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Alive Again-空中英語教室
2024/06/27 14:41:30瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0
Alive Again 起死回生(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Anne Marie and my name is Gabe
thank you
for joining us for a very interesting lesson we have today
it is a very interesting lesson
we are going to be talking about animals
who are extinct that may become alive again
this is a very interesting scientific article
but as we start today
let’s talk about this for a minute
if you could bring any animal back from extinction
which animal would it be um
okay i don’t even know um i as a guy you know as a boy
i think a lot of boys have a fascination with dinosaurs well
that’s true and girls do two
but i don’t know
if i want dinosaurs to be brought back from the dead
i actually
this whole lesson made me think of a quote from Jurassic park
where the scientist Ian Malcolm
he says
this your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not
they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should so
we do have an interesting lesson like
i said
i don’t even know if we should be bringing animals back to life
i think that’s a really good point
it’s something that i’ve been thinking about
as i’ve been preparing this article
as well this is something you can think about as well friends
today is a great day to learn something new it is
and maybe a great day to have our
minds changed i don’t know let’s learn something new together
alive again animals gone from the earth
could get a new lease on life
extraordinary creatures inhabit many areas of the earth
there’s the emperor penguin
can dive down over 500 meters in freezing cold water for food
there’s the huge hippo
which can weigh over 1800 kg and looks anything
but speedy yet can run 30 to 48 km
per hour sadly some of earth’s amazing creatures
teeter on the edge of extinction
and others have disappeared completely
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看a new leads on life这个成语
after surviving a serious illness
Savannah felt she had been giving a new lease on life
and decided to follow her dreams
或是Mason’s career was at a standstill
but moving to a new city for a job opportunity
gave him a new lease on life
再看一句the old car left outside for years
got a new lease on life when it was restored
譬如the huge tree teetered dangerously
and the storm threatening
to fall on the house every time
the wind got strong
或是a stack of books teetered on the edge of the desk
ready to fall over at the slightest touch
或者是the economy teetered on the brink of recession
with every new report
causing changes in the money market
alright friends
let’s get right into our lesson right away
we read here animals gone from the earth
could get a new lease on life
let’s talk about that phrase for a minute usually
when we use this phrase to get a new lease on life
it means that someone has gone through some type of change
and now they appreciate life more
you did see that just now in the language lab
but here when we say a new lease on life
these animals aren’t even alive anymore
so they are literally coming back from the dead yeah
coming back from the dead well
so they were extinct this entire species
or these species were extinct
and maybe there’s a way to bring them back to life well
extraordinary creatures inhabit many areas of the earth
there are a few words that kind of mean inhabit
or that inhabit means like dwell
that can dwell in different parts of the earth there
living in different parts of the earth
and we read there’s the emperor penguin
that can dive down over 500 meters in freezing cold water
for food and you see the word
there’s again talking about the hippo we use the word
there’s like this to share examples of something
and then sometimes we’ll share a couple examples there’s this
there’s this and then there’s that sometimes we add the word
then or n
when we’re kind of not sure what we should say about that thing
because it’s a little bit odd like you know there’s Julie
she’s very hard working there’s Bob he is very creative
and then there’s Tom
we just don’t even know what to say about him
i always get the picture in my mind
when i see this sentence structure
that someone’s like counting on their fingers there’s this
there’s this and then there’s this right
and then there’s this so
there’s the emperor penguin there’s the huge hippo
which can weigh over 1800 kg and then there’s Gabe
who can teach words and sentence patterns like a boss
he didn’t read the rest about the hippo he looks anything
but speedy yet can run 30 to 48 kilometers per hour oh
that’s right the hippos are amazing right
that’s why we’re talking about these animals
because there are so many interesting facts
that we can learn not just about emperor penguins and hippos
but about almost any animal out there
Marie how would you like to
be able to run 30 to 48 kilometers per hour
i would love to this
is something interesting that i heard about hippos
is that they’re actually about
as fast as horses
that’s crazy yeah
that’s why they call them river horses right
hoe maybe yeah come on there
