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The Great Migration-空中英語教室
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The Great Migration 動物大遷徙(上)
空中英語教室 20240927
Sure! Here’s the revised text with corrected grammar while retaining the original Chinese:
Hello friends!
Welcome back to Studio Classroom. I’m John.
My name is Andre. Today, friends, is a great day to learn something new!
Yes, it is! So let’s do that together, friends.
Today we are talking about the great migration.
This is something that happens in Africa.
A migration is a seasonal movement of animals, so when animals travel together to go to a new place regularly.
Now, all kinds of animals migrate, don’t they? Birds migrate, fish, and even lizards can migrate.
But elephants also migrate!
So today, I want to teach you a phrase about elephants:
"The elephant in the room." What’s the elephant in the room?
Well, it’s right here; we have an elephant in the room with us now.
Yes, but you can also say, “There’s an elephant in the room” if, for example,
you have two friends who are fighting, and you walk into the room, and
it’s kind of quiet and awkward. You know there’s an elephant in the room—there’s something big that no one is talking about.
Nobody wants to mention the argument. It is obvious that there has been a problem,
but nobody wants to talk about it. Well,
today the elephant in the room is what happens
when people get in the way of the great migration.
So friends, it’s time for us to do our reading together:
The Great Migration—
Millions of animals on the move.
When you look out over the plains of East Africa,
enormous herds of zebra, wildebeest, and
other kinds of antelope spread out across the land
as far as the eye can see.
This sight is East Africa’s great migration,
the largest mammal migration in the world.
The migration follows an age-old route,
spanning approximately 2,900 km,
driven by the changing seasons
and the availability of grazing and water.
This ever-moving circular migration across the Mara
Serengeti ecosystem
is one of the world’s quintessential wildlife experiences.
Hello everyone!
Welcome to Language Lab.
I’m Jack.
"The annual migration of butterflies is a spectacular sight,
as millions of them
travel south to escape the cold northern winters."
"The migration of rural populations to urban areas is increasing,
which is challenging cities to expand their services."
"Many tech companies are choosing to migrate their data
to cloud services
to improve security measures."
"Pumpkin pie is the quintessential dessert at American
Thanksgiving celebrations."
"The little black dress is considered the quintessential
piece of clothing every
woman should have."
"The small villages
scattered across the German and French countryside
are the quintessential image of rural Europe."
Okay, there are so many different kinds of animals in Africa,
and we learned that there are millions of animals on the move.
Now, Anne Marie,
I love watching National Geographic
or documentaries that talk about animal movement.
Have you ever watched documentaries about animals on the move?
I have watched documentaries about animals before,
and while I love animals,
I don’t usually enjoy those kinds of documentaries
because usually terrible things happen to some of the animals in them.
True! It’s always a question of which animals will die, especially
while they’re on the move. So,
if you say, "My friend is always on the move,
he never sits down," it means he is just constantly moving.
But you can also just use it for the word move, right?
That’s right! Here’s another
example of how we might use "on the move" in a sentence:
"The police came to the scene of the robbery,
but the thief was already on the move."
The thief was already moving or going to a different place.
But we continue reading here together, friends.
When you look out over the plains of East Africa,
enormous herds of zebra, wildebeest,
and other kinds of antelope spread out across the land as
far as the eye can see.
We have several
great phrases in this sentence that we want to talk about. First,
we want to talk about this phrase, "to look out over something." Yes,
sometimes we use the English word "survey" instead,
which means to literally look across a wide space. If I say,
"I’m looking out over the city,"
it assumes that I’m kind of in a high spot.
So when you look out over the great plains,
you can imagine that you’re in a helicopter
or sort of lying overhead
in a drone or something like that.
Yeah, that’s right!
Sometimes I like to go on hikes; when I get to the top,
I can look out over the city.
All right! So we also see the phrase "to be spread out" here. Now,
when we use the phrase "to be spread out,"
it means that things are not grouped together.
There are a lot of things all over, usually
a large area. That’s right!
So we learned that the herds are spread out;
all of the animals are not just in one place,
they’re over a wide area. I usually think about the word "spread"
when I think about butter or jam or peanut butter on some bread.
