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Improving Your Memory 增強記憶小撇步
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Improving Your Memory 增強記憶小撇步(上)
大家說英語 20240919
Sure! Here’s a revised version with corrected grammar while keeping the Chinese content:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English. My name is Garrett.
And my name is Esther.
Today, we will give you some tips on improving your memory and helping you remember things.
Friends, do you remember what the word "tips" means? This refers to information that will help you. You might think of it as advice. People give tips to others to assist them. Right? You might ask someone, "Can you give me tips on how to exercise?" or "Can you give me tips on how to study for a test?"
Today, we are giving you tips on how to have a better memory. Your memory is what you remember—like names, dates, what you’ve learned in the past, and much more. Now, friends, let’s learn more with today’s reading.
Most people like having a good memory. If yours isn’t very good, you can do a few things to improve it. First, get enough sleep. When you sleep seven to nine hours each night, your brain will remember things better. You also need to focus your attention and study in a quiet place. Music, TV, and people’s voices can distract you. Also, reading things aloud can help you remember better too.
Thank you so much, Esther! Yes, it can be hard to remember so much information, but with some quick tips, I think we can help each other out. Right?
Now we need to go to our Find It question: What is important for learning and memory?
Well, friends, I’m sure you can find and remember the answer to that question. Now let’s go to Sonya, who will teach us today’s keywords.
So you need to improve your memory.
动词 improve 就是增进、改善,而名词 memory 就是记忆力。
“I listen to music.” 名词 music 就是音乐。
“Music and people’s voices can distract you.”
名词 voice 就是声音,或是指人的嗓音。
“Read things aloud.” 副词 aloud 就是出声的、大声的。
“Are you okay, Sam? You look a little tired.”
“I am. I was up late last night studying for a history test.”
“When’s the test?”
“I’m having trouble remembering everything.”
“So you need to improve your memory.”
“I think so, and maybe my studying too.”
If you want a better memory, you need enough sleep each night.
Julie is a good friend. She sees Sam looking tired and wants to know if he is okay.
Yeah, she wants to help him out. So how is Sam doing? Well, he is a bit tired. He says he was up late last night studying for a history test, which means he did not get much sleep. Julie asks when the test is, and Sam tells her that the test is tomorrow. Okay, so he doesn’t have a lot of time to prepare or study, and he says he’s having trouble remembering everything.
That’s very important, especially for a history test. There are many facts and dates that you need to remember, right?
Sometimes we have trouble learning English. Sonya, can you help us with this phrase “have trouble doing something”?
“I’m having trouble remembering everything.”
名词 trouble 指困难,而某人很难做到某件事,可以用句型主词加 have/has trouble doing something.
“Do you have trouble staying awake?”
或是:“I have trouble remembering people’s names.”
再一句:“She has trouble keeping her clothes clean.”
So Julie tells Sam what he needs to do. She asks, “So you need to improve your memory now.”
If you need to improve something, it means you want to make it better. Maybe you want to improve your English—you want to have better English skills.
Well, Sam probably needs to improve his memory now. Julie asked this like a question because she wanted to check and make sure that’s what Sam really needed.
If you have a good memory, then you can remember a lot of things. If you have a bad memory, you can’t, right?
And Sam says yes, he thinks so. He needs to improve his memory and his studying too.
If you want a better memory, you need enough sleep each night. That is Julie’s first tip for Sam. If you don’t sleep enough at night, you won’t remember things the next day, right?
Because when your body is tired, your brain might not get the oxygen it needs, and then you cannot think very well.
Yeah, I’ve even heard that when you’re sleeping at night, your brain is thinking through all the things from the last day and helping you remember what you learned. I’m not sure if that’s exactly true or not, but it is a good thing to think about. I believe Julie is right. Everyone needs to get enough sleep at night.
It’s not just for a better memory; it’s better for your health as well.
That’s a good point, and that was a good tip.
Friends, there will be more, but first we need to take a quick break. We will be right back just after this.
Talking English ten minutes every day. Every day, that’s the way!
Welcome back!
It’s true that sleep is good for your memory, but some people have trouble falling asleep.
Garrett, can you give us a tip?
Sure! If you’re having trouble sleeping, make sure you go to bed a bit earlier and don’t look at your phone for a long time just before you go to sleep.
And my tip is to make sure you’re not too hungry before bed. Maybe have a glass of milk or a banana if you feel hungry before bed.
Well, let’s get back to today’s conversation. I know sleep is important for learning and memory.