it is they’re so fast in the water oh
you learn something new every day okay
what we do read on here
sadly some of earth’s amazing creatures
teeter on the edge of extinction
i like the way this sentence is worded okay
first of all you have that word sadly
unfortunately in other words
this should make us
sad that these animals are on the edge of extinction
you can imagine a high cliff
and they’re right on the edge of that cliff about to fall off
that’s right and of course
extinction means that the animal species has completely died out
there are different levels
that animals can be on on the way to extinction
of course but when we use the word extinct it
really means that there are none left
all right we have more to learn with our next reading right now
alive again
the poster child for extinction is the dodo bird
this distant relative of pigeons
and other doves once lived on the island of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean
the flightless bird became easy prey for hungry sailors
and invasive species that traveled with them on their ships
competed with the dodos for food
all the dodos died out by the end of the seventeenth century
but are they gone forever
例如efforts to control the spread of the invasive plant
required community wide cooperation
the doctor explained that the procedure was minimally invasive
and only required a small cut
the introduction of invasive species to the lake
altered its ECO system
killing off native fish and changing the water quality
all right thank you Jack well
we read here the poster child for extinction
is the dodo bird all right
this is a very interesting phrase
we have here to be the poster child for something
but that we were talking about a bird not a person
so what does this phrase mean right
well i guess that’s why we have this particular phrase
because a poster child is someone
who makes it on to the poster to represent
a cause for something um
and so maybe there are a lot of people
people had a lot of people taken their photos
but then only one person really represents that
cause so that became the most popular or most famous picture
so that became the poster child for something
but i also think of
maybe the individual regardless of whether
they had their picture taken or not like
maybe this person best represents something
and so we say that is
the poster child for something
that’s right
and you could use this in other ways as well with things
other than people like
maybe there is a lot of non profit organizations
but one specific organization could be
the poster child for helping homeless people for example
and here we see it used in relation to animals
as well lots of animals have gone extinct
right dinosaurs have gone extinct
woolly mammoths have gone extinct
but a very well known animal that has gone extinct
in recent times
is the dodo bird that’s right
so again it’s not the poster bird it’s
the poster child for extinction
the idea of extinction in general
is the dotobird right
this distant relative of pigeons and other doves
once lived on the island of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean
i am always disappointed when i find out
or when i’m reminded that pigeons and doves are related
i really like doves they represent peace
they’re beautiful and pigeons just poop everywhere yeah
pigeons are not known for being very clean birds yeah
and doves aren’t really clean birds either
but they represent better things i guess that’s true
so the thing about the dodo bird is
that it was a flightless bird
so a flightless bird of course is
a bird that cannot fly
there’s other types of flightless birds as well right
yeah like chickens are flightless birds
they may fly for a little while
but not really ostriches ymus cassoaries the road runner right
those are flightless birds
so the flightless bird
the dodo became easy prey for hungry sailors if prey
p.r ey is the animal or thing that is being hunted
then what is the hunter called
well that would be the predator
the one trying to get to or hunt
the prey so invasive species
also traveled with these hungry sailors on their ships
and competed with the dodos for food
if you compete with something
what does that mean yeah
that means you’re trying to be the best
or the first or the top of something right
and if you’re competing for that means
you’re competing in order to get something for example
the olympians competed for first place
that’s right
all the dodos died out by the end of the 17th century
but are they gone forever
just as a reminder that phrase died out
is the same idea of being extinct
alright friends
let’s learn something new right now with today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud do you remember your first mobile phone
maybe it was a flip phone or a slide phone
touchscreens have made our lives much more convenient
and quickly replaced
those first cell phone models they are gone
but not forgotten this is an interesting phrase to learn
and it can help us
practice a little grammar when we say something is gone
but not forgotten we are saying we will remember it
we were just talking about things like brick
cell phones being gone
