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Come Fly With Me-空中英語教室
2024/06/29 14:41:13瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0
Come Fly With Me 與我同飛吧(上)
空中英語教室 20240628
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we’re so glad that you’ve joined us for our lesson today
my name is Anne Marie and
Gabe we hope you’re in the mood to fly
because that’s what our lesson is all about that’s right
have you ever done something that
has made you feel like you were flying
you mean besides riding in an airplane yes
i get the idea when i’m in the airplane
that i’m not necessarily flying myself
but i’m sitting in transportation yeah
yeah you’re right about that i’ve always wanted to go skydiving
i’ve never done that before hang gliding sounds
like a lot of fun to me
as well and parasailing
all of those three sports
or activities are on my bucket list that could be pretty fun
and we are going to talk about one of those in our article today
you will find out which one here in just a moment friends
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
come fly with me this isn’t flying
this is falling with style buzz lightyear run run
run run
shouts your coach
in your ear
with all your strength and balance you dash through the grass
as your paragliding wing is pulled upward by the wind
a moment later
you kick off the ground into a spectacular launch
flying in tandem on your first paragliding adventure
hello everyone
welcome to language lab i’m Jack我们首先
譬如after taking some lessons
Chloe went paragliding
to experience the breathtaking views of the mountains
from the sky Chloe上了几堂课后
the boys decided to paraglide off the coastal cliff
so they could fly over the blue ocean below
例如the paraglider landed on the beach
and folded up the paragliding wing
as he thought about his calm flight
譬如the Fireworks display was spectacular
lighting up the night sky with bright beautiful colors
或是the spectacular ballet performance included stunning
costumes and movements that left the audience in all
譬如the mission impossible movies are always entertainment
this is not flying
this is falling with
style our lesson begins with a quote from Buzz lightyear here
who isn’t actually
a real person he’s a character in a movie right
yeah that’s one of the classic lines from the movie
when buzz is showing off to all the other toys that he can fly
and what he responds that wasn’t flying
that was falling with style later on in the movie
buzz is referencing that point in the movie he knows he’s a toy
but he can kind of do things in a way that seem
like he is flying sometimes
but what do you think it means if you do something with style
it means that you do it in a certain way
that makes it look like you know what
you’re doing or you do it in a fancy kind of way
sometimes we say
someone is failing with style it means that they’re failing
and they’re not doing a good job of whatever
it is they’re trying to do
but they’re looking really good doing it
we read here another quote run run run run run
this time it’s your coat shouting in your ear
someone does something in your ear
it could literally mean that that person is very
very close to your ear
and shouting or talking directly into it
or it could mean that someone is talking to you
and it’s kind of close by you in your mind
and it feels like they are telling you what to do
and why would someone be shouting in your ear
especially someone you don’t know like this coach well
it’s because the surroundings where you are could be very loud
especially if there is wind right
but he is saying basically you need to run as fast
as you can run run
run run run
he’s shouting in your ear with all your strength and balance
you dash through the grass
as your paragliding wing is pulled upward by the wind well
Dash through that’s another way of expressing you are running
or going very fast
that’s right
and you could use different prepositions at the end of the word
Dash as well
for example
you could say the student dashed onto the mrt train right
as the doors were closing
the idea is that someone is moving very very quickly
usually in one straight direction and of course
there you had it friends we are learning about paragliding today
the sport of paragliding a moment later
you kick off the ground into a spectacular launch
flying in tandem on your first paragliding adventure well
there is a lot that we can look at in this sentence first
let’s talk about the idea of kicking off something yeah
if you’re kicking off literally right here in our lesson
it is talking about using your feet to kick the ground beneath
you as you go into the air
but we use this phrase in different ways in soccer
when you’re beginning a
soccer match you have to kick off
that’s the first person making that first kick
they’re kicking off
and the phrase can also mean to begin something
as we’ll see later on in tomorrow’s part of our lesson
that’s right
we also see this word tandem here
in our sentence that we just read
and this is two things that are arranged
one in front of another here
we’re talking about of course
you and your paragliding instructor
