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Cars Without Drivers-空中英語教室
2024/06/20 13:15:17瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0
Cars Without Drivers 沒有司機的車(上)
hello and welcome to studio classroom everyone
we’re so glad
you’ve joined us today
my name is Ann Marie and i’m Gabe yes
thank you for joining us for our lesson on self driving cars
i have a question to start us off with today
i love starting our lessons with a question
so that
we can all be thinking about the would you ever
ride in a self driving car
is that something you’d be willing to do
i think so but let me qualify that um maybe a self driving car
where there are no other cars on the road
wow okay
that probably won’t happen no
you’re right
that kind of defeats the purpose of being in a self driving car
and it is a little different from
being on a ride at an amusement park
there’s no risk of hitting anything else in that ride at all
if you’re in a self driving car
and other people are driving their cars on the road
it seems like
there’s a it could be a lot of room for mistakes well
that’s kind of what we’re going to be talking about today
this is a question that i have not thought a lot about myself
and i don’t know how i feel about it so
i’m glad today’s article is a what’s your opinion article
we’re going to be looking at two different sides of an argument
cars without drivers good
are cars without drivers bad
there’s a lot we can learn today friends
and it is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
cars without drivers
should self driving cars be on our streets
Henry and Julie are waiting at a bus stop
Henry is looking at a magazine
he shows Julie
the page he’s been reading
check out
this article about recent breakthroughs with self driving cars
no thanks
i’m really opposed to them
they’ll only make our streets more dangerous actually
this writer argues that self driving cars can reduce accidents
by 90 percent
how can they
there’s nobody behind the wheel
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看片语动词check out
you should check out the reviews for that new restaurant
before you decide to eat there
a repair person is coming over to check out the problem
we are having with our refrigerator
check out也有从图书馆借出书籍的意思
譬如Shirley checked out several books
from the library to help with her research paper
friends here’s the question we’re going to be arguing
or looking at should self driving cars be on our streets
some people feel really strongly about this
let’s see what Henry
and Julie think about this
they are waiting at a bus
stop and they are the characters in today’s conversation
Henry is looking at a magazine now
there’s something
we need to talk about here when we use the word to look
and when we use the word to watch oh
that’s right
so he is looking at a magazine there are different verbs
we can use when it comes to something
that we can hold in our hands
and get information from like a magazine or a book
you can look at the book or read the book or read the magazine
or you can read something else but when you’re watching a movie
we would use another verb wouldn’t we yeah
that’s right if you’re looking at a movie
you can’t say that you are watching a movie because looking at
you’re just doing it very quickly
when you’re watching something
you’re watching it or looking at it for a longer period of time
so you look at a book
you watch a movie
so then Henry has this magazine and he shows Julie the page
he’s been reading Henry says check out this article
about recent breakthroughs with self driving cars
let’s talk about what that word breakthroughs means yeah
a breakthrough is kind of what it sounds like right
it’s like there is something
that is stopping you from going forward
until you figure out a way to get through that thing you’re
breaking through that thing okay
so that’s the idea
a lot of people have been trying to figure out over the years
how to make self driving cars in a way
that is safe for everybody and potentially
so that every car can be a self driving car
and now we have seen some recent breakthroughs
that’s right here’s an example of
how you can use that word
has the scientist had any breakthroughs in his research here
you get the idea
the scientist has been researching something for a long time
maybe hasn’t had any progress
but then he has a breakthrough
that means that he found some type of answer
or maybe you’ve had some problems in your relationship right
and it seems like no matter what you do
you know you just angry at each other until something happens
someone says something
and you’re able to deal with things in a good way and now
you have a breakthrough and you can move forward right
there are different ways we can use that word well
Julie says no
thanks i’m really opposed to them
she’s opposed to self driving cars
if you’re opposed to something
that means you’re against it that’s right
and why is she against it
she says they’ll only make our streets more dangerous well
Henry disagrees
he says actually
this rider argues
that self driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent
that seems like a pretty big estimate to me
it does now if the writer is arguing something
that writer is not in a conversation
with other people having an argument
or a heated argument right
this just means that they’re making the case for something that
self driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent
you can reduce other things by certain percent as well
