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Cruise and Amuse-空中英語教室
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Cruise and Amuse 遊輪趣(上)
空中英語教室 20240708

cruise 航遊
KK[kruz] DJ[kru:z]
The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers. 
The taxi was cruising down the street in search of passengers. 
The police car cruised the neighborhood. 
I saw several boys cruising the street. 
The liner is making a round-the-world cruise. 

amuse 樂趣
KK[əˋmjuz] DJ[əˋmju:z]
A clown’s job is to amuse the spectators. 
It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book. 
He amused himself by playing the flute. 他吹笛自娛。
to be amused at or by sth. 被某事物逗樂
I’m not amused! 我不覺得好笑!

hello there and welcome to studio classroom
we hope you’re excited for today’s lesson
because we are my name is Gabe and i’m Ann marine
and what is today’s lesson
anyway cruise and amuse well
what do we know about those words
we know that they rhyme
that’s probably why they’re the title right
titles should often be catchy
and make people interested in wanting to read about it
to amuse means to entertain in some way
it’s an enjoyable experience if something is amusing right
a cruise is a kind of trip and it’s not in a car
but it’s on a ship that’s right
this is a pretty popular way
that people take their vacations they get on a ship
and they stay there for maybe 5
6 7
or even ten days
and they travel somewhere on the boat
but there are lots of different kinds of cruises
and that’s what we’re going to be talking about in our lesson
today all right
well i have a question for you before
we get into our lesson
have you ever been on a cruise of any kind
this is one of the talk about it questions
it’s good to talk about these things
or if you haven’t do you know anyone
who has i have not been on a cruise before
and i would really like to try
especially if it was an all inclusive cruise
where all of your food and all of your drinks and everything
was already paid for ahead of time
so all you had to do was relax on the boat
basically get whatever you want
i haven’t been on a cruise my husband has when he was young
and he really enjoyed it Emory
just a side note your husband is still young
but i meant when he was like a child
okay sure sure sure so
but he enjoyed his time on the cruise okay
excellent i would love to go on a cruise myself as well
i have not experienced this yet one day
because it is on my bucket list well
let’s get into our lesson today
cruise and amuse
cruise and a Muse
the fun of themed voyages do you enjoy a hobby or a passion
such as cooking or dancing or playing board games
do you like to travel
you can combine the two many cruises offer a wide
variety of special interest activities
while adhering to the classic cruise format
their daily offerings are boosted by activities
organized around a theme
sometimes in the evening entertainment
and sometimes on a short excursion in some cases
a cruise may offer a full ship theme that focuses on one topic
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the author decided to change the format of her novel
to include drawings
to make the story more engaging for younger readers
the teacher introduced a new format for homework assignments
incorporating online quizzes
and projects to improve student participation
譬如after Valerie formatted the computer disk
she realized she had more room on it
than she had thought
Ruby boosts her energy every morning with a cup of coffee
或是regular exercise not only improves physical health
but also boosts one’s mental wellbeing
譬如after the park was locked for the night
Tom gave Jerry a Boost over the wall
so he could look for his jacket公园晚上关闭后
thank you so much Jack friends
let’s talk about it cruise and amuse well
before we talk about what you can do on one of these ships
a cruise ship right
let’s talk about another way we use that word cruise
because what i wrote down here is cruise control
did you ever have a car that had cruise
control Emory i sure did
and it was super useful because what you could do
is when you got to the speed
that you wanted to go you could set the cruise control
and your car would continue to go at that speed now
this isn’t very useful if you live in a big city
but when you live out in the country or travel on the highway
like i did growing up a very useful feature that’s right
you don’t have to put your pedal to the metal right
you don’t have to step on the gas at all
you can just set it to cruise control
the danger is you don’t want to fall asleep okay
so you still need to be in control of your car and steer
the car right
so yeah cruising
could simply be driving in your car at a leisurely pace right
so but here
we’re talking about a ship
the fun of themed voyages
and a voyage is a type of journey usually
we use this word to talk about journeys on a ship or a boat
and we find out here that these voyages can be themed what does
it mean if something has a theme well
it means that everything in that thing revolves
around a certain idea or a concept for example
a lot of children’s birthday parties have a theme
maybe it’s a certain cartoon that they like
or maybe some kids really like trucks so the birthday
party will have a truck theme
these voyages on these cruise ships have different that’s right
we’re gonna talk a little bit more about those themes later on
but here’s a great introduction paragraph for us
do you enjoy a hobby or a passion
such as cooking or dancing or playing board games
i’m sure you have an answer to that question
