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Michael Faraday-空中英語教室
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Michael Faraday 麥可‧法拉第(上)
空中英語教室 20240920
Sure! Here’s the corrected version while keeping the Chinese parts intact:
Hello, friends!
Welcome back to Studio Classroom. I’m John.
My name is Ann Marie.
Today, friends, is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together.
Today, we’re talking about electricity.
We use it all the time for lights, for appliances, for our phones, and even to learn English right now. But how did we learn to use electricity in these ways?
Well, it’s thanks to a man named Michael Faraday, who was very curious.
Ann Marie, can you tell us about a time you have been curious?
Oh, a time I have been curious? I’m curious all the time! That’s why I am very thankful for Google! That’s right, because when I’m curious, I just look something up on Google, and I can know the answer right away.
In the office, we call Ann Marie curious, and that’s not true—
that’s a joke.
But it’s true!
It is nice to be able to look up things on our phones now, and a lot of people who were scientists have been able to give us some of these answers.
When you were a kid, did you ever want to do experiments?
Oh, all the time!
I used to go in my backyard, get a big bucket, fill it with water, and put all kinds of different sticks, mud, and leaves inside of it to make my own potions and do experiments.
That’s amazing!
And that’s how electricity was invented—just kidding!
We are going to talk today about Michael Faraday, and let’s learn how this curious young man invented some of the world’s greatest inventions right now.
Michael Faraday, the father of electricity. What can a combination of curiosity, perseverance, and passion for discovery do for us?
In the case of Michael Faraday, it gave us a clear understanding of electricity. Born in England in 1791, Michael Faraday was one of four children who grew up in a poor family. His father was often ill and incapable of working much.
Hello everyone, welcome to Language Lab! I’m Jack.
我们先来看名词 perseverance,意思是毅力,坚持不懈。例如:
Martin’s perseverance in learning a new language was rewarded when he was able to talk with locals during his trip abroad.
或是通过 perseverance,Amanda mastered the piano by practicing every day until she could play effortlessly.
或是 despite challenges in her first year of teaching, Sally’s perseverance made an impact, earning her the respect of students and colleagues.
They call him the father of electricity. His name is Michael Faraday. And we learn that he is a very curious fellow here, don’t we?
That’s right! By the way, what does it mean when we call someone the father or the mother of something?
Well, we often call someone the father or mother of something when they are the one who invented it or when they are the one most associated with that thing.
Okay, so it’s not literally his baby, but he did invent a lot of electrical things.
What can a combination of curiosity, perseverance, and passion for discovery do for us? We get a question right there. A combination means things together. Sometimes we say two things are combined, and this combination, in the case of Michael Faraday, we read, it gave us a clear understanding of electricity.
So thankfully, Michael Faraday was curious.
We’ve got that phrase "in the case of" right here. So I’m curious, Ann Marie, in the case of normally, we’re referring to something else, right?
Yeah, that’s right.
So we’ve introduced a topic, and then we’re saying that this is one example, and in this particular example, things are this way. Sometimes we will say "in his case" or "in her case," which is just another way to phrase that.
In the case of—here’s an example: Doctors don’t usually recommend that treatment, but in his case, they did, so that specific treatment was good for that individual.
Okay, so you’ve been talking about one subject already—doctors and treatments—but then you get specific in the case of his case.
Okay, that makes sense. Well, what do we read about Michael Faraday’s case?
We read, "In the case of Michael Faraday, it gave us a clear understanding of electricity."
So instead of it being confusing, it becomes clearer. And we learned he was born in England quite a long time ago, in 1791. Michael Faraday was one of four children who grew up in a poor family.
And we also read about some of his family problems, don’t we?
That’s right. His father was often ill and incapable of working much.
Now, if you are incapable of doing something, it means you are not able to do it. To be capable means you can handle something; you can do it well. To be incapable is the opposite of that.
So here’s an example: He is incapable of making his own decisions; he always has to have other people make the decisions for him. Sometimes it can be hard.