Right? You want to make sure the entire
surface of the piece of bread is covered;
it is all spread out.
Yeah, so
the animals are spread out; they’re just everywhere. And we read
they’re spread out across
the land as far
as the eye can see.
This is a nice beautiful English phrase
that just literally means that they go beyond the line of sight
where your eyes can literally see.
All right! So
this sight is East Africa’s great migration,
the largest mammal migration in the world.
The migration follows an age-old route, spanning
approximately 2,900 km.
John, what does it mean
if something is "age-old"?
It literally means that it’s existed for a long time. You know,
this is not just a new migration;
it’s been happening for ages.
You can use this word "age" to describe an amount of time
that is not definite.
So you can say, "Oh,
it’s been ages since I’ve had food," even if it’s only been like an hour.
So you can use it descriptively. Normally when we say,
"There was an age of castles,"
we’re talking about a big period of time,
but "age-old," again, just means being there for a long time. That’s right!
We read on here,
driven by the changing seasons
and the availability of grazing and water. Now,
what is grazing?
Well, this is something that some types of animals do.
It means that they are eating grass
and usually short shrubs or other plants.
And when they graze,
it means that they are taking a long time to cover a large
amount of area; usually,
they are chewing very thoughtfully and very thoroughly,
and they just move slowly from
one spot to another. Now, sometimes grazing, as we see
here, is available,
and sometimes it is not.
The problem has a lot to do with rainfall.
That’s right! When the grass dries up and dies,
the grazing animals have to leave.
So we read here that this route is approximately 2,900 km.
So this is a big move, and many different animals take it.
This ever-moving circular migration
across the Mara Serengeti ecosystem
is one of the world’s quintessential
wildlife experiences.
And it’s true; you see this in movies
all the time—it is quintessential.
Sure! Here’s your text with corrected grammar while preserving the Chinese content:
But really quick, what is an ecosystem?
Well, an ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. So when we talk about ecosystems, we’re usually referring to a specific habitat and how every type of animal and plant interacts within that habitat. For example, the ecosystem we could be discussing might be an underwater ecosystem, like a coral reef, and how that coral interacts with the fish around it and the plants, as well as all of those other elements. So specifically here, we are talking about the Mara Serengeti ecosystem.
There are going to be a lot of different animals here. As we mentioned, some of the grazing might be available at times, and sometimes it might not; the weather will have an effect on them as well.
That’s right. I learned some things about the ecosystem. Sometimes it rains so much in some of these areas that the grasslands become swamps, and big animals like elephants and hippos are very important to that ecosystem because they eat their way through the long grass and create paths for other smaller animals to travel.
Well, friends, there’s a lot more we can learn about this great migration and this ecosystem, but now it’s time for our Info Cloud!
Hello everyone, welcome to Info Cloud. Today we are going to talk about the natural patterns that things follow in our lives and in the world around us. Let’s do that by discussing natural rhythms. Natural rhythms are the ways that things naturally occur. For most people, the natural rhythm of their day means they’re awake during the day and asleep at night. However, that would not be a natural rhythm for some nocturnal animals, as they sleep during the day and are awake at night.
You might say, “She’s back in her natural rhythm after taking a few sick days off,” or “There’s a natural rhythm in the Smith household, as the kids do various chores, dad prepares dinner, and mom takes care of grandma.”
As you can hear, the term natural rhythms can describe things that happen in nature or the habits we have as humans—the things we naturally do as a part of our lives. It’s important to find a natural rhythm or balance that works for you; sometimes that’s what keeps us going.
I agree! Here’s one more example: it’s amazing how some people have a natural rhythm when it comes to life, effortlessly switching between work and play.
Good one! I’m still working on that myself. Pay attention to those rhythms in your life today.