everybody has a hobby of some kind
that’s right here’s another question do you like to travel
i think most people would say yes i certainly do well
you can combine the two many cruises offer a wide
variety of special interest activities
while adhering to the classic cruise format
let’s talk about what it means to adhere to something
okay when i think of the word adhere
i also think of the word stick
i think of things that go together
and they should go together
because that’s kind of what that word means
for example if you work in an organization of any kind
and there are rules or guidelines
then you need to adhere to the rules
that’s right i often hear this word adhere used with the words
rules or guidelines for example
when you’re writing a paper for school
you need to make
sure that you adhere to the guidelines that your teacher sets
so that you get a good grade on your paper alright well
we read on here
their daily offerings are boosted by activities
organized around a theme sometimes in
the evening entertainment and sometimes on a sure excursion
speaking of excursions my sister had a destination
wedding in Mexico and during our week there
we went on different excursions
one of them was going
snorkeling in a really beautiful river in the area
it was just a little day trip it was an excursion all right
well in some cases
a crews may offer a full ship theme that focuses on one topic
we’re going to look at some of those topics here in a moment
right as we get into this next reading
cruise and amuse
so what are some of the options if you’re into food join a food
themed cruise many hosta renowned chef
who not only gives chats about food
but also prepares special dinners
one such cruise sails in the Mediterranean sea
the seven seas
cruise offers hands on cooking classes for those
wanting to improve their culinary skills additionally
exploring regional historic markets
sampling local specialties
and witnessing traditional cooking methods
can be part of the experience
譬如the Cafe gained fame for its specialty
a blend of local spices and fresh Seafood
譬如the university offered a wide range of courses
but its specialty in environmental science
attracted students
who were passionate about conservation这所大学
chose to focus on surgery as her specialty in medical school
thank you so much
Jack teaching is certainly one of your specialties well
we continue here what are some of the options
options for what
options for topics or themes right
if you’re into food
join a food themed cruise well
i really like the way
this word into is used in our lesson
because this is often the way that we talk about what
we are interested in maybe we like doing it
or we want to learn more about it
we like being with other people
who are interested in it as well
we’re really into that thing i’m into drums
i’m also into podcasts what are you into
this is a great question to ask someone when you first meet them
you can learn a lot about a person
based on their interests what are you into friends
talk about that in English well
we’re talking about food themed cruises here
we read on many host
a renowned chef who not only gives chats about food
but also prepares special dinners what does it mean
if someone is renowned yeah
that means they’re famous so when i read this
i thought wow
they’re going to hire some world famous chefs
or at least maybe some
chefs that are famous in a certain part of the world right
they’re famous they’re renowned
also when i read this sentence
the first time i thought there are two ch words here
but they’re pronounced in different ways okay
it’s chef and chat not chef and chat oh
that would be really difficult to say it that way
that’s that’s different no
it’s of course
it’s chef and of course
you know the word chat right
it’s nice to have a little chat
sometimes chat in English about today’s topic with somebody
today all right
well reading on one such cruise sails in the Mediterranean sea
the seven seas
cruise offers hands on cooking classes
for those wanting to improve their culinary skills now
what does this word culinary mean
when you see the word culinary
it means that what follows has to do with cooking
so culinary skills
things like that
things like that yeah like
if you are interested in cooking or even becoming a chef
one day you probably had to go to some kind of culinary school
or at least in your university study the culinary arts right
that’s what we call it
that’s what some majors are called anyway
and we also see another phrase here hands on this
gives the idea
that you’re actually doing something in this class
and not just listening to someone else talk
we read additionally
exploring regional historic markets
sampling local specialties
and witnessing traditional cooking methods can be
part of the experience what do we mean by witnessing here
well if you witness something it
means that you see it first hand
that means you see it for yourself here’s an example
she really enjoys witnessing local ceremonies
when she travels abroad
that means she likes to see them for herself and Emory
do you like to be a part of the experience when you travel
sometimes sometimes i like to be a part of it
and sometimes i just like to observe
and maybe think about things
myself okay for sure
there’s different ways to learn something
and one of those ways is by doing something hands on right
we’re talking about hands on cooking here on this type of cruise
we have another cruise for you a little bit later
but right now
