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Quiz Night 機智問答之夜
2024/09/30 15:05:35瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
Quiz Night 機智問答之夜
大家說英語 20240930
I’m happy to help you correct the grammar in your text while retaining the Chinese phrases. Here’s the revised version:
Hello, friends!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English."
My name is Esther, and this is Garrett. Today, we have a visual lesson, and the name of the lesson is "Quiz Night."
Now, we’re not talking about a test you take at school or a small quiz; we’re talking about a special event where you go to answer questions. Yeah, kind of like a quiz you might take in class, but hopefully a bit more fun. At a quiz night, you might win some prizes, and when you go to a quiz night, you will see a poster or some sign telling you that there is going to be a quiz night at a restaurant or wherever they are holding it. Another name for a quiz night is trivia night. Right? That’s the name I know a bit better.
Well, the name of our restaurant today is Gino’s Restaurant. Sounds like they’re going to have a quiz night, right? If you have your magazines, open to the phone number of Gino’s Restaurant. Now, in American phone numbers, there are three numbers at the front called the area code, followed by seven numbers. Right? Don’t forget the area code, or you won’t be able to call the right number.
So, let’s go and learn today’s key words.
Susie邀请James: 周五晚上一起去Gino’s极诺餐厅用餐.
"Let’s dine at Gino’s Restaurant on Friday."
James动词Dine就是用餐. 当天晚上在极诺餐厅有办机智问答比赛.
"They’re having a quiz night."
名词quiz就是机智问答比赛. 餐厅里7点开始用餐,8点开始进行机智问答比赛.
"Quiz time begins at eight o’clock." 动词begin就是开始.
"The winner will get a prize!"
"It’s a fifty-dollar gift card." 名词gift就是礼物.
"Susie says she will give the info to them." 名词info就是information,也就是资讯.
"Let’s dine at Gino’s restaurant on Friday."
"James, is something happening there on Friday?"
"Yes, they’re having a quiz night."
"Fun! Are there prizes?"
"Yes, the first prize is one hundred dollars."
"That’s a nice prize!"
"Quiz and dinner is twenty dollars per person."
"What time does it start?"
"Dinner is from seven to eight, and quiz time begins at eight."
Today, we have Susie talking to James, and she starts by telling him the place where she wants to eat. She uses a special word: dine.
She says, "Let’s dine at Gino’s Restaurant on Friday."
Now, to dine at a place means to eat there, but not just to eat there; when you dine at a place, it usually means it will be a very nice or fancy meal. Right? You might take your time and enjoy your meal slowly.
But James is curious; he wants to know if something special is happening there on Friday.
And something is: they’re having a quiz night. Now, earlier we talked about what the word quiz means. Quiz means a small test where people ask you questions, and you need to know the answers. Yeah, sometimes your teacher in class might give you a quiz where you need to answer questions about the things you are learning. But you can also have a fun quiz with your friends.
Now, James thinks this quiz night idea is fun, and he wants to know if he will get a prize. Prizes are gifts you get when you win a competition, a race, or a game. You might even call them rewards—good things you get for doing well at something. Susie says that the first prize for this quiz night is one hundred dollars.
"One hundred US dollars is a lot!"
So James says, "That’s a nice prize!"
"Hey, that’s a nice prize," is today’s calendar.
"Friends, that’s a nice prize!"
"Congratulations, you won a prize!"
"Wow, what did I win?"
"First prize is a new car; that’s a nice prize!"
"Second prize is a big-screen TV; that’s a nice prize!"
"Third prize is a new computer; that’s a nice prize!"
"What did I win?"
"You won a pen here."
"Yeah, sure, that’s a nice prize!"
Now, how much will they need to pay to have dinner and be part of this quiz night?
Yeah, it’s not free; they do need to pay to enter the quiz, and dinner is twenty dollars per person. "Per person" means every individual will need to pay twenty dollars.
Now, let’s go over to Sonya for more on that sentence.
"Quiz and dinner is twenty dollars per person."
The subject of this sentence is both quiz and dinner, but the verb is singular: is.
This is because participating in the quiz night and dinner is one combined event, so the verb is used as is.
Let’s look at some examples:
"Bacon and eggs is a delicious breakfast."