You can be incapable of a lot of things, and to use it the opposite way, you can say, "Wow, she’s so capable! It seems like she can do anything!"
So why is Faraday’s father incapable of working much? Well, he’s often ill. And ill just means sick, right?
That’s right! All right, well, we have more to learn about Michael Faraday in our next reading.
Michael Faraday received very little formal education, and at 14, he became an apprentice at a shop that bound books. During this time, his curiosity led him to read some of the books brought in for binding, including an entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica on electricity, and the book "Conversations on Chemistry" fascinated him. Fair Day began spending some of his wages on chemicals to test what he had read.
接下来,我们来看名词 apprentice,意思是学徒。
譬如:The young apprentice worked next to the master carpenter, learning techniques and skills.
或是:After years of study, the apprentice finally was able to set up his own workshop.
Apprentice 也可以当动词,意思是当学徒。
譬如:Stacey decided to apprentice with a famous photographer, hoping to perfect her skills and develop her own artistic style.
All right, I’ve got a question.
We just read a little bit about Michael Faraday. Did Michael Faraday have a lot of college experience?
No, we read here in our article that Faraday received very little formal education.
Now, formal education is the idea that you are going to school and learning in a traditional way. In most countries, some kind of formal education is required by law. Maybe sometimes it would be up to 8th grade or sometimes up to 12th grade. It just depends on the country that you are living in, but we call that formal education.
That’s right! So you could say, "Bob had no formal education past high school," but he was still an amazing writer.
Yeah, that’s right! We see that he received very little formal education, and as early as the age of 14, he became an apprentice at a shop that bound books.
Now, what does it mean to bind books?
Well, if you’re binding books, you are putting them together in a binding. The binding is the back part of the book that you see; we sometimes call that the spine of the book. But it’s just the idea of putting books together in their final form.
That’s right! And this was a really important job before we had complicated machines to do this. It took a lot of work.
So he’s working at 14, and during this time, we read that his curiosity led him to read some of the books brought in for binding. So again, there’s that word "binding." A binding can also mean to be tied up, right? You can say, "Oh, I bound my dog to the fence so he couldn’t run away." So be careful binding your dog!
But what else do we read, and what changed his life?
We read he read lots of books, including an entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica on electricity. So if something is an entry, it means it’s an item inside a reference book or a list. Something like an encyclopedia has a lot of entries about different subjects.
So he reads about electricity, and it changes his life.
That’s right! Entry is a really useful word for you to know, friends. If you’re not sure how to pronounce a word or how to spell it, you can check that word’s entry in a dictionary. We use "entry" when talking about online dictionaries or encyclopedias, not just physical ones as well.
So he read
the entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica, and he also read a book called Conversations on Chemistry. Sounds like a very interesting read! Fascinated, Faraday began spending some of his wages on chemicals to test what he had read.
What are wages, John?
Well, wages means the money you earn from a job. So at the end of the week, my boss gave me my wages. Now, when I was fourteen, I was not spending my wages on chemistry books.
What were you spending your wages on?
I don’t know—probably candy or something like that! Candy maybe, or books for fun.
But he was not only spending some of his wages on chemicals; he was also testing what he had read. So that’s pretty amazing!
It is really amazing! And we have more to say about Michael Faraday in just a moment, right after today’s Infocloud.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Infocloud.
It’s often true that doing something alone is a lot easier than doing it in front of a group of people.
You’re so right, Garrett! It’s a lot easier to practice a speech in the quiet of your home than on stage in front of a hundred people.
It’s also easier to practice shooting a basketball at your local park than it is in a stadium with bright lights and a crowd of fans all around.
When I was a kid, I was afraid of playing sports. I didn’t feel a lot of confidence, so I was worried people would make fun of me.
Well, then you needed someone to amp you up!
That’s the phrase we’ll talk about today!
Ah, and it’s a good one! We usually use this phrase to talk about someone who is feeling low on energy.
Yes, the word "amp" is short for "amperes." Amperes are units that measure electric current. So if you amp something up, you increase its energy or intensity.