natural rhythm自然节奏或是自然规律
每个人的生活方式都有点不太一样。有些人是夜猫子,也有人早睡早起,白天努力工作,晚上照顾家里。你可以说每个人都有自己的 natural rhythm,也就是自然节奏或是自然规律。Naturalism 就是一个人的生活模式、步调、习惯等等。如果短暂的脱离 Naturalism,通常很快都会回复到自己习惯的模式。
Sarah is back in her natural rhythm after the vacation. Sarah 过完假期之后已经回到原本的生活模式了。这就是今天的 Info Cloud,咱们下次云端见。

The Great Migration: After birthing their young early in the year near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania’s Serengeti, the animals travel clockwise through the Serengeti toward Kenya’s Masai Mara before returning near the end of the year. Many say the joy is in the journey, but for these animals, it’s all about survival. As they move, they face rivers where crocodiles lie in wait, as well as the pursuit by a host of predators—lions, leopards, and others—who hope to ensure their own survival by preying on the younger or weaker members of the herds. Rain, or the lack of it, dictates where and when the herds move; they follow the new grass that springs up with the seasonal rains.
接下来我们来看 crocodile 这个名词,意思是鳄鱼。例如,the crocodile lay by the riverbank, its eyes just above the surface of the water, searching for prey. 鳄鱼躺在河岸边,眼睛露出水面上寻找猎物。
或是 the show explained how the crocodile’s powerful jaws are capable of crushing the bones of its catch. 该节目介绍了鳄鱼强大的下颚如何咬碎所捕获的猎物骨头。
或是 our guide pointed out a crocodile sliding silently into the water, barely causing any waves. 我们的导游指着一只悄悄滑入水中的鳄鱼,几乎没有激起任何水波。
最后来看动词 dictate,意思是决定或支配。例如,Cora’s busy work schedule dictates her lifestyle, often leaving little time for social activities. Cora 繁忙的工作日程决定了他的生活方式,他通常很少有时间参加社交活动。
或是 in the world of fashion, popular trends often dictate the styles you see on models during fashion shows. 在时尚界,流行趋势通常决定了时装秀上模特儿展示的风格。
Dictate 也指口述,例如, Caleb dictated a letter to his secretary and asked her to send it to the entire staff. Caleb 口述了一封信,要她的秘书传给全体员工。
Alright, so what makes these animals move so much, and why is the trip so dangerous? Let’s read together. First, we read: After birthing their young early in the year near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania’s Serengeti, the animals travel clockwise through the Serengeti toward Masai Mara before returning near the end of the year.
Okay, so clockwise—maybe for you it’s this way—but clockwise is a way of moving around a circle. Yeah, exactly! If you think about how a clock’s hands move, they go in a certain direction, right, towards the right.
Oftentimes we do things in a clockwise direction. For example, when you’re playing a game with your friends, people usually take turns in a clockwise movement.
That’s right! And what if something is not moving clockwise? We have a word for this, don’t we? We do! In English, we say that it is counterclockwise. Here, the word counter means against, so against the way the clock moves.
But we keep reading here: Many say the joy is in the journey, but for these animals, it’s all about survival. I want to talk about this phrase in English. It is a common phrase: "the joy is in the journey." Usually, we say this to mean that it doesn’t really matter where you’re going; what matters is that you enjoy the way you’re getting there or learn something along the way.
Some people might agree or disagree with this phrase. What do you think, John?
Well, it depends. I think you can find joy wherever you are, even in difficult circumstances. But I really believe that the end of something is better than the beginning. You know, a successful mission is much better than the process, especially if you have lions and crocodiles hunting you.
Exactly! I would have to agree. I don’t think the joy is in the journey, and for these animals, it is all about survival.
As they move, they face rivers where crocodiles lie in wait. What does it mean if something or someone is lying in wait?
Well, lying down means to lay flat, right? But lying in wait means to hide, ready to attack something. Normally, a lion will actually lie down flat on the ground and then jump out of the long grass, right? So they’re literally lying in wait.
But there are also famous sayings: Don’t lie in wait for someone to say the wrong thing. You can kind of lie in wait metaphorically speaking.
But we learn about other animals as well, right? As well as the pursuit by a host of predators. That’s not like a TV host, is it?
No, we’re talking about a lot here. Sometimes we say "hosts" to mean a lot of different people or a lot of different animals. In this example, there could also be a host of reasons to do something or not do something. That just means there are a lot of reasons.
