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Cash or E-Payments?
2024/06/20 16:39:27瀏覽57|回應0|推薦0
Some people use cash and some make e-payments.
Cash is easy to use because you can use it anywhere.
When you pay with cash, it is private.
You don’t leave a digital數字的 record.
Using cash can also keep you from spending too much.
You see cash leaving your wallet.
E-payments can result in導致 overspending過多地花費.
E-payments are very convenient.
You can buy things at any time.
E-payments leave a digital record.
That makes it easier to track and manage your money.
When you use cash to buy things, you may forget.
E-payments also make online shopping possible.
You can buy from the comfort安逸,舒適 of your home.


Hey, Susie.
I’m going to get coffee.
Do you want something?
Yes, I’d like a latte. Here’s $5(five dollars).
You still use cash?
I never carry cash.
E-payments are so convenient.
Cash is convenient, too.
You can use it anywhere.
Some places don’t take e-payments.
True. But most places do.
With e-payments, I can buy anything at any time!
That can result in overspending.
When I use e-payments, I have a digital record.
That helps me track and manage my money.
But I don’t like all my spending information online.
Cash is private.
And I like to see cash leaving my wallet so I don’t overspend.
But you can’t use cash for online shopping!
I like to shop from the comfort of my home.
True. I do use e-payments for that.

A latte is coffee with a lot of milk.
They come in many different flavors.
Cash is money you can touch.
If it’s a paper then we call it a bill or if it is metal then we call those coins.
If you see that a word with "e" and a dash at the front of it, that means electronic.
Or something that has to do with computers and digital things.
So e-payments are when you pay money using the internet.
So this can be paying money online on a computer or through your phone or an app.

句首的with e-payment可以翻译为有了电子支付
它一般置于句尾 想要强调时可以移到句首加逗号
With help, the students can finish their homework.
With practice, the boys can get better at basketball.
With enough time, she can finish the story.

The word overspending means spending too much.
When you add "over" to a word, that means using too much of something.

It’s easy to overspend when shopping online.
Did you oversleep again?
Please don’t overcook my steak.

The word comfort means that you feel very relaxed.
So when sam is relaxed he is at home, he feels comfortable.

I like to shop from the comfort of my home.
Do you like shopping online?
Yes. I like to shop from the comfort of my home.
Do you like shopping at department stores?
No. I like to shop from the comfort of my home.
Do you like shopping at the mall?
No. I like to shop from the comfort of my home.
What do you shop for online?
Things to make my home comfortable.

Can I make an e-payment for this?
Did you go anywhere on Saturday?
How much money is in your wallet?
Is meeting at 2:00(two o’clock) convenient for you?
She only thinks about her comfort.

Shopping at this store is convenient.
You can sit anywhere.
Tim is a comfort to his grandmother.
Tim 对他的奶奶来说是一种安慰
E-payments are very easy to make.
Don’t lose your wallet!

Look, I have so many money!
Stop! What did you say?
Look, you have a lot of cash but money isn’t countable.
Let me explain.
You can count dollars and say you have many dollars.
I have many dollars.
You can count coins and say you have many coins.
After you count many dollars and many coins, you can say you have so much money.

( 知識學習語言 )
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