So if someone isn’t excited, you can amp them up by jumping around and telling them they’re going to do a great job, or you can amp someone up so they do something they don’t really want to do.

amp you up
我们在奋斗的过程中,难免会遇到低潮或者挫折。这个时候你就需要有人可以 amp you up。
"Amp" 就是 "AMPER" 的缩写,AMPER 就是电流的单位。
"Amp someone up" 就有替某人充电的含义,也就是激励他们,让他们重新充满能量。
You need friends to amp you up when you are down.
Amp someone up 的方法有很多,包括给他们一个笑容、开导或陪伴他们。
这就是今天的 Infocloud,我们下次云端见!

Michael Faraday
Then, a bookshop customer offered him a ticket to hear the prominent British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy speak on acidity at the Royal Institution. Jumping at the chance, Faraday attended, took notes, and added his own thoughts, ending up with a three-hundred-page book, which he bound and sent to Davy as a tribute. He also asked for employment, but sadly, there were no openings. However, Davy did not forget Faraday, and when a lab assistant was let go, Davy offered Faraday the position. So, in 1813, at age 21, Faraday began learning about chemistry from one of the field’s premier experts at that time.
再来看tribute这个名词,意思是致敬。例如:The concert was organized as a tribute to the renowned musician and featured artists who performed his greatest hits. 这场音乐会是为了向这位著名音乐家致敬而举办的,并有几位歌手演唱他的代表作。或者:On a local holiday, the city revealed a statue as a tribute to the heroes of the community. 该市在假日揭幕了一座雕像,以此来纪念社区的英雄们。
另外,来学一个片语pay tribute to someone,意思是赞扬或称赞。来看一个例句:The author’s latest book paid tribute to her grandmother by putting together family stories that have been passed down through generations. 这位作者的新书是要尊容她的祖母,他将代代相传的家族故事汇整在书中。
最后来看premier这个形容词,意思是首位的、首要的。例如:As the premier dance company in the city, it consistently captivated audiences with its performances. 作为该城首屈一指的舞蹈公司,他们的演出始终吸引着观众。或者:In his role as the premier designer of the project, he led a team that created a building that was environmentally sustainable. 作为该专案的首席设计师,他带领团队打造一座永续环境的建筑。
Premier也可以当名词,意思是首相或总理。例如:The premiers of Australia’s six states perform the same function at the state level as the Prime Minister of Australia performs at the national level. 澳洲六个州的州长在该州履行的职能与澳洲总理在国家层级履行的职能相同。
Okay, something special happens to our friend Michael. What happens here?
We read, "Then a bookshop customer offered him a ticket to hear the prominent British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy speak on acidity at the Royal Institution." Okay, so he gets a ticket to hear a prominent scientist. If someone is prominent, it’s not just that they’re important, but more than that, right?
Yeah, if they’re prominent, they’re usually a leading person in their field or a very well-known person in their field. We also use the word prominent to talk about things as well. For example, a prominent feature on someone’s face—if someone has a larger nose, you might say their nose is very prominent. It means that it is the most well-known thing on their face.
But we look here at the end of this sentence; we also see that word acidity. Now in chemistry, acidity is something very specific, but we can use this word to talk about other things as well. You might hear people talking about how acidic coffee is. Sometimes that’s something that you can measure that has to do with the taste, yeah. Normally, if something is really acidic, it kind of burns away at other things in chemistry. The opposite in English is if it’s basic—basic and acidic. But that’s pretty technical.
Here, though, we have a very helpful English phrase: "jumping at the chance." So we read, "Jumping at the chance, Faraday attended, took notes, and added his own thoughts, ending up with a 300-page book." This guy is amazing! So if you jump at a chance, it means you are eagerly accepting an invitation. You could say, "My teacher offered a free ticket to go to a park, and I jumped at the chance."
Yeah, you could jump at the chance for something else too. Like, if you get a job offer, you could jump at the chance and take that opportunity. When you jump at a chance, it means there are going to be good results if you do that thing or take that opportunity.