It is also. Do you study in a quiet place?
No, I listen to music, and I can often hear my roommates talking.
Music and people’s voices can distract you. Look for a quiet place to study.
Okay, and read things aloud. That will also help you remember them.
Really? I’ll have to try that!
Friends, did you find the answer to our Find It question?
Our question was: What is important for learning and memory?
What’s the answer? Well, sleep is important for learning and memory! Yes, sleep is such a helpful thing; it helps us live a better life.
Now, Julie wants to know more about how Sam studies so she can offer more tips on how he can remember better. She asks, “Do you study in a quiet place?” But we learned that Sam doesn’t; the place where he studies is not quiet.
And he says he listens to music while he studies. Yes, music are the sounds that are around us. Animals make music, and people can also sing and make music, or you might play an instrument like a piano to make music.
Right! And I will say here, I think some music can be really good for studying, but it’s usually music that doesn’t have words.
Well, Sam also says he can often hear his roommates talking while he’s studying. Now Julie is telling him that music and people’s voices can distract you.
Now, when you speak, you will make some sounds, and we call these sounds your voice.
Yeah, voice is the sound of people talking, and voices can distract you when you are studying.
When you are distracted, your focus is taken away from the thing you should be working on.
So Julie offers another tip. She says, “Look for a quiet place to study.”
She thinks this will help Sam improve his memory, right?
And read things aloud. So if you need to read a book for a class, try reading them out loud. Of course, you won’t want to have too many people around you; they might not want to hear what you’re reading.
The word aloud is spelled A-L-O-U-D, but you can also say “read things out loud,” which is spelled O-U-T space L-O-U-D.
That’s right! Friends, don’t forget to read things aloud as we watch today’s calendar phrase:
“Read things aloud.”
I can’t remember things.
Read things aloud!
I don’t understand this. Read things aloud; it’s too difficult.
Read things aloud; that helps!
Okay, I’ll try it: Two times two is four. Four times four is sixteen. Sixteen, read aloud!
But not too loud!
Oh, four! Four times four is sixteen!
Read things aloud!
Now, what’s the difference between the word aloud and the word loud?
Sonia, can you help us?
And "read things aloud." 副词 "aloud" 指发出声音的或是大声的。相似的字还有 "loud" 和 "loudly"。
我们先来看课文里的这个,"aloud" 是副词。
来看例句:“The teacher read the story aloud to her students.”
另一个 "loud" 是形容词,大声的、喧闹的意思。例句:“What was that loud noise?”
第三个是副词 "loudly",是大声的、高声吵闹的意思,例如:“He talks very loudly.”
Thank you, Sonia!
So Sam says that he’ll have to try reading aloud.
Yeah, it’s a good tip! I’ll have to try it sometime too.
Well, friends, we know that you are working hard to learn as well. Why don’t you try and read these words out loud as we review our key words together?
Here is your first keyword:
Kara’s memory is very good.
He wants to improve his exam scores.
What music are you listening to?
Lori has a very quiet voice.
Anne is reading aloud to the children.
Friends, those are today’s key words! Did you read them aloud?
No? It’s your turn!
The keywords for today are: memory, improve, music, voice, and aloud. Now, it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First: “Can you hear the piano?”
Great answer! “Can you hear the piano music?”
Next: “I heard a voice calling my name.”
Correct! “I heard a voice calling my name.”
Next: “The old man lost his…”
Good job! “The old man lost his memory.”
Next: “Read the story…”
You’re right! “Read the story aloud.”
Last one: “How can I…”
You got it! “How can I improve my English?”
The answer to that question is: Join me next time for your turn!
Are you okay, Sam? You look a little tired.
I am. I was up late last night studying for a history test.
When’s the test?
I’m having trouble remembering everything.
So you need to improve your memory.
Yeah, but how?
Well, if you want a better memory, get enough sleep.
Hmm, better sleep, better memory.
That’s right! Do you study in a quiet place?
No, I listen to music, and sometimes I hear loud monkeys talking.
Well, music and monkey voices can distract you.
Yeah, that’s too bad.
Reading things aloud can also help you remember things.
Oh, hey, okay! I’ll read my lessons to you.
Uh, no thanks. Read them aloud to yourself, not me.
Lesson one: The history of monkeys.
Monkeys come from the jungle, and everybody likes monkeys.
Hey everyone!
Welcome to Fun Time!
Yeah, welcome!
Hazel, why do you have all these toys?
Because today we’re going to play a memory game!
A memory game?