if you want to spend less
maybe you should have the goal of reducing
your spending by 5 to 10 percent that’s right
Julie says how can they there is nobody behind the wheel now
we use this phrase behind the wheel
in English to talk about someone
who is driving a car
we also say at the wheel as well
so it just means that there is somebody there driving the car
i remember
when i was taking drivers education classes in high school
get ready to learn how to drive
they always said
make sure you always stay sober behind the wheel
so what that means is make sure that you don’t drink and drive
we’re going to talk about that more here in this next reading
cars without drivers
that’s the point the number one
cause of fatal
car accidents
is human error and self driving cars eliminate that sure
a machine won’t text
fall asleep or get drunk
but how in the world can
it interpret all the activity around it
self driving cars now
have laser sensors that detect obstacles in every direction
even sounds can be detected
the technology can precisely measure distance and speed
譬如the car accident on the highway
was reported to be fatal with no survivors
the policeman concluded that the victim had died from a fatal
dose of poison
ignoring the warning signs at the building site
could prove fatal for people entering illegally
譬如the smoke alarm is designed to detect
even the smallest amount of smoke
so people will get an early warning during a fire
或是Doctors often use blood tests to detect
certain diseases in patients
譬如the detective used several clues from the crime scene
to solve the mysterious case
all right well
Henry answers Julie
who said
there’s nobody behind the wheel by saying that’s the point
the whole reason
we want self driving cars is
so that there isn’t anyone behind the wheel so now
he’s going to give some reasons why that is he says
the number one
cause of fatal car accidents is human error
let’s talk a little bit about what human error is
and error is a mistake
and when we say human mistake or human error
it means that an actual person did the wrong thing
so maybe there’s some type of problem at work
or something like that
and nobody really knows where that problem came from until
it’s investigated
and then maybe someone says oh
it was actually human error someone actually made a mistake
maybe putting in the wrong numbers or something
and the reason we say
it’s a human error as opposed to just an error or mistake is
because we’re contrasting it with a mechanical error
or something that a human had nothing to do with right
and often the main contrast is a mechanical error
that has something to do with machines okay
so there are a lot of accidents
there basically
because of humans making mistakes and self driving
cars can eliminate that
eliminate means to get rid of
or to do away with something
so with self driving cars
we won’t have these problems as much that’s right
Julie agree she says sure a machine won’t text fall
asleep or get drunk now if you get drunk
friends it means that you have too much Alcohol in your system
and you are not in control of yourself
i mentioned earlier the drink and
drive and that is another way of saying that
you are driving under the influence of Alcohol
i’m glad you mentioned driving under the influence
that’s what dui stands for
maybe you’ve heard that before and didn’t know what it meant
someone was arrested because of dui right well
they were driving under the influence that’s driving because
or after they have had Alcohol
they’re under the influence of Alcohol is what that is short for
so we also talk about drunk driving
that’s also driving under the influence
there are
some countries that say drink driving at least New Zealand
they say drink driving
it is the same thing very interesting
i did not know that i learned something new
today friends all right
but Julie says
how in the world can it interpret all
the activity around it now
this word interpret is really interesting isn’t it friends
we use the word interpret when we’re talking about two people
speak two different languages
and someone has to be in between them and be an interpreter
she has to take what one person is saying and say it in a way
that the second person understands
but as you can see here
we sometimes use this with information as well
so it has the idea that the car is taking in information
it needs to do something with that information to understand it
and make a decision well
Henry says self driving cars now have laser sensors that detect
obstacles in every direction
sense and detect we often use in the same way for example
i sense a little sarcasm in your voice
i detect a little sarcasm in your voice
okay even sounds can be detected
the technology can precisely measure distance and speed
we’ll continue with more of this conversation in a moment
right after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud
hey Rex
are you okay you look a little worried and nervous
when i was driving to the studio to record infl cloud
a motorcycle just came out of nowhere
and cut me off on the road i had to stop on a dime
or i would have hit him with my car oh
so you’re still thinking about it
i can imagine that it was a very scary scene
i keep thinking what if i hit him
i would feel so bad
i wish
some motorcycle drivers would be more careful on the road
it’s a good thing
you were able to stop so quickly
and in a very short distance yeah
i’m glad i was driving slowly