maybe you’ve heard of a tandem bicycle
two people sit on one bicycle
one in front of another
let’s continue learning right now with our next reading
come fly with me
welcome to the world of paragliding
a form of foot
launched human flight that enables humans to soar like birds
though the roots of human flight are often traced back
to Leonardo da Vinci
paragliding got its start with nasa it was the 1950s
and nasa wanted some equipment that would help them recover
space capsules that returned to earth in response
David Berrish
a pilot and NASA consultant developed the vortex ring
a lightweight parachute that seemed to float
学一个片语动词to get one start in something
the now famous chef got his start in a small local diner
where he discovered his passion for cooking
或是the famous novelist got her start
by writing shortstories for online sources
或者是the Olympic gold Medalist
got her start in a community swimming pool
where a local coach encouraged her to try competitive swimming
all right thank you Jack we read here
welcome to the world of paragliding
a form of foot launched human flight that enables
humans to soar like birds well
what does it mean
if someone or something enables
you to do something else
yeah that means they allowed you to
or the action caused you to be able to do something that you
weren’t able to do before here’s another example
these earphones enable me to cancel out any other noise
those are noise cancelling earphones of course
think of another way to use that sentence pattern
one thing enables
you to do something else
that’s right we also see the word sore there in this sentence
and this is the idea of flying through the sky
you get the idea that it’s very very high up in the sky
and as you see in our lesson
we often use this word to talk about the way that birds fly
the roots of human flight are often traced back to Leonardo da
Vinci paragliding got its start with nasa when
you talk about the roots of something
you’re talking about the way
it began and a lot of times
you’re talking about how it was before it got
really developed later on in the future
for example the roots of philosophy are traced back to ancient
Greece philosophy has changed a lot
since then but
today’s philosophy has its roots in ancient grecian philosophy
and Ann Marie also mentioned that phrase traced back
right just like you see in our lesson
the roots of human flight are often traced back to
Leonardo da Vinci whenever
we use that phrase to trace something back
we’re often talking about a date in the past right
or a time period
or regarding somebody from that time period or that era
so Leonardo da Vinci paragliding actually got it start with nasa
though even though the roots trace back to this guy
this artist it actually got it start with nasa now
nasa is short for the national aeronautics
and space administration
but of course
we always just call it nasa
that’s right it’s a lot easier to say for sure it was the 1950s
and nasa wanted some equipment that would help them recover
space capsules that returned to earth well
we see the word recover there and here
it has the idea of bringing something back
or getting something back
we’re not talking about recovering from a disease
although you could say you are getting your health back
so i guess it
does kind of mean the same thing there in a way
but we also see this word space capsules now
what is a capsule
a capsule is a small case or container
it’s usually round or cyndrical in shape
but what is a space capsule
yeah so you could think of it
as a small part of the space ship
and a lot of the spaceship will remain in space
but the part where the humans are
that is the space capsule
and that comes back through the atmosphere and down to earth
it returns to earth in response David Berrish
a pilot and NASA consultant developed the vortex ring
a lightweight parachute that seemed to float so here
we’re learning a little bit
about how this person created something for one purpose
and what did it end up
being used for well
that’s what we’re going to find out right
after today’s infocloud
welcome to infocloud today we are going to teach you a phrase
you can use when you have doubts about a plan that won’t fly
this phrase is using the future tense wealth is short for
will not so saying that won’t fly
means you are predicting something will fail
or will not be allowed
for example
the students know that eating in class won’t fly with missus Lin
so they won’t try
they know their teacher will not let them eat in class
think of when the first airplanes were being built and tested it
took a lot of tries before
people had a machine that could actually fly
sometimes the failure would be obvious for example
if something is too heavy
it certainly won’t fly in the same way
if you see a clear problem with someone’s plan
you can also say it will never fly
let’s say the budget for plan was ten thousand dollars
but a person’s proposal would cost twenty thousand dollars
so you know their plan won’t fly
because it’s double
the original budget that will never fly with the boss
你可以用今天分享的用语that won’t fly
that won’t fly字面上就是那样东西
that won’t fly
你就可以提醒他that won’t fly
