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Safe Swimming
2024/07/11 16:17:17瀏覽37|回應0|推薦0
Safe Swimming (上)
Summer is the perfect time to go to the pool and swim!
Remember a few safety tips so you can be safe.
Don’t swim without a friend or a lifeguard near you.
They can help you if you have trouble.
When you move around the pool, walk, don’t run.
It’s easy to slip on the wet floor.
And if you can swim well, don’t go near deep water.
You could drown. 
Be smart and safe!


Hi, Sara. How are you?
I’m OK, Sam.
A friend invited me to go swimming. 
That’s great!
The weather is perfect for swimming.
It is. I might go swimming, but I’m not sure.
Why aren’t you sure?
To be honest, I’m a little scared to swim.
You are? Why?
One time when I was a kid, I almost drowned.
So now you’re afraid of the water?
Yes. If I go swimming, I want to be safe.
I was a lifeguard救生員 in high school.
I can give you some safety tips.
I’d like that.
First, don’t swim alone.
Have someone near you.
So someone can help if I have trouble?
Yes. And walk, don’t run, around the pool.
You don’t want to slip.

If you have a swimming pool inside, you can go at any time in the year.
But Sara didn’t promise her friend she would go.

I’m a little tired after the long walk.
Can you speak a little louder?
I can’t hear you very well.
Can you add a little more salt to the soup?

My parent’s friend told me that i should still try jumping off a diving board跳水板.
I was really scared, that’s not a good idea.
If you’re just going to jump into the water by yourself, you should know how to swim.
If you don’t, maybe try to take some classes上課 when you do.
If you are not careful or don’t know how to swim well, it is easy for you to drown.

Did you buy your airplane ticket yet?
What kind of birthday cake do you want?
What did you buy in the bookstore?
I need a new Notebook.

Don’t swim alone.
I want to go swimming.
Don’t swim alone.
I want to go swimming in the lake.
Don’t swim alone.
The lake is a great place for swimming.
Don’t swim alone.
Take someone with you.
OK. Let’s go swimming!
Who, me?

He says have someone near you, here near means close to you not far away from you.
When I was a kid by the swimming pool, sometimes I was having too much fun and I just wanted to run around.
Did lifeguards blow on their whistle and ask you to stop running?

I never swim in the ocean!
Always be safe.
My house is near the school.
She slipped and fell down.
He almost drowned yesterday.

Is there a restaurant near here?
Be careful not to drown.
Let’s go swimming, Jen!
The ground was wet, so I slipped.
You are safe here.

Make sure you’re safe when you’re riding a skateboard滑板.

Safe Swimming (下)

Hey, Susie.
Do you see that cliff懸崖,峭壁 over there?
Someday, I want to dive into the lake from that cliff.
That’s a terrible idea, Greg!
But a lot of people dive from cliffs.
Why shouldn’t I?
How deep is the water there?
Do you know?
Well, no.
The water there might not be deep enough for diving.
Oh. If I dive from there, I could hit the bottom.
That’s right. You could hurt yourself or kill yourself!
Wow. I didn’t think about that.
I usually swim in pools.
Swimming in lakes is different.
You can’t see things in the water.
Like rocks?
Right. You should also watch for storms when you swim outside.
The weather can change quickly.
True. Lightning is dangerous for swimmers.
So, if a storm is coming, get out of the water.
Yes. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

A cliff is like land that is very high up and close to water.
Some people enjoy climbing to the top of a cliff and then jumping down into the water.
When you go swimming, you might want to jump into the water, we use the word dive.
You can dive with your hands above your head when you go into the water.
Sometimes people will dive from a diving board.
This is a piece of wood or plastic that they jump off of.

Someday, I’ll visit Paris and see the Eiffel Tower.
Someday, I’ll learn to play the piano.
She dreams of becoming a writer someday.
We’ll take a trip together someday.

That’s a terrible idea.
I want to dive into the lake.
That’s a terrible idea.
I want to swim with alligators短吻鱷.
That’s a terrible idea.
I want to swim during a storm.
That’s a terrible idea.
But I really want to!
It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Yeah. And I really want to be safe, too.

When you swim out in a lake or in the ocean, it is very different the water moves in different ways.
Even if you are not diving off of cliffs, you need to be careful when you are swimming there.
When you’re jumping in or when you’re swimming, you might just be swimming slowly through the water.
And run into some rocks or other dangerous things.
We’re usually talking about lots of wind and rain something like a typhoon or a hurricane.
And often during storms, you will see lightning.
Lightning is a special kind of electricity.
A special kind of light and it can be very very dangerous.
It comes down from the sky during some storms.
Lightning is what you can see that light and thunder is what you can hear.
They’re part of the same thing.
When you’re out and there is lightning in a storm, it will often try to hit  whatever is highest.
So if you are walking through a forest that will probably be a tree.
But if you are out on the water you might be the highest thing.

惯用语better to be safe than sorry表达就算采取某些防护措施看似多余但总比没做而最后却出事了后悔好
It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Weather can change quickly and I don’t want to get wet.
这个惯用语可以简化为better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry.
I want to be sure the house is secure.

The boy dove into the water.
What a terrible plan!
I can’t touch the bottom of the pool.
Did you see the lightning in the sky?
Don’t do that. It’s dangerous.

Don’t go out. There is lightning outside.
He lied to his parents? How terrible!
I’m too scared to dive.
Read the words at the bottom.
Diving can be dangerous.

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