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In Deep Water
2024/07/05 16:08:12瀏覽47|回應0|推薦0
Water is all around you and in the English language, too.
When you are in deep water, you have a serious problem.
Maybe you have a debt and can’t pay it off.
If you are in troubled waters, you are having a difficult time doing something.
When you are dead in the water, you are stuck and can’t do anything.
If you spend money like water, you spend it very easily and don’t think much about it.
When you keep your head above water, you are doing your best to manage something.
But you almost can’t do it.

惯用语in deep water就是有麻烦了
惯用语spend money like water就是花钱如流水
惯用语keep (one’s) head above water指在财务上不举债勉强度日的意思
惯用语troubled waters就是困境
惯用语dead in the water就是穷途末路一蹶不振的意思

Is something wrong, Greg?
Yes. I’m in deep water.
Why? What’s going on?
I wasn’t careful.
I spent money like water last month.
I don’t have much for this month.
Uh-oh. That’s not good.
You have to buy food and other important things.
I know. 
It’s going to be hard to keep my head above water for the rest of the month.
What are you going to do?
I’ll just have to use my credit card.
That will keep your head above water for now
But can you pay off the card next month?
If I do, I’ll be out of money again.
I’m really in troubled waters.
Well, you aren’t dead in the water yet.
You will just have to cut your spending.
I know.
I’ll stop eating out and buying coffee for a while.
Yes. And watch prices when you shop.
Doing those things isn’t any fun.
True. But neither is being in debt!
You’re right about that!

If you are in deep water then you are in trouble, you have a big problem.
Gregg says that he spent money like water last month.
Water isn’t too expensive, so this phrase means you used a lot of money.
What is he going to do? How is he going to pay for his bills this month?
Greg doesn’t want to be in debt.
If you’re struggling and just trying to get by without failing, you’re trying to keep your head above water.
He is in troubled waters, he’s having a hard time managing his money.
If you’re dead in the water, we could think of another boat, a war boat.
Its engine is not working, it’s just sitting out in the ocean as the enemy boat is coming closer.
The boat that’s dead in the water, is not dead yet but it will be, it’s stuck.

stop doing something停止正在进行的动作
He stopped playing the piano when the phone rang.
They stopped talking to listen to the song.
stop to do something停下手中的事去做另一件事
On her way to the store, she stopped to talk to her friend.
They stopped to take pictures of the beautiful sunset.

Watch prices when you shop.
Oh. I really like this shirt.
Watch prices when you shop.
I like the color.
Watch prices when you shop.
I like the style.
Watch prices when you shop.
But I don’t like the price.
Oh. It’s important to watch prices.

If you’re in debt, it’s like you have negative money负债.
Someone has given you some for a time but you will have to pay it back.

He lost his keys. He’s in deep water.
The business is in troubled waters now.
What can we do? we’re dead in the water.
He spent money like water today.
Work hard to keep your head above water.

Decide now or we’re dead in the water.
Her mistakes put her in troubled waters.
You shouldn’t spend money like water.
My mom’s upset. I’m in deep water.
Can you keep your head above water?

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