Yes! I’m going to put these things in a box and see if you can remember them all.
Oh, that won’t be easy.
Well, pay attention!
There’s an apple and a bus.
Apple, bus!
A cat and a duck.
Cat, duck!
There’s an elephant and a frog.
Elephant, frog!
There’s a giraffe and a hat.
Giraffe, hat!
Hmm, and ice cream and a jar.
Ice cream, jar!
Yes! All right! Now can you remember all those things?
Oh, okay! Let me think. Um…
Let’s see… an apple.
Apple and a bus.
And a bus! Yes! That’s right! That’s two!
A cat!
A cat, duck, and elephant!
Very good! Cat, duck, and yeah, elephant! Great!
What else?
Oh, but I forget the rest. I can’t remember!
I can help you remember!
Okay, well, how?
Everything I showed you starts with the first ten letters of the ABCs!
A is for apple, B is for bus, C is for cat, D is for duck, E is for elephant,
Oh! Oh, and F is for frog! Right!
All right, G is for giraffe.
That’s right! Good job!
And H is for hat! Right! What about I?
I is for ice cream!
That’s right! And one more—J is for jar!
Yes! Good job! You remembered everything!
Hey, how about you, friends? Did you remember them all?
Remember to come back next time for a fun time!
See you later!
Julie has given Sam some good tips on how he can improve his memory.
That’s right! We had some great tips, like making sure you get enough sleep and even reading things out loud instead of just in your own mind, right?
And Julie also said don’t be distracted—study in a quiet place.
Wow, these are some great tips! If you’re struggling to remember things, especially right before an important test or exam.
And I would add one more: Make sure you eat healthy foods. If you’re eating healthy foods, then your body is getting the vitamins and nutrition it needs.
Yeah! Some studies even show that certain foods can help with your memory.
But I would say as long as you’re not eating too much junk food, it’s probably helping your body focus. Try to eat real foods—like fruits and vegetables—not something out of a bag or a can.
Well, friends, thank you for following along with us. We hope these tips help you in your learning journey.
And we’ll see you again tomorrow right here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

Improving Your Memory 增強記憶小撇步(下)
大家說英語 20240920
Sure! Here’s your text with the grammar corrected, while keeping the Chinese elements intact:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English." My name is Esther,
and my name is Garrett. We’re back with another tips lesson,
and the name of our lesson is "Improving Your Memory." Yes,
improving your memory!
So you can remember things better. Remember,
we gave some great tips yesterday,
especially for the students out there who are watching us.
Right? We said,
try to read things aloud. When you hear your own voice,
that will help you remember
what you’re trying to learn. Yeah!
And I think I would like to add one more tip:
if you’re preparing for a test,
I would say,
don’t do all of your studying the night before the test.
Spread it out; do a little bit each day.
That’s true! Then you won’t feel so scared
because you have so much information to remember.
Now, let’s go to our "Find It" question. Our question is:
What did James learn on his trip?
What did James learn on his trip?
Well, friends, I’m sure you can find the answer in today’s lesson.
Now let’s go to Sonya,
who will teach us today’s keywords.
"How was your trip to the countryside?"
"I had no Internet." 名词Internet就是网际网路。
"That must have been annoying."
"I’m discovering that." 动词discover就是发现。
"So your brain has to figure things out."
片语动词figure out就是想出、搞清楚。
"Hi James,
how was your trip to the countryside?"
"Good, but I didn’t like being there at first
because I had no internet."
"Oh, that must have been annoying."
"It was, but I learned something."
"What’s that?"
"I depend on the internet too much."
"Don’t we all? The internet isn’t bad,
but I don’t use my brain first.
I just Google things."
"So are you trying to use the internet less now?"
"Yes, and guess what? My memory has improved!"
Today we learned that James went on a trip,
and he didn’t go to another city; he went to the countryside.
Right, the countryside,
or you might hear it just called "country" sometimes.
The countryside is a place far away from any big city.
Often, not too many people live in the countryside.
You might have to drive a long way to get to the countryside from a city.
The countryside might be filled with farms and farm animals
or just forests and other wild things.
Now, we don’t hear too many words that end in "side,"
but we do have some great ones to teach you
as we go over to Sonya.
Sarah, when James
"How was your trip to the countryside?"
"She sat by the roadside,
waiting for the bus." 他坐在路边等公车。
或是"The castle sits high on the mountainside."
"Can we walk along the riverside this evening?"
Thanks so much, Sonya! Well,
James says that he didn’t like being in the countryside at first.