这就是今天的INFO cloud
come fly with me
nasa went in a different direction with their project
but Barish’s design would jump
start the sport of modern paragliding nowadays
paragliding wings are stronger safer and easier to use
and paragliding records are being constantly updated by thrill
seeking paragliders
in fact
the current world record for the farthest flight is 600 9.9 km
譬如the team updated the software fixing problems
and improving performance
或者是Geoff updates
his resume to show his most recent job experience and skills
so that it will be ready for potential opportunities
Geoff跟Xina Tatali Lee
譬如the APP’s latest update
includes new features that improve user experience and security
all right thank you Jack
we read here nasa went a different direction with their project
but beresh’s design would jump
start the sport of modern paragliding
if you go in a different direction
it just means that you’re not going to go with that option
or that choice
you’re going to choose something else yeah
for another example
the twins grew up doing everything together
but after graduating from university
they went in different directions
and that’s what often happens in life right
so nasa went a different direction with this idea
so they wanted to do something different with their project
but we still have berishes designed in some way right
it would jump start the sport of modern paragliding so of course
it’s developed a lot over the years
but his design is what gave modern paragliding
its start to jump
start something
this means to give extra help to start something
and actually i believe it came from this idea
using some wires to start your car when the battery goes flat
yeah i think you’re right there
some people jump start their creative process
when they’re doing something new by watching a YouTube video
or listening to music
or listening to a podcast just finding a way to begin um
begin to be creative
that would be to jump start your creativity nowadays
paragliding wings are stronger safer and easier to use
and paragliding records are being constantly updated
by thrill sinking paragliders well
we have a lot of different words that we use
when we’re talking about records here here
you see that the records are being updated
but if you are the first one to make a record
we say that you are setting a record
or you set the record for something
of course if you do better than someone else’s record
that they have done in the past
that means that you break a record
and if you set a record a long time ago
and no one else has ever broken it
you could say that you hold the record for something
those are some great phrases for you to know
you can set a record
you can hold that record
or maybe you can break someone else’s record
or break the record
you see that word at the beginning of the sentence
to nowadays
we could also say these days or simply the word today
because today does not only refer to the date the day
we are living in now
but also these days or nowadays
but what does it mean to be
a thrill seeker or a thrill seeking paraglider
well if you’re thrill thinking seeking excuse me
it means that you’re looking for thrills
or you’re looking for excitement
a lot of times
people who are thrill seekers will enjoy things like skydiving
or going on roller coasters
things that get their adrenaline going yeah
things that a lot of people
and perhaps most people don’t dare do right
are you a thrill seeker
friends read on here
in fact
the current world record for the farthest flight is 609.9 km
i’m sure that person was thinking oh
if i’d only reach that last point 1 km right
then i could be 610 km
would be such a round number all right
friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
oh i should have brought my parachute
did you know that a nickname for parachute is shoot
haha it’s true ch u t e for parachute
a man once jumped out of a plane without a chute
his friend caught him
though true story and that is today’s fun paragliding fact
are you ready for a quiz
this is a fill in the blank question
i’ll give you some options here
we go the roots of human
flight are blank back to Leonardo da Vinci
kicked traced or jumped oh
well is right here they’re traced back to Leonardo da Vinci
are you reading that off of your notes
maybe or maybe
not is that the correct answer
they’re traced back to this famous artist
that is the correct answer i hope you got that right
as well friends well
we have another lesson for you next time
so make sure you come back and join us right here
on studio classroom

Come Fly With Me 與我同飛吧(下)
空中英語教室 20240629
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is and Marie and my name is
Gabe thank you so much for joining us for day
two of our lesson come fly
with me we’re talking about a sport
that makes it feel like you are flying now
yesterday i mentioned several sports on my bucket list
skydiving parasailing and hang gliding
and we’re talking about paragliding
which is very similar to hang gliding except with paragliding
you’re actually sitting in a very comfortable way
with hand gliding
you’re kind of horizontal