but not forgotten
but we would more often hear this
said of someone who has passed away hmm
it’s a way of saying you will keep someone’s memory alive
even after they are gone
gone is the past participle of go when used as an adjective
it communicates that something is not here
anymore the simple past form of go
is when like Mario went into the mall
but when he came back
his car was gone that means his car wasn’t where he parked it
it was missing in the phrase god
but not forgotten god is describing the thing
and forgotten is describing your feeling toward it
my cat is no longer here
but i will never forget her she is gone
but not forgotten forgotten is also
a past participle that’s right forget forgot
let’s give Mario a happy ending to his story
it turned out that his car wasn’t really gone
he had just forgotten
which floor he’d parked on in this sentence
had forgotten is the past perfect tense
it’s telling us what Mario did in the past
rather than his feelings about his car
but not forgotten
gone but not forgotten就是表达已经离开
my cat is gone but not forgotten我的猫已经走了
Mario’s phone was gone when he came back from the restroom
alive again
scientists at colossal biosciences
a biotechnology and genetic engineering startup
have a bold plan to bring back the dodo
they have finished the first step of the process
a complete sequence of the dodo’s genome
from some ancient remains
the next step is to compare that information
with the dodo’s closest bird relatives
the living nicobar pigeon
and another large extinct flightless pigeon
例如William’s research
includes studying the DNA sequences of several species
to see how closely related they are
或是to solve the puzzle
you have to understand the correct sequence of moves
each step linked to the next
再看一句in computer programming
getting the sequence of code
right is crucial or unexpected results
or errors could occur在电脑程序
all right friends
let’s continue on with our lesson
we read scientists at colossal biosciences
a biotechnology and genetic engineering startup
have a bold plan to bring back the dodo before we move on here
let’s talk about that word we see
in the title of this startup colossal
what does it mean
if something is colossal if something is colossal
it is extremely
large or great
we usually use the words
huge or massive when we talk about something
that’s really big right well
colossal i think is at the next level if it’s colossal
it is really huge
and it’s interesting to me that they’ve picked this name
and maybe it was unintentional
but i think of a lot of dinosaurs
as being colossal and dinosaurs are extinct
so i don’t know
maybe there’s some kind of connection there
i also think of a famous building
that’s kind of in ruins in Italy
called the Coliseum right now
i don’t know if colossal and Coliseum are related words
i imagine they are
but i also get the picture of this ancient building okay
maybe that was intentional here
as well so scientists at colossal biosciences
a biotechnology biotechnology combines the idea of bio
which means life and technology
if someone is into biotechnology or biotechnological sciences
then they’re doing something with technology that
also has to do with working
with real life that’s right
and they have this bold plan to bring back the dodo
and what they mean by bring back here
is bring the dodo back to life
you know what i imagine them singing Ann Marie bring back bring
didn’t you ever remember hearing that song
as a kid not with a dodo
i think it was my Bonnie
my Bonnie lives over the ocean okay
their dodo lies not over the ocean but in the past
so they’re trying to bring the dodo from the past back to life
they have finished the first step of the process
a complete sequence of the dodo’s genome
from some ancient remains okay
so this word genome is not one that i see every day Gabe
do you want to tell us about this word
i do i want to take the opportunity to explain
why i like the Cambridge dictionary
definitions a lot most of the time
this is the first definition i found from another dictionary
a genome is the haploid set of chromosomes in a gammet
or microorganism
or each cell of a multicellular organism this is what
the Cambridge dictionary
says the complete set of genetic material of a human animal
plant or other living thing isn’t that just very clear
it is very clear
yeah anyway
there it is that’s your definition for a genome all right
excellent so
the next step is to compare that information
with the dodo’s closest bird relatives the
living nicobar pigeon
and another large extinct flightless pigeon
so dodo has some close relatives here
and they are trying to compare the information in this geome
they’ve put together with these other birds
all right very interesting yeah
those are interesting facts now it’s time for a fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know
that you should not call someone
a dodo don’t call someone
a dodo it’s not nice
but why isn’t the dodo a nice bird well
yes but dodo birds have a reputation for not being smart
and that is because when people came
they didn’t really run away
so don’t call your friends a dodo
we hope you’ve enjoyed learning about this new technology
