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How to Spend the Summer-空中英語教室
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How to Spend the Summer 今夏怎麼過?(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we’re very happy that you are here today
my name is Gabe and my name is Andrew
we are very excited to be talking about our what’s your opinion
today now
i want you to pretend you’re back in school
that is i’m talking to Anne Marie here
and to everybody who is not in school anymore right
although i know that we have a lot of students out there
who are still in school
and you still have summer vacations right
because next year you have to go back to school
but if you had to choose
if you’re going to have a job over the summer
or some other activity
what would you do
back when i was in school every single summer
every single winter break
i always chose to work you always chose to work
every time i did not have one break where i was not working is
that because it was strongly encouraged that you work
and you would feel guilty otherwise
you actually had a desire to want to do something
and learn something on the job
i had a desire to work my way
through school
and that is to say i didn’t want to have debt when i graduated
so i worked
really really hard to make a lot of money when i could so that
i could pay for school as i went
i see i see when i think back to
my high school years did you know that i used to be a lifeguard
i think you have mentioned that
before i went through the whole training and everything
it took several months
i became a certified lifeguard
and then guess how many times i was on duty
i think you told me before was it once i was on duty
one time i had the option
i could have signed up to be on duty more than once
but in the summer months
i just preferred to hang out with friends and do other things
and i didn’t have a lot of summer jobs or part time jobs
in the summer during high school
when it was in college that was a different story
but friends what about you
our lesson today is called how to spend the summer
it’s an important thing to think about
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
how to spend the summer
what is the ideal way to balance your time
during the summer months
Kate and Beth are college students
Kate is showing Beth an advertisement for a summer program
take a look at this
we should do this summer program together
it’s a river conservation project
you camp with a research team for eight weeks
how much does it pay
it’s a volunteer project so nothing
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看research这个名词
譬如Daniel’s research project
focused on
understanding the real causes of poverty in urban areas
或是the team dedicated months to research
gathering data from various sources
to make sure their findings were accurate
例如Avery decided to research
the historical background of the novel to get a deeper
understanding of the time
period it was set in
thank you very much
Jack and just a little note
as a review
that word can be pronounced research or research well
how to spend the summer
speaking of how to those kinds of videos are very popular
on YouTube isn’t that right Ann Marie
that’s true
it’s really convenient to Google something like that
if you don’t know how to do something
you can just Google
how to cook this type of meal
or how to do this type of project that’s right
very useful words for you to know
in a Google search or YouTube search well
what is the ideal way to balance your time
during the summer months
i have heard this word pronounced ideal okay
the emphasis on the i what’s your ideal way
or ideal way to balance your time speaking
of balance here
it’s used as a verb
we often have different things that we need to balance in life
life is kind of like a balancing act
sometimes that’s something that you might see at a show
where a clown is trying to balance
different things that’s a balancing act and Marie
what are some things that you need to balance in life
well for example
work and life
we often talk about work life balance
that’s the idea that the amount of time
you spent at work is appropriate
and it doesn’t really affect your life
away from the job too much
or even while you’re at work like balancing
the unimportant things
with the really important and urgent things right
when do you do those different types of tasks well
Kate and Beth are college students Emory
maybe we should review again
we’ve talked about this before
but college and university
we kind of use those words interchangeably right
yeah definitely there may be some slight differences
but in everyday speech when you’re just talking to people
especially in the United States college and university
mean the same thing yeah
where did you go to college
where did you go to university
it’s okay to assume someone went to college
even though you might want to say no
i went to a university often
we mean the same thing okay
if we’re talking about those three
or four years after high school okay
so Kate is showing Beth
an advertisement for a summer program advertisement
there are different ways to pronounce this word
especially in the uk
you will hear advertisement
or we may simply simply shorten the word to add for example
i don’t usually call them YouTube advertisements
i call them YouTube ads
that’s a good point
while we have a line here Katie says take a look at this
we should do this summer program together
it’s a river conservation project well
let’s look at that phrase first to take a look at this
let’s take a look at this phrase
if you take a look at something
it means that you examine it more closely
or you spend more time looking at it for example
maybe you go to the store and you say to your friend
