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Dress for Joy-空中英語教室
2024/06/22 15:28:03瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0
Dress for Joy 穿起來開心, 就對了!(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us today
my name is Ann Marie and my name is Gabe
and i hope that you are in a joyful mood
but if you’re not it’s okay
we have a lesson that hopefully will cheer you up
that’s right our lesson today is called dress for joy
so here’s a question to start us off with how does dressing
make you feel
or does the way you dress affect the way you feel yeah
actually i would say that the way i dress affects
i mean i usually dress the same if i’m going to work
maybe i’ll wear a button
down shirt and tuck it in whereas on the weekends
i might wear jeans
and then like a t shirt
or something like that a little more comfortable
it kind of puts me in different frames of mind
you know what i mean the way that i dress
i often find that even during the work week
i dress in different ways depending on my mood
or depending on sometimes how much time i have
but if i feel more relaxed at work
sometimes i’ll wear something more comfortable
or if i feel like
i have a lot to do that day and i really want to make sure
i’m in the right mindset to get a lot done
i’ll often dress up more
and i’ve heard especially in recent years
because a lot of people are working from home
lot of people are working remotely
and so they’re actually saying that
even though they’re working from home
a lot of people will still dress in work clothes
it helps them to get into the mindset of working otherwise
if you’re just in your pajamas all the time at home
maybe you don’t feel like working but if you dress for the part
then you might get a little more work done
that’s an interesting thought
but what about dressing just to make you happy
that’s what we’re going to be talking about today
and it is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
dress for joy dressing
right ignites this feel good hormone do you have a go to outfit
most anything you read
will tell you that your clothes reflect your personality
and people use them to express themselves
the question is whether or not clothes influence the way
you feel
according to dr don caren
a fashion psychologist and author of dress your best life
the answer is yes
hey everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看outfit这个名词
譬如Josephine chose
a casual outfit for the day putting on Jeans
and a comfortable sweater
例如the whole advertising outfit from Jared’s company
came to our office to help us
with our project
譬如the hikers outfitted themselves with reindeer
and took plenty of food and water before they set out
譬如upon graduation
Natley accepted a job offer
as a clinical psychologist at a practice in downtown Los Angeles
或者是the psychologist
emphasized the importance of caring for oneself
to maintain mental health
再来看一句during their meeting
the psychologist carefully listened to the patient’s concerns
and helped him understand his patterns of thinking
dressing right ignites
this feel good hormone what hormone are we talking about
we’re going to find out here in just a minute
but as we begin here
let’s talk about what it means to ignite something usually
it means to set it on fire exactly
so you’re setting something on fire
you’re igniting it
and that’s the idea here is
that maybe this hormone
or something a chemical is not doing anything
right now it’s just resting there’s no activity
but if you’re going to ignite it
that means you’re going to cause it to become active
that’s kind of the idea with our lesson
and specifically with this hormone
that we will be discussing later
here’s a question to ask yourself as we get into our lesson
do you have a go to outfit
what is a go to outfit
well there’s a lot of different things that you could go to
it means it’s the first thing that you grab
or the first thing that you think of
or the first thing that you want in a certain situation
for example a lot of people have a go to coffee order
it means that no matter what coffee shop they go to
they usually order the same thing
because they like it
i mean i have a go to breakfast order
i always like to try Bacon dumbing
especially if i’m going to a new restaurant
i want to see how their Bacon dumbing tastes
as my go to breakfast order
but you can be a go to person as well
that means if somebody needs a certain kind of task
done most people not just one person
but a lot of people will immediately think of this person
that is the go to person for that task
but Ann Marie
i was a little bit
confused by this question
because i mean i have a lot of outfits
i have a lot of different shirts and pants
and things in my closet
so why should i
have one go to outfit is this referring to like a special event
i think that it’s just talking about something
that you like the most
in your closet
like anytime you want to dress up or go out
or maybe even be comfortable that is the thing that you grab
that is the favorite combination of clothes that you have
in your wardrobe
hmm interesting i think i do have a go to outfit
then when it comes to being comfortable a pair of jeans
and this gray shirt that i have anyway
we continue here most anything you read
will tell you that your clothes reflect your personality
and people use them to express themselves
any decision that we make reflects our personality in some way