let’s go and cruise on over to today’s
infocloud enjoy the voyage
well friends welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett i overheard
Tony saying to his wife that when his ship comes in
he will buy her a new house what does that mean
haha i’m sure
Tony said that in a joking way yeah
how do you know
well i say that to my wife too
the expression when one’s ship comes in
refers to someone becoming rich or making big money
that’s funny
but it’s great to dream of improving life for your family
so in this expression
the ship is a symbol of wealth
yes in the colonial periods western
businesses would invest money in ships
if the ship had a successful voyage
they would make a lot of money but if the voyage failed
they would lose money ah
so if your ship came into port
it was a good sign
you were going to make a lot of money that’s right
so today
you can use the expression when one’s ship comes in to express
when a person suddenly becomes rich
今天要分享的用语是when once ship comes in
因此when one ship comes in就用来形容
when my ship comes in
i will buy a big house当我赚大钱的时候
cruise and amuse
on a cruise with literature as its theme
guests can take part in book discussions
books signings and other events
with authors
poets and journalists in November the legendary Queen
Mary II will sail from England to America
with just such an agenda
the conference agenda was packed with workshops
speeches and discussion groups
which offered a variety of learning opportunities
或是the Politicians
public speeches cleverly hit his true agenda
which was only revealed through his policy decisions
或是before the meeting the chairperson gave out the agenda
which outlined the discussion topics
thank you so much Jack
and thank you friends
for putting learning English on your agenda
today here
our last section of today’s lesson on a cruise with literature
as its theme guests can take part in book discussions
book signings
and other things
like that i want to talk about this sentence structure
with something as its something else okay
so we’re talking about literature being a theme
but you can use this sentence structure in other ways
here’s another example
with mingfu
as our driver will be there in no time from that sentence
you know that mingfu is a very fast driver
we’re going to be there very soon
but we see something else in this sentence as well
it says that guests can take part in book discussions
if you take part in something
you’re not just witnessing it friends
you’re actually doing it yourself
it’s usually some type of hands on experience
and Marie take part and participate really mean the same thing
do we ever use them in different ways
which one do you usually use
i took part in or i participated in something
i think i use both of them about the same yeah
me too so you read here
a guest can take part in book discussions
book signings
and other things do you like book clubs
and Marie have you ever been a part of a book club
in a book club you would discuss a book
i have never been a part of a book club before
and i think that’s because i read at my own pace
so i wouldn’t have to just read certain pages
and then discuss those with other people
i like to read on my own time
but a book club can be a fun activity
if you enjoy discussing what you are reading with others now
a book signing is a little bit different
this is where you meet the author of a book
and she or he autographs
the book for you
that is a book signing now
there are other type of signings as well
usually when you’re getting somebody’s autograph
you could also sign your friends
yearbook when you graduate from high school
that’s right of course
the word autograph implies that someone probably has
some level of fame right
but just any old person or any person can sign their name
somewhere right
you often have to sign forms for example so
you can enjoy book signings other events with authors
and journalists i think i would be interested in i don’t know
joining a book
or something that has to do with a poet that i enjoyed yeah
that would be fun well
we read on here in November
the legendary Queen
Mary 2 will sail from England to America
with just such an agenda just such a what why do
we use these words like this
just such an agenda refers to what
we were just talking about right
such a something is referring to the theme
we were talking about for this boat right
so we can just simply use the word such in this situation
you don’t have to repeat all of those words well
what’s next on our agenda
today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun cruise fact for you
today did you know
that the Caribbean sea is the most popular place for cruises
it’s true ah where is the least popular place
you asked well
crossing the Atlantic is one of the least popular well
it’s because the Titanic did sink on that route i don’t know
but there’s not much to see when you cross the stormy Atlantic
and that is today’s fun cruise fact
alright friends
here is your quiz for the day fill in the blank
this cruise offers blank on cooking classes okay
here’s your heads shoulders knees or toes
none of those sound
no not toes on cooking classes no
would you like to have someone else’s toes in your
no thank you none of the above
none of the above so what is the correct answer
hands on
of course yes
of course that is the phrase
we use in English when you’re actually doing something
and not just learning by listening right
it’s a hands on experience well
we have more themed parties or cruises to talk about next time