while we’re at the store let’s take a look at a new toaster
that means you’re going to specifically
go to the electronics section
and look at a new toaster and the way
it’s used here in our lesson this person is excited about this
and that’s when they use this take a look at this
it’s used in the exact same way we would say check this out okay
check this out
take a look at this
we should do this summer program together
it’s a river conservation project now
the difference between a conservation project
or a preservation project
the difference between those two words is kind of slight
but if you’re conserving
something you’re thinking of ways to use that thing more wisely
if a place is preserved that means that saved that means
that people can’t even touch that place at all
right most of the time
so this is a conservation project
you camp with a research team for 8 weeks well Beth
has a very important question how much does it pay
Kate says it’s a volunteer project so nothing all right
friends let’s continue learning right now
with the next part of our conversation
how to spend the summer
i can’t afford to volunteer
this summer i need a full time job that pays
but this project leader is really influential
the experience would look great on
a resume that could mean a bigger
future income
but i have got bills to pay now
and i have a tough semester coming up
i might take a summer class to make it easier
譬如after months of saving
Melanie could finally afford to buy the computer
she needed for school经过几个月的储蓄
或是how can Cora afford to go on a trip to South America
on her salary e
譬如there is not enough affordable housing in the city
so the council has decided to build more
thank you so much Jack so we read here
i can’t afford to volunteer this summer
i need a full time job that pays of course
we often use the word
a Ford to talk about not having enough money
or having enough money to buy something right
but here it’s used in a slightly different way
we’re talking about time here money is also implied
she needs to make money with a job or something like that
but she can’t afford to use this time
just to volunteer for something that’s right
and why is that she needs to get a job
specifically a full time job now when we say full time job
the idea is that
the person is working at least 40 hours each week
it’s usually about 8 hours a day
anything less than that we would consider a part time job now
what’s the difference between working 38 hours and 40 hours
well in the United States
it’s a very big difference
legally companies have to provide you
with insurance and other things like that possibly health care
if you’re employed at their company for more than 40 hours
but a lot of part time positions like 38 hours and below
or really 39
companies aren’t required to give you certain benefits
so there’s actually a really big difference
especially in the United States
between working full time and part time even
if the difference is just a few hours
you may think well if i’m going to work at a place for 35 hours
i might as well become a full time employee
but there are actually
other pros and cons that you need to think about
as well of course
depending on your situation
let’s talk about some other types of jobs
though you mentioned part time
i wrote down contract work
that’s when you’re not even part time for the company
but just hired on a project by project basis yeah
and usually
you’re paid by the project if you’re going to work contract now
if you get a temp position
that means that you agree with the company
that you’re only going to work for a certain amount of time
it’s usually a pretty short amount of time like three months
or something like that all right
so those are some great types of jobs for you to think about
Kate says but this project leader is really influential
so she’s going to be working at a volunteer job
but she is going to be working for a very influential person
okay the experience would look great on a resume and of course
your resume is what you need to hand in to your future employers
that’s the first thing they’re going to look at
when they’re thinking about hiring you and this word
of course looks like the word resume
let’s resume that means let’s pick
up let’s continue where we left off before
but of course
you see those little symbols above the ease to make it resume
so this could mean a bigger future income for Kate
okay so Beth says but i’ve got bills to pay now now
we’re not talking about paying the bill at a restaurant
for example for a meal
you’ve just had
we’re talking about bills that you have every month
month to month
and they don’t stop for example
your electric bill
your water bill
maybe your rent or even your school tuition
these could all be different types of bills
that Beth is referring to she has to pay these now
and i have a tough semester coming up
i might take a summer class
to make it easier that phrase coming up
we could use it to talk about what is going to happen soon
that’s the way it’s used in our lesson
i have a tough semester coming up okay
a server at a restaurant might say okay
i like i got your order it’s coming right up
that means i’m going to bring it out right away
it could also be used to talk about what is next on an agenda
like in a meeting
what do we have coming up in today’s meeting right
there are different ways
we use that phrase let’s go to today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to info cloud Garrett
can you think of anyone who’s really hard working
absolutely my father comes to mind throughout my whole life
he always worked hard at his job
and when he came home
he would work on projects
around the house to make our lives better
that’s very inspiring