But we also see here that after he jumped at this chance, attended, and took notes, he ended up with a 300-page book. Wow! Now, what does it mean if you end up with something? It means you are with something as the result of something else. So you could say, "I ate three pizzas and ended up with a stomachache." Three pizzas is a lot of pizza!
Okay, so he ended up with a 300-page book, and then he did something else very incredible: he bound this book and sent it to Davy as a tribute. He also asked for employment, but sadly, there were no openings. Now, here we are talking about a job opening, but we could use this to talk about other things as well. For example, maybe you want to go see a specialist for a health problem you’re having, but there are no openings—there is no available slot for you to go see that doctor.
That’s right! So there were no openings in the lab of this prominent scientist, but the story doesn’t end there. Maybe it was that Faraday was such a good bookbinder that it really made an impression on his new boss.
However, Davy did not forget Faraday, and when a lab assistant was let go—just means to be fired or have your job end—Davy offered Faraday a position. So, in 1813, at age 21, Faraday began learning about chemistry from one of the field’s premier experts at that time. Wow!
I feel bad for the lab assistant that was let go, but it’s a blessing that Faraday was able to join this man.
It certainly was! Well, right now, friends, we have something fun for you. Let’s go to today’s fun fact!
Hello, fact friends! I’m Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun electricity fact for you today. Did you know that Faraday invented the Faraday cage in 1836? But what is the Faraday cage?
Well, it is a cage of metal that protects from electricity. So if you’re outside in lightning, get inside a car or something—it will be your own Faraday cage.
Okay, we’ve been talking about Michael Faraday. Are you ready for a quiz?
Are you ready, Ann Marie?
I’m totally ready!
Okay, here’s your quiz from today’s lesson: Question: Michael Faraday is known as the father of what?
A) Chemistry
B) Electricity
C) Education
D) Bookkeeping
Oh boy! Well, all of those words have appeared in our lesson, but I remember from the very beginning of our article today we talked about him being the father of electricity.
That’s right!
Well, friends, I hope you learned something new like we did today. I’m John.
I’m Ann Marie. Thanks for joining us, friends! We’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom.

Michael Faraday 麥可‧法拉第(下)
空中英語教室 20240921
Sure! Here’s the corrected version while keeping the Chinese text:
Well, hello friends! Welcome back to Studio Classroom. I’m John.
And my name is Ann Marie. Thank you for joining us today, friends. We are on day two of our article all about Michael Faraday. We learned yesterday that he was the father of electricity.
He was, and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. That means we should be really thankful for what he did. Now, we learn that Michael Faraday did not start out in the way we would think an amazing scientist would start out. He had very little formal education; he didnt go to college. Instead, he had a pretty interesting job.
He certainly did! At fourteen, he was an apprentice in a shop that bound books. Basically, what happened was as he was binding books for people, he started to notice what was in some of these books.
Thats right! He was reading about chemistry and electricity. Then, when someone gave him a ticket to see a prominent or famous scientist, he went and tried to impress that scientist with a 300-page book that he bound himself, and he got a job because of that.
So today were going to learn more about where his story went and why he is so famous. So join us right now.
Michael Faraday
By 1820, Faradays position under Davy ended because by then he had mastered laboratory techniques, practiced chemical analyses, and developed his own theoretical views of chemistry. Faradays study of electricity and magnetic fields, which revolutionized the study of physics, made Faraday one of the most influential scientists in the history of electricity and magnetism.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack.
我们先来看形容词theoretical,意思是理论的。例如:The students were asked to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems to bridge the gap between abstract concepts and the real world. 学生们被要求将理论知识应用到实际的问题上,以消除抽象概念与现实世界之间的差距。
或是:In the debate, Professor Rosinac mentioned several theoretical frameworks to support his argument. 在辩论中,Rosinac教授提到了几个理论框架来支持他的论点。
Theoretical的副词是theoretically**,就是理论上的。例如:Theoretically, if we could achieve light-speed travel, we could make space exploration a reality. 理论上来说,如果我们能够实现光速旅行,就能使太空探索成为现实。**
Okay, so yesterday we learned about a prominent British scientist, Sir Humphrey Davy, and this is the Davy that we talk about right at the beginning of todays article. What happened in 1820? Well, we read here: “In 1820, or by 1820,” excuse me, “Faradays position under Davy ended because by then he had mastered laboratory techniques.”