or i wouldn’t have been able to stop the car
with the motorcycle
so close to me
in that expression
you used stop on a dime
the dime comes from the American ten cent coin
which is called a dime so stopping on a dime
implies you are able to stop quickly
in a very controlled and precise manner
is as though you were stopping your
car on a dime sized target that’s right
we use the expression for situations
that don’t involve vehicles too for example
you might use it to describe stopping something like a project
or plan
今天要分享的用语是stop on a dime
stop on a dime就是在很短的距离中停下来
例如the motorcycle came so close
and the bus stopped on a dime
stop on a dime也可以形容
这就是今天的INFO cloud
cars without drivers
but let’s imagine that a self driving car
correctly identifies something unexpected in the road
it still can’t make an ethical choice
if the car decides to avoid the barrier to save its passenger
but hits a pedestrian
a situation like that is terrible
but humans don’t always make correct decisions either
let’s face it large moving vehicles are dangerous
the point is to reduce danger whenever possible
during the training program
the instructor taught us how to identify potential problems
in the workplace
the scientist was able to identify the rare species of bird
through its coloring这
譬如you must show proper identification to the officials
before you are able to board the plane
all right thank you
so much Jack for identifying that vocabulary word for us
let’s continue on with this conversation
we see Julie says
let’s imagine that a self driving car
correctly identifies something unexpected in the road
so Julie says let’s imagine i think
Julie wants us to think about a situation
that hasn’t actually happened right
yes we have a word for that
it’s a situation that could potentially happen
or it’s very possible
but it hasn’t happened we call that a hypothetical situation
and this is talking about something that could happen in theory
that’s another good word for you to know
as well in theory or theoretical
but or hypothetical
so lets imagine any time
someone says let’s imagine or pretend something then
they’re probably going to talk about a hypothetical situation
and these words in theory
and also a hypothetical situation
these are science related terms
they came out of the idea of testing things to see
what the result is
and you can use them in everyday conversation as well
she could have said hypothetically speaking
let’s say she could have started the sentence like that
and it would have meant the same thing
but let’s continue on here with this hypothetical situation
the car correctly identifies something unexpected in the road
but it still can’t make an ethical choice what does that mean
ethics has to do with what is right and wrong
or what we believe about what is right and wrong
ethics is a whole field of study
but here we’re talking about making an ethical choice
so that is the morally correct or right choice
so here’s the question right
if the car decides to avoid the barrier to save its passenger
but hits a pedestrian
what is a barrier
well a barrier is something that is between you
and something else right
and it stops you from going into that other thing usually
it’s a good thing right
because there are a lot of roads
that have a barrier to stop you from going into the other lane
or maybe even to stop you from falling off the road especially
if you’re on one of those dangerous mountain passes
those barriers are very important
but the reality is
sometimes people may accidentally hit a barrier
that’s right
and here’s an interesting question what will the car do
avoid the barrier
and if it saves its passenger
is it just going to hit someone else
and that other person is described here as a pedestrian right
this is someone who is walking
especially when there are other vehicles somewhere right
so this is the pedestrian that this self driving
car might hit Henry says a situation like that is terrible
but humans don’t always make correct decisions
either let’s face it large moving vehicles are dangerous
so when someone says let’s face it
the point is we can’t ignore this unpleasant fact
that’s right and it means we need to look at it now
we need to figure out a way to solve it
or we need to accept it as fact right now
it is time for another kind of fact today’s fun fact
oh it’s rainy today
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that self driving cars have an enemy rain
rain is hard for humans to see in too
so we shouldn’t be mean to the self driving cars
but scientists are finding ways for cars to see
better in the rain
maybe a big umbrella
the size of a car that might make it hard to drive
but that is today’s fun self driving fact
friends it’s time for a quiz put those magazines
away and your notes and fill in the blank
a machine won’t text fall asleep or get the link
dangerous drunk unexpected
or ethical well
yeah it’s kind of impossible for a machine to get ethical
but that’s not the answer a machine could get quite dangerous
but our lesson is talking about self driving cars
and contrasting them to human drivers
who sometimes text fall asleep
or get drunk so drunk is the answer
you’ve got it did you get that right friends
we’re not done having this conversation
there’s more to learn tomorrow
so make sure you come back and join us right here on studio
proud to have you in my life

Cars Without Drivers 沒有司機的車(下)
hello and welcome to studio classroom everyone
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe
thank you very much
for joining us for our lesson
today we are continuing this lesson called cars without drivers
and yesterday
we started this conversation between Henry and Julie
Henry thinks it’s really cool
that there have been recent breakthroughs for self driving cars
but Julie is opposed to the idea
she doesn’t like the idea at all
that’s right
Julie thinks that if there are driverless cars on the road
it won’t be safe for the people who aren’t in the cars
because these cars might choose the passenger in the car
rather than the pedestrian on the road if maybe
there was an ethical choice to be made well
Henry said that the number one
cause of fatal car accidents is human error
but Ann Marie
you bring up a good point that Julie mentioned yesterday
and that is
that cars cannot make that important ethical decision
like a human can that’s right
and this conversation between Henry and Julie isn’t over
yet friends we’re going to find out some other reasons
that driverless cars could be a good idea
or a bad idea
today of course
is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
cars without drivers
okay so self driving cars might be safer
but who can afford one individuals
wouldn’t need to own cars at all
i think if cities invested in
a fleet of self driving taxis fewer people would drive
but we already have buses and trains
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看动词invest
譬如before you invest in any real estate
you should thoroughly research the property and its location
Ellie chose to invest her time in learning a new language
believing it would open up more career opportunities
invest字尾若加上o r
譬如the investor backed out of the business deal
when he found out that some of the things
he had been told were not true
thank you Jack well
we are continuing this conversation
friends Julie says okay
so self driving cars might be safer
sounds like she’s starting to agree with Henry a little bit
but she brings up another issue she says who can afford one now
if you can afford something it
means that you have the money to buy it
or you are able to fit it within your budget
that’s right now
that’s what a i guess most dictionaries will say as well
if you have enough money
you have the resources
to buy something
but amory
don’t you agree that we often mean more than
just that we may have the resources
or the means to buy something
but when we
when we start to pay off our credit cards and we start to live
really uncomfortably
that’s kind of what we mean by affording and not affording to
maybe i can afford it technically
but i don’t want to purchase it
because it will really put me in debt
or maybe i’ll have an uncomfortable lifestyle
that’s true part of being able to afford something
is being able to pay for it completely
and be comfortable after you pay for it
that’s right well
you know what the way
that she gives us this idea is kind of interesting
too because she could have
just said self driving cars might be safer
but nobody can afford one
that’s not as interesting as asking a rhetorical question
this is an example of a rhetorical question who can afford one
that’s right well
Henry has a solution
he says individuals wouldn’t need to own cars at all
so he’s saying that nobody would need to have their own car
let’s take a look at that phrase at all okay
this means in any way or for any reason
and we usually use it with a negative here’s another example
um Emory i i can’t think of any examples at all
just can you know no examples whatsoever
no examples whatsoever
that’s example none at all
none at all yeah
there’s an example for you friends
but yes
individuals wouldn’t need to own cars at all in any way right
or for any reason
he says
i think cities invested in a fleet of self driving taxis
if they invested in a fleet of self driving taxis fewer
people would drive
so what Henry is saying
is that
he thinks that
if there were more options for public transportation
people wouldn’t need cars and this is generally true right
people who live in bigger cities
a lot of us rely on public transportation to get around
public transportation can include anything from the subway
or mrt it could include buses and yes
it can also include taxis although
only a few people can sit in a taxi at one time
but you see this word fleet in our lesson
it’s a fleet of self driving taxis
a fleet is a number of vehicles operating together especially
if they have the same owner
that could be an individual or an organization okay
she owns a fleet of taxis for example
that’s a little different from a related word that came to mind
caravan if you’re going on a trip
and different people are sitting in different cars
maybe you have four cars going in the same direction
you’d call that a caravan of cars
but they’re not all owned by the same people or organization
if it is that’s called a fleet
that’s right and Julie has another argument here
she says but we already have buses and trains
so Julie doesn’t really see the point
right now of having a self driving taxi or car
for people to use
when they could already use the bus or the train
well we have more to learn in our next reading right now
cars without drivers
yes but
cars can get closer to more places for people with disabilities
buses and trains aren’t always convenient true
my grandmother can’t drive anymore
so she seldom goes out she takes a taxi now and then
but that’s expensive
a city could keep the fee low for its self driving taxis