But how does our lesson continue? Well, we read about the host of different predators here. We read that lions, leopards, and others hope to ensure their own survival by preying on the younger or weaker members of the herds.
By the way, herds are big groups of animals, usually with hooves. We’ll talk about herds tomorrow. But preying on something here is not like preying; it means to attack and kill for food. So to hunt and kill, we call these preying animals predators, right?
That’s right! We can use the word prey with an "e" here in other ways as well. You could say scammers prey on the elderly a lot of times. That means that is their target, that is the predator’s prey.
But we read here that rain, or the lack of it, is what dictates where and when the herds move. Just like we talked about earlier, how much rain this area gets tells the animals when and where they need to move.
That’s right! You learned about "dictates" to mean to decide something in the Language Lab. But now we read about what happens: they follow the new grass that springs up with the seasonal rains.
I love this expression "to spring up." Sometimes we say spring means to jump, and that’s kind of what "springs up" means. It literally means to grow or appear suddenly. And that’s where we get the seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
That’s right! So in spring, you have a lot of new plants and new growth coming up, or springing up.
Well, friends, that’s all the time we have for right now. It’s time for today’s Fun Fact!
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that lions hunt mostly at night? That’s right! They run around in the dark trying to eat things.
Huh, they can see in the dark, but many animals can’t see them. So that’s why night is a good time to hunt if you’re a lion. I’m keeping my lights on tonight, and that is today’s fun lion fact!
Alright, friends, now it’s time for our quiz. Marie, are you ready?
I’m ready!
Okay, so here is the quiz question for today: As the animals move, they face rivers where crocodiles blank in wait: a) sit in wait b) hide in wait c) lie in wait or d) wait in wait?
Oh boy! Okay, let’s see. What was the first one?
The first is "sit in wait." Crocodiles don’t sit; I cannot even picture a crocodile sitting. That’s not right. What’s the next one?
The next one is "hide in wait." Well, you could say they hide and wait, but since the word "in" is there, I know that choice isn’t correct.
And I also remember one of the choices was "wait in wait." That’s definitely not right!
So what has to be the last available choice?
To lie in wait!
That’s right! They lie in wait. Oh, I don’t want a crocodile lying in wait for me! How about you?
Well, friends, that is all for today’s lesson. Did you learn something new about Africa?
I really did, and I am very excited to see what we are going to learn about in tomorrow’s lesson.
Make sure you come back and join us, friends. We’ll see you then right here on Studio Classroom!

The Great Migration 動物大遷徙(下)
空中英語教室 20240928
Sure! Here’s a corrected version while keeping the original Chinese:
Hello friends,
Welcome back to Studio Classroom! I’m John.
My name is Ann Marie.
Today is a great day to learn something new!
Yes, it is! So let’s do that together today.
We’re talking about the great migration.
We discussed this famous migration in Africa yesterday.
What did we learn?
We learned that millions of mammals migrate during this great migration, and it is the largest mammal migration in the world.
That’s right! All kinds of animals, especially herds of animals.
We’ll talk about what herds are in today’s reading.
But it’s not a safe migration, is it?
No, it’s not at all. We found out that there are a lot of predators lying in wait, just waiting for an animal to separate from the herd or maybe to get injured. It’s not good for these animals.
That’s right!
We also learned it’s a dangerous time for little baby animals.
So we need to learn about why this great migration is so important and why we should try to protect it in today’s reading.
Let’s do that together!
The Great Migration
The migration cycle itself typically begins around December when the herds start moving south from the northern Serengeti into the southern Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania. Here, the wildebeest and other herbivores give birth to their young during a period that is characterized by intense predator-prey interactions, as hyenas, leopards, and others take advantage of the vulnerable newborns.
Then, from June through August, the dry season progresses, and the herds start moving northward.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab! I’m Jack.
我们先来看动词 "characterize",意思是“什么的特征”。
例如,“the region’s climate is characterized by mild wet winters and hot dry summers.”
或者,“the novel is characterized by its complicated plot and highly developed characters.”