and maybe the most obvious decision that we make
every day at least to other people is
what we’ve decided to wear
that’s right like it
or not people look at what we look like on the outside
if our hair is done or not if we’re wearing clothes that match
or not these are things that people notice about us
even if they don’t know us personally
the question is whether or not close influence the way you feel
so we all know that other people look at what we’re wearing
but the question is do you feel differently
based on what you put on
according to dr don caren
a fashion psychologist and author of dress your best life
the answer is yes
and we see that phrase
according to dr don caren if something is said
according to someone
it’s just saying that that is something that
they’ve said the writer is not stating is at it as a fact
because this was not the writer’s idea
this is an idea that came specifically from Dr dawn Karen
all right friends
we’re going to continue learning
right now with this next reading
dress for joy
she coined the phrase dopamine dressing
which means that wearing certain colors or styles releases
dopamine or happy hormones in our bodies
dopamine dressing promotes
dressing for oneself and encourages us to wear
what makes us happy
rather than conforming to trends
Matt Johnson PhD
a neuroscientist agrees what we wear impacts our self image
and what we think of ourselves
如果是conform to或是conform with
来看几个例句in order to fit in with the group
Pat felt she needed to conform to their expectations
或是the plans Stewart showed the city inspector
did not conform to the correct standards Stewart
the new safety guidelines
required that all construction workers conform to strict
rules to prevent accidents
all right well
let’s learn about what
dr don caren who wrote this book
dress your best life has to say about dressing for joy
we read here that she coined the phrase dopamine dressing
all right so this is what we’re talking about today
this idea of dopamine dressing
we’re going to talk about dopamine here in a minute
but first let’s talk about this idea of coining a phrase
if somebody coins a phrase
it means they invent a new
saying or some kind of expression
and this is something that people haven’t used before
so it’s new or unique so this person decides oh
this is an interesting way to describe this or say this
and they basically make up a new word or phrase exactly
Shakespeare has coined a lot of words in the English language
dr seuss he was known for writing a lot of rhymes for children
but a lot of those words he used didn’t make any sense
they were not words that were in dictionaries
but now we have started to use some of them like the word nerd
someone who’s known for just you know
spending a lot of time
reading books and doing other nerdy things is a nerd well
dr sue coined that word when i was in university
i really enjoyed my communications courses
and one idea that i was taught that
has really stuck with me over the years is
this phrase the medium is the message
and that was a phrase that was coined by Marshall mccluen
so this
person came up with this phrase to convey the idea
that it’s not just the message
you’re being told
but also how it’s being told who is doing it
what kind of medium
you are using all right
so we are finding out here that dopamine dressing
is wearing certain
colors or styles
and this releases dopamine or the happy hormone in our body
so a hormone is the body’s chemical messenger messengers
there are lots of different hormones in our bodies
it’s a class of signaling molecules in the body
and it’s sent between your organs
so that you can regulate your behavior
or you can regulate your physiology
so this dopamine is a happy hormone in your body
it basically makes you happy yeah
who doesn’t want dopamine
everyone wants a nice dopamine boost right well
there are other hormones that we have of course
one that we’ve talked about before here
is that hormone that regulates your sleep cycle
that’s called Melatonin
another is cortisol
which helps your body respond to stress or danger
and you think of any other hormones
those words that you know in English
friends talk about that
so we’re talking about dopamine here
the happy hormone and dopamine dressing promotes
dressing for oneself and encourages us to wear
what makes us happy
rather than conforming to trends
so we just saw that word conforming in
the language lab and if you conform to someone of course
something excuse me if you conform to something
it means you become like it or you do what
it says there are some other words that we can use with trends
as well you could say that
someone is following a trend if they’re following a trend
it means that they are doing what is trendy
or what everyone else is doing if you keep up with trends
it means that in general
you watch what is popular
and then whatever is popular
and what everyone is doing that’s what you try to do
as well well
earlier we learned the opinion of a fashion psychologist
after a lot of research
it’s not just her own opinion but now
we’re gonna hear from a neuroscientist now
his name is matt Johnson and what is a neuroscientist
this is a scientist that studies
the brain and the nerves and things like that we use that word
neuro in other fields of study
as well like neuropsychology
that is studying how our behavior
and thinking is related to our brain and nerves