"This is the third cup of coffee for me today."
Thank you, Sonya! Yes, it’s good to know how much they need to pay per person. Sometimes these events might be charged per table, but not for this one, right? So when you’re looking at a poster for a quiz night, you have to be careful and look closely to know how much each person needs to pay.
Well, it’s also important to look closely at the start time. You don’t want to be late.
Right? Here, Susie tells us that dinner is from 7 to 8. That means if you arrive at 7 o’clock, then you’ll be eating dinner, but they won’t be playing the games or asking the questions until later.
Yeah, you don’t have to answer the questions while you have a bite in your mouth. You can slowly enjoy your dinner for an hour, and then quiz time will begin at eight o’clock.
The word begin is another word for the word start. You can also say quiz time starts at 8 o’clock.
Right, let’s try to use that word begin to talk about some other things. You might say, "The school year begins in September," or "My first class begins at 8 o’clock."
Well, friends, can you make a sentence? Try to do that with your friends as we go to our quick break. We’ll see you in just a minute!
Every day passes away.
Friends, have you been to a quiz night? In some countries around the world, they are very popular.
Right, I know they’re very big in the UK, but in the US, we also have quite a few of them. I remember in university, I went a few times to a trivia night at a pizza shop. It was a lot of fun!
And let me ask you, Garrett, did you answer a lot of questions about history and geography? I know you know a lot about maps and countries around the world.
Well, I do like learning about those things, but there weren’t too many questions about those. I think I got a couple of them right.
During quiz nights, you might be asked questions about many different topics. That’s why it’s nice to sit in a group and work with other people.
Yeah, find some friends who know a lot about various topics.
Well, let’s get back to our conversation now.
"What’s the second prize?"
"It’s a fifty-dollar gift card."
"That’s good too."
"A restaurant coupon is the third prize."
"How many people can be on a team?"
"Four to six people."
"Let’s invite Sam, Greg, Julie, and Sarah too."
"I can give the info to them."
"Perfect! That’s a great team!"
Earlier, Susie told us that first place will win a prize of 100 US dollars.
How about second place? What’s the prize for second place?
Yeah, that’s what James wants to know: what’s the second prize that comes after first?
Let’s go to Sonya to learn about these kinds of numbers.
"What’s the second prize?"
In English, numbers are categorized into cardinal and ordinal.
"One, two, three" (一, 二, 三) are cardinal numbers, while ordinal numbers are "first" (第一), "second" (第二), "third" (第三), etc.
You must add the definite article "the" before ordinal numbers.
Let’s look at some examples:
"He was the first one to finish the test."
"Who was the second person to
give a speech?"
"This is the third cup of coffee for me today."
Thank you very much, Sonya! Well, Susie tells us what the second-place prize is: it’s a fifty-dollar gift card.
Right, a gift is a present; it’s something that someone gives you. If you have a gift card, it means you’ll get a card worth fifty dollars to spend, which you can use to buy anything you want, right? Sometimes gift cards can only be used at one specific shop, while other times they’re more flexible.
James says that’s a good prize too, and the third prize is a restaurant coupon. A coupon is a kind of discount you can get; it can be a paper coupon or an electronic one. It might give you a discount on items at the restaurant or maybe offer you a free drink when you buy a meal.
James wants to know how many people can be on a team. Yes, this is very important information you need to know if you want to go to a quiz night. Susie tells us that four to six people can be on one team. Right? So maybe you’ll do better with more people, but not necessarily.
James suggests they can invite Sam, Greg, Julie, and Sarah.
I think they’re forgetting about a couple of people, right? I think they should invite us too! There can be six people on a team. Now, Susie says she’s going to give the information about the quiz night to these people.
We’ll ask Susie as well. Right now, information means details—things like names and numbers. The restaurant will need to know those. James is excited; he says, "That’s a great team!" It is a great team, and he says, "Perfect!"
We often use these one-word answers when we think someone is saying or doing something we like. You might also say "Great" or "Thanks."
That’s right; it doesn’t take too many words to respond positively to what someone else is saying.
Well, we’ve been talking about quiz night or trivia night, but how do you prepare for quiz nights?
