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Give Something Away Day-空中英語教室
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Give Something Away Day 送點東西給別人吧!(上)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
we hope that you’re ready for a good time
because we’ve got one prepared for you
my name is Gabe
and i’m Anne Marie well
our lesson is called give something away day
we are going to give away
some free English tips speaking of giveaway
what does that phrase mean
or what could it mean
oh well
give away has a couple of different meanings if you give away
a secret it means that you tell someone
something that they’re not supposed to know
you gave it away
or maybe you could give away
the answer to a question that’s not very good to do either
yeah that’s right give something away
could mean that you have something
and you’re not going to throw it away in the Trash
you’re going to give it to someone else
so you’re giving it away so what does give away
mean in our lesson well
i think you know the answer
but just to be clear
let’s get right into today’s first reading
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
give something away day
it’s better to give than to receive
if you’re like a lot of people
your home is probably overflowing with stuff
this includes things that you don’t use
or haven’t used in years
all these extra items can raise your stress level
and create other health problems
studies show that being surrounded by clutter
makes it hard
for you to focus a cluttered apartment
can also cause falls and fires
hi everyone welcome to language lab i’m Jack
例如after moving to a smaller place
EVA had to decide
which stuff to keep and which to donate
或是Mika packed his bag
with all the necessary stuff for the camping trip
譬如Mia stuffed everything on top of her
desk into her purse before she left for vacation
譬如the small cabin was surrounded by tall trees
hiding it from hikers
and others who wandered in the forest
或是as they sat by the campfire
the campers were surrounded by the sounds of nature
或是when Levi made the winning basket
his teammates surrounded him
and lifted him up high on their shoulders
thank you very much
Jack so give something away day of course
we’re talking about
the idea of having something and giving it to someone else
and not throwing that away right
and we see this great phrase right here
at the beginning of our lesson
it’s better to give than to receive
and i think this has been translated
or this is a phrase
that a lot of different cultures and languages express right
should be so go away your fool对不对
so it’s better to give than to receive Emory is this true
if so why is it true
i think it’s true that when you give something to someone else
or help them
you get a lot of joy and things and stuff when you buy it
you might be happy for a little while but eventually
you’re going to want to get more stuff for yourself
or buy more stuff for yourself
it doesn’t really give you true lasting joy
so i would agree with this statement
it can be satisfying or give you
a sense of satisfaction to give something to somebody else
that will make their life better in some way
there are many reasons
why it’s better to give than to receive friends
sometime today or this week talk about why this is true
if you’re like a lot of people
your home is probably overflowing with stuff i like that phrase
at the beginning if you’re like
if you’re like usually
i use it maybe in a speech if you’re like me it’s kind of a
way to relate
to the crowd or to the audience or to the reader right
because a lot of people are like this
that’s true although i will say right now i am not like this
i am the exact opposite of this
i’m really excited about this article
because i really really love decluttering my house
that’s a word
we’re going to talk about later on in today’s lesson
but first let’s talk about what this word overflowing means here
we see in our lesson
someone’s home could be overflowing with stuff
the idea is that there’s so much stuff in their house
that their house can’t even hold all of the stuff
we could use overflowing for other things
as well like water you could have a cup of water
and if the cup of water is overflowing it
means there is too much water
and the water is coming out over the sides sometimes
we use it to talk about positive feelings
as well like overflowing with joy
i was just overflowing with joy
after what happened well
we also see the word stuff here
which Jack did talk about in the language lab
just a little reminder
you never have an s on the end of this word okay
it’s a non countable noun
and it also made me think of something
that you put inside of a Turkey on Thanksgiving
are you talking about stuffing
exactly and the reason we call it stuffing is because
another meaning of the word stuff
as a verb is to cram something into a small space okay
it’s probably not very comfortable in there in that Turkey
but that’s what we do we cut up those pieces of bread
and we cram it or stuff it into the Turkey
that’s why we call it stuffing well
going back to stuff
all these things that are in your house
this includes things that you don’t use
or haven’t used in years
all these extra items can raise your stress level
and create other health problems
i read a study about this once
and it really changed the way
i think about stuff that the more stuff and clutter
you have in your home
the more stressed you are
because your time is spent taking care of your stuff
write that down the more stuff you have in your home