right here on studio classroom

Cruise and Amuse 遊輪趣(下)
空中英語教室 20240709
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie friends
we are on day two of our article called cruise
and amuse we are learning all about different themed cruises
you can take we talked about two different themes yesterday
one is a food themed cruise
and if you want to improve your culinary skills
while being out at sea on a voyage
you can do that you can have a hands on cooking class
maybe with a world renowned chef
that’s right we also talked about a type of cruise
you can take with literature as its theme
you can take part in book discussions
go to book signings this sounds like a lot of fun for me
i think i would like a cruise
where reading was one of the themes
or i had a lot of time to read at least interesting
what about you
friends these are just a couple of the themes that you can enjoy
while on a cruise
but there are many more
and that’s what we’re going to get into with our lesson today
today of course
is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
and amuse any number of cruises have different musical themes
several cruise lines
feature genres of music from the golden oldies to classic rock
people can join songwriting sessions workshops
jam sessions photo ops
and more as well as attend concerts by music stars
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们首先来看session这个名词
after a workout session at the gym Max felt stronger
even though his muscles were sore
或是the tutoring session focused on complex math problems
which helped the student gain
confidence in her mathematical abilities
再看一句the students had no school today
due to a training session for teachers
thank you so much Jack for a wonderful language lab session
let’s get into this first section this first reading right
we read here any number of cruises have different musical themes
any number of
if you don’t want to be specific
or maybe it’s impossible to be specific about something
then you can use this phrase any number of something
there’s a lot out there right
you could use the word several here as well
but any number kind of has the feeling that
there are really a lot of this type of cruise definitely
when i see the phrase any number of you get the idea
that there are too many to count
or it is as Gabe said impossible to count all right well
we read here several cruise lines
feature genres of music from the golden oldies to classic rock
let’s talk about the idea of a genre the genre is a category
and we usually use this word
genre to talk about literature or movies or music things
that have to do with the arts yeah
that’s right for example
if i were to ask what’s your favorite genre of movie
then you might think of the genres you know
romance comedy maybe action horror
these are all different genres in the movie world
right by the way what is your favorite genre of movie
i like comedy movies the best i think yeah well
they make you laugh they do yeah comedies are great friends
what about you now
we’re talking about music
here from the golden oldies to classic rock
i love classic rock
but i’ve never gotten into the rolling stones i love the beetles
but i don’t know i can’t get into the stones for some reason
but you also see the phrase here golden oldy now
when i think of golden oldies
i also think of a kind of rock
that was from a long long time ago
the song put your head on
my shoulder is a song that comes to mind with a golden oldie
those are songs that a lot of people still know these days
but they were written or composed a long long time ago
Ann Marie
do you like listening to golden oldies or to classic rock
or what is your favorite genre or type of music
yeah i usually listen to pop music
if i’m going to listen to music at all
so it’s a great question to ask as well friends
you can ask someone
what is your favorite genre of movies or music
you know when i saw this phrase gold and oldie
it also made me think of the term or the phrase oldie but goodie
what do we mean
if we say something isn’t oldy but goody
it means that something is very old
or it was made a long time ago but it’s still good today
it can still be enjoyed in the present day that’s right
and we usually use this phrase also to talk about things
like books and movies
poems things like that well
we read here people can join songwriting sessions workshops
jam sessions photo ops
and more as well
as a ten concerts by music stars i’m sorry
Emory i have to go
i have to go right now and sign up for a cruise
this sounds too awesome
this sounds very exciting and very expensive to me
but it would definitely be a good time
let’s talk about what some of these things mean here
what is a Jam session
when you’re jamming with other musicians
usually in a jam session it’s not planned okay
you don’t have the music charts in front of you
you’re not necessarily following along
although maybe you want to
say ahead of time
we’re going to follow this structure c to g to e
these chords and then have a certain rhythm or whatever
but usually you’re just kind of going with the flow
and seeing what happens in a Jam session
Jam sessions are so much fun
all right friends well these music
themed cruises sound like a lot of fun
we have some different themes to talk about in our next reading
cruise and amuse
fans of comic con
won’t want to miss the opportunity to interact with comic con
heroes and participate in trivia contests
cosplay events
photo sessions
all of this takes place on serenade of the seas next February