it sounds like he’s someone who likes to work with his hands
especially in the garden
he often works until his hands
hurt all over he works his fingers to the bone
works his fingers to the bone
what does that mean well
it’s an expression to work your fingers to the bone
means to work extremely hard
often to the point of exhaustion
it’s like working so hard that your fingers feel
as if all the skin is worn off
and there are just the bones left that takes a lot of effort
you can also think about a chef in a busy restaurant
kitchen or a construction worker on a demanding project
they often work their fingers to the bone to get the job done
they remind us of the value of hard work and dedication
sometimes achieving success
requires working your fingers to the bone
work your fingers to the bone
work your fingers是用手指头工作
work your fingers to the bone字面上就是用双手
my dad worked his fingers to the bone
to support us父亲为了养育我们
这就是今天的INFO cloud
how to spend the summer
when are you going to relax Beth
if you spend the entire summer
working and studying
you’ll be exhausted when school starts
i know summers now aren’t as fun as my childhood
summers were this is the first year
i won’t get to go on vacation with my family
i wish you could be on the river
with me
the scenery will be a relief after looking at classroom walls
for so many months
that does sound great
unless there are mosquitoes
譬如after a long week at work
Addison decided to relax by taking a long walk along the beach
或是to relax
after dinner Asher and Rachel often SAT on their porch
sipping tea and watching the sunset over the lake
譬如during our exercise class
the instructor told us to relax our muscles and breathe deeply
来看几个例句after studying for weeks
Hillary felt a sense of relief when she handed in her final test
或许when Marily found her wedding ring in the garden
she felt a sense of relief
because she had thought it was lost forever
或者是Julian breathed a sigh of relief
when his Nosy cousin finally went home
soon you can breathe a sigh of relief friends
when our lesson is over
we know that it takes a lot of energy
sometimes to listen a lot in a foreign language right
but let’s continue here
don’t give up okay
we read here
Kate when are you going to relax Beth
if you spend the entire summer working and studying
you’ll be exhausted when school starts
so she has a good point you do need a lot of energy for school
it’s a certain kind of energy it’s usually mental energy right
but mental energy
some things take a lot of mental energy
and you feel exhausted or super tired after you do it
that’s right now
we can use exhausted for feeling of tiredness
when it’s not just mental tiredness
as well for example
children often feel exhausted after they play a sports game
they’ve spent a lot of physical energy
playing the game and running a lot
so they might feel exhausted Beth
responds by saying i know summers
now aren’t as fun as my childhood summers were so
what she means by this is
when she was a child
when she was very young
she had a lot of fun during the summer
and it’s not like that anymore childhood
do you have fond memories from your childhood
a lot of people
do some people feel like they missed out on their childhood
because they were forced to have a lot of responsibilities
at a very young age
for different reasons right
that’s just a phrase to know some people
feel like they missed out on their childhood
maybe you have a childhood dream
that’s something you wanted to do in the future
some people got together when they were kids
she’s with her childhood sweetheart
that’s right okay
Beth says this is the first year
i won’t get to go on vacation with my family
so it sounds like
Beth really wants to go on vacation with her family
she doesn’t get to though
but it sounds like she also really wants to as well
that’s right what is the difference
if you get to do something
if you say i got to do something
that means you were excited or happy about doing it of course
if you want to
that means the same thing or that you hope that you can
but if you say i have to that
usually implies you don’t really want to
but you need to do it anyway well Kate
i wish you could be on the river with me why not in the river
well because she’ll probably be probably be on a boat right
at least she’s not going to be swimming a lot of the time
if you’re swimming
you’re in the river if you’re sinking
you’re definitely in the river another way
that we use that phrase on the river
is the idea that you’re on the river bank
or on the side of the river
and i get the idea
this is what she’s talking about
because she said that they will be camping
i bet they’re going to be camping on the riverbank well
she says
the scenery will be a relief after looking at classroom walls
for so many months
that says that does sound great unless
there are mosquitoes alright
friends right now it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello fact
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know
that some people work in other countries in the summer
why would you go to a whole other country
if you could just be in your own country well
some people like to travel
it’s called tourism
then they travel and see the country
this is called work tourism
it’s a good way to earn money
and that is today’s fun summer work fact
Anne Marie would you ever recommend
or suggest someone volunteer for their summer
honestly i personally wouldn’t because
i feel like while you’re in school
you have so much energy you’re really young
you have an opportunity to work really hard and earn money
while you can so
although it might be a good idea for some people to volunteer
i would never do it personally
i think maybe you could shadow at some people’s work
