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Digital Tools for Summer Learning-空中英語教室
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Digital Tools for Summer Learning 暑期數位好幫手(上)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
we’re so glad you’ve joined us for our lesson today
my name is Ann Marie and i’m Gabe
and we have a question for you as we start off our lesson today
what do you do to keep your brain sharp
what do i do to keep my brain sharp持我的大脑敏捷/保持我的大脑清晰
uh i used to read books more often
but now i listen to more audio books um
i just kind of got into the habit
and sometimes i’ll actually stop whatever else
i’m doing like if i’m washing
the dishes or folding clothes
i’ll stop what
i’m doing
and actually take out a notebook and write down some notes
if what i heard
i thought was beneficial
that does seem like a good way to keep your mind sharp
i used to read a lot more than i do now
i wish i had more time to read
reading is probably
the best choice for me to keep my brain sharp
Ann Marie i find it’s difficult to do something like reading
especially a physical book if our kids are anywhere around
yes that’s one reason i don’t read more than i do
i don’t like to be interrupted exactly
nobody wants to be interrupted right
but friends what do you do to keep your mind sharp
our lesson is kind of about that well
it has to do with that anyway
we’re talking about digital tools for summer learning
because we are
going to learn about something that happens
to a lot of students during the summer
if they are not doing anything
that is right
today is a great day to learn something new
so lets do that together
digital tools for summer learning
keep your brain sharp this summer
with some fun and free digital resources
don’t let summer turn your brain to mush
while many eagerly anticipate summer
as a time for relaxation and hanging out with friends
you shouldn’t waste the opportunity for learning fun
the summerslide
a phenomenon in which students experience
learning loss during summer break happens
because learners aren’t engaged in educational activities
step into the digital realm
and let modern technology
take you on an exciting learning adventure this summer
hi everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先来看relaxation这个名词
来看几个例句after a long week at work
Paula looked forward to a weekend of relaxation
found relaxation in the simple pleasure of fishing at a lake
near his house
比如with the new mayor in office
there has been a relaxation of some traffic loss
we’ve already mentioned this phrase to keep your brain sharp
several times as we started our lesson
today so
let’s define it a little more clearly
if you keep something sharp
it means that you keep it active
or you keep it going at the same level
that it has always been for example
you could play tennis
once a week to keep your skills sharp to make sure
that you don’t lose what you already know
that’s right it’s not only your brain that you can keep sharp
you can keep other skills sharp
as well right
it reminds me of this phrase from a book i forget which book
but he talks about
i think it’s seven habits of highly effective people
one of them is to sharpen the saw
he compares our brains to a saw
and a saw is something that should be sharp but sometimes
if you don’t use it
or if you use it too much in the wrong way maybe
then it will become dull
that is the opposite of sharp
you want to keep your brains sharp
that’s right keep your brain sharp this summer
with some fun and free digital resources
don’t let summer turn your brain too much
if your brain has turned too much
it means that you’re not really able to think of anything
you are maybe really tired
or you’re zoning out you can’t think very sharply at all now
when might your brain turn to mush
when does it feel like your brain is turning to mush
i think it’s those times when
we maybe have a lot of time
where we’re not actively involved in something
this is part of the reason why work is good for people
that’s true
because it keeps you involved doing something with your mind
and your body
i know that my brain turns to mush
when i’m watching too much
tv scrolling social media too much
or turning on Netflix for hours at a time
those are times
my brain turns to mush
i don’t have to think about anything well
we read on here
while many eagerly anticipate summer
as a time for relaxation and hanging out with friends
you shouldn’t waste the opportunity for learning fun
that’s right fun in the learning style
because learning can be fun and should be fun of course
it’s great to hang out with people as well used here
i get the idea that you’re just going out with people
with no expectations or topic for discussion necessarily right
you’re just going to hang out
and have a good time and chat about whatever
you guys talk about
but let’s talk about an opportunity here
there are different ways
we could talk about opportunities the one
you see here is to waste an opportunity that means
it’s there in front of you
but you don’t do anything with it
and then it passes you by she had an interview at that company
but she didn’t go
so she wasted the opportunity to get a better job now
there’s other words that we use with the word opportunity
as well you could take an opportunity