calling all trekkies
climb aboard the Mariner of the seas for a cruise
across the galaxy star TREK actors join guests at shows
events parties and shore adventures every night celebrates
a different star TREK
experience that guests and actors alike can engage in
譬如during the long road trip
they entertained themselves
by exchanging trivia about the States
they were driving through在漫长的公路旅行中
或是Gianna included an interesting piece of Trivia in her
presentation about the coffee beans journey from plant to cup
再看一句one of the most surprising pieces
of trivia that Asher learned was that honey
never spoils due to its natural preservatives
scientists recently discovered a new galaxy
which challenged their previous
understanding of the structure of the universe
the science fiction novel was about a league of planets
spread across the galaxy
请注意the galaxy the g如果是大写
the galaxy就是指银河系
也就是the milky way
例如in the clear night sky away from the city
the milky way
galaxy is visible across the night sky
thank you so much Jack
let’s get into this section
because i know a lot of you are into comics and comic books
and comic characters all right
so fans of comic con
won’t want to miss the opportunity to interact with comic con
heroes and participate in trivia contests
cosplay events
photo sessions
etc okay what a mouthful that was a long sentence
what is comic con
this is a comic book convention
that’s right and what is a convention well
a convention is a large meeting or a conference it’s
where a lot of people gather together
with the same idea in mind
to talk about something or to learn about something together
so at comic con
people who are fans of comic books or anime
or comic book characters
they get together and talk about it right
so if you are a fan of comic con
you don’t want to miss this opportunity
to go on this type of cruise
something else that happens on this type of cruise
is a cosplay event now
what is cosplay cosplay
does have to do with comic con
as well because many people who go to comic con
they cosplay cosplaying is dressing up
as a certain character from a film book
video game or anime
so people are trying to look like the character as much
as they can yeah think of the word costume
when you see the word cosplay
because i think that’s where it came from right cost costume
and you’re playing a certain kind of character
so this reminds me of there was a mall here in daju
that i think it just it was torn down like two years ago okay
yeah att for fun or att recharge or something like that yeah
they would sometimes have cosplay events inside the small
there was a stage
and they would bring people from somewhere dancers usually
girls who were dressed you know
they were doing cosplay on stage
and singing some popular anime or comic songs
and guess what
i was very surprised and kind of impressed to see that
all of the guys down below
they knew all of the dance moves
oh really
it’s not like the people on stage were teaching them
the dance moves no
they already knew all these different dance moves yeah
at this cosplay
cosplay is so interesting to me
it’s not something that i enjoy doing myself
but people who do it
a lot of times put
a lot of effort
and a lot of practice and a lot of money into it
so it is really fascinating to me it is
and it can be fun to kind of dress up as a different character
right not only at Halloween right
well we read on here
all of this takes place on serenade of the seas next February
well just real quick serenade
usually refers to a piece of music
and or it can be used as a noun or verb sorry for example
when i was in Mexico one time
this guy came to our table when we were at a restaurant
we were eating tacos
and he started playing a couple of famous Mexican songs
he was serenading us at our table
aw that’s a lot of fun
so with a serenade the idea is that someone is playing music
specifically for someone else to hear or enjoy all right
we’re going to switch gears here friends
we’re going to talk about a different kind
of cruise now
it says here calling all Trekkis
we’re going to learn what a Trekki is here in just a moment
let’s keep reading climb aboard
the Mariner of the seas for a cruise
across the galaxy star TREK actors join guests at shows
events parties and shore adventures
so a Trekki is someone who really really enjoys star TREK
yeah specifically the show star trek right
they’re called a trekki
i don’t think we have the same kind of term for people
who really enjoy star wars
we don’t call them warzis that sounds kind of weird
but now you know what a trekki is right
someone who is a big fan of star trek
well we do have more to learn right after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud
hey Rex
did you know that Andy has a crush on Cathy
he really likes her yeah
i keep telling him to ask her out on a date
but that ship has sailed she has a boyfriend now
that’s heartbreaking for Andy i know
cathy’s been waiting for Andy to ask her out
it’s too bad that ship has sailed
maybe we should explain what that means when a ship has sailed
there’s no way to turn it back
even if you really want to get on the ship
you’ve missed the chance
so there’s just nothing
you can do about it
exactly so the expression that ship has sailed
implies that someone has missed the
chance of doing something for example
Tony wanted to go to the NBA championship game
but that ship has sailed
the tickets are all sold out the image of a ship sailing away
gives people a sense of loss or loneliness