All right! Well, if you master something, it means that you know everything you need to know about that topic, and you can do it proficiently. For example, once you have mastered English, you should be able to have fluent conversations.
Yes! And that word "techniques" is a noun that means a skill, ability, or a way of doing something. So you can say different tennis players have different techniques for hitting the ball.
Right! So you want to master whatever techniques are part of your job. And I think its kind of interesting that he gets so good that he has to move on.
Yeah, he cant learn anything at this lab anymore; he has mastered everything he needs to know. Hes practiced chemical analyses and developed his own theoretical views of chemistry. So he hasnt just learned everything he needs to learn at this lab; hes actually starting to come up with his own ideas and theories.
So what happens next?
Well, we learn that Faraday, who was studying electricity and chemistry by the way, his study of electricity and magnetic fields—which revolutionized the study of physics—made Faraday one of the most influential scientists in the history of electricity and magnetism.
Okay, so this is really important! This is why Faraday is famous, because he is studying magnetic fields. The definition, by the way, for magnetic fields is the region around a magnetic material or electric charge where the force of magnetism acts. You guys know what a magnet is, right? Its usually a metal thing that can attract other pieces of metal. This is what Faraday is studying.
Thats right! And this word "magnetic" here is an adjective, so you can say that something is magnetic. The front of most refrigerators is magnetic; things that are metal can stick to it. Other magnets can stick to it.
Okay, so hes studying electricity and magnetic fields, and this study of these two things combined together revolutionized the study of physics. What does it mean, John, if something is revolutionized?
It means it changes pretty dramatically. We use the verb "to revolt," and that means to turn against something and kind of flip it around. So until Faradays time, there hadnt been the same amount of use between electric fields and magnets as we have now. If you think about something with a little electric motor that uses a battery, its using Faradays techniques. Well learn more about what Faraday did in our next reading.
Michael Faraday
Based on the work of the physicist Ørsted regarding electric currents and magnetic fields, Faraday conducted experiments in 1821 on a device that changed electrical energy into mechanical energy, eventually becoming the electric motor. Ten years later, he discovered electromagnetic induction, a fundamental principle regarding how generators—which change mechanical energy into electrical energy—operate. Additionally, Faraday helped found the science of electrochemistry, out of which came the batteries that power our laptops, phones, etc. Faradays laws are indispensable for our understanding of how these modern devices are powered.
接下来看Generator这个名词,意思是发电机或产生器。例如:When the hospital lost power, its emergency generator kicked in and restored electricity so that the medical equipment stayed operational. 当医院停电时,紧急发电机就会启动,恢复电力将医疗设备才能继续运作。
或是:The data center was equipped with a backup generator that was capable of powering the entire facility for several days. 数据中心配备了一台备用发电机,能够为整个设施提供数日的电力。
再来看一句:The textile industry is a large generator of employment and income for Vietnam and Cambodia. 纺织业为越南和柬埔寨创造了大量的就业机会和收入。
再来看形容词indispensable,意思是不可或缺的。例如:Cell phones have become indispensable tools for communication, entertainment, and information in todays digital age. 在现今的数位时代,手机已经成为通讯、娱乐和讯息不可或缺的工具。
或是:During L and Cindys trip abroad, their guidebook proved to be indispensable as it offered insights into local customs and places to see. 阿尔汗和Cindy在国外旅行时,旅游指南证明了非常重要,它提供了当地风俗和景点的深入解析。
或是:His dads wisdom and guidance were indispensable to the young entrepreneur when he started his new business. 这位年轻企业家创业时,他父亲的智慧和指导对他来说是不可或缺的。
Okay, so Faraday is not the only person working on electricity and magnetic fields. Its important to give credit where credit is due; other people were working hard, and we hear the name of another physicist, Ørsted. I hope Im saying that right.