you could miss an opportunity as well
that’s right or maybe you pass up an opportunity on purpose
well we learn we read on here
the summer slide is a phenomenon in
which students experience learning loss during summer
break now you see this phrase summer slide in quotes
because maybe it’s not an official term
but it does refer to sliding sliding back for example
you’re not going forward
that’s right now the summer slide happens
because learners aren’t engaged in educational activities
so what should we do step into the digital realm
and let
modern technology take you on an exciting learning adventure
this summer let’s find out
what some of these opportunities are in our next reading
digital tools for summer learning
stimulate your mind with a good scavenger hunt
the Geo cacheing app
which helps you both find and hide little treasures
offers a variety of benefits like treasure hunting geocaching
takes you outdoors
gets you exploring and enhances your navigating skills
you get a small prize out of it
you can leave behind a treasure for someone else to find
譬如regular exercise is known to stimulate
the release of hormones that make us happy
或是the professor’s challenging questions were
meant to stimulate
a discussion of the topic
例如the debate club provided intellectual stimulation
for its members
by getting them to discuss their views on complex topics
the sailor used the stars to navigate
when he was in the middle of the ocean
或是by using their GPS
tourists can now easily navigate foreign cities
without fear of getting lost
例如new CARS have advanced navigation Systems that suggest
quick routes and provide updates
thank you so much Jack all right friends
let’s take a look at this first sentence in this section
stimulate your mind with a good scavenger hunt last year
we had an article all about scavenger hunts
maybe you remember if you were reading sc magazine then friends
but i didn’t know
there were good scavenger hunts and bad scavenger hunts well
there probably are some bad scavenger hunts out there
and it could mean that they’re poorly prepared
or poorly planned
it could also mean there’s something
you shouldn’t get involved with
that’s not the kind of good that our lesson means okay
right here the word good means satisfying
it’s used in the same way that we talk about
getting a good night’s sleep
you want to get a satisfying night’s sleep right well
here you want to stimulate your mind with a good scavenger hunt
that’s right the geocaching app
which helps you both find and hide little treasures
offers a variety of benefits
i like that
we’ve talked about these little things as little treasures here
this makes me think of the things
that my kids have hidden in little boxes in their rooms
they have a lot of little treasures
and maybe to me
they don’t seem very special
like little rocks or little cheap pieces of jewelry
or something like that
but to them those are treasures
they are and sometimes they will give you a treasure
and you look at it and think oh
what am i gonna do with this
but it’s kind of cute right
but we read on here like treasure hunting geocaching
takes you outdoors
gets you exploring and enhances your navigating skills okay well
let’s take a look at that structure to get you doing something
okay this means a certain
activity or thing makes you go out and do something
or causes you to do something
for example i listen to an audiobook
and it got me thinking a lot more on this subject
that’s a good example
here’s another one joining the exercise class has really got him
moving he is exercising and moving more
because he has joined this exercise class all right
so geocaching takes you outdoors
gets you exploring and enhances your navigating skills
you get a small prize out of it
or a small treasure furthermore
you can leave behind a treasure for someone else to find
okay well
honestly Anne Marie when i first read this lesson
i thought man there’s
there’s some naughty kid out there
who’s gonna leave
a treasure for somebody else
you know what that treasure is gonna
be what something
that his dog left behind when they were out on a walk
you think that might happen somebody’s gonna do it right
and if they weren’t thinking about it now before now
that they’ve seen our program you know
somebody’s going to have that naughty idea
don’t do that friends
but let’s take a look at this other sentence structure
here to get something out of something else okay
you get a small prize out of it
i can also use this phrase to talk about what
you may have learned from something so
for example i didn’t get a lot out of that meeting
that means the meeting wasn’t very productive
all right well
friends we will be right back with our next section right
after today’s infocloud
hello everyone
welcome to nfo cloud hey Garrett
have you ever heard someone say
that watching too much tv can turn your brain into mush
yeah i’ve heard that expression before
it’s often used to describe the feeling of mental slowness
or confusion that can come from spending too much time
on mindless activities
right mush describes things that are a soft pulpy
mask or mixture like cooked oatmeal or porridge
so when people say turn your brain into mush
they mean that doing things like watching tv
or playing video games for too long
will affect your thinking