or maybe someone is a neurosurgeon
someone who does surgery on the brain
and different parts of the nervous system
that’s right so Matt Johnson PhD
who is a neuroscientist
he says here what we wear impacts our self image
and what we think of ourselves
so it turns out what we are wearing really does impact the way
we feel we’re continue talking more about this in just a moment
right after today’s infocloud
hello and welcome to infocloud hey
Rex today we’ll dive into a lively phrase
having a whale of a time that’s an interesting
phrase Garrett when people say they are having a whale of a time
they aren’t talking about sea creatures are they definitely
not no sea creatures are involved
when someone says they’re going to have a whale of a time
it means they’re going to have a fantastic joyful experience
like when i went to the amusement park last weekend
and had a whale of a time on all the rides
exactly Rex the phrase originates from the 19th century
at the time
whale was used to describe something big and impressive
so having a whale of a time meant
having a big impressive and incredibly enjoyable experience
got it so next time someone invites me to a party
i can say i’m going to have a whale of a time that’s right
having a whale of a time is all about creating
and joyful moments i for one have had a whale of a time
talking about this phrase
今天分享的用语a will of time
we had a whale of a time at the amusement
a will of a time
dress for joy
how do we achieve a look that makes us feel happy
look in your closet
and jot down notes about how certain clothes make you feel
which items do you wear often
and which one stay in the back of your closet
how does that shirt in the back of your closet
versus that t shirt on your chair
make you feel what makes you choose one over the other
例如during the meeting
Chris used her notebook to drop down the key points
discussed by her CO workers
the scientist used a sticky note to jot a quick reminder
about an important experiment that needed to be conducted
Austin has the habit of jotting a few lines in his journal
every evening about the day’s events
thank you Jack friends
make sure you jot down those notes from the vocabulary you
learned today in your magazine and we read here
to finish out our lesson for the day
how do we achieve a look that makes us feel happy
well to achieve a look
means there is a certain style that you are going for
and you are trying to accomplish it
so sometimes there is a certain look that you like
maybe you see it in a magazine
or maybe you have an event to go to
so you are going for a formal look well
to achieve a formal look if you’re a man
you could put on a suit and a tie
and you could achieve the look in that way
so here’s the question
how do we achieve a look that makes us feel happy
look in your closet
and jot down notes about how certain clothes make you feel
and of course
just to review
jotting down something means to write something
down in kind of a simple way right
nothing too long so how do these clothes make you feel
which items do you wear
often and which ones stay in the back of your closet
well that’s a good question for me to ask
there are quite a few clothes in my closet that i don’t wear
maybe except for once a year
or even less frequently than that here’s something
that i thought about about closets when you say front
and back of your closet
do you mean left to right
or do you mean closer to you
and further behind in the closet
when i think of the back of the closet
i think of towards the back the part that you can’t see
behind all the clothes not right or left
but it could be referring to the further side
right or left depending on which way
your closet door opens exactly
so this phrase can be used in both of those ways
friends depending on what kind of closet
you have
and where you put the clothes that you don’t wear very often
how does that shirt in the back of your closet
first does that t shirt on your chair
make you feel
what makes you choose one over the other
we’re going to be talking about this more tomorrow
so make sure you come back for that
but right now we’re going to go to today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today about shoes
did you know
that the tallest shoes ever were almost four meters high
they were from a shoe company in north Africa
now i don’t think you could wear those shoes they might have
just been a giant statue like shoe
and i don’t know
if you would feel confident wearing those shoes
or just really scared
but that’s today’s fun fact
well it’s the end of our lesson
and you know what that means it’s time for a quiz are
you ready yes
all right
i am okay put your notes down okay
here we go according to a neuroscientist
what we wear impacts our self
what our self expression
our self image
our self personality or our self closet
yeah like okay
you might buy some clothes that reflect your personality
and put them in your closet
but i think the correct word is image
because we talk about that
and it does reflect ourselves image yeah
that’s exactly right i hope you got that correct as well friends
we’re not done talking about dressing for joy
or dopamine dressing yet friend
so make sure
you come back for the second half of our lesson tomorrow
we’ll see you then right here on studio classroom

Dress for Joy 穿起來開心, 就對了!(下)
join us today