Yeah, you are! So this is the physicist Ørsted, and his work was regarding electric currents and magnetic fields.
All right! So Faraday was basing his work on the work of Ørsted. He was conducting experiments in 1821 on a device that changed electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Lets stop there for a moment. I just want to point out that the verb we use when youre doing an experiment is "conducted"—to conduct an experiment.
Thats right! You conduct an experiment, and here hes conducting experiments about electric currents, which means the flow of electricity. The word "current" we sometimes use to describe water. You could say the current in the river was really strong. You can imagine what an electric current is like, right? The movement of electrons through some material.
And he learned how to change that current into mechanical energy—so actually moving things, often things that are made out of metal. So ten years later, though, he makes another huge discovery.
Yeah, he discovered electromagnetic induction. What is this?
What we have a definition; dont worry! Its a fundamental principle regarding how generators—which change mechanical energy into electrical energy—operate. So this is all about motors and generators.
We want to look for a minute at this word "fundamental" because this is talking about something that is the very basic knowledge that you need to understand a concept. Its just the base information of something. So for example, personally, I only have a fundamental understanding of how computers work; I just dont know how they work very well. My understanding is very basic.
Thats right! So he learns how to change physical energy into electrical energy. If you imagine youre riding on some kind of electric bike and it charges a battery in that bike, you can say thank you to Faraday. Well, we read on here together that additionally, Faraday helped to found the science of electrochemistry. If you found something, it means you start the base for that science, which is amazing!
Reread: "Out of which came the batteries that power our laptops, phones, etc. Faradays laws are indispensable for our understanding of how these modern devices are powered."
When were talking about a modern device, what do we mean there?
Well, thats a good question! Generally, it means that its a device that were using now; these days its not an older version of a device.
I see! Well friends, well learn more about how he invented modern devices, but for now, its time for our Info Cloud!
Hello friends! Welcome to Info Cloud! Hi, Garrett! Did you hear about the emergency in the office this morning?
I sure did, Rex! I also heard our friend Matt was a hero and really saved the day.
He sure did! I guess some people are just wired that way.
Oh, thats an interesting phrase, Rex! We should talk about it.
Sure! When we say someone is wired for something, it means they are naturally good or well-suited for that thing.
Exactly! Its like saying someone is born to do something or that they are a natural at something. Lets give some examples!
Sure! Lets say someone has always been really good with numbers and logic. You might say they are wired for mathematics.
Exactly! Different machines perform different tasks, so the electrical system in each machine reflects the task it is supposed to perform. Similarly, a person who is wired for something seems designed to do that thing.
Hey, Garrett! Do you think some people are just naturally wired for success?
Maybe! Some people do seem to have a knack for achieving their goals and excelling in their endeavors, but successful people also work really hard to achieve that success.

wired for something天賦
当你看到一个人在某个领域有天生的才能,你可以用今天分享的用语“wired for something”来形容它。Wired就是用线路组合而成的,人体的神经系统在这里被比喻成电路或是线路。“Wired for something”就是特别为某件事情所设计出来的,可以用来形容一个人天生就是为了某件事情而生的。例如,Taras son is wired for mathematics(Tara的儿子有数学方面的优异才能)。除了“wired for something”,你也可以用“born to do something”,意思几乎是一样的。这就是今天的 Info Cloud,我们下次云端见!

Michael Faraday
In 1825, Faraday became the director of the Royal Institutions laboratory, replacing Davy, who was suffering from a serious illness. That same year, Faraday also discovered the petroleum-based chemical benzene, which is used in the manufacture of plastics as well as other products. Eight years later, Faraday was appointed as a chemistry professor at the Royal Institution, which he was associated with for 54 years. The curiosity and perseverance of the father of electricity paved the way for the vast number of invaluable inventions we enjoy today.