That’s because he had no internet. If you have no internet,
then you cannot go online,
you cannot go on search engines and look for information.
Right? Now,
if you’re living in the city,
it’s probably quite easy to go online on your phone.
You’re close to what we call cell towers,
but there aren’t too many of those in the countryside.
And because he had no internet,
Sarah thinks that it must have been annoying.
If something is annoying,
it means it makes you a little bit upset.
It makes you uncomfortable; you don’t like it.
We often think of a sibling,
like a little brother or sister, when we were young.
They might have been annoying;
they made noises or always wanted to play with you, right?
You might have said, "Stop being annoying!" Now,
James said that it was annoying to have no internet,
but he learned something. Ooh, what is that?
Well, the answer to that is also
the answer to today’s "Find It" question.
Our question was: What did
James learn on his trip?
The answer is: he learned that
he depends on the internet too much.
This means that whenever he needs something,
he always wants to use the internet. I say that’s especially true
when we want information.
That’s right! And Sarah agrees with James.
She says, "Don’t we all?"
Don’t we all depend on the internet too much? Yeah!
Think about it, friends.
If you want to cook a meal,
you might look up a recipe on the internet.
Or if you want to find a place,
you might look up a map on the internet. And James agrees.
He says that the internet isn’t bad,
but he doesn’t use his brain first.
He just uses the search engine,
Google. And here he’s using Google as a verb.
He says, "I just Google things."
Yeah, he Googles things. Now,
Sarah says, "Are you trying to use the internet less now?"
She wants to know if James is changing the way
that he does things. Has his trip to the countryside changed him?
And it has!
James learns something:
he learns that because he uses the internet less,
his memory has actually improved,
or his memory has actually gotten better.
I think that makes sense.
If you’re always depending on the internet,
you don’t need to put any information in your brain
because you can always look it up.
Well, friends,
it’s time for us to take a quick break. We’ll be right back,
so don’t go away!
Talking English,
it’s ten minutes to the day, every day.
That’s the way!
Welcome back!
James says that his memory has improved.
He uses his brain first instead of going right to the internet
when he needs information.
That’s right, friends! Would you like to try this?
Do you think it would help you improve your memory?
I think I’d like to try that.
I want to remember more dates and names
instead of looking everything up.
My memory will improve!
Well, let’s continue today’s conversation.
When your brain works harder,
your memory gets better.
I’m discovering that I’m trying to use my GPS less
for the same reason.
So your brain has to figure things out.
That’s good!
But what if you’re going to a new place?
I use GPS on my way to the new place and my brain to get home.
Smart! I should try doing that.
You should! You know what they say:
"Use it or lose it."
So I need to keep my brain working.
Sarah reminds James that when his brain works harder,
his memory gets better.
That’s because your brain is like a muscle.
The more you use it,
the more connections
it will make. That is just what I was thinking about!
Sometimes we need to do something hard in order to improve.
So your brain needs some challenges too.
And James is discovering that this is true, right?
He is finding that out.
If you discover something,
you are finding it out,
or you are learning something new.
You’re learning that something is true.
Well, Sarah says she’s trying to use her GPS less
for the same reason.
Now, GPS is that thing in your phone
that helps you figure out where you are on a map, right?
It stands for Global Positioning System,
and many people depend on GPS when they are traveling
or even when they are walking
to find the place they want to go and how to get there.
Yeah! Before we had GPS,
everyone had to remember where places were just in
their brain. And Sarah says that she’s using the GPS less.
"But what if you are going to a new place?"
以"what if"开头的问句用来提出假设的疑问,
"What if we miss the train?
Can we still arrive on time?"
或者"What if it rains tomorrow?
Will we still have the picnic?"
再一句:"What if we started a book club?
Would that be a good way to make new friends?"
Thank you, Sonya!
Sarah offers a good idea:
she only uses the GPS on the way to the new place
she hasn’t been to before,
and then she’ll just use her brain to get back home.
she’ll have to memorize or remember the way that she got there.
James thinks it’s a great idea,
so he says, "Smart! I should try doing that."
"I think I should try doing that as well!"
Yeah, it’s a great idea!
Well, Sarah agrees,
and she says, "You know what they say:
Use it or lose it!"
"Use it or lose it!"
That’s today’s calendar phrase.
"Use it or lose it."
Maybe I should sing more!
"Use it or lose it!"
Maybe I should play the ukulele more!
"Use it or lose it!"
Maybe I should practice more!