Well, it’s tough. As we’ve said, there are so many different topics at a quiz night. But if you’re someone who likes to read, watch the news, and is just curious, you’ll probably do alright.
Right, at a quiz night, try to think of each person and what they are good at, then have them answer the questions that relate to topics they know about. And of course, make sure you review what you’re learning.
That’s what we’re going to do right now. Let’s review our keywords:
Here is our first keyword: gift.
"Gift"—what gifts are you giving them?
Next, quiz.
"Quiz"—let’s do the quiz together.
"Dine"—let’s dine at a fancy restaurant.
"Begin"—when does the class begin?
Info (information).
"Info"—can you send the info to me?
Friends, those are today’s keywords! Keep reviewing them, and now it’s your turn.
Today’s keywords are gift, quiz, dine, begin, and info. Now, it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one: "She can begin her speech now."
You’re right; she can begin her speech now!
Next: "Is the quiz easy or hard?"
Good job! Is the quiz easy or hard?
Next: "I have the info about the game."
Correct! I have the info about the game.
Next: "What time do we dine tonight?"
Great answer! What time do we dine tonight?
Last one: "Every person gets a gift."
That’s right! Every person gets a gift.
Friends, did you match each word to the correct sentence? I hope so!
I’ll see you next time for your turn.
"Let’s dine at Gino’s Restaurant on Friday."
"James, is something happening there on Friday?"
"Yes, they’re having a quiz night."
"Fun! Are there prizes?"
"Yes, the first prize is one hundred dollars."
"That’s a nice prize!"
"Quiz and dinner is twenty dollars per person."
"What time does it start?"
"Dinner is from seven to eight, and quiz time begins at eight."
"What’s the second prize?"
"It’s a fifty-dollar gift card."
"That’s good too."
"A restaurant coupon is the third prize."
"How many people can be on a team?"
"Four to six people."
"Let’s invite Sam, Greg, Julie, and Sarah too."
"I can give the info to them."
"Perfect! That’s a great team!"
Hey, Ginger, let’s dine at Gino’s Restaurant on Friday!
"What? Gino’s? They’re having a quiz night?"
"Quiz night! Yay! Let’s go win a prize!"
"But Ginger, what’s the first prize?"
"It’s a hundred dollars."
"Yeah, but Ginger, one hundred dollars will buy a lot of bananas."
"Our team is going to win!"
"I can’t wait!"
"Ginger, listen..."
"Oh, what? I’m on the quiz team!"
"But you are not."
"I’m not? No!"
"We already have six players, and I’m not on the team. No."
"But you can eat with us and cheer for us."
"Really? Can I win a hundred dollars?"
"And buy bananas?"
Now it’s time for us to review with two questions.
Here’s our first question: When does the quiz begin?
You can find the answer in the conversation:
A. It begins at 8 o’clock.
Now here’s our other question: Who do you invite to fun activities?
Let’s go to some of our friends to hear their answers.
"Who do I invite to fun activities? Well, I like to invite all of my fun friends and all of my friends who love to do fun things, so that’s Tommy, Melissa, Angel, and Barry. Wait a minute—that’s everybody! Everybody’s invited to my fun activities!"
"Who do I invite to fun activities? Well, I really like our friends here at Let’s Talk in English, so I like to invite Sarah, Susie, Greg, and sometimes Sam. We get along really well! Oh, and of course, Garrett as well."
"Who do I invite to fun activities? Well, my friends and family, of course, but it also depends on what I am doing and where it is. Usually, I’m inviting my kids' friends more than my own friends."
"What about you? Who do you invite to fun activities?"
"Who do I invite to fun activities? I invite my friends whenever I’m going to do something fun, like go to a birthday party, visit a new place, or go to the park and play badminton. I call one of my friends, and we can go there together and have lots of fun."
"Who do you invite to fun activities?"
"That’s easy! I invite my monkey friends—they love to have fun! We laugh! Ho ho ho!"
Friends, did you enjoy this lesson about going to a quiz night?
Remember to look carefully at the sign that tells you the information you need about a quiz night. Don’t forget you can open your magazine to follow along and look at the visuals we talked about in today’s lesson.
We’ll be happy to see you again tomorrow—that’s right, right here on "Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

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