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Stone Soup
2024/07/04 16:47:42瀏覽18|回應0|推薦0
Stone Soup (上)
Soups are something we eat, we don’t say we drink soup.
People make soup with meat and vegetables like carrots, potatoes.


Once there was a poor, small village.
Everyone had very little, so they did not share with others.
One day, a tired and hungry traveler came to the village.
He knocked on the door of the first house.
A woman opened the door and asked,
"Who are you?"
"I am a tired and hungry traveler. May I have something to eat?" asked the man.
"Go away," the woman said.
We are poor and have no food.
She closed the door.
The traveler picked up a large stone and knocked on the woman’s door again.
"What do you want now?" she asked.
"You are poor like me. Maybe you’d like some of my wonderful stone soup," said the man.
"Stone soup?" said the woman.
"You can’t make soup from a stone!"
"You can," said the man.
"I can show you."
The woman didn’t believe him.
But she was hungry, so she invited him in.
The woman put a big pot of water on the stove.
The traveler put the stone in the water.
When the water was boiling, he took a sip啜飲,一小口.
"It’s good," he said.
"But a little salt and butter would make it better."
The woman gave him a little salt and butter.
Just then the woman’s husband came home with some carrots and potatoes.
"Let’s add those to the soup," said the traveler.
"It will taste even better!"

Many stories start with once or once upon a time.
This just means this story happened at some point處,地方.
Even though this story is probably not real.
And we learn about the setting, the time and the place where this story takes place.
It takes place in a village.
A village is like a small city or a very small town, not many people live in a village.

once there was a poor small village
当你在句子中使用一个以上的形容词来形容某事物时, 要注意:
She found a dirty, old book in the closet.
He ate two bowls of spicy, Korean noodles.
The little girl is holding one large, heart-shaped balloon.

When you don’t have a lot of money or things, it’s hard to give what you do have away to others.
What it means to share to give what you have away to others.
It might be your time, might be your food or the things you have.
She closes the door on the man.
I wonder what will happen to this man.

I can show you.
How do you ride a horse?
I can show you.
How do you make scrambled eggsph.炒蛋?
I can show you.
How do you use a dictionary?
I can show you.
How do you clean your room?
Sorry, I can’t show you that.

How could you make a soup from a stone?
You’re not going to chew on it.
What kind of soups do you like to have?
Do you have soup before your meal or after?
However, you eat soup, it’s a great part of any meal.
Many people will eat soup for breakfast.

The water begins to boil.
When it boils, you see bubbles and then he takes a sip.
A sip is a word we use when you take a drink.
It’s like a very small drink.
You take a little sip to taste something.
You can do this when you’re making soup to see what it’s like.

句首just then表示就在那个时候
当你在讲故事时可以用just then达到引起好奇吸引听众的效果
Just then the phone rang, breaking the silence.
Just then the wind blew open the door, and she saw him.
Just then her boss walked into the room.
He was the last person Katie wanted to see.
(ChatGPT 这句话的意思是:他是Katie最不想见到的人。)

A hundred people live in this village.
He used stones to build the house.
The soup has vegetables in it.
Her husband’s name is Ben.
Tom likes to eat potatoes.

I can’t carry this big stone.
How many potatoes did you buy?
Does she have a husband?
Be careful! The soup is very hot.
This village is pretty small.

Stone Soup (下)
There is a poor village and a traveler is visiting.
He wants something to eat, he’s so hungry, no one wants to give him food.


Soon, the smell of the soup went out of an open window.
A neighbor smelled it and looked in the open window.
"Is the stone soup ready now?" asked the woman in the house.
"Yes, but it would be even better with some turnips蕪菁塊根 and beans in it," said the traveler.
"I have some!" said the neighbor at the window.
He was curious to taste stone soup.
He soon brought some turnips and beans.
The smell of the soup went farther into the village.
Many people heard about the man making stone soup.
They came to look in the window.
"Is the stone soup ready yet?" they asked.
"Yes," said the traveler.
"But I remember having some stone soup with fresh chicken in it. it was delicious."
"I have some fresh chicken!" said a man, he ran home to get it.
The traveler put the chicken in the pot.
He tasted the soup again.
"Perfect!" he said and served a bowl of stone soup to everyone.
"It’s delicious!" said the villagers.
"Where can we get this magic stone?" asked some.
The traveler took the stone out of the pot.
Then the villagers realized something.
The soup was delicious because of everything in it, not because of the stone.
The traveler finished his soup and left.
From that day on, the village people were happy to share with one another.

Have you ever walked past a bakery and smelled the delicious smell of fresh bread?
That sounds so good.

The open book lay on the table.
He has an open mind about trying new things.
That date is open.
Do you want to make a reservation?

It would be even better.
Should I add carrots to the soup?
Yes. It would be even better.
Should I add corn?
Yes. It would be even better.
Should I add cabbage?
Yes. It would be even better.
Should I add chicken?
Would that be better?
Not for me!
No, no chicken.

A serve means you’re going to give some food to someone else.
If you go to a restaurant, the person who takes your order is called the server, the person who serves.
So remember you serve food to other people, this man is giving the other villagers the stone soup.

片语from that day on表示从那一天开始
From that day on, Mary and Carl became best friends.
From that day on, the students were kind to their classmates.
from that day on也可以放在句尾
She met Mark, and her life changed from that day on.

Cook the beans for dinner.
These apples are very fresh.
This food is delicious!
Please serve bread to everyone.
Is this a magic hat.

Her mom made a delicious dinner.
Remember to say the magic words.
Do you have any fresh vegetables?
When do we serve the food?
Do you like to eat beans?

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