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe and we are dressed for joy at least
i believe
we’re dressed in ways that make us feel happy and comfortable
yesterday we learned we started learning about this hormone
dopamine and how
we can actually dress in a way that makes us feel better
and give us this dopamine boost
that’s right dr
don caren who is a fashion psychologist
she wrote dress your best life she coined this term
dressing or dressing in a way that makes you feel happy
and we learned about a neuroscientist yesterday
as well he kind of
confirmed or agreed with her findings
because he says that what we wear does impact our self image
the way that we feel about ourselves
and of course
we ended our lesson with a bunch of questions right
you can look in your closet
and basically
make a note of
or jot down what kind of clothes make you feel good
and maybe we should think about why certain clothes
make us feel better than other clothes
we’re going to continue learning about this together today
and it is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
dress for joy
to figure that out pay
attention to the colors that attract you
and think about why they do does that green shirt make you feel
calm or excited the psychology of colors
tells us that bright colors
like orange create the feeling of excitement
some shades of pink have a calming effect
while yellow and red evoke feelings of cheer and warmth
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们首先来看psychology这个名词
Queen decided to major in psychology and college
and go on for a master’s degree in counseling
或是in her psychology class
Iris learned the various theories of personality
which helped her understand human nature
或是throughout history
we have seen how mob psychology has changed
peaceful demonstrations into violent ones
譬如as we listened the Melody of the old songs
the band was playing evoked a trip down memory Lane
或是his powerful speech aimed to evoke
a sense of seriousness and action regarding climate change
the smell of freshly baked cookies from the kitchen
evoked memories of her grandmother’s cozy home
well friends at the end of yesterday’s lesson
we ended with a question what makes you choose one over
the other of course
talking about the clothes in the back of your closet versus
the ones that are on the chair in your bedroom
because you keep wearing it over and over
why do you choose that shirt on the back of the chair
more than the shirt in the back of your closet
to figure that out pay attention to the colors that attract you
and think about why they do so right now in your mind
you should think about what your favorite colors are
or what are your favorite colors to wear
and think about why you are attracted to them
and of course
we see a couple of phrases here in this sentence
as well to figure something out
or sometimes we say to figure out something right
this is a separable phrasal verb
so we see here to figure that out pay
attention to those colors and we can pay attention to something
or we can pay close attention to something
we can add that word close between the words pay and attention
maybe you want to notice a lot of details about something
so pay close attention to it
that’s right here’s another question for us
does that green shirt make you feel calm or excited
we see that word
calm there and calm is the idea of being at peace
or being very settled in your state of mind sometimes
kids have a hard time calming down after they get upset
it’s hard for them to quiet their minds
and settle down after they’re upset about something well
green brings out my eyes
it’s one of the reasons
why i like to wear green clothes
that’s why i’m wearing a green shirt today
i do have green eyes
and or sometimes depending on the shirt
i’m wearing my eyes may appear a little bit blue
or maybe Hazel
or something like that
but green really does make my eyes stand out
and so that’s why i enjoy wearing the color green
it doesn’t make me excited though i just enjoy the color
and of course
different colors could make different people feel
different things
but there are certain colors
according to our lesson that
generally do the same things for everybody
we read here the psychology of colors
tells us that bright colors like orange
create the feeling of excitement
do you think that’s true for you game
yes the only orange shirts that i’ve ever bought were
because one specifically is
because i was part of a Christmas show
several years ago
and the three of us on stage had to wear
really bright colored shirts
i see that really grabbed attention
we call that loud they were very loud shirts
i don’t usually like to wear very loud clothing in fact
during the week when i’m not filming
i usually wearing black or gray or colors like that
but because you like to feel excited right
when you’re watching somebody
teach i usually wear brighter colors yeah
exactly and maybe i’m guessing the reason
you don’t always wear bright colors is
because they do tend to attract a lot of attention
and you don’t always want that attention right
yeah exactly right yeah
same with me well friends
what about you do you like wearing bright colors
because it can be fun right
some shades of pink have a calming effect
while yellow and red evoke
feelings of cheer and warmth
i just saw a friend today
who was wearing a very bright pink shirt
it definitely got my attention i think that
maybe has a more exciting effect
