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International Translation Day-空中英語教室
2024/09/30 15:21:22瀏覽8|回應0|推薦0
International Translation Day 國際翻譯日
空中英語教室 20240930
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Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom! We’re glad you’re here. My name is Ann Marie, and my name is John. Friends, today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together.
We are talking about International Translation Day, specifically about translating one language into another. Let’s begin the program by discussing the languages we have studied in the past.
Well, I speak English, but I have studied Chinese and some Spanish. I was also reading a book about sign language. Do you know any sign language?
Yeah, I think this is "bear," at least in American Sign Language.
Okay, very interesting! I also studied Spanish in high school. I think a lot of high schoolers in America generally choose Spanish as their foreign language, but many of us don’t remember it after we study it—like in my case. I also took a year of French in college, and I don’t remember any of my French either. I will say, though, I had an amazing French teacher, and it was because of her that I didn’t hate studying foreign languages. I really feel that the way she taught helped me when I learned Chinese, and I spent two years learning Chinese when I first moved to Asia.
Yeah, your Chinese is really good! Some languages are difficult, while others might be easier depending on what you already know. Being a translator means helping others understand a language. I think translators have one of the most important jobs in the world.
I think you’re right, John! I’m really excited to talk about this topic today, friends. So let’s get right into it: International Translation Day!
International Translation Day emphasizes the importance of translating one language into another. It is celebrated every year on September 30th. This day, established by the United Nations in 2017, honors the hardworking people who translate languages. It’s important to honor translators and interpreters who play a vital role in connecting people and cultures around the world. They bridge the gap between languages, making communication possible across borders and barriers.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack.
首先来看名词 "translation" 意思是翻译。例如,"the novel’s translation into more than 30 languages helped spread its message and influence global readers." 这部小说被翻译成30多种语言,有助于传播其讯息并影响全球的读者。或是 "Owen used a mobile app for quick translation while traveling in Japan." 欧文在日本旅行时使用了一个行动应用程式来进行快速翻译。
"Translation" 的动词是 "translate",例如,"Marcia volunteered to translate the girl’s speech from French to Japanese during the meeting." Marcia在会议中自愿将这位女孩的演讲从法语翻译成日语。
Well, friends, here we are! We are discussing the importance of turning one language into another, which is what translation is, right? International Translation Day is celebrated every year on September 30. This day, established by the United Nations in 2017, honors the hardworking people who translate languages.
Let’s take a minute to talk about the word "established." Yes, if you establish something as a verb, it means you set it up or make it official. Sometimes we use this word as a noun, "the establishment," which can refer to a company or government that has been set up. But here, we’re using it as a verb: This day was established by the UN. Honoring people is a good thing to do, right? You show your appreciation for them, so it’s a really important day globally.
That’s right! Now we see in this next sentence the difference between a translator and an interpreter.
Okay, what’s the difference between those two? Good question! Interpreters mediate languages orally, which means they do it verbally, out loud. For example, if you go to another country and have someone with you to help you understand what’s going on, that person would be an interpreter. On the other hand, translators often work with written materials, translating books, documents, or emails. They don’t just know how to speak the language; they know how to write it as well.
Wow, so if I were traveling and had a tour guide who could speak the language, he or she would be my interpreter! Exactly. But a translator might take lessons from our magazine; for example, the Chinese translations in the back were done by a translator. We should thank our translators—thank you! It’s important to honor them because they play a significant role in connecting people and cultures around the world. They bridge the gap between languages, making communication possible across borders and barriers.
What does it mean to "bridge the gap"? Well, it means to bring two things closer. A gap is like a space between two things. For instance, in train stations, you’ll see the phrase "mind the gap"—be careful not to fall between the train and the tracks. So, bridging the gap is about crossing it safely or translating between languages.
We also have two words: "borders" and "barriers," which are a little bit different. When you use the word "borders," we’re usually talking about the borders of a country. It’s not necessarily true that all the people in one country speak the same language, but it is often probable that many people within that country’s borders will speak the same language. A barrier, of course, could be anything that stands between you and understanding someone else. So, keep practicing your English; you’re crossing barriers!
Friends, let’s go to the next reading together and keep learning about International Translation Day. Translators work very hard translating books, movies, and websites, as well as other things like laws and contracts. They help this information reach people who speak different languages. Without translators, people wouldn’t be able to enjoy stories from other cultures. They would be restricted in their ability to learn about various countries and wouldn’t even be able to communicate with those who didn’t speak the same language.