it’s the more dangerous looking of those sports and of course
Oscar here on our clipboard
it looks like he’s doing some Paris sailing
these are all very related sports
because you’re up in the air that’s right
and we learned yesterday that the first time you try paragliding
it might be a good idea to do it in tandem
with an instructure that instructor
excuse me that is one of you in front of the other
we learned a little bit about the roots of not of human flight
we learned that the roots of human flight
you know you can trace back to Leonardo da Vinci however
the roots of paragliding
kind of originated with nasa
and a project that they were working on
we also learned an interesting fact
with a record at the end of the lesson
in fact the current world record for paragliding
for the farthest flight is just over 600km
that is pretty far
it certainly is
and we are not done learning about paragliding friends
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
come fly with me
eagles soaring high in the sky
rely on certain natural forces to fly
all of which also apply to paragliders in particular
they rely on two important kinds of lift
thermal lift
and dynamic lift when a paraglider finds a patch of thermals
that is columns of warm rising air
it’s a reason to celebrate thermal lift
pushes paragliders upward faster than gravity
can pull them down
allowing them to fly longer
but wind doesn’t move in a straight unbroken line
it flows over obstacles
like hills generating dynamic lift
and that’s what helps paragliders fly farther
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看patch这个名词
the gardener planted a patch of wildflowers
in the middle of the garden to attract bees and butterflies
例如violet sold a colorful patch onto her denim jacket
adding a personal touch to her favorite piece of clothing
the cyclist passed the hole in his bike tire with a piece
of rubber so that he could continue his bike ride
the science teacher explained how gravity
is the force that keeps us
attached to earth
或是the apple fell from the tree
demonstrating the law of gravity as it fell to the ground
the gravity of the situation became apparent
when the emergency services arrived
all right friends
let’s get right into our lesson eagles soaring high in the sky
rely on certain natural forces to fly
all of which also apply to paragliders well
i want to talk for a minute about the use of the word certain
here right in front of natural forces now
sometimes we use the word certain in this way
when we’re not ready to name
what the thing is that follows
or we’re not exactly sure what those things are so for example
you could say this dish is made with certain
hard to get ingredients
that means
there are ingredients in this dish that maybe you know
but you’re not ready to list them or talk about them
or maybe you’re not
exactly sure what the ingredients are in that dish
and in the case of our lesson
the writer is very sure about
which natural forces we’re talking about
we’re gonna learn about those in just a minute
but just to review to rely on something
it means to depend on something
right you need that thing in order to do something
we need these certain natural forces in order to fly of course
we’re talking about aerodynamics here with these kinds of sports
so all of
which also apply to paragliders
that means the same kinds of forces
that are applied to eagles to help them
fly they also apply to paragliders that’s right in particular
and here’s those natural forces now
friends they rely on two important kinds of lift
thermal lift and dynamic lift
so here is a little science lesson for us friends
thermal lift is caused by radiant heat
coming from the ground and dynamic lift
is created as wind flows
over hills and mountains
so these two kinds of lifts are created in two different ways
i’m glad you explained those words for us Ann Marie
because i was going to do so by telling a joke oh
yeah what’s the difference between thermal and dynamic
and that is that you can have thermal underwear
but you can’t have dynamic underwear
and it’s true
these words can be used in different situations right
the reason i mention underwear is because in the winter
when it gets cold
sometimes we call it long underwear that is waste and cool
but sometimes we call it thermal underwear because after all
it is helping your body to retain its heat the word
thermal always has to do with the word heat
but of course
they don’t sell dynamic underwear
we can use the word dynamic in other ways
though for example
when talking about a piece of music
that has a lot of dynamics
that means there are a lot of changes throughout the music
it’s not boring at all if it is dynamic
that’s right you could say oh
they gave a very dynamic speech yesterday
that meant that the speech was very exciting
all right well
we have another definition here of thermal lift columns of warm
rising air that is a more simplified definition
when a paraglider finds a patch of thermals
that is columns of warm rising air
it’s a reason to celebrate
thermal lift pushes paragliders upward
faster than gravity
can pull them down
allowing them to fly longer