but maybe like a soft pink will have a calming effect
that’s a really good point all right friends
we’re going to continue learning now with our next reading
dress for joy
the texture of clothes also affects how you feel experiment
with clothes made of different fabrics
and note how you feel wearing them
if you’re looking to be cozy try
a soft fabric satin on the other hand
may make you feel sophisticated
我们来看例句dressed in a sophisticated black dress
Zoe gave the impression of being elegant and confident
或是the security system that was set
up in the building was very sophisticated
using features designed for maximum protection
even knowledgeable sophisticated musicians
sometimes had a hard time playing the last piece
written by the composer
thank you Jack well
we talked earlier about how different colors
can make you feel different things
and now
we’re going to talk about the texture of clothing additionally
the texture of clothes also affects how you feel now
when we talk about texture
we are talking about the way
something feels if it feels rough or smooth or scratchy
maybe it feels soft like a cat
or maybe it feels rough or hard like the top of a table
texture can refer to the way your clothes feel
it can also refer to the things that you eat we talk about food
having texture as well
and how it feels in our mouth
that’s right
it refers to how something feels it’s funny you mentioned a cat
because there are some cats basically have no fur oh
yeah that’s true
their skin feels kind of scratchy or something like that
but i know what you mean
though because a lot of cats have nice soft fur most hats yeah
exactly well i have a jacket that is kind of coarse and
i’m thinking about throwing it away
because i don’t wear it very often precisely
because it doesn’t really make me feel that comfortable
well that’s what our next sentence
experiment with clothes made of different fabrics
and note how you feel wearing them
maybe wearing that scratchy jacket just isn’t comfortable to you
you don’t like the way
it makes you feel maybe it is made out of a scratchier fabric
what is fabric
it’s the type of cloth that something is made out of for example
wool is a heavier
scratchier fabric
and it’s more suitable to be worn in the winter time
that’s right
so what kind of fabrics make you feel comfortable
we’re learning about some different types of fabrics here
because you want to note how you feel wearing them
that means you want to
maybe even write it down or at least make a mental note remember
what it feels like to wear something
if you’re looking to be cozy
try a soft fabric so if you’re looking to be cozy
that means you’re trying to be comfortable
that’s what the word cozy beans
try a soft fabric
in the winter
i like to wear flannel pjs
you know actually
flannel is comfortable all year round
but especially in the winter
it can make you feel extra warm
what kind of fabric are
sweatpants made out of probably
some kind of cotton right
that would be my favorite fabric then yeah
well sweatpants are
pretty comfortable
so what kinds of things make you feel cozy friends
satin on the other hand
may make you feel sophisticated well
this is a type of material or cloth
that can make you feel kind of smarter or more intelligent
so satin also feels comfortable
especially more comfortable than that jacket
i was mentioning earlier
that’s kind of course
but you wouldn’t wear satin all the time necessarily
maybe only when you want to feel a certain way
that’s right
and we see in this last sentence there on the other hand
that means that we’re comparing this to something else
that was already said
so we already talked about a soft fabric
and satin on the other hand
isn’t necessarily a soft fabric
it makes you feel a different way than that that’s right
of course
that phrase we use
when we’re contrasting a couple of different things
on one hand it’s this way on the other hand
we have this thing and it’s going to compare in some way well
right now it is time for today’s infocloud will be right back
hello friends
welcome to infocloud and congratulations Rex
i heard you’re going to Europe to study with a famous singer
yeah he is a legendary tenor
he might even be the best tenor in the world
i was on top of the world
when he accepted my request to study with him
it’s a dream come true
it certainly is a very exciting thing
for you to study with someone
you admire greatly that’s why you are on top of the world
but you should explain what that means the expression
on top of the world means to be extremely happy and excited
you know
that feeling you get when you climb to the top of a mountain
oh it does feel great to be at the top of a mountain
because you feel like you have accomplished something
have you ever been on top of the world
when my wife accepted my proposal to get married
i was on top of the world
it was a very special moment for both of us
because we knew that
we were going to spend the rest of our lives together
on top of the world字面上是在世界的顶端
Thomas was on top of the world when Sarah accepted his proposal
on top of the world就是描述一种非常幸福
这就是今天的INFO cloud
dress for joy
if you find bold colors and patterns attractive
but feel shy about wearing them try them out on an accessory
a bright red bag
or shoes may be just the ticket to making an outfit pop
remember there
are no rights or wrongs when it comes to dopamine dressing