each car could pick up several passengers
fewer vehicles mean less pollution
many people with disabilities choose not to go out in public
very often because of all the challenges they face
或是the new office building was designed to help
employees with physical disabilities to get around
more easily这栋新办公大楼的设计
Ezra became disabled after he was in a terrible horseback
riding accident
measures have been taken to reduce water
pollution caused by water from agricultural lands
或者是plastic waste
is a major source of ocean
pollution bringing harm to most of the fish that live there
譬如the factory was find a huge sum of money
and forced to close down
because it was found to be polluting the city’s water supply
thank you Jack well right before that last reading
Julie made the point that there are already buses and trains
in most cities
these are both forms of public transportation
so we maybe don’t need this form of transportation
self driving taxis by Henry
has another argument
he says yes but cars can get closer to more places for people
with disabilities
buses and trains aren’t always convenient
i just want to talk for a minute about some personal experience
i have because i do have to agree with Henry here
i remember when i was pregnant with my last daughter
the hospital i was going to did have an mrt stop near it
but it was about a 15 or 20 minute walk and you know
when you’re 8 or 9 months pregnant
it’s kind of inconvenient to walk for 15 or 20 minutes
especially when it’s really hot outside yeah
yeah convenience
really does make a difference in certain situations
the opposite of being convenient is inconvenient
it’s inconvenient to walk for 15
or 20 minutes when you’re pregnant to the hospital yeah
and here also
we see for people with disabilities
it’s not always convenient
it can also we’ve talked about before on the program friends
it can also be hard for people to get a seat on the train
so there are many different reasons
people might want to take a car instead
and Julie agrees with this
she says true
my grandmother can’t drive anymore so she seldom goes out okay
so let’s talk about this word seldom for a minute
if you do something very seldomly
it means that you rarely do it
yeah that word seldom is an adverb
and it actually can be spelled with an l y
as well unlike the word often often is also an adverb
but it’s never oftenly it’s just often right
but as you know most adverbs do have an l y or many do
here are some other time related adverbs okay
rarely that means kind of like seldom
you hardly ever do something right
occasionally maybe you do it
every now
and then or every once in a while frequently and often
mean the same thing right
that means you do it a lot frequently
i would say is the best opposite to the word seldom or seldomly
but we see another phrase in this sentence and that
is the idea of going out
yeah here in this context
it means to leave her home so her grandmother rarely goes out
that means that she’s mostly at home
but it can also mean something else especially
when it’s not referring to someone in this type of situation
you could go out with your friends
and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are at home
and then you leave your home and you’re going out somewhere
this specifically means that you’re going out
usually at night time
maybe for drinks or dinner
or something like that
well how does Julie’s thought here
she says she takes a taxi now and then but that’s expensive well
there are some related phrases you could use that mean now
and then first of all
you could say every now and then
that means the same thing or every once in a while
sometimes we may even say here and there
she takes a taxi here and there
but that’s expensive
Henry says a city could keep the fee low for itself
driving taxis
i want to talk about this word fee here for a minute
because there’s a few different words you can use
when there is a payment for something right
but we don’t say the cost for this
we say the fee because when you have a fee
it means that you’re only paying it
once you don’t receive something physical in return
you usually use fee when you’re
paying for a certain service now
there’s a related word and that is rate
we use rate
when you are usually paying for a service or to use something
but the rate will change based on the amount of time
you are using that thing or service well
Henry continues here
each car could pick up several passengers and just as a reminder
do you remember the opposite of pickup
that’s right it is drop off
i’m going to pick up some passengers now
and drop them off later
that’s right
fewer vehicles mean less pollution we’ll be right back
after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett recently
Tara was very outspoken about politics at the party last weekend
people were complaining about her
yeah i know Terra is very passionate about politics
but people didn’t want to talk about such serious things
at the party good thing
her boyfriend Tony
put the brakes on that conversation
he actually stopped her before
she told people about who she’s supporting
because people were getting uncomfortable
why don’t you explain how to use expression put the brakes on
well brakes are used to stop cars
motorcycles buses and other transportation devices
the expression put the brakes on means to stop or slow
something down or slope someone down
this expression can be used to describe stopping a project
or something that is going on
