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Preparing for a Job Interview
2024/06/19 16:30:12瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0
Preparing for a Job Interview (上)

If you are going to a job interview it means someone is going to ask you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or not.
To see if you are the right person for that job.
So when you go to a job interview you want to get a new job.
What do you need to do before you go to the job interview?

Prepare well before you go to a job interview.
First, understand the company’s goals.
Then it will be easier to answer questions about them.
Second, learn about the job.
Third, practice answering common interview questions.
Fourth, wear nice clothes and arrive at your interview on time.
And after the interview, write a thank-you note to the interviewer.


Hi, Sam. What are you doing?
My friend has a job interview soon.
I’m giving him some suggestions.
What suggestions are you giving him?
Well, my first suggestion is to learn about得悉,瞭解 the company.
Smart. If he understands the company’s goals, he’ll do better in the interview.
Exactly. I also told him to learn all about the job.
Good. He should prepare well.
What other suggestions should i give him?
Tell him to practice answering common interview questions.
That’s good.
And tell him to wear nice clothes and arrive at the interview on time.
I’ll remind him to do those things.
Can you think of any other suggestions?
Yes. After the interview, he should write a thank-you note to the interviewer.
Good idea!

It’s what happens on TV when a reporter asks someone else questions.
They ask them questions to learn more about them.
They are interviewing訪問 them.
But today we’ll talk about job interviews求職面試.

Her first idea was to get a new car.
Their dream is to travel the world.
Our plan is to move to a bigger apartment.

Can you think of any other suggestions?
I have a job interview today.
Any suggestions?
Learn about the company.
Can you think of any other suggestions?
Practice answering questions.
Can you think of any other suggestions?
Wear nice clothes.
Can you think of any other suggestions?
Arrive on time!
Oops. I’m late!
Too late for that suggestion.

类似的片语think about也常用到
think of什么是想到什么的意思
Can you think of any other ideas?
She will think of several stories to tell.
think about什么是考虑什么的意思
Please think about my idea.
Let’s take some time to think about the problem.

What should we prepare for the meeting?
Michelle has an interview today.
Kevin has lots of goals.
Can you answer the question, please?
When did he arrive in town?

What time is the interview?
Jack will answer all the emails.
They prepared snacks for the kids.
Plan to arrive there at 5:00(five).
I met my goal!我達標了!

A friend of mine is applying for a new job, he has an interview tomorrow.
He is really nervous, I’m trying to help him.
He is coming over and will practice some interview questions and answers.
And that will help him be less nervous.
Oh, here he is!
Job interview can be a little scary.
But with some tips you can feel more confident.
And do your best before you go to the interview.
Learn about the company with this knowledge.
You can ask good questions about it.
Taking time to learn about the company, shows your interest.
Also think about answers to common interview questions.
Practice your answers with a friend or family member.
This will help you feel confident during the interview.
When you go to an interview, wear nice clothes, you want to look your best.
Be sure to be on time.
It’s a good idea to arrive a little early, too.
This shows that you are responsible and respect the company’s time.
Watch your body language, too.
Make eye contact and sit up straight.
After the interview, send a thank-you email to the interviewer.
It’s a polite way to show your interest in the job.
It also keeps you in their thoughts.

Friends, going to an interview kind of like public speaking is something that makes people nervous.
So being prepared is important.
If you’re preparing, maybe grab a friend and practice an interview with them.
Right, have them ask you some of these questions we talked about.
Or you can practice in front of a beer, it’s a great idea.

Preparing for a Job Interview (下)

When you go to get a new job you might need to fill out some forms.
You fill those out and turn them in.
If the company likes what they see they might ask if you would like to come in for a job interview.
And when you are at a job interview, someone will ask you many questions.
That person is called the interviewer.

but you learned from your mistake
pay attention就是注意关心
needless to say就是不用说

Hi, Sara.
Did you see the guy coming in for an interview?
I did. He looked pretty nervous.
I was always nervous before a job interview!
Me, too.
I will never forget my first job interview.
I feel embarrassed just thinking about it!
What happened?
I arrived half an hour late.
Oh, no!
I was still in high school, so I didn’t know any better.
But you learned from your mistake.
Yes! It’s important to learn from your mistakes.
During my first interview, I didn’t pay attention.
What happened?
The interviewer asked me to describe myself in one word.
Let me guess.
You didn’t answer in one word.
No. I talked for several minutes!
Was the rest of the interview OK?
Not really.
The interviewer asked me, "Do you have any questions?"
But I couldn’t think of any.
That’s not good.
Needless to say甭說了, I didn’t get the job!

We have people who come here to LTE TV to do job interviews.
Because they want to work with us.
The person’s coming in our company for an interview.

I was still in high school, so I didn’t know any better.
any better是稍好一点的意思 any在此有强调的效果
Are the boys feeling any better?
They cleaned the room, but it doesn’t look any better.
I don’t think I can do any better on this test.

Sara comforts安慰 James.
She says but you learn from your mistake.
We also learn the word error in our visual lesson.
An error is a mistake.

Learn from your mistakes.
Oops. I call the wrong number.
Learn from your mistakes.
I wrote the wrong information.
Learn from your mistakes.
I deleted the wrong file.
Learn from your mistakes.
Oh! Why do I make so many mistakes?
So you can learn from them.

Sometimes other people will tell us what we did wrong.
And it’s important to have a good attitude and accept what they say if what they said is true.
If you pay attention it means you are focused, you are thinking about what you should be thinking about.

常见的用法是the rest of something
What did you do the rest of the time?
He ate the rest of the pie for a snack.
The rest of the people stayed until midnight.

The interviewer will ask the person being interviewed if they have any questions.
They might ask you, "What do you want to know about our company?"
Yeah, this is often the last thing they will ask you at the end of the interview.
If you don’t have anything to say it might seem like you are not so curious about this job.
If you start your sentence by saying needless to say it means the thing after that is probably something you didn’t need to say.
It was obvious.
Right, it was very clear.

Do you want half my cookie?
I made a mistake.
What did you do during the day?
Pay attention to the teacher.
Needless to say, he loved the food.

He kept quiet during the meeting.
We spent half the day at the beach.
Needless to say, they were excited.
Be careful or you make mistakes!
You’re not paying attention to me.

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