to bring extinct animals
back from the dead
we are not done talking about it yet
so make sure you join us tomorrow
we’ll be right here on studio classroom

Alive Again 起死回生(下)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us for our lesson today
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe we are in the middle of a lesson
called alive again
such a positive sounding lesson
and we’re talking about bringing animals back
from extinction to life that’s right
a lot of animals have gone extinct over many many years
these species have disappeared completely
but there is a group of scientists at colossal biosciences
who want to bring some of these animals back
yesterday we talked about the one they are looking at right now
is the dodo bird
why why the dodo bird of all creatures well
we’ll see how this goes right
and i mean we’ll see how they do over time for us
we’ll see how our lesson goes as we get into our first section
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
alive again
by comparing the dodo’s genome
to the other two scientists can see
what makes the dodo
a dodo according to Beth shapiro
one of the scientists
next scientists must program the cells from the living
relative with the dodo’s dna
this involves extracting cells from an egg
editing the genes and inserting them in another egg
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看extract这个字
the chemist was able to extract a pure substance
from the mixture
using a sophisticated method
或是the researchers managed to extract
valuable artifacts from the ancient ruins
which helped shed light on the civilizations culture
譬如to flavor the Candy
Maria mixed in Mint extract with the rest of the ingredients
thank you Jack
all right friends
let’s begin our lesson
by comparing the dodo’s genome
to the other two scientists can see what makes the dodo
a dodo all right
i like this use of this sentence pattern here
we use this in a lot of different ways
to see what makes something
a something else
or see what makes this a this
you can even use this with people’s names
as well oh
that’s what makes Gabe Gabe
it certainly is basically what makes someone unique or stand out
or different right
and i think it’s important for us to know what makes us unique
because after all
everybody has a unique personality find out what makes you you
but there’s something else i want to take a look at in this
sentence it’s that sentence
pattern to compare something to something else
because at the end of yesterday’s lesson
we read the next step
is to compare that information with the dodos
closest bird relatives
these phrases are used in the exact same way
to compare something to
and to compare something with
often you can use them in the same way okay
the dodos genome is being compared to these other two relatives
we learned yesterday of the dodo bird
so then the scientists can find out what makes the dodo
a dodo according to Beth shapiro
one of the scientists
next scientists must program the cells from the living
relative with the dodos dna well usually
when i see this word program
i see it in reference to something like a computer
or some type of software
but it can be used in this way as well
because this is a genetic engineering company isn’t it
so they’re literally trying to program
these cells to be a certain way that’s right
so they’re doing this with the living relative
the cells from the living
relative with the dodo’s dna right
this involves extracting cells from an egg that really reminds
me of those scenes from Jurassic park
they’re extracting cells from an egg
editing the genes and inserting them in another egg now
that word insert
you can use that with the word
in you can insert or into something else
you could also just say you’re inserting
it somewhere that means you’re putting it in
i often see that phrase on games at like one of those arcades
like hey insert coin here
that’s right there’s another interesting word
that i want to talk about here in this sentence
and it’s the word editing usually
when you see the word editing
you’re talking about something that’s in written form
like an essay or a report and then when you edit it
you go back through and you change it
you correct any mistakes and then you make a final copy
so it’s very interesting to me to see
that they are also doing this with genes
that makes me think that they’ve tried this
many different times
or that they haven’t gotten it right the first time
or maybe some of the samples that
they have have to really be changed
in order for them to get what they want that’s right
it’s kind of like that word program
right these words
that we usually associate with either writing
or different types of software
but now
we’re using them to talk about genes and things like that
and Marie before we go to our next reading
i wonder if you can say the word
dodo 10 times fast without laughing oh
my goodness i don’t think it’s possible
i can try though dodo dodo dodo dodo dodo pretty good
dodo dodo dodo dodo dodo pretty good
do do do do do do okay well
right now it’s
time for our next reading here we go go go go
alive again