the more stressed you are yeah
because you have to spend a lot of time on maintenance
that’s right
so when you bring something new into your home
it’s a good idea to ask how much time am
i willing to spend on this item
all right that’s a great tip
Emily can you tell us a little bit about the word clutter
so clutter is the idea that there’s a lot of things all around
and they’re just laying about there’s like no rhyme
or reason they’re not in any particular order
makes your house very untidy speaking of
order there is a word that rhymes with order
and that’s a hoarder that word is not in our lesson
but a hoarder is someone who collects a lot of things
and they have a really really really hard time letting them go
whether it’s giving them away or even throwing them away
are you a hoarder friends
all right friends well
we’re going to talk more about clutter
and d cluttering here in our next reading
give something away day
maybe you want to declutter your home
but don’t know how to begin
or maybe you feel guilty about throwing things away
that are still in good condition
but you can declutter your house and also give joy to others
and today’s the perfect time to get started
Emily couldn’t get over feeling guilty for the misunderstanding
even though her friend told her to forget it
或是the guilty
look on the dog’s face
let Rachel know that he had chewed up her new shoes
譬如overwhelmed with guilt
violet confessed to her mother
that she had accidentally broken the vase
thank you so much Jack and that word guilt also
makes me think of a phrase guilt trip
or to put someone on a guilt trip
that means to make someone feel guilty about something
maybe your mom has given you a guilt trip for your messy room
speaking of cluttering and decluttering
you need to clean up your room that’s right
and as you heard Gabe say
just now declutter can be used as a verb in fact
it is a verb maybe you want to declutter your home
but don’t know how to begin so what does this word mean
it really
means just taking the clutter or junk laying around your house
and getting rid of it
making sure that those things aren’t in your home anymore
all right another way we use the word
clutter is with the word up
if you have cluttered up your room or cluttered up your desk
that means
you’ve allowed a lot of things to kind of get on your desk
that probably shouldn’t be there
maybe there’s new piles that you didn’t plan on being there
but you have cluttered up your desk
so we’re talking about decluttering now
maybe you feel guilty about throwing things away
that are still in good condition okay
this is a good point
a lot of people have items that are maybe not brand new
maybe they’ve been used a little bit at least
they’re in good condition that’s right
and what does it mean to throw something away
if you throw something away
it means you put it in the trash
so you’re not just getting rid of it it’s not that you don’t
it’s not that you are just not owning it anymore
it’s that you are really putting it in the Trash
and it’s going to go to the landfill
that’s right another thing we want to talk about here
is the use of the word about right
especially guilty about
you could also say you’re guilty for something
what is the difference well
in our lesson you maybe feel guilty about throwing things away
this is something that hasn’t happened yet
but it could possibly happen okay
if something has already happened
and you feel sorry about it
you’re sorry for doing it
we would say
you’re guilty for doing it i was guilty for doing something
right but you can feel guilty about something
that may happen in the future
that’s a really good point well
we read on here friends
but you can declutter your house and also give joy to others and
today is the perfect time to get started
if it is the perfect time to do something
it means that you can do it right now
there is no better time
this reminded me of a phrase that we use
sometimes there is no time like the present
there’s no time like the present
what does that mean well
it means that this is the perfect time there is no time
that will be better you can start right now
you know
it also reminds me of the phrase better late than never
even though you might feel
it’s late to get started doing something
at least doing it
now is better than never doing it at all right
we do have more to learn right after today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud are you taking a break this summer
where will you go
i would like to go somewhere cool
but you know Garrett today
we are talking about a specific kind of brake
the verb
brake means to damage something or separate it into pieces
and when we take a break
it means we are resting you are breaking your time up into work
and play you can also give someone a break yes
that means you allow someone to take time off from work
or their other responsibilities
that’s similar to the idea of resting
the boys prepared breakfast for the mother
on mother’s day to give her a break
give someone a break
and also mean to stop annoying or criticizing someone yeah
maybe a child broke something
or made a mess you might feel upset
so someone could remind you to come down by saying
give her a break
she’s only five years old hey
that reminds you to change your expectations of that boy or girl
and treat them differently as a result
so if you feel someone is being too hard on you
you can say give me a break hmm
give me a break can also be used in a third way
depending on the tone you use saying give me a break to someone