或者,“early stages of research projects are usually characterized by a lot of data collection and analysis.”
接着来看形容词 "vulnerable",意思是“容易受害的”。
譬如,“the towns that sit along this coast are particularly vulnerable to typhoons.”
或者,“newborn animals are especially vulnerable to predators, which is why many species have methods to protect their young.”
或者,“security measures need constant updating to protect computer systems that are vulnerable to new types of attacks.”
Okay, time to talk about migration again.
Remember, migrating is when groups of animals move together regularly and usually during the same season each year.
Sometimes in the U.S., birds migrate back to the states in the springtime when it gets warm again, right?
Yeah, exactly! So in the U.S., there are some birds that, in the winter months, leave the northern parts of America, go down to the southern parts, and in the spring and summer, they come back again.
But we read here about migration in our article. The migration cycle itself typically begins around December when the herds start moving south.
All right, let’s stop there for a minute and talk about this word "herds."
That’s right! A herd is a large group of animals, typically animals with hooves.
They have a hard part on the bottom of their foot called a hoof, and they move and live together. Now, you don’t have herds of birds; you have flocks of birds.
But herds of animals like zebras or elephants move together.
We see that they move from two areas: from the northern Serengeti into the southern Serengeti in this conservation area in Tanzania.
We also learn that here, the wildebeest and other herbivores give birth to their young during a period that’s characterized by intense predator-prey interactions.
Okay, so this word "herbivores," what does that mean?
Well, a herbivore is an animal that feeds on plants.
That means they eat plants. We have different words in English to talk about what different types of animals and people eat.
Of course, if someone is a carnivore, it means that they have a diet that includes meat.
That’s right! So these plant-eating animals have "herb" in their name, which also means a small plant, often one that is used for cooking.
But here, we pronounce it "herbivores."
Now, we learn that they’re being eaten by these predator animals.
Predators usually eat meat, and there are predator-prey interactions as hyenas, leopards, and others take advantage of the vulnerable newborns.
"Taking advantage of" someone or something is usually negative, especially if you’re taking advantage of a person.
It means that you are finding something good about them and exploiting it, using it for your own advantage, not theirs.
But if you take advantage of something like a sale, it means you would get something at a better price.
Personally, I like to take advantage of the deals I get during Black Friday.
So there are different ways to use this phrase "to take advantage of."
That’s right! My wife is also really good at taking advantage of online deals.
But again, you don’t want to take advantage of people—that’s to hurt them in a negative way. Don’t do that!
Finally, we read that from June to August, the dry season progresses and the herds start moving northward.
So they keep moving. If something progresses, it means it moves forward. Here, we talk about the progression of time—time moving forward, the season progressing.
That’s right! All right friends, we’re not done talking about this just yet, so don’t go anywhere!
It’s time for our next reading.
The Great Migration
Not only is it a critical natural phenomenon, but it is also a major tourist attraction.
The great migration draws visitors from around the world to witness the awe-inspiring sight of millions of animals on the move.
Additionally, the migration plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem by distributing nutrients, controlling plant growth, and providing food for predators.
接下来看 "awe-inspiring" 这个形容词,意思是“令人敬畏的”。
例如,“gazing into the depths of the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring experience that leaves many visitors speechless.”
或者,“the athlete’s return to sports after suffering a heart attack during a game is an awe-inspiring story of determination.”
或者,“much of the architecture throughout Europe is awe-inspiring as it exhibits centuries of history.”
Okay, so now let’s talk about nature and how people interact with nature.
We read here that the great migration is not only a critical natural phenomenon but also a major tourist attraction.
It draws visitors from around the world to witness the awe-inspiring sight of millions of animals on the move.
So we get two definitions: it is not only a critical natural phenomenon, but it’s also a tourist attraction for people.
If something is a natural phenomenon, that usually means it’s observable, and if it’s natural, then it’s not man-made, right?
Yeah! For example, rainbows are a good example of a natural phenomenon. Now, this word is very interesting when it becomes plural.
The plural of "phenomenon" is "phenomena." So that’s something interesting for you to know, friends!
That’s cool!