the dodo isn’t
the company’s only d extinction project colossal
also hopes to bring back the woolly mammoth
they won’t be able to clone an exact mammoth
because the mammoth dna scientists have salvaged
isn’t good enough
but through genetic engineering
they hope to create an elephant mammoth hybrid
which would look identical to a mammoth
that will require programming an elephant cell
with certain mammoth traits
including a 10 centimeter fat layer
to insulate the animal from the cold
and several kinds of coarse hair
they also want to create an animal
without tusks to protect it from poachers
after the fire
antique collectors were able to salvage
a few precious items that managed to survive火灾过后
even though the two countries have held talks for several days
it is difficult to think they can salvage
the initial peace agreement
after a year of poor sales in terrible economic times
management had to work hard to salvage
the company在经济不景气下
例如animals that live
in the northern part of the world
have thick layers to insulate them against the cold
或者是to prevent electrical disasters
it is necessary to insulate wires to protect them
and their users
mad had insulation put in the walls and ceiling of their house
to reduce heat loss
well friends
now we’re done talking about the dodo bird here
we go talking about another animal
the dodo isn’t
the company’s only d extinction project all right
what does this word mean d extinction
i didn’t know this was a word
that’s probably because this is a new concept
yeah d extinction well
the idea of cloning as we see
in our lesson
has only really been around for several decades de extinction
is a new concept
i also think of resurrection when i think of this idea right
they’re going to try to resurrect these dead animals
or these species anyway
colossal also helps to bring back the woolly mammoth so again
i imagine them singing bring back
doesn’t quite ring as well
as dodo you have to squeeze more words in that tiny little
period of time
and say it really quickly
that’s true
i mean sing it quickly okay
so here
is the animal that we’re going to be talking about now
this project to bring the woolly manoeth back from the dead
all right so they won’t be able to clone an exact mammoth
because the mammoth dna scientists have salvaged
isn’t good enough
so i get the idea that with the dodo bird here
i go going back to the dodo bird again
the dodo bird maybe
because it has become extinct in more recent times
they had more dna available to them
but not so much with the woolly mammoth
come on dna scientists get your act together
i know you can bring back the woolly mammoth
but i don’t know if that’s what we want anyway
that word clone here
it is to mean
it means to produce from ancient cells to be genetically
and yeah what do you think about the idea of cloning people
Ann Marie
oh that is a really controversial topic
yeah i personally don’t even think it’s possible
even if even if it you know
we thought we could clone humans
i don’t think it’s possible
because i think only god can give us a soul
hmm and all of us are individuals as well
and even if you were to clone someone
exactly how they look on the outside
i still think that that person would act like an individual
yeah well friends
what do you think about this the idea of cloning
is a much bigger
general idea to talk about right
but here
we are talking about these animals through genetic engineering
they hope to create an elephant mammoth hybrid
which would look identical to a mammoth
so we wouldn’t have the exact replica of a woolly mammoth
but we’d at least have something that looks like a very very
very very hairy elephant okay
that will require programming an elephant cell
with certain mammoth traits
including a ten centimeter fat layer to insulate the animal
from cold and several kinds of coarse hair
all right let’s review for a minute what this word traits
mean a trait is the characteristics of something
or something that describes something else and something that
for example
a species that every animal in that species has woolly mammoths
have certain traits um
and they have to make sure that they incorporate these
as they are trying to de extinct them
yeah is that the verb
is that how do you use do extinctify
i’m not sure yeah to bring the word
to bring them back to life right
and you see that word course here
this refers to the texture of something
it made me think of the word horse starting with an h
i have a hoarse voice maybe after you have a cold
your voice is very hoarse
but coarse refers to the texture of something
it’s not really smooth
all right well
they also want to create an animal without tusks to protect it
from poachers
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello and welcome to infocloud today
Rex and i are going to unravel the meaning
behind the meet your maker
that’s right Garrett when someone says meet your maker
it sounds serious
and it is serious
meet your maker
is a polite way of saying someone has passed away
it implies that a person’s life has ended
and they are meeting god in the after life
that’s why you
people say things like he met his maker peacefully in his sleep