can also mean you don’t really believe them
take a break就代表休息的意思
当你take a break
如果是give someone a break
Sarah’s KIDS made breakfast for her to give her a break
give someone a break也可以表达
give her a break she’s only five years old别再骂了
你也可以说give me a break
这就是今天的INFO cloud
give something away day
today is national give something away day in the United States
created on July 15th
2015 this special day
encourages people to give freely to others
today you can begin to clear your house of clutter
and share your best items with others
that’s a situation that benefits everyone
来看几个例句because of the current market situation
the company decided to stop the introduction
of the new product由于目前的市场情况
或是the emergency team practiced
regularly to prepare for any situation that might happen
during a rescue operation
Zoe found herself in an uncomfortable situation
when she realized
she had made dates with two different boys for Friday night
thank you so much Jack all right
let’s continue with our lesson we read here
today is national give something away day in the United States
yes the United States that nation is celebrating
national give something away day
often when we say something is national something day
it’s probably referring to the United States
because they are one of the world leaders right
but if we were to say it’s international something day
then we know people all around the world are celebrating this
or maybe it could even be world something day for example
a few months ago
it was international women’s day
you’re an international woman and Marie yes
i am so just to recap friends if something is national
it means it is happening in just the country
we’re talking about if something is international
it means that it is happening across multiple countries
all right so let’s talk about national give something away day
it was created on July 15th 2015
which is relatively recent
i would say well it’s today well
2015 was less than 10 years ago oh
i thought you were talking about July 15th that’s today okay
so yeah 9 years ago that’s right pretty recent
very recent this special day
encourages people to give freely to others
i want to talk this about this idea of giving freely
if you give freely
it has the idea that
you’re giving something to someone with no strings attached
what does it mean to have no strings attached
well that means that you don’t expect anything in return
or that your gift doesn’t have any other meaning
besides the fact that it’s just a gift give freely
this actually
is a Christian ethic Jesus is famous for saying freely
you have received so freely
give he’s talking about the new
and eternal life
that we receive when in a relationship with him now
of course the idea of giving freely
is not only limited to any one religion
i think it’s a great idea
a great practice to have to give with no strings attached
it’s so easy to give your time
your energy your money whatever
it is hoping that maybe someone will give something back to you
whether it’s time or money or a gift
or even do something for you
but that’s not giving with no strings attached that’s right
okay so today national gives something a way day
you can begin to clear your
house of clutter
and share your best items with others
although i would say giving freely of the stuff you don’t want
doesn’t have strings attached
i would say that you do benefit from it
because the point is to clear out your house now
we just see clear here in the sentence
but clear out is another way to say to get rid of things
that’s right and the way this sentence is structured
it says clear something of something else
that means you’re getting rid of whatever
that is you can rid your house of clutter
you can clear your head of negative thoughts
there are different ways to use that sentence pattern
that’s right
that’s a situation that benefits everyone all right friends
let’s go to our fun fact right now
hello fact
friends i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
did you know
that one animal is known for not giving things away
a pack rat ha
what is a pack rat
well it’s a kind of rat that lives in the woods
and has a big nest full of lots of things
we use this animal to describe
someone who keeps too many things ha
ha i’m a pack rat in my house here
i should give some of my things away
and that’s today’s fun fact ha
all right friends
listen up here is the question of the day
it’s the talk about it question
do you live with a lot of clutter explain oh
well i do not live with a lot of clutter
i don’t like to have extra things in my house
that i have to take care of however
i have learned that as my family has grown
and there are other people living in my house other than me
sometimes they have clutter
and it’s not really my responsibility to tell them if they can
or can’t keep all of that
what i see as junk
yeah exactly and one of the things you learn right away
as a parent is not necessarily to ask your kids
if you can give something away
because even if they haven’t played with it in two years
as soon
as they see you asking or thinking about throwing it away
they say no i love that toy
i want that toy anyway friends
that’s a whole nother subject maybe for another day
but we do have more to learn about this topic tomorrow
right here on studio classroom

Give Something Away Day 送點東西給別人吧!(下)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie all right
we are in day two of our lesson about giving things away
it’s actually a national day in the United States
