.
I save outdoor exercise for early mornings or late evenings.
It’s cooler then.
It’s important to take care of ourselves in the heat.
That’s for sure.

Temperature is a number.
When you are getting ready in the morning you can check the temperature for the day.
You will get the number of degrees that it will be outside.
That tells you how hot or cold it is.
In America, we use Fahrenheit華氏.KK[ˋfærən͵haɪt] DJ[ˋfærənhait]
But in many other countries, they use Celsius攝氏.KK[ˋsɛlsɪəs] DJ[ˋselsiəs]

He keeps some food in his backpack in case he gets hungry.
Keep walking; don’t stop.
Don’t get upset. Keep calm.

Have some more water.
Oh. I’m so hot.
Have some more water.
I’m so thirsty.
Have some more water.
I’m sweating so much.
Have some more water.
Ah! Sorry! I’ve got to go.
Where are you going?
To the bathroom.
Better hurry.

It’s too hot for outdoor activities.
Let’s go for a walk outdoors and get some fresh air.
Let’s go camping and enjoy the outdoors.

We’re talking about the number.
So in Fahrenheit, this would be around 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
And in Celsius, probably around 28 or 30 degrees Celsius or higher.

Turn the oven to a high temperature.
He is drinking a big glass of water.
I can’t allow you to sit there.
Come inside if it begins to rain.
Running is good exercise.

What kind of exercise do you like?
Do you want something to drink now?
Did you find Tim? He’s waiting inside.
Set the oven to high heat.
We allow dogs in this restaurant.

Here’s a swimming pool, let’s go swimming!
We can’t swim in this pool.
Why not? It’s a great way to cool off.
True. But if we swim here will be in hot water.
The water in this pool isn’t hot!
Why did you say we’ll be in hot water?
Hot water is an English idiom.
It means if you’re in hot water it means you’re in trouble.
Can you give me some other examples?
Sure. Today’s the big test but you forgot to study.
You’re in hot water.
If you swim in a pool that doesn’t belong to you, you’re in hot water.
But this is my uncle’s pool and we can swim here any time.
Great! Well, what are we waiting for?

Keep Cool!(下)
and when it’s hot outside, we can say that the temperature is high.
If you look on your phone or if you look on your computer, it might be in the high 90s if it’s Fahrenheit or even 30s in Celsius.

air conditioner就是冷氣機

Hi, Susie!
Where’s your dog?
Don’t you usually walk him around this time?
Yes, but it’s too hot right now.
I left him home with the air conditioner on.
I’d like to be home with the air conditioner on!
It’s so hot!
Heat is hard難受的 on people and pets.
That’s true.
But you have to take your dog outside sometimes, don’t you?
Of course. But I try to walk him in the shade蔭涼處.(shadow陰暗處;影子)
Good. You don’t want him to get heatstroke中暑.
That’s right.
When I was a kid, our dog loved to go places with us.
But we didn’t take him when it was hot.
That’s because you couldn’t leave him in the car, right?
That’s right.
The temperature inside a car can rise to unsafe levels within a few minutes.
And that’s dangerous for a pet.
It is. We’d take our dog for walks in the evening when the pavement人行道 was’nt hot.
Smart. Hot pavement can burn a dog’s paws腳爪!

It’s too hot right now.
Hey! Let’s go hiking.
It’s too hot right now.
Let’s play tennis.
It’s too hot right now.
Let’s go biking.
It’s too hot right now.
Let’s go swimming.
That sounds like a great idea.

do something with什么on表示打开着某种电器产品同时做某事
I study better with the TV on.
She can’t sleep with the lights on.
Don’t leave the kitchen with the stove on.

Susie says that heat is hard on people and pets.
If something is hard on someone that means it’s hard for them to handle or it makes them uncomfortable.
If there is a tree that part underneath, the part where there is a shadow is called the shade.
It’s not as hot in the shade.
You can find shade next to almost anything, especially things like big, tall buildings or trees.
Can you tell us what is heatstroke?
It’s when you get really really hot and your body starts to feel really uncomfortable, you can get heatstroke when it’s hot out.
The word heatstroke, this is a word we call a compound word.
It’s made up of two words, the words heat and stroke.
When heat strikes us, well, make sure you get out of the heat, go inside to a cool place, drink some water and make sure to cool down the temperature.
When your body is too hot, you can faint昏厥 or pass out昏倒; 失去知覺; 酒醉.
If you go into a store and you can’t bring your dog with you.
Pavement is very similar to the word sidewalk.
This is a part of the path or the street that you can walk on.
Cars cannot go on the pavement.
Only people and sometimes bicycles can be on the pavement.
Pavement is just an area of cement that you can walk on.

We’d take our dog for walks in the evening when the pavement wasn’t hot.
Do you want to go for a run?
Our family often goes for drives in the country.
When can we go for a swim in the ocean?

The air conditioner makes the room cool.
She sat in the shade and read a book.
Don’t drink this water. It’s unsafe.
The water level in the river is high.
He burned himself on the stove.

It’s cooler in the shade.
Be careful! Don’t burn your hand.
Do you think its unsafe to walk here?
Turn on the air conditioner. I’m hot.
Her stress壓力 level is high right now.

Carry me!抱,背
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