for example
David put the brakes on the development of this new product
because it was costing too much money
well friends we hope you avoid putting the brakes on
learning and speaking English
and instead keep practicing every single day
put the brakes on字面上有把刹车用上
David put the brakes on the development of the new product
put the brakes on也可以有暂缓
cars without drivers
i doubt people would be willing to share car rides
due to safety concerns however
i do like the idea of less crowded streets and cleaner air
me too
and if fewer people drove we wouldn’t need big parking lots
we could have more beautiful parks
that’s a lovely vision
but those self driving cars would need to park somewhere
all things considered
i don’t think i’ll be selling my car anytime soon
well don’t be surprised if you see them on the street soon
譬如Logan’s vision
for the new product
was inspired by the latest advancements in technology
and design Logan对新产品的远见
譬如Eleanor’s vision got a little blurry
because she didn’t rest her
eyes after she had been working at her computer
all morning Eleanor的视线有点模糊
r y就会变成形容词visionary
譬如as a visionary leader
Samuel inspired his team to pursue new ideas
and courses of action
thank you so much Jack well
Julie has another concern about sharing a ride with someone
she says i doubt people would be willing to share car rides
due to safety concerns
so the idea here is that
if there were these public self driving taxis
multiple people could use them at once
she’s thinks that people would feel uncomfortable doing this
yeah well i’m with her in other words i agree with her
i’m okay getting on a bus
or a subway with a lot of other people
because that’s the expectation
but you know i’ve gone to i’ve done traveling before
where you get picked up in a van
and sometimes other people are in the van as well
and that always feels a little more uncomfortable to me
i think in the states
it might be Uber that has what’s called ridesharing now
so i think that this practice is actually
already going on in the states
and i feel like i have heard i’ve never done it myself that
some people do feel okay with it
and other people don’t
and it just kind of depends on what you’re used to yeah
i agree friends what’s your preference
what do you think about this idea
well again
Julie says i doubt people would do that
so in other words
she doesn’t believe um
that people would be willing to share car rides due to
or because of safety concerns
she likes the idea of less crowded
streets and cleaner air Henry says me too
and if fewer people drove
we wouldn’t need big parking lots now
we just saw the words
less and fewer here
here is just a little reminder for you
less is the word
we use when we’re talking about something that is non countable
or when you want to modify an adjective okay
so the idea of less crowded is modifying the adjective crowded
okay but here you see the word fewer
fewer is modifying people and of course
people is a countable noun so there are fewer people
Henry says the idea is that fewer people may drive
that is a great tip
friends make sure you write that down
so henry’s point is that instead of big parking lots
we could have more beautiful parks
i think this is a great idea that henryhaus
but i personally think that if there weren’t parking lots there
there would probably be some other type of stores
or something else like that
although parks would be
nice Julie says that’s a lovely vision
but those self driving cars would need to park somewhere
they are after all still cars aren’t they that’s right
so she says
all things considered
i don’t think i’ll be selling my car anytime soon
all things considered you say that
and kind of a way of concluding a conversation
or your thoughts on something
like i’ve considered every aspect of something
and here is my conclusion
she could say all in all
i don’t think i’ll be selling my car anytime soon now
this is an interesting sentence
i don’t think i’ll be selling my car anytime soon
i thought is this in present tense
or is it in future continuous tense
well there is a future continuous tense construction
i’ll be selling my car
but it is framed in a present tense sentence
and that is i don’t think i’ll be selling my car anytime soon
very nice all right well
Henry says well
don’t be surprised if you see them on the streets soon
we’re gonna finish up our lesson in just a moment friends right
after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know
that a self driving car got a ticket
once a a ticket from a police officer
not a ticket to a movie that would be silly
the car was driving too slowly
and it was blocking other cars ha
that’s pretty funny and that is today’s fun fact
it’s time for a quiz friends
put those magazines away are you ready
Gabe okay
thank you
Julie’s grandmother can’t drive anymore so she blank goes out
fill in this blank often frequently
usually or seldom well
the answer is kind of easy for at least the reason
that often frequently
and usually kind of mean the same thing yeah
that’s true
right so seldom is the opposite here
and that’s the correct answer right
that’s totally right
i hope you got that right as well friend well
we are done talking about self driving cars here on the program
but this is a conversation you can continue in English
you do that
and we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom
a good friend lasts a lifetime
i am so proud to have you in my life

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