i wouldn’t say an official holiday
but almost every day in the United States
is known for something right
people have made it into a special day today
or yesterday
was a day to remember to try to give something away now
we had a talk about a question that i wanted to talk about
and ask from your magazine
what would you do
if a friend offered you some nice things
they don’t use oh
well that really depends on if i could use those things
or not if it’s something that i needed
or something that i felt like
i would enjoy having
maybe i would take some of those things
but if they’re just nice things
i wouldn’t want to add to the clutter in my own house okay
so you want to make sure that they’re useful for you
and that you’re actually going to put them to use
right and not just take them because it’s a gift from somebody
if someone were to offer you
something it was nice
but you didn’t need it would you be honest and tell them hey
maybe somebody else could use that yeah
i usually am
especially if someone gives me clothes or something like that
for my kids it’s so
nice to have second hand clothes when you’re a parent
sometimes you just don’t need clothes
so i usually say
thank you so much for thinking of us
if i don’t need these do you mind
if i pass them on to somebody else
if i don’t need these do you mind
if i pass them on to somebody else
that’s a great question for you to know
how to ask in this type of situation friends
we do have more to learn from our lesson
so let’s get right into it
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
give something away day
start decluttering by grabbing some garbage bags
and two baskets or boxes
in order
not to become overwhelmed begin with a small manageable area
then start sorting through your things
put all the trash in garbage bags and throw them away
you’ll see an immediate improvement
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看动词grab
Matt decided to grab the last piece of pizza before anyone else
did Matt决定在其他人捷足先登之前
或是even though she was in a rush
Natalie decided to grab a cup of coffee on her way to the office
例如the advertisement was
designed to grab
the attention of passerby with its bright colors
例如Riley felt an immediate sense of relief
when she found her wallet in the cafe
where she had just finished lunch Rally
或是the project
requires immediate attention to fix some important issues
譬如Aurora went to the hospital
immediately upon hearing about the car crash
her friends had been in Aurora
thank you so much Jack
and put the words that you learn into practice
you may not see immediate results
but you will over time if you do it daily well
let’s continue here start
decluttering by grabbing some garbage
bags and two baskets or boxes okay well
a couple of things
i thought about here with that word grab aside from to grab
someone’s attention that Jack talked about
is the idea of not grabbing
this is something that
i have to remind my kids not to grab from each other
maybe one of them is playing with a toy
and the other one wants it
and maybe it even belongs to the other kid
but he grabs the toy out of my other child’s hand and
that’s just not a nice thing to do
so we just say don’t grab yeah
it’s the idea of taking something very quickly
and maybe not thinking too much about it when you do it
so that’s the idea when you’re grabbing these garbage bags
and baskets or boxes
they don’t have to be fancy baskets or boxes and garbage bags
you don’t have to be very careful when you pick those up either
so you can just grab them
we read on here in order not to become overwhelmed
begin with a small manageable area
but we have a really interesting phrase
we should talk about at the beginning of this sentence in order
not to become overwhelmed
let’s talk about that for a minute well
let’s talk about it in the positive first
because it could be in order to do something
that means for the purpose of doing something
or so that you can do something
and then you finish the thought right
in order to go to that museum
you need to book your tickets in advance
you can’t just get tickets the day of here’s another example
in order to get to work on time
he wakes up every morning at 5 a m
and as you can see in this sentence
here friends you can also add a knot
so this is that something doesn’t happen
and here the idea
is that
you don’t want this task of decluttering to become overwhelming
you don’t want to feel like it’s too much to handle
all right to be overwhelmed that you’re describing yourself
or if something is overwhelming like
Anne Marie said that means it is making you feel overwhelmed
remember the difference the thing is overwhelming
i’m overwhelmed
i’m overwhelmed by all this work
you want to have a manageable area
or start with a small manageable area
if something is manageable
that means you can control it more or less
it’s not too much your current class schedule
could be manageable
or not manageable
if you’re taking classes at a university
if you have an unmanageable schedule
it means that you’re probably taking too many classes
maybe you have some scheduling conflicts and too much homework
so make sure that your schedule is manageable
all right here’s the next step of decluttering start
sorting through your things all right
let’s talk about the idea of sorting things
because this kind of has the idea of organizing things
you know like how when the postman comes to your house
he sorts through the mail to make sure
everybody gets the right letters exactly so
in a way you’re trying to put things into different categories