So there are lots of natural phenomena you can see during this time: herds of animals on the move, rainfall, predator-prey interactions.
Of course, it’s going to draw a lot of tourists, especially people who want to get great animal photos.
We read on that it’s awe-inspiring, which you learned about; it makes you say "wow."
Additionally, the migration plays a vital role in maintaining the health of an ecosystem.
We’ll learn how it does that in a second, but a "vital role" means a necessary job. You can’t lose that.
We can use "vital role" in all kinds of sentences.
Yeah! For example, if someone plays a vital role at your company, it means that without that person, what you do would not be able to be accomplished.
They play a vital role!
Yeah! My wife plays a vital role in our home. Without her, I wouldn’t know if we have friends coming over in any particular week.
So she is absolutely vital in so many ways. Love her!
Okay, so now, how does this migration play a vital role in the ecosystem?
Well, it distributes nutrients, controls plant growth, and provides food for predators.
Let’s break these things down. First, we see "distributing nutrients." Now, "distributing" means to hand out or to give. We use this in many different ways, friends. For example, an organization could be distributing free books to local schools, which means they are handing them out or giving them out.
We also see "controlling plant growth," and of course, that would be due to all the grazing that these animals do. Finally, these animals provide food for predators, which is part of nature. Right? Animals have to eat other animals, and this migration allows the predators to have prey.
This is so cool how the movement of these nutrients works! "Nutrients" is anything that provides sustenance or food to another organism. So the big animals move the nutrients around by eating and then depositing that food back into the environment. The predator-prey interactions mean that nutrients get moved all the way down what’s called the food chain—sometimes moving from plants to bigger animals.
Well friends, this is a fascinating lesson, but now it’s time to go to our InfoCloud.
Hello everyone, and welcome to InfoCloud! Hey Gareth, have you ever heard the phrase "survival of the fittest"?
Yeah, in science, "survival of the fittest" refers to the concept of natural selection, where organisms that are best adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce.
Ah, so it’s like the strongest or most adaptable animals are the ones that survive and pass on their traits to the next generation. That’s the idea. It’s a key principle in biology. But I’ve also heard people use that phrase in other contexts, like in business or sports. What does it mean there in broader cultural usage?
"Survival of the fittest" can refer to competition and the idea that those who are the strongest, most skilled, or most capable are the ones who succeed. So it’s not just about physical strength but also about being the best at something. Exactly. Whether it’s in business, sports, or any other aspect of life, the concept suggests that those who are most fit for their environment are the ones who win and do well.
Can you give me an example? Sure! In business, companies that adapt to changing market conditions and innovate are more likely to survive and succeed, while those that don’t may struggle or fail.

survival of the fittest适者生存
在这个竞争激烈的社会中,能力最强的人似乎最能够胜出。今天要跟大家分享的用语是 "survival of the fittest"。Survival of the fittest 原本是生物学的用语,适者生存。如果用来形容任何竞争的环境,那就是在表达最厉害的或是最强的才能够生存下来或取得胜利。Survival of the fittest 可以用来形容商业、体育以及人生中其他充满竞争的领域。例如在商业界,勇于创新的公司通常都是最能够生存的企业。这个现象就是 survival of the fittest。这就是今天的 InfoCloud,我们下次云端见。

The great migration: There are, however, challenges that threaten to bring an end to this iconic event. Human activities, including settlement expansion and agriculture, have encroached upon the migration routes of these animals. This fragmenting of habitats disrupts the movement patterns of the wildlife and increases the risk of human-wildlife conflicts. Conservation efforts, such as protected areas, wildlife corridors, and community-based initiatives, are essential for ensuring the continued existence of the great migration, the greatest show on earth.
最后来看动词 "encroach"。它是指逐步侵占或侵蚀。例如,urban development continues to encroach on rural areas, reducing wildlife habitats by changing environments. 城市发展持续侵占农村地区,改变环境,减少野生动物的栖息地。或是,the rapidly growing weeds began to encroach on the small garden and threatened the small flowers. 迅速生长的杂草开始侵占小花园,威胁了小花的生长。或是,privacy concerns are growing as technology continues to encroach more deeply into people’s personal lives. 随着科技不断深入人们的个人生活,隐私问题日益受到关注。
All right, friends. Well, now we learn some sad news, but there’s hope. We learn there are, however, challenges that threaten to bring an end to this iconic event. If something threatens something else, normally I think about a person threatening another person with their words. But that’s not the only way we can use that.