just for a couple hours in the afternoon
to see what their job is like
but yeah
even a part time job or a summer job is a commitment friends
this is a big subject
we’re going to learn more about this in our conversation
as we continue tomorrow right here on studio classroom

How to Spend the Summer 今夏怎麼過?(下)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom thanks
for joining us today
my name is Gabe and my name is Anne
three we are on day two of our what’s your opinion article
where we are in the middle of a conversation between Kate
and Beth they are discussing the best
use of your time during summer vacation
and you’re not in class and you have extra time
should you volunteer
should you take a break
should you work a job
these are all questions we’re trying to answer
and i have to say that no matter what you choose
if you choose to volunteer somewhere
or if you choose to work somewhere
that at least you’re not experiencing the summer slide that way
remember that we just talked about that in our last lesson
you want to keep your brain sharp and active right
Anne Marie yes
that Kate looks an awful lot like you
oh that’s probably because Kate is me
ah i see oh interesting
i wouldn’t have guessed no
i knew that but she’s not a lot like you in real life actually
because like you shared at the end of yesterday’s lesson
you would prefer to use your summer months
and maybe even winter months working for money
and not just volunteering yeah
and i think i say that
because that’s what i did and it worked really well
for me
i spent my breaks during high school and college making money
so that i could pay for school
and it really relieved a lot of pressure
i would have had after i graduated
because i didn’t have debt
all right well friends would that work for you as well
we learned a lot about Kate yesterday
but not a whole lot about what Beth is going to do
so let’s learn a little bit more about that in today’s lesson
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
how to spend the summer
won’t getting a full time summer job be hard many places
won’t give full time positions to temporary workers
have you found anything
actually the city is hiring summer workers for a park project
it’s forty hours a week
and it pays really well
does that mean you’d be working outside all summer yes
i’d be getting a lot of fresh air and exercise the job involves
planting trees and building a playground
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
譬如the road construction
resulted in a temporary closure of three roads in the area
或是realizing her husband’s fix was only temporary
Quinn called an Electrician to properly repair the lights
或是the museum’s temporary exhibit of artwork by Van Gogh
was visited by millions of people
譬如during the summer months
the cafe owners hired more staff to keep up with customer demand
the couple hired a professional photographer for their wedding
to make sure their photos would be of good quality
或是due to his experience
Anthony was hired by a company
that recognized his value and expertise
thank you very much Jack
so Kate says won’t getting a full time summer job be hard well
let’s talk about that sentence structure that question
won’t something be hard
or you can replace the word hard
with another adjective that could be kind of negative
won’t that be difficult
won’t that be hot working in that place right
it’s kind of like
maybe this is going to be an unpleasant situation
or at least that’s what you think that’s right
are you sure you want to buy that sweater
won’t it be uncomfortable
there’s a lot of different ways
you can use that sentence structure
but Kate says
many places won’t give full time positions to temporary workers
and then she asked Beth a question have you found anything
have you found anything in other words
have you found a job that you can
we’re a place where you can actually work right
well Beth says actually
the city is hiring summer workers for a park project
most of the time
when we see
the city or the states or the country is hiring for something
we’re talking about the government right
the government has a project
that they need help with that’s right
so what we’re really saying here
is the city government has a project that they need done
so what is this project
Beth says it’s a park project it’s 40 hours a week
so that means it is full time and it pays really well
if something pays really well
one single word i often think of is the word lucrative okay
if something is lucrative
that means it makes a lot of money right
Kate says does that mean you’d be working outside all summer
if you’re not sure what’s going to be involved in something
you could ask what these words right
does that mean and then suggest what you think yeah
that’s right and working outside all summer
best says yes
so i’d be getting a lot of fresh air and exercise
those are the things that come to my mind as well
when i think about working outside
there should be plenty of fresh air
so what is this job all about
well Beth
the job involves planting trees and building a playground well
we see that word involves their friends now
if something involves something else
that word is just saying that what happens
after the word involves is what that thing is all about
that’s right
so what is included in this job well
actually the word include could talk about things like
maybe even what you’re getting from the job like your pay
as well as maybe even some free meals right
but when we use the word involve usually
we’re talking about the things that you’re going to do right
just like Ann Marie said
so the job involves planting trees and building a playground
perhaps a few other things right
but Beth doesn’t say that here but speaking of playground
