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What Is It So Messy?
2024/07/17 16:37:06瀏覽65|回應0|推薦0
If a place is messy, that means there is stuff everywhere.
That might not necessarily mean it’s dirty, it just means it’s not tidy整潔的.
It is not clean, it is not organized, things are not put away where they should be put.
All these things we can call it mess.

living room就是客厅
Lance points at some trash on the floor.

"Good morning, Todd!"
Says Lance as he walks out into the living room.
Lance and Todd are roommates.
They share an apartment in the city.
"Todd, what’s going on in the living room?"
"There are things everywhere."
"These things?"
"Oh, I was up late last night paying my bills.昨晚我熬夜付账单。"
Lance isn’t happy.
He looks at everything on the table and says,
"Please clean this up this morning.请今天早上把这个清理干净。"
"Please keep the apartment clean,"
Lance continues.
"I told you that when you moved in last month."
"You did. I’ll clean up right away."
Lance sits down and looks at his phone.
As Todd cleans up his things, he says.
"Lance, thanks for letting me move in."
"My last roommate was so messy."
"Sure," says Lance and points at some trash on the floor.
"Please pick that up, too."
Lance stands up.
"Just remember to keep things clean."
"I shouldn’t have to remind you."
"Of course. I’ll do my best,"
Todd says with a smile.
Lance smiles back and walks into the kitchen.
When he sees the kitchen table, he stops smiling.
"Why is the kitchen messy, too?"
Lance complains.
"Oh, sorry, I fixed myself a snack last night.昨晚我给自己做了点心。"
"I’ll clean it up later."
What should lance do?
Lance should just keep reminding Todd to keep the apartment clean.
Lance should tell Todd to move out.
Your choice! What would you do?

We can say there is a mess in the living room.
A bill is a payment something you have to pay.
When you live in an apartment, there might be a water bill or an electricity bill you need to pay for water and electricity.

I was up late last night paying my bills.
而分词片语paying my bills是说明晚睡的原因
We were up late watching the movie.
She was up early this morning watering her garden.
I was busy all afternoon painting my house.

Please clean this up this morning.
He wants this mess to go away so they can have a clean and tidy living room.
If you’re pointing something out, you might use your finger and you might point, you might put your finger and show people what you’re trying to say when you are talking.
Trash is things you don’t want, you want to put them in the trash can and get rid of them.
Lance says, "I shouldn’t have to remind you."
He thinks Todd should just keep things clean himself.
If you fix yourself something it means you’re making yourself a snack.

I fixed myself a snack last night.
Can the man at the repair shop fix your car?
We need to fix lunch for the kids now.
Can you wait while I fix my hair?

I’ll clean it up later.
Your room is so messy.
I’ll clean it up later.
There is stuff everywhere.
I’ll clean it up later.
There is trash everywhere.
I’ll clean it up later.
No more video games until your room is clean.
Oh, I’ll clean it up now.

Mary is sitting in the living room.
How much was the bill for food?
Jean pointed to a bird in the tree.
Where can I put this trash?
Who is cooking in the kitchen?

What are you pointing at?
Your living room is very comfortable.
There is too much trash here.
Put the food in the kitchen.
Let me help you pay the bill.

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