all right well
it’s kind of fun to learn about the way that aerodynamics works
here and how it can work against gravity
even on heavy things like people i know
we’re not the heaviest of objects out there
but it is still pretty cool that you can lift off the ground
because of thermal lifts right
so it allows us to fly longer
but when doesn’t move in a straight unbroken line
what does it mean
if a line is unbroken
that means that it is completely continuous
and there is no stopping point in that line
you could say this about other things too
for example you could say that
there was a long stretch of unbroken sound
if there’s unbroken sound
it means that the sound was very continuous
usually kind of irritating as well
but the word unbroken just means that something doesn’t stop now
speaking of sounds
and Maria complained to you about our frog problem right
oh in your house
no not in the house
but you had frogs in your house before right
oh one came hopping through our house
okay one frog
a couple of years ago i’m talking about that frog problem no
i’m talking about at night
during the summer months like right now
and the frogs are right
outside of our window right
and there’s this you know
it would be more pleasant if it was an unbroken sound
a continuous sound
but it’s like they start singing and you know croaking together
and all of a sudden it stops and you think they’re done
and then it picks up again
it’s this broken sound of frogs croaking throughout the night
you can’t get used to this you know continuous sound
so it’s kind of annoying anyway
we’re talking about unbroken things or broken things here here
we’re talking about how wind does not move in a straight
unbroken line
right it flows over obstacles
like hills generating dynamic lift
and that word generate is kind of like the word create
so it kind of creates this dynamic lift
and that’s what helps paragliders fly further
we’re not done learning about this friends
we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to info cloud Garrett
i have to tell you something i was flying high last week
oh really
why is that well
i was having a bad week
but when i was able to finish a hard crossword puzzle
i know it’s not the most important thing in the world
but it really turn my weak around
that’s great and flying high is a great phrase
it means someone feels extremely happy usually
because they succeeded at something absolutely imagine
scoring the winning
goal in a soccer match
or acing a difficult exam
those are moments when you feel like you are flying high
is all about experiencing a high level of joy and satisfaction
it reminds me of one other phrase on top of the world
when you succeed at something difficult
you feel like you’re on top of the world both phrases
compare the feeling of success to being high in the air
and looking down at the rest of the world
but it’s not that i feel like others were below
or not as good as me no
when you feel like you’re on top of the world
you’re not thinking of much else
friends i hope you conquer a difficult challenge soon
so you can feel like you’re flying high or on top of the world
今天分享的用语Flying high
Danny is Flying high
比克奇ACE exam Danny超级开心的
Flying high并不局限于很大的成功
都可以用Flying high来形容那种快乐
这就是今天NFL cloud
come fly with me
paragliders can typically fit
all their gear into one 10 to 25km bag
a bare bones paragliding outfit
includes a paragliding wing
a harness a helmet and a reserve parachute
but for first timers
it’s best to fly tandem with a professional that way
the qualified paraglider does all the hard stuff
while the passenger is free to enjoy the ride sound
fun don’t just sit there and dream of being free
as a bird suit up
kick off and go join in the fun
比如only qualified technicians are allowed to perform
this type of electrical work
since it is particularly dangerous只有
或是despite being highly qualified for the position
Sophie decided to continue her education
in her real field of interest
譬如to qualify for the loan
the applicant needs to provide proof of income
and have a good credit history
最后来看join in这个片语
例如seeing how much fun everyone was having
Joe decided to join in the game
quickly becoming part of the lively group
可是the sound of the birds singing at dawn
inspired eva to join in and hum
as she watched the sun rise from her window黎明时分
during the workshop participants
were encouraged to join in the activities
in order to experience a hands on learning environment
very much Jack all right
we see here paragliders can typically fit
all their gear into one ten to 25 kg bag
that’s a pretty heavy bag actually
but actually kind of impressive as well
when you think of all the things
you need to be hooked up to that big sail
or i’m not sure what they call it parachute
right so
there’s a lot of things
that this parachute can carry up into the air
a bare bones paragliding outfit
includes a paragliding wing
a harness a helmet
and a reserve parachute
so let’s take a look at a couple of things in this sentence
first of all bare bones
what is that all about
you know what bones are we have 206 bones in our body
but what is a bare bones something