最后来看名词petroleum,意思是石油。例如:The global economy relies on petroleum as a primary energy source(全球经济仰赖石油作为主要能源来源),或是:People concerned about the environment want a reduction in petroleum consumption because of its effect on pollution and climate change(关注环境的人们希望减少石油消耗,因为它对环境污染和气候变化造成的影响)。另外,我们要来学一个相关的形容词,就是petroleum-based,意思是含石油的。例如:Many products like plastic packaging are made from petroleum-based materials, which has raised concerns about how they impact the environment(许多产品像是塑胶包装,都是用石油材料制成的,这引起人们担忧它们会对环境造成什么样的影响)。
Okay, only five years after he stopped working for the famous scientist Sir Humphrey Davy, we read that in 1825, Faraday became the director of the Royal Institutions laboratory. Wow! And he actually replaced Davy. So why did he replace Davy? Well, it says here that Davy was suffering from a serious illness. Let’s just review for a minute, friends. When you have an illness, oftentimes we say that you are suffering from it. We also say this about chronic diseases as well. For example, you could say, “She suffers from diabetes.” Thats right! You can also suffer from other things. You know, I could suffer from anxiety all the time or suffer from too much stress. But it turns out to be a good thing for Faraday, because that same year, Faraday also discovered the petroleum-based chemical benzene, which is very important. We read that it is used in the manufacture of plastics as well as other products. Wow! Chemistry has really brought us a lot of different materials.
Thats right! I just want to point out from this sentence as well, friends, that the word “manufacture” can be used as a noun or a verb. But we move on here; we read that eight years later, Faraday was appointed as a chemistry professor at the Royal Institution, with which he was associated for 54 years. Now, if you are associated with something or someone, it means that when people think of one thing, they often think of the other thing as well. In the case of organizations or jobs, it sometimes means that you dont necessarily work for that company, but maybe you do business with that company, or you have some type of working relationship with them. For example, you could be associated with a charitable organization. Right, sometimes we also call a group of people or groups an association, so it means they’re working together, but not as closely as maybe a company or something like that.
Well, finally, we reach the end of our lesson about the amazing Michael Faraday. We read that the curiosity and perseverance of the father of electricity paved the way for the vast number of invaluable inventions we enjoy today. If you say someone or something paved the way, it means they prepared a path for things that came after. “Pavement,” we learned about this month, means the hard surface of a road. Yeah, thats right! So if youve paved the way, its like youve built the road, and now other people can travel down that road. But theres one last thing we want to look at at the end of our article here, friends, and that is the word invaluable. If something is invaluable, its totally necessary, and its really important. Here’s an example: His ideas were invaluable for deciding what direction we wanted to go with our presentation.
All right, friends! Well be right back, but first, we want to go to todays fun fact.
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that Faraday was offered a knighthood for his work? But what did he say? He said no because he did not want awards; he thought the meaning of life was something else besides being honored by people. Very interesting! And that is todays fun fact.
All right, friends! Weve been talking about Michael Faraday, who basically invented the electric motor, and I had to bring out my drone. This was made possible by Michael Faraday. It runs off of a battery, and we know that Michael Faraday dealt with batteries and worked with motors. So if you ever see a drone, you can say thank you, Michael Faraday. But I have a question for you, Ann Marie. Okay! Why do you think Michael Faraday was so successful? And were you encouraged by his story?
I was really encouraged by his story because its always uplifting for me to see young people who are in one position, and maybe its in a circumstance that they didnt choose to be in, and they take that situation and make it into something better, really becoming something out of that. Yeah! And remember, your life has a plan; youre not wasting time. Even if youre doing something that might not be your biggest hope or passion—in the case of Michael Faraday, he was tying books together; he was a bookbinder—but he used that skill to get himself a job in a totally opposite field doing chemical experiments. Right! And he was able to use that time to read books that gave him an education. So friends, whatever your situation is, just make the most of the situation that youre in.
Thats right, friends! We hope youve enjoyed this lesson. We have a brand new lesson for you next time. Well see you then, right here on Studio Classroom!

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