接下来看动词 "restrict" 意思是限制。例如,"the movie restricts viewers under a certain age from seeing it due to violence." 这部电影因为有暴力的内容而限制特定年龄以下的观众观看。或是 "parents often restrict screen time for their children to encourage more physical activity." 父母经常会限制孩子的荧幕时间,以鼓励他们进行更多的体育活动。合适 "travel from certain countries was restricted in an effort to prevent the spread of an illness found in them." 为了防止在某些国家中所发现的疾病被传播开来,从那里出发的旅行因而受到了限制。
Okay, friends, we learned the difference between an interpreter and a translator. So let’s continue talking about translators. Translators work very hard translating books. Here we see the verb for what translators do: they translate. They translate books, movies, websites, and other things like laws and contracts.
That’s right! You know we call the things that are translated "translations." So you can also use that as a noun. A contract, by the way, is another useful word; it’s a written agreement usually made between two parties or people. We also learned how this helps: they help this information reach people who speak different languages.
There’s another useful verb: "to reach." The word "reach" means to get to someone or for someone to access something. Here’s an example: without the proper address, your letter won’t reach him. You might send the letter, but he won’t ever get it because the right address isn’t on there.
So these people who speak different languages need to be reached with this information. They need to get that information, and the only person who can deliver it to them is a translator.
That’s right! And without translators, as we read here, people wouldn’t be able to enjoy stories from other cultures. They would be restricted—held back in their ability to learn about various countries. So if you’re a traveler, having a translator’s help is really important.
But we read on here: they wouldn’t even be able to do something very important. That’s right, and communication is crucial! We talk about this all the time on the program, friends. Let’s review it now: communication is the way you give information to someone else. Sometimes that’s verbally, with the words you say, and sometimes there’s something called nonverbal communication.
Let’s review what that means from a lesson we had a few months ago. Nonverbal communication is the way you communicate information to someone with something other than your words. This can include your facial expressions, gestures, or body language.
Yes, don’t forget about nonverbal communication when you’re speaking a new language that you’re not comfortable with, because you can convey a lot without having all the words in a language. We call those "nonverbal cues." So the nonverbal cues you get from someone else tell you how that person is thinking or feeling. A lot of times, nonverbal cues can be different across cultures. So, don’t just learn the words of another language; you also need to learn about the nonverbal cues from that new language as well.
Alright, friends, we’ll be right back after today’s Infocloud.
Hey, everyone! Welcome to Infocloud.
Hey, Rex, let’s talk about the phrase "lost in translation" today.
Sure, that’s a good phrase. It’s often used to describe misunderstandings and miscommunications. Exactly! "Lost in translation" refers to the idea that something gets misunderstood or loses its meaning when it’s translated from one language or context to another.
It’s like when a joke or a saying doesn’t make sense in another language. That’s a perfect example! It could also happen when nuances, cultural references, or idiomatic expressions don’t carry over when translated.
Can you give me an example?
Sure! Imagine someone is telling a joke in English that relies on wordplay or cultural references. When it’s translated into another language, the humor might be lost because the words or references don’t have the same meaning.
Being "lost in translation" is not just about literally misunderstanding language; it’s also about failing to understand cultural differences and context, right? That’s why you’ll also hear people use the phrase in non-linguistic contexts. The phrase can really be used for any situation where meaning isn’t communicated or loses its impact.
It could happen in conversations, written communication, or even in the interpretation of art or literature.
Exactly! Famously, emails and text messages cause a lot of misunderstandings, even when they are sent from one native speaker to another. The phrase is a good reminder to communicate clearly and with empathy for others.

lost in translation
很多时候,我们在看国外的翻译书籍的时候,应该注意,有些原作的意思可能已经 lost in translation。 "Lost in translation" 字面上就是在翻译中流失。有些语文的幽默、含义或语感透过翻译只能尽量贴近原本的意思,没办法完全表现出来,特别是幽默。很多单人脱口秀的外国演员透过中文翻译字幕,很多时候很难抓到他们的笑点,因为有些笑话是根据当地的文化背景或流行用语创作出来的。翻译之后就会听不懂背后的含义。这就是一种 lost in translation 的情况。
这就是今天的 Infocloud,我们下次云端见。
International Translation Day reminds us of how relevant translation work is and encourages us to thank translators for doing their part. It’s a day to celebrate the magic of words and how they connect us, no matter where we’re from. So read a book translated from a different language or watch a foreign film with subtitles, then remember to thank the translators for making it possible.
