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Supermarket Receipt
2024/07/08 16:22:29瀏覽43|回應0|推薦0
What is a receipt?
It’s a piece of paper that you get when you buy something.
It tells you the name of the store, what time you went and how much you paid for what you bought.
It is a useful thing to have when you’re trying to keep track of the things you bought.
A supermarket that is one kind of place you can go to to buy your groceries and a few other things.
A supermarket is super because it’s often big and sells quite a few different things.
And this is different from a market.
Other kinds of markets might be outdoors like a public market公有零售市場.
Sometimes you will not get a receipt when you buy something at a public market or a farmer’s market農夫市集,菜市場.
You could also buy something at a convenience store, they are smaller.


Do we have everything for the sugar cookies?
I think so.
Let’s check the supermarket receipt.
Good idea.
I see eggs, sugar, butter and flour.
What about vanilla extract香草精?
Yes. It’s here.
What’s wrong?
It was $6.18(six dollars and eighteen cents).
That’s pretty expensive.
Yes, but you can use it for a long time.
That’s true.
What’s the total?總共多少錢?
It’s $25.72(25 dollars and 72 cents). That includes tax.
The subtotal小計 is $24.31(24 dollars and 31 cents).
How much was my pizza?
It’s $5.79(five dollars and seventy nine cents).
Here’s $6.00(six dollars).
Keep the change.
You can have a sugar cookie for that!
Great! Everyone at the office gets a cookie tomorrow, right?
Of course.
You can’t celebrate National Sugar Cookie Day without sugar cookies.

Sugar cookies are simple cookies with very few ingredients原料.
They’re often popular around Christmas time.
A receipt is that list of all those things you bought with all the prices you paid.
These are the ingredients they will need when they make sugar cookies.
flour is the powder that comes from wheat.
And there are other kinds of flours like rice flour that comes from rice.
When you cook this flour, it helps you make things like bread, cakes and cookies.
There is one other important ingredient though called vanilla extract.

当你见到人想要问候或询问消息除了用what’s wrong之外常见的还有what’s up, what’s going on这三种问法的意思有些不同
what’s wrong是当你注意到对方不同于平常而你想知道原因时
You are very quiet today.
What’s wrong?
what’s up是比较随性非正式的问候方式
Hey, Alan, long time no see, what’s up?
hey Alan好久不见最近怎么样
what’s going on
A lot of people are standing by the lake.
What’s going on?

Vanilla extract is a liquid and you just need a little bit each time when you make cookies.
Vanilla extract smells great, it goes great in cookies.
But it doesn’t taste great by itself, don’t drink it!
What’s the total means when you add up everything you need to pay for, how much do you need to pay.

What’s the total?
The pizza was $12.95.
What’s the total?
The drinks were $5.35.
What’s the total?
The dessert was $7.20.
What’s the total?
The total is more than I have.

The amount of money that they had to pay to the government.
The government uses taxes to build roads and give money to schools.
Your subtotal is kind of like another total.
It’s the total cost of all the things you bought but without the amount of tax.
He tells Julie to keep the change this means keep the extra money.
When you pay for something at the supermarket or the grocery store they will often give you change when you pay with cash.
You’ll get some change back, that’s often some smaller coins.
Julie tells James that he can have a cookie for the change.
He can have a sugar cookie for allowing her to keep some money.
Tomorrow is National Sugar Cookie Day.

You can’t play soccer without a ball.
You can’t have a party without people.
You can’t learn a new language without practice.

What do you buy at the supermarket?
Tim eats six eggs every morning.
We have to buy more flour for bread.
Your total is $89.30.
This machine doesn’t give any change这台机器不找零钱.

How do you like your eggs?
The total was $50(fifty dollars). I can pay half.
Supermarkets have all kinds of things.
Sorry, we don’t give change here這裡不找零.
How many cups of flour do you need?

What can everyone at the office get tomorrow?
Everyone can get a sugar cookie.
When do you look at a receipt?

vanilla extract香草精

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