so that ship has sailed is usually used for lost opportunities
we regret well
if you want to speak English
really well that ship has not sailed
you always have a chance to improve if you practice every day
that ship has sailed
that ship has sailed就有错失某种机会
when Andy wanted to ask Cathy out
that ship has sailed当Andy想要约Cathy的时候
cruise and amuse
traveling the seas and playing board games
don’t seem to go together
but actually they do some cruises supply over 100 games
and have dedicated spaces that are open 24 hours a day
game of thrones murder mystery
the making of the president war room
etc await you so for your next adventure vacation
consider combining a cruise with your passion
the park was a dedicated space for the community to remember
and honor heroes of the past
the dedicated teacher spent her weekends
preparing lesson plans that would inspire her students
或是the team’s dedicated efforts led
to a successful community garden
creating a green space for all to enjoy
thank you so much Jack for your dedicated service here at studio
classroom and especially in the language lab we read on here
traveling the seas and playing board games
don’t seem to go together
but actually
they do well let’s talk about the idea of going together
that means that they fit
pretty well together okay
it also makes me think of the phrase hand in hand
we usually use this in a positive sense oh
these two things go hand in hand they go well together
that’s right
you can use this when talking about putting together
an outfit friend
those pants and that shirt go together do they match all right
but we read on here traveling the seas
playing board games they don’t seem to match
they don’t seem to go together what actually
they do some cruises supply over 100 games
and have dedicated spaces that are open 24 hours a day
let’s talk about the
idea of supplying something if something is supplied
it means it is provided maybe you take an art class
and that class supplies
all you need to make that project now
supply can be a noun as well
here’s an example of how to use it when it’s a noun
the art class fee includes supplies that’s right
so there’s different ways to use that word and of course
here we’re talking about some cruises that actually
have a lot of games on board
and you can enjoy playing these games 24 hours a day
if you want well
game of thrones murder
mystery the making of the president war room await
you let’s talk about what a throne is a throne is the seat
that someone in authority sits on
but specifically in a monarchy okay
so the king or the queen will sit on the throne
if you say that someone is on the throne
that means they are the one in charge right now
they are the king or the queen
and just here’s a little side note for you about thrones
and Marie are you interested in hearing this
sure the drummer’s seat
the official name for a drummer’s seat is actually
a throne what do you think about
you probably feel like a king when you’re sitting in that seat
yeah drummers do feel like a king right and you know
maybe it kind of makes some drummers feel a little bit cocky as
well or get arrogant right
but that is the official name for a drummer’s seat
i always thought that was kind of fun
but here we’re talking about game of thrones
did you ever see that tv show
no i was never really interested in watching that show did you
no me neither and really
it’s one of those long tv shows with so many seasons
and episodes i don’t really want to get into it right now
partially for that reason
but what about a murder mystery
have you ever participated in a murder mystery
i haven’t done that either Anne Marie
you’re missing out okay
i know you don’t consider yourself an actress
but it’s a lot of fun to open the card
and see what kind of role
you’re going to play and maybe even read that
you are the murderer
and other people have to guess who did it
that could be a lot of fun
i know those kind of games were really really popular
a few years ago back in the states
all right friends well
right now
it is time for us to learn something fun with today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that the first cruise was in a 1819
called the ss Savannah
it’s true it was very different from a modern cruise
and not as comfortable
but it went from the us to
England and lasted 29 days that’s a pretty long cruise
and that’s today’s fun fact
friends no quiz today
we do have a question is the second talk about a question
which of the different cruises
discussed above sounds the most fun to you and why now
this could be also a cruise that we talked about yesterday well
i can guess what your answer would be
i bet you would say that that music cruise
where you could have Jam sessions and go to concerts would be
what you would pick
hands down Anne Marie hands down
if someone says hands down that means there’s no question
there’s no other option right
that is the one
that i would choose what about you
i think after thinking about it
i would actually choose the cooking crews
not because i like to cook
but because i like to eat
and i consider myself to be kind of a foodie so i think
i would really enjoy having a professional chef
cooking delicious meals
for me all the time what about a combination of food books
where you can cook with a book
that would be absolutely ideal
right friends what about you
this has been a fun
lesson talk about those talk about it questions in English
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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