接着来看 "relevant" 这个形容词,意思是相关的、恰当的。譬如,"the workshop was made relevant to new parents by offering practical advice on how to balance work and family life." 这个研讨会提供如何平衡工作和家庭生活的实用建议,让新手父母们觉得与他们有关联性。或是 "to stay relevant in the fast-changing tech industry, companies must continuously create and change their products." 为了在快速变化的科技行业中贴近客户的需求,企业必须不断创造和改变产品。或是 "the professor asked her students to ensure their research papers include recent relevant studies." 这位教授要求她的学生在研究论文中务必包含最新的相关研究。
最后来看 "subtitle" 这个名词,意思是字幕。譬如,"Levi decided to watch the French film with English subtitles to better understand the dialogue." Levi 决定看这部有英文字幕的法语电影,以便更明白对话内容。或是 "the conference put up subtitles on the screen during different presentations to assist people who were hard of hearing." 大会在不同的演讲中在荧幕上放上字幕,以帮助有听力障碍的人。
"Subtitle" 也可以当动词,意思是上字幕。譬如,"the film company hired a team to subtitle their latest hit in multiple languages so it could be enjoyed worldwide." 这家电影公司雇佣了一支团队为他们最新的热门电影配上多国语言的字幕,以便全球观众都能欣赏这部影片。
Okay, friends, wrapping up here, this day—International Translation Day—reminds us of how relevant translation work is and encourages us to thank translators for doing their part. There are a few things we want to look at in this sentence. The first one is that word "encourages."
Yeah, do you know the word "courage"? If you don’t, "courage" is bravery or how strong your heart is—you might say it that way. So when you encourage someone, it means you help them be brave and keep going. There’s that expression "加油" (jayo) to kind of encourage people.
So this day really encourages us to think about the people who are working so hard in translation and to thank them for doing their part. This is a really useful English phrase: "to do your part." That means you are going to do what is expected of you or you are going to help out in some way.
I always encourage my kids to do their part when the house is messy. Everyone made the house messy, right? It’s not just one person who made a mess. They need to do their part; they need to make sure that their clothes and toys are picked up. That way, we can all work together to get something done.
That’s right! It’s really important to do your part wherever you are—family, your country—do your part. We also learned that this is a day to celebrate the magic of words and how they connect us, no matter where we’re from.
"Magic" is just a fun way of saying that words and language are complicated and can be mysterious, but they can also be fun. That’s right! Words are super powerful, just as magic can be as well. When something is powerful, it means that it carries a lot of weight. What we say really affects people around us, so it’s important to say the right thing to encourage people and not to discourage them.
Translators are those people who help us communicate correctly what we want to say. Read a book translated from a different language or watch a foreign film with subtitles. This is a great way for us to personally celebrate International Translation Day.
Yes, subtitles! We learned about that already. Do you like to watch films with subtitles?
You know I do! If I’m watching a film in Chinese, it’s because I often don’t catch everything that’s being said just by hearing it. But if I can hear it and read it at the same time, those subtitles really help me.
That’s right! And thanks to the translators who made those subtitles possible. You know, Ann Marie and I both believe that when you’re studying a language, it’s important for it to be fun. Doing something like watching an interesting movie is really helpful, right?
It definitely is! It’s a good way to practice your English if that’s the language you’re learning. I hope it is since you’re watching this program. It’s really great to watch a movie in English, with or without subtitles, just to help improve your language skills and make it fun.
Well, friends, this is about the end of this lesson, but right now it’s time for today’s fun fact!
Hello, friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that not all languages are spoken out loud? That’s right! Have you ever heard of sign language?
I think that means "bear"! There are more than three hundred kinds of sign language in the world. Maybe you could be a sign language translator—that would be pretty cool!
And that is today’s fun fact.
Friends, as we end our lesson today, let’s take a look at one of our "Talk About It" questions from the magazine. Here it is: Would you like to work as a translator or interpreter? Why or why not?
What do you think about this, John?
Well, I do like doing this kind of work. When my friends come to visit, sometimes I will interpret for them, but it can be a challenging job. It’s difficult to think in two languages at the same time.
It really, really is! I’ve often thought about this before, since I have studied Chinese and I’m always trying to improve my Chinese. I don’t know if I have the patience to sit down and translate documents, but I really enjoy helping people form connections by being an interpreter.
This is a great topic for you to discuss as well, friends! Is this a job that you would like to have? Talk about that in English, and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

KK[ɪnˋtɝprɪtɚ] DJ[inˋtə:pritə]
a simultaneous interpreter 同步口譯員

KK[͵saɪm!ˋtenɪəs] DJ[͵saiməlˋteinjəs]
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