Yeah, exactly. If something is threatened, it means that it is in danger of something, and someone or something is going to cause that danger or suggest that danger is going to happen. For example, the argument going on between him and his girlfriend threatens their relationship. Their relationship is in danger.
And what’s in danger in our article here? Well, we are talking about this great migration. Human activities, including settlement expansion and agriculture, have encroached upon the traditional migration routes of these animals. Let’s talk about what that is here: settlement expansion.
Yes, okay. So these human activities are pushing up against or encroaching on the animals settlement. A settlement is defined as a place where people establish a community, like a village. You know, a village or even a city is where a settlement is, and those are expanding; they’re experiencing expansion, which means they’re getting bigger. Cities are normally getting bigger. We also have agriculture, which just means farming. It’s really a hard balance because people are very important, and keeping these animals is also very important. So it takes wisdom to deal with this.
So what else happens? Well, we read here that what’s going on is this fragmenting of habitats disrupts the movement patterns of the wildlife. That is a really interesting word, friends: "fragmenting." What does fragmenting mean? Well, it means to break or to cause something to break into segments.
So what’s going on is there is a route here. A route is a definite road or a path, and that’s what’s going on with this migration, right? But if this path gets fragmented, it means it gets broken up. Maybe there is a settlement in the middle of the path in one place and maybe a farm in another place, and the animals don’t have a direct route now.
That’s right. So what is there to do to prevent this? Well, we learn about this term: conservation efforts. Conservation efforts mean the practice of protecting plants and animals in their habitat. We get the word "conservative" from this. You’re trying to save what is good. So these conservationists—the people that do the conservation efforts—are really trying hard to save this migration.
So what do they do here? We read, well, conservation efforts such as protected areas, wildlife corridors, and community-based initiatives are essential. Okay, so I want to talk about what a corridor is. You see this word in your magazine bolded here. If something is a corridor, it’s kind of like a path or a way that you could go. So for example, maybe you have been to an old castle or something like that before, and there are a lot of corridors—hallways that you can go down that lead to somewhere.
Yeah, normally I think of a corridor as kind of narrow. It doesn’t necessarily have to be, but if you choose to use the word "corridor" instead of "hallway," you’re kind of giving the idea that there are things pushing in on both sides. So the corridor for the animals suggests that it’s kind of a small, narrow space. We only had a small corridor to walk through the forest because there were so many trees. You could use it in that sort of sentence.
Okay, so the corridors need to be protected. We use initiatives to protect them. An initiative is basically an act or a plan that tries a new way to fix something. We learn these are essential for ensuring the continued existence of the great migration, which is also called the greatest show on earth. And that’s something we used to call the circus—the greatest show on earth. That’s right! But of course, seeing animals in their natural habitat would be a better show, in my opinion.
All right, friends, that’s all the time we have right now. It’s time for today’s fun fact.
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that elephants can walk up to two hundred kilometers in a day? Wow! I don’t know if I’ve walked two hundred kilometers this year! Normally, elephants do not walk this far since they feed for about eighteen hours a day. But that is impressive, and that is today’s fun fact!
Well, friends, we’ve been talking about this amazing natural phenomenon: the great migration. Emory, would you like to go and witness the great migration?
Oh, this is a tough question, John, because as we learned in our article today, human intervention in the great migration is a problem.
That’s right! So I can imagine if there are a lot of tourists going to see this, it could actually cause problems for these animals. And I have to say, I would really love to see some of these animals in the wild.
Me too! And thankfully, because of these initiatives, sometimes being a tourist in the right way can actually provide money to protect the great migration.
Be careful what you do, and don’t get eaten by lions or crocodiles that are lying in wait!
That’s a good tip! Well, friends, talk about this in English, and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

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