it’s often used to convey the idea of death
with a certain level of respect and sensitivity
English has lots of phrases like this
one right
yes people also use phrases like past away
departed and gone to a better place
these kinds of phrases are called euphemism softer
indirect ways to say something that might
make people uncomfortable
so these phrases basically give us polite
respectful and gentle ways to say that someone has died
that’s right Rex
they’re useful phrases
but hopefully phrases we don’t need to use very often
人们会用Meteor maker来形容
Meteor maker就是见到他的创造者
Meteor maker
Grandpa met his maker peacefully in asleep
除了meet their maker之外
你也可以说passed away
或是departed and gone to a better place
这就是今天的INFO cloud
alive again
whether or not
the team is successful these endeavors are very expensive
critics wonder if the hundreds of millions of dollars
might not be better
spent preventing the extinction of other animals
still there is something appealing about seeing animals
thought to be gone forever
alive and walking around
Emma’s endeavor in the field of renewable energy research
earned her widespread recognition and numerous Awards
或是the communities endeavor to fix up the local park
brought neighbors together to work toward a common
the climbers endeavored to climb the highest peak in the region
even though they knew the weather would be bad
thank you so much Jack well
we read here friends
whether or not
the team is successful
these endeavors are very expensive
this is what i have been wondering
as we’ve been going through this article
friends things
like this tend to be very very expensive
yes okay
so why’d i wrote that down or like my kids education
this is what i thought that’s why i wrote this down
my thought is why do we spend so much money on these big things
that we probably shouldn’t do
and we should instead use that money for practical purposes
like helping people like us provide our kids with an education
i mean it’s a good question to ask a lot of things
that happen in the technology world
and the scientific world
do cost a lot of money
and it says
here critics wonder if the hundreds of millions of dollars
might not be better
spent preventing the extinction of other animals because
there are a lot of other animals
that are in the process of going extinct aren’t there it’s true
and it’s kind of like the debate
should we spend so much money on space research
or should we use more of that money to try to prevent things
inside of our planet from going extinct
maybe spending more money to combat climate
change and things like that
yeah it’s so true
this is a really hot topic friends
there’s a lot of different opinions about this
especially when it comes to cloning or animal extinction
environmental issues
so this is a great thing for you to talk about in English
here’s how our article concludes
we still
there is something appealing about seeing animals thoughts
be gone forever
alive and walking around
i might have to disagree a little bit i’ve seen Jurassic park
i don’t know
if i want to see any of these animals alive and walking around
yeah especially
those big animals that are that could be very dangerous right
another thought
i had when reading this article was we’re so careful about
not introducing one species to another area of our planet oh
like an invasive species
because that’s called an invasive species
it might upset the new ecosystem or the other ecosystem
the same thing would happen
probably bringing these extinct animals into our current planet
here’s a question to answer species who are extinct
would those
then be invasive species no matter where in the earth
they would be yes
that’s what my answer right now
would be those extinct animals would now be invasive species
there’s a reason they are not here right now
as sad as it may be
that’s that’s my thought what do you think about this friends
we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i’m detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know
that there is a giant extinct bird called the moa
it’s true the moa was a huge bird
they used to live in Australia
and weighed two hundred and fifty kilograms
you know maybe we shouldn’t try to bring that bird back
it might eat us and that’s today’s fun
all right friends are you ready for a quiz
please get out a pencil and or a whiteboard for your answer
this is a fill in the blank
colossal hopes to bring blank
the woolly mammoth
they hope to bring in the woolly mammoth
bring back the woolly mammoth
bring up the woolly mammoth
or bring after the woolly mammoth
well Ann Marie
i have a little quiz for you
because here is my answer what is this giant thing right here
an elephant
a woolly mammoth a woolly mammoth it has hair now
i see that where is the arrow pointing to its back to its back
so that’s my answer they’re going to bring
bring back the woolly mammoth yes
that is correct very good great drawing by the way
thank you bring back my woolly mammoth to me to me
all right friends
that’s all the time we have for we’ll see you next time
right here on studio classroom

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