in the case of your house
and decluttering probably different piles right
you’re sorting through your things
put all the trash in garbage bags and throw them away
that means get rid of them toss them out
that’s another great phrase for you to know toss it out that
means you’re going to throw it away
you’ll see an immediate improvement that
means you’ll see an improvement right away
that’s right
let’s continue learning right now with our next reading
give something away day
next put things that are out of place in the first basket
these items need to be moved to their proper places
you’re now ready to place
donation items in the last basket when you finish this area
it’s time to give those things away
譬如they need a large donation of winter clothes
for the people who were made homeless by the earthquake
或是the museum’s new section was made possible
by a generous donation
from the strong family strong
譬如Lillian decided to donate
all of her unused clothing to the homeless shelter
thank you so much
maybe you can make a donation today to a charity that you like
but let’s get into this section here
next put things that are out of place in the first basket
remember we have different boxes and baskets
and now
you’re going to look for things that are out of place what does
it mean if something is out of place well
if something is
out of place
it means that it is in a place that it shouldn’t be this is why
my house gets messy all the time things that go in one room
or in a certain basket
or in a certain cupboard
they end up in different places
they’re out of place other things could be out of place
as well for example
maybe somebody wears a fancy dress to work one day
and you feel like wow
that fancy dress looks really out of place in the office
yeah maybe it’s a really nice dress
but this seems a little out of place here now
this phrase also reminded me of another place word
and that is to misplace something
that’s when you put something where you don’t normally put it
and you forget that you put it there
and so you’re looking for it everywhere for a long time
because you’ve misplaced that item in fact
that’s often why things are out of place
it’s because you have misplaced it
i misplaced my cell phone all the time
i put it down somewhere
and i forget where i put it it’s not actually lost
it’s just misplaced all right well
let’s keep reading here
these out of place items
need to be moved to their proper places now
you’re ready to place donation items in the last basket
i like that you used out of place kind of like one word
like that these out of place items in
that situation
we would probably put a hyph
in between the words to create kind of an adjective
right these out of place things or items
you need to move them to their proper places for some reason
this just reminds me of the song by Radiohead
everything in its right place
that song will just make you think of being organized
or make you think of the fact that
maybe you’re not very organized
and you want to put things in their right place
but when you finish this area
it’s time to give those things away
so we’re talking about different things to do with your items
sometimes you want to give those items away
sometimes you might throw them away
that’s right and we learned about that word
donation earlier in the language lab
when you are donating things
it is the idea that you are giving to someone in need
or you are giving to a charity
so you wouldn’t say
i am going to donate these things to my friend
you would donate things to a place that maybe benefits
the homeless or benefits people who don’t have a lot of money
and maybe the shop sells
those things secondhand to earn some money that way
or you could donate money to a specific charity as well
but when you’re giving things away to your friend
please do not use the word donate to your friend oh
that’s a really good point will they get
offended oh
i’m gonna donate these things to you yes
because the idea is that they are in need
or they can’t get those things for themselves hey
that’s a very good thing to remember friends
you’re going to give it away hey
would you like these things
i’m trying to give these things away
can you take them off my hands
but don’t use the word donate in that situation all right well
we do have more to learn in fact
let’s do that with today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to infocloud hey
i’m thinking about different things we can give in English
you mean like gifts
i’m thinking about things that are more abstract for example
you can give someone your word
yeah that doesn’t mean you write your words on paper
and give them to someone not at all
it means you make a promise to them
it is a pretty serious formal way to make a promise if you say
i give you my word
you want the person to trust that you will do it
you will keep your word or keep your promise
now what about
if you give someone a piece of your mind
is that the same thing on the contrary
giving someone
a piece of your mind is something you might do
when you are angry
you are giving a strong opinion or a complaint now
remember in this phrase
the word piece is talking about one part p i
e c e not calm p e a C e for example
my aunt gave the man a piece of her mind
when he tried to cut in line in front of her oh
i can imagine that she wasn’t happy about that
so she was scolding the man about his rude behavior
maybe she even asked him to give his word
that he wouldn’t cut in line again
你可以对他说i give you my word