"Use it or lose it!"
"Use it or lose it! Use it or lose it!"
That’s true! "Use it or lose it!"
We can use this phrase
when we’re talking about learning a language as well.
If you’re learning English, try to use the English
you are learning!
Yeah! Or maybe you learned English in school
many years ago,
but you haven’t studied in a long time.
It might be a little difficult now.
You haven’t used it in a long time.
So you can use it in simple ways.
If you’re going to go shopping for food,
then try writing that shopping list in English.
Great idea! "Use it or lose it!"
Well, let’s try to use what we learned
and review our keywords.
Here is our first keyword:
"Countryside: The Browns live in the countryside."
"Internet: Is the internet working?"
"Annoying: That sound is annoying."
"Discover: What did you discover about her?"
Figure out.
"Figure out: I can’t figure out the answer."
Friends, those are today’s keywords!
Keep practicing!
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s words are:
countryside, internet, annoying, discovered, and figure out.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one, let’s check:
"Good job! Let’s check the internet."
"They knew each other."
That’s correct!
"They discovered they knew each other."
"We’re driving through the..."
You’re right!
"We’re driving through the countryside."
"Can you ____ this problem?"
You got it!
"Can you figure out this problem?"
Last one:
"The rain today is ____."
Great job!
"The rain today is annoying."
Did you guess all the correct words?
I hope so! Thank you for joining me here at Your Turn!
"Hi James, how was your trip to the countryside?"
"Good, but I didn’t like being there at first
because I had no internet."
"Oh, that must have been annoying."
"It was, but I learned something."
"What’s that?"
"I depend on the internet too much."
"Don’t we all? The internet isn’t bad,
but I don’t use my brain first.
I just Google things."
"So are you trying to use the internet less now?"
"Yes, and guess what? My memory has improved!"
When your brain works harder,
your memory gets better.
I’m discovering that I’m trying to use my GPS
less for the same reason.
So your brain has to figure things out.
That’s good!
But what if you’re going to a new place?
I use GPS on my way to the new place and my brain to get home.
Smart! I should try doing that.
You should! You know what they say:
"Use it or lose it!"
So I need to keep my brain working.
The very first monkey lived in the jungle, but then later…
"Ginger, ginger!"
"Quiet, please! You’re annoying."
"I’m reading aloud.
It helps me remember things."
"But you’re distracting me!"
"Sorry, but how else can I improve my memory?"
"Here’s a good way..."
"Hmm, don’t use the internet."
"Is the internet bad?"
"No, but use your brain first."
"Hmm, so are you going to use the internet less?"
"Yes, and my memory has improved."
"Because your brain is working harder."
"Yes, that’s what I have discovered."
"Are you sure you’re using the internet less?"
"Ah, yeah, less and less!"
"Great! Then I can use it more and more."
"Can I borrow your laptop?"
"Where is it? No!"
Hello and greetings!
I’m the game master,
and you’re here for "What’s the Answer?"
Want to know something?
Where can you go to learn about it?
We’ll find out today
with our answers. Betty and Lucy will help us out with those.
Let’s see who can think of the first one!
Try to fill in the blank in this:
"You can ____ information on the internet to learn more about it."
"Oh, Betty, what do you think?"
"I think I know the answer. Let’s say Google."
"You can Google information, right?
It’s a company so famous,
it’s become a verb! Let’s go to the next one."
This question has lots of choices,
but only one is right here.
It is: What school subject teaches you about the past?
A) Science
B) History
C) Math
D) Before Studies
"About the past,
lots of things about the world’s past were learned in science.
Is it A) Science?"
"Oh, sorry, Betty. That’s not it!"
"I think it’s B) History!"
"You got it!"
There’s one more question:
Is this true or false?
"GPS helps you take class notes."
Ooh, Lucy, does it?
"I think it does not. It’s false!"
Great job, Lucy!
"GPS helps you find directions."
You’re a winner!
Well, that’s all for today!
We’ll see you next time on "What’s the Answer?"
See you later!
Today, James tip on improving your memory is to use the internet less.
That is a great idea!
And friends, remember that it’s okay to forget something.
The best way to learn is to learn to forget
and then to relearn even better.
That’s right!
And Sarah reminds us that if you’re looking for a place to go,
then you can use the GPS to get there,
but on your way back, you can use your brain.
Make sure to use these tips to remember the things you’re learning.
And of course, don’t forget to join us again tomorrow!
That’s right, here on "Let’s Talk in English!"

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