it’s about wearing clothes that make you feel your best
dr Johnson says
whatever works for you is all that really needs to work
最后来看片语动词try out on
譬如the chef was eager to try out his new menu
on his regular customers
或是the team was excited to try out their new strategies
on their opponents in the upcoming basketball game
或是Ben always tries out his speeches on his secretary
before he delivers them to the department
thank you so much Jack all right
let’s continue reading here
and find out how our lessons going to end if you find bold
colors and patterns attractive
but feel shy about wearing them
try them out on an accessory earlier in today’s lesson
we were talking about the idea of loud clothing
clothing with big bright
colors or patterns
and that is what bold means here
as well it could be said as loud clothing as well
we use the word bold to talk about something that is very strong
you could say that
someone is making a bold statement
that means that they are saying something
that’s maybe the truth
but maybe people don’t want to hear it yeah
and it takes courage to share or say a bold statement here
we’re talking about bold or loud colors and patterns
maybe you kind of like them
they appeal to you in some way you want to try them out
maybe it’s too much if you wear a shirt with those bold colors
so maybe you can just use some accessories
or try them with accessories
what are accessories
they are the things that we wear
along with our main clothes like shirts and pants
so accessories would include things like your necklaces
even hats are accessories
earrings things like that that’s right a bright
red bag or shoes
may be just the ticket to making an outfit pop
if something is just the ticket
it means it is exactly what something else needs
it’s exactly what’s needed in that situation yeah
for example maybe you’re super stressed
recently at work well
a beach vacation is just the ticket it’s just what you need
maybe you could take that vacation sometime soon
but we’re learning here about how you can make an outfit pop
earlier i talked about how the color
green brings out my eyes
that means it makes my eyes kind of stand out another way
we could say it is that it makes my eyes pop or stand out right
is that the idea you get when you talk it when you’re
learning about making an outfit pop yeah
i think usually using bright colors
or something like that in your outfit is going to make it more
noticeable or make it stand out
so here we are wrapping up our article
and it says remember
there are no right or wrongs when it comes to dopamine dressing
it’s about wearing clothes that make you feel your best
when you feel your best
it means that you feel confident
it means that you feel like yourself
and your personality can shine through
but we also use this phrase to feel your best
when talking about health
as well for example
you could say i’m going to go home and rest
i’m not feeling my best that means i’m not feeling as healthy
as i usually do
and we see another phrase here when it comes to right
that means when the topic is something else so
for another example
when it comes to comedies
that is funny
movies and plays and things like that when it comes to comedies
i generally like dark humor better
because that’s my sense of humor
but think of another way to use that sentence pattern
when it comes to something
we read here Dr Johnson says whatever works for you
is all that really needs to work
so whatever works for you
and that means that not
everyone is going to feel the same way about certain
types of clothing maybe for some people dressing up
in formal clothes is what makes them feel their best
for others wearing something comfortable that they really like
and they can feel cozy in might make them
feel their best it’s different for everyone
i have a friend who does not like to wear red
during the Chinese New Year vacation
because when she was a kid
she was forced to wear red every day
so sometimes
we have negative memories associated with certain colors
as well she just doesn’t like to attract attention
so she doesn’t like that vibrant color well
it’s been an interesting lesson right now
it is time for something fun with today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun t shirt fact for you
today did you know that the world
record for wearing the most t shirts is two hundred and sixty
that’s right
two hundred and sixty t shirts a man from Canada named ted
wore two hundred and sixty t shirts
i bet he looked like a giant teddy bear
get it his name was ted and t shirts anyway
that is today’s fun fact
as we finish our lesson today let’s take a quiz to see how well
you can use a phrase that we talked about in today’s article
here we feeling hot
maybe an ice cream cone
is just the blank to cooling down what is the phrase
we learned today
just the texture
just the fabric
just the ticket or just the accessory
well all of those words appeared in our lesson of course
but your example has nothing to do with fabric accessories
or even tickets
but ticket is the correct answer
that’s right if something is just the ticket
it means it is just the right thing for a certain situation
alright friends
our time is up for today
but we hope you’ll come back next time
and join us for another lesson right here on studio classroom
so proud to have you in my life

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