what’s the difference between a playground and a park
well there are actually
two totally different things
a playground is the actual play equipment that is at a park so
a park could just be a sidewalk in trees
and maybe some park benches or something like that
but if a park has a playground
it means it has special equipment for children to play on
that’s right i remember as a kid
sometimes my dad would say or my parents would say oh
let’s go to the park
and i would just think of that playground equipment
and we get to the place
and there’s no playground because in my mind
a park was a playground like
there was a playground at a park right
but that’s not the case necessarily
there are many parks as you know
that don’t have playgrounds that’s right
all right well friends
we will be right back
as soon as we finish this next part of our conversation
how to spend the summer
if you do that class
you will have a balance of physical and mental exercise
and you’d help improve the city hopefully
you can fit in some fun too
my ideal
summer would be this have fun improve the world travel
and make money too bad i can’t fit in all of those things
i have to set some priorities
来看几个例句the game was not only fun
but also a great mental workout
because it was so challenging这款游戏不仅有趣
或是the university
conducted research
on the impact of social media on young adults
mental wellbeing
或是the support group
provided a safe place for people to share
their mental health challenges
thank you very much Jack so we read here
Kate says if you do that class
you will have a balance of physical and mental exercise well
that’s kind of cool
it is good to have a balance of very important things right
if you’re just working outside
doing a lot of heavy labor
then that’s a lot of physical activity
but maybe not necessarily a lot of mental activity that’s right
so i expect that
if Kate
if Beth does decide to do the class and this city park project
she will probably feel very balanced over the summer
and you’d help improve the city Kate says hopefully
you can fit in some fun
too well what does it mean to fit in some fun
fit in is a phrase that could mean different things right
here in our lesson
means that you are going to try to get this into your schedule
you’re going to maybe squeeze it in
because it may not be easy to do
because you’re so busy right
sometimes we talk about fitting something in
or fitting something into your schedule
but what about just those two words
or as a part of this sentence
i don’t fit in right and nothing after that well
if somebody says i don’t fit in the ideas
that they feel like they’re outside of the group
or that they don’t have a place in society
they might feel different than everyone else
or that they don’t really have a place that’s right
so this phrase could mean different things of course
here we’re talking about someone’s schedule and the things that
they can afford to do with their time
Beth says my ideal summer would be
this have fun improve the world
travel and make money is
there any one thing
that you could do to accomplish all four of those things
i don’t think so these things are all vastly different
i mean maybe like being a travel
vlogger or something oh
if if you have a following on YouTube or something like that
right so perhaps
but i like the idea of improving the world
we talk about the importance of making the world a better place
i want to make the world a better place
that’s right well
Beth says too bad
i can’t fit in all of those things
i have to set some priorities
let’s talk about the idea of setting priorities
this means that you make things that should be important
first and the things that aren’t as important
second or last
on your list of what is important to you
sometimes you may hear
people use the phrase to get your priorities straight
this is often said to someone
when another person isn’t very happy with them
and they do something and the other person feels like
you shouldn’t have done that
because you’re acting like it’s not important to you
get your priority straight
get your priorities straight
we all need to get our priorities straight in life
and in different parts of our life different areas of our lives
the verb for this word is to prioritize
it’s important
to prioritize the things
that are important to you put those at the top of the list well
what is next on our list
it is today’s infocloud
let’s go there now
hello friends
welcome to infocloud hey
Rex you were working really hard
on the musical production last year
you did a really good job during the performance
it wasn’t just me everyone broke their backs on this production
the musical was about the life story of our founder Doris
so we were all inspired you did a good job too Garrett
it was my first time acting and singing on a professional stage
so i had to put in a lot of work
i definitely broke my back during that musical
but you need to explain
what that means the expression break your back
means to put in a lot of effort into something you’re working on
if you think of it when a person works and works to a degree
that their back is breaking that means they’re working a lot
they are not just putting in physical labor
they are putting a lot of heart into what they are working on
so when a person breaks their back
it means the work is very exhausting
but that doesn’t mean hard things are bad
we can almost always find a way to make the things
we are doing more fulfilling than exhausting
break someone’s back
来形容break someone’s back
break someone’s back就代表非常辛勤的工作
Thomas broke his back working on this project
这就是今天NFL cloud
how to spend the summer
those things are my ideal to this research program
combines camping and conservation