你可以用i will keep my word来表达
跟i will keep my promise的意思一样
另外一个用语是give someone a piece of your mind
例如my aunt gave the man a piece of her mind
这就是今天的INFO cloud
give something away day
why not offer friends some of your expensive
but seldom worn clothing items
it might be something they’ve long admired
and would really appreciate
the Taiwan toy library association accepts toy donations
local libraries
often take books
and animal shelters are always in need of towels
just remember the old saying one man’s trash
is another man’s treasure
your clutter can become meaningful gifts for others
who will make good use of them
Lucy spend the summer working at the local animal shelter
finding the work meaningful and fulfilling
或是because Luke’s apology felt sincere and meaningful
Sadie forgave him for hurting her feelings
the teachers classes are both educational
and meaningful to the students from the rural community
thank you very much Jack for a very meaningful language lab
friends you knew i was going to say that okay
let’s continue with our lesson here
why not offer friends some of your expensive
but seldom worn clothing items
why not that’s a great way to suggest something
you use the words why not that’s right
and we see the words seldom here
as well that’s just saying that you don’t wear them very often
it might be something they’ve long admired
and would really appreciate there’s a few things
we can talk about in this sentence first
let’s talk about the use of that long yeah
it’s kind of used in a well
i would think a strange way here
because i don’t usually use it in this way i could say
it could be something
that you’ve admired for a long time
because that means the same thing in that sense
if you’ve done it for a long time
then that’s used as an adjective defining time right
but here it’s used as an adverb
you’ve long admired something here’s another example
i’ve long wondered about that company’s policies
that means i’ve wondered about that company’s policies
for a long time that’s right
and let’s talk about this word admired here
two friends just to review to admire something
means to really appreciate it
and sometimes
it can even mean that you would like to have it for yourself
or you think that that’s something that you would benefit from
as well for example
in this sentence here
we see
that your friend maybe long admired something that you had
maybe you’ve long admired
a painting in one of your friend’s houses well
we read on here
the Taiwan toy library association accepts toy donations
local libraries often take books
and animal shelters are always in need of towels
animal shelters
that’s not something
i was thinking about when i first read this lesson usually
we think of giving things away to people right
but of course
animals may be in need of something as well
or animal shelter could be in need of towels
this is what we did
when we moved back to Taiwan
my husband and i took all of our old sheets and towels
and brought them to the local animal
shelter animals need those things for bedding
or the people who work
there might need them to clean up messes and things like that
and you can’t really give away your old bedding
and old towels to other people to use right
it’s not quite sanitary
but animal shelters usually appreciate those things yeah
animals generally aren’t as picky
as people are about the items
that they receive not to mention like
Ann Marie said these things are not sanitary for people
but they could be for animals right
but let’s talk a little bit about that word shelter
we use this word to talk about some places that protect people
or even animals like we see the reason
i said people is because i also think of certain
homeless shelters in different countries
that is places that are made
so that homeless people can have some place to go
that’s right well
as we finish our lesson here friends
we have an old saying that we’re looking at one man’s trash
is another man’s treasure
excuse me Gabe do you agree with this saying yeah
in fact
someone was throwing away a lamp
i’ve shared this before
i think and i saw it on the side of the road
i remember thought it was a very beautiful bamboo lamp
i took it inside
and i fixed the wiring so that the light bulb worked
and it was in my house for like almost a decade yeah
that’s pretty
one manned trash really is another manned treasure all right
friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know
that a group called the giving pledge
encourages billionaires to give away their money ha
ha wow if i had collected a billion dollars
it would be hard to give it away
but you can’t keep your money forever
ha ha that’s a fact so the giving pledge helps billionaires
enjoy giving their money to good causes
and that’s today’s fun fact
alright friends
it is time for a quiz close your magazine fill in the blank here
we go in order
not to become blank begin with a small manageable area okay
in order not to become here
are your misplaced donated overwhelmed or improved
oh i think the answer is very obvious there it’s overwhelmed
do you ever feel overwhelmed
Ann Marie i often feel overwhelmed when i’m cleaning my house
yeah things that take a lot of work
and a lot of mental energy can feel overwhelming friends
that’s all the time we have for today yesterday was national
give something away day in the us
but it’s always a good day to give something away
and to give freely with no strings attached
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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