this is talking about the minimal necessities
that you need for something
the minimal amount
or the smallest amount of something
you actually need for something for example
you could say that most people are on vacation
so there’s a bare bones crew at work today
that means there’s only the people
we really need to get the job done
because most other people are away
and there’s the word
i was looking for earlier apparently in paragliding
it is called a wing that is what helps you fly in the air
we also see that you need a harness now
a harness is something that goes around your body
usually to keep you secure for some guide dogs wear harnesses
so that the people
that they are helping can attach their leash onto them
and that they can guide them and help them with whatever
they need help with
so the harness is what goes around the dog in
that situation yeah
and the idea is protection or staying
strapped in in some way right
they also have a reserve parachute降落傘 that is a backup parachuteKK[ˋpærə͵ʃut]DJ[ˋpærəʃu:t]
just in case something goes wrong with the first one right
that’s very important
but for first timers
it’s best to fly tandem with a professional
and i think that’s how i would prefer to do it as well
i’m kind of a thrill seeker
like i enjoy thrills i enjoy really scary roller coasters
but roller coasters
i feel like you can trust more without anybody else’s help
however if i’ve never gone parasailing or paragliding before
i will probably want to go with a professional definitely
for sure that way
the qualified paraglider does all the hard stuff
while the passenger is free to enjoy the ride now
what is all the hard stuff
i’m not exactly sure because i’ve never done paragliding before
but that’s the idea right
the professional can handle the part that you’re not sure about
and you can be free to enjoy yourself
if you’re free to do something
it means that you have permission to do something
or you have the ability to do something
free to enjoy the ride yeah
maybe you can compare it to like going to a party
versus hosting the party as a host
you’re responsible for a lot of different things
unless you’ve
assigned a lot of different tasks to different people
you actually have a lot of different things
you need to be mindful of
and it could prevent you from
actually being free to just hang out with people
like you want i get the idea
it’s kind of like this with paragliding that professional
or that expert knows exactly what he’s doing or she is doing
they’re doing the hard stuff that you don’t have to worry about
you can just enjoy the ride and Marie does this sound like fun
i think i would enjoy paragliding
i haven’t really thought about it much before
i think i would definitely want to make sure that someone else
who knew what they were doing
was doing it with me
the first time
i went though yeah for sure
then it could be really or truly enjoyable right well
does this sound fun to you friends
that’s what we read here sound fun
don’t just sit there and dream of being free as a bird suit up
kick off and go join in the fun don’t just sit there
we often say this to people
as a way of encouraging them to take action
you know don’t just sit there
do something that’s right and what does that mean to suit up
what we say this to people
when we’re telling them to put on the outfit
they need or put on the equipment that they need in order to do
a certain activity of course
you could use this
as well to talk about putting your swimming suit on
when you’re going swimming suit up
we’re going to jump in the lake
but you could also use this phrase to talk about
putting on other kinds of gear
like the gear
you need for paragliding
as well suit up kick off
that means begin and go in for the fun kick off
here also means to actually kick off the ground
but as we talked about yesterday
it can mean to begin inactivity as well right now
it’s time to talk about something else fun in today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun bird fact for you today
today’s fact is about gliding
did you know that
a bird
called the albatross can travel sixteen thousand kilometers
without flapping its wings
that’s right it just leaves its wings out there
and kind of turns them a little bit to stay with the wind
like a paraglider
the albatross uses the power of wind
pretty cool
and that is today’s fun fact
are you ready for a quiz friends
this is for you and you Gabe yep ready all right here
we go what is a column of warm rising air
is it a thermal
a bare bone a harness or a dynamo
oasima fungpi
pussique schenza that’s a column of warm rising air as well
but that wasn’t one of the options i’m sorry Amy okay
no more funkpi jokes um i think it is a isn’t that a thermal yes
it is a thermal did you get that right friends
that’s a column of warm
rising air
remember that word thermal always has to do with heat
that’s right we hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson friends
and i hope you’re ready for a whole of brand
new lessons make sure you come back for that next time
we’ll see you then right here on studio classroom

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