so i’ll get to enjoy journeying down the river
but i won’t earn any money
so you’ll have the fun and i’ll have the money
and you’ll build muscle and get ahead in your studies too bad
we can’t have it all
the group journeyed across the vast desert of unending sand
或者是after years of living in the city
Carol journeyed back to her hometown
hoping to find a simpler life在城市生活多年后
再看一剧Kourtney’s journey into the world of literature
helped her find adventure in books from all over the world
thank you very much Jack well
we read here
Kate says those things are my ideal to we’ve seen that word a
couple of times in this lesson
what’s your ideal summer
and she says those things are my ideal as well
these are things that we wish we could do
or they’re very important to us
and so we wish if the world was a perfect place
this is how things would be in someone’s ideal world
if there’s a certain situation that you think is not perfect
but you can accept it you could say something like well
it’s not ideal but we can do it that way well
Kate says
this research program combines camping and conservation
we could use that phrase to talk about other things
that we put together right
for example here at studio
classroom and especially on
let’s talk in English we like to combine fun and education
that’s right
so this research program is combining camping and conservation
Kate says so all get to enjoy journeying down the river
we talked about that we’re journeying in the language lab
a moment ago
i like that we’ve used it here to talk about this project
it sounds like
Kate is thinking about this project as kind of an adventure
yeah for sure
i mean you know
we just saw the word voyage a couple of lessons ago
as well could you say
because it’s going to take place on the water
she’s going to have a voyage in during her summer months
maybe if she’s going from one location to another
maybe that’s when i
would use the word voyage
yeah that’s when we would use the word voyage
she’s probably not going to spend a lot of time
in a boat this summer
but like Anne Marie shared earlier
she maybe on the river banks or something like that
but speaking of journeying down the river
when would we say up the river
i think it’s usually upstream right
yeah well
if you’re going up the river
it means that you’re going against the current so
if you’re going down the river
it means you’re going with the current that’s right
okay so
Kate says i won’t earn any money well
Beth says
so you’ll have the fun and i’ll have the money obviously
these ladies are being very optimistic about
what each other is going to do
during the summer
definitely and i think it’s really interesting that
Beth says here the fun and the money
she’s acting like fun
is some type of object to be had just like money right
and also
the fact that she uses the word the to talk about these things
and she could have
just said so you’ll have fun and i’ll have money
but she says you’ll have the fun and i’ll have the money
it’s kind of the idea
that Kate will be doing most of the fun stuff
and she will be doing most of the stuff that makes money exactly
Kate says and you’ll build muscle and get ahead in your
studies well the more
Kate talks about what Beth is going to do over the summer
the better it sounds for sure what do you mean by that
building muscle and getting ahead in your studies
those are both really positive things yeah and not to mention
is the one who will be earning a little money as well
so let’s talk about some of these things muscle of course
we all have muscles
and we all should exercise those muscles to get stronger right
this word also made me think of the idea of muscle memory
if you are trying to improve a skill
that requires using your muscle in different ways right
it could be a musical instrument for example
you can do things over time that build muscle memory
once you’ve got that action down then later
when you try it again
it will be easier because your muscles remember the movements
that’s right muscle memory a great term for you to know friends
well Kate ends our lesson by saying too bad
we can’t have it all if you could have it all
you’d be able to travel have fun
make money get ahead in your studies build muscle
it’s impossible to do right friends yeah
and i hear Adele singing this line with them
you could have had it all Kate and Beth
but no you have to choose one or the other all right well
friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know
that a common summer job is working at an amusement park ha ha
what is an amusement park
well it is a place where you can go and ride
the different rides since more people visit in the summer
more workers are needed
so it’s a perfect summer job just wear sunscreen
and that is today’s fun summer fact
friends as we end our lesson
here’s a question for you to think about
and for Gabe to answer how intentional
do you think someone should be with their summer break
well as an adult looking back on my younger self
i would say that
you should probably be very intentional with what you’re going
to do
i think when you are young
it’s a great time to learn how to plan
how to plan out your week
how to plan out your month
or even how to plan out something longer like a summer
or winter break
so would you be more inclined to agree with Kate
or Beth in our conversation
Kate was the volunteer right
that’s right
she’s you honestly i kind of agree with you Anne Marie
in that i
Kate yeah if i’m going to work somehow i’d like to get you know
compensated for it that means i’d like to get paid for it
so probably more like Beth all
right friends so
that is all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom

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