exactly it’s a fancy way of saying that you will become stupid
or dull now i have a question
Garrett is describing an idea as mushy thinking the same thing
mushy thinking is similar
it refers to thoughts or ideas that lack clarity or coherence
so if someone accuses you of mushy thinking
they’re saying that your ideas are unclear or illogical right
it’s often used to criticise thinking that relies too much
on feelings and not enough
on facts or logical reasoning
got it so both phrases
highlight the importance of maintaining mental sharpness
and clarity of thought exactly
but turn your brain into mush
is more of a reminder to engage inactivities
that stimulate the mind
and promote clear logical thinking
你可以用turn your brain into mush来形容
turn your brain into mush就是把脑子变成浆糊
watching too much TV can turn your brain into mush
你可以说那是mushy thinking
这就是今天的INFO cloud
digital tools for summer learning
project Noah another app that maximizes
your outdoor time functions like an online science project
when you encounter local wildlife document
it on your smartphone and share your findings in the app
as you participate in missions on the app
you earn rewards for your uploads
along with findings from your fellow users
your contribution to project Noah
helps scientists with ongoing research
譬如the researcher spent months
documenting the flight patterns of birds
decided to preserve his family history
by documenting the stories
and memories of his grandparents
譬如knowing that Eddie’s birth certificate
was necessary for her future
Audrey put the document in her safe
all right
let’s continue learning about another app here friends
project Noah another app that maximizes
your outdoor time functions like an online science project
i like this word maximises here friends
that means
you’re going to get the most out of something for example
she got all her homework done after school on Friday
so that she could maximize her weekend
she could get the most out of her weekend
she possibly could because her homework was done yeah
if you ever go on vacation
you want to maximize your vacation time right
that means make the best use of your vacation time
don’t just sit in your hotel room
watching tv well
so we read functions like an online science project
and when you encounter local wildlife
document it on your smartphone
and share your findings in the app
we’ve had lessons about similar apps before
i think it was the i naturalist app
that’s a really cool app
and we’ve actually used it in my family ourselves well
yeah we made a little video about it
we did both of our family’s kids doing something with that app
and you can basically go and hold up your phone
and use the camera to kind of discover
what type of plant or animal
you are looking at
and of course
we’re looking at something called project Noah here
and we see in this sentence
the word finding used as a noun
your findings
or a finding is something that you have discovered or found
that’s right
we read on here as you participate in missions on the app
you earn rewards for your uploads so it
sounds like there
are different missions
or objectives that you need to do on this app
and it says here
you can choose to participate in these missions
if you participate in something
it means you take part in it or you decide to do it yourself
are you participating in karaoke at the restaurant tonight
are you going to be singing a song yourself
but we read on here
friends along with findings from your fellow users
your contribution to project Noah
helps scientists with ongoing research
i want to look at that word fellow here
at the beginning of the sentence
all right fellow users right
that is people who are using the same thing that you are using
that is a fellow user
we use the word fellow to talk about other things
or other people who are doing something similar for example
we could talk about
you know our fellow classmates
if we’re referring to the people in our class
or fellow co workers
if we’re referring to our co workers
that’s right we also see the word on going here
at the end of the sentence if there’s ongoing research
it means that this research is still happening
there haven’t been any conclusions yet
so it is still in the process of being researched well
i understand
why project Noah would reward people for using this app
because if it really is helping scientists with real research
then people should be rewarded for their time friends
what do you think
that’s all the time
we have for this part of our lesson is time for today’s fun fact
right now
hello fact
friends i am detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that
there are more than three million Geo caches in the world
so if you are looking for a Geo cache well
you have a lot of options 3 million
there is even a Geo cache in Antarctica
so you can’t have an excuse for being bored this summer
you have 3 million Geo caches to go
find you better
hurry you better go
that’s today’s fun fact
alright friends
as we finish out today’s lesson
let’s take a look at one of our talk
about it questions from our magazine here
we go how can digital learning tools
prevent students from experiencing the summer slide
well i think that anything that you do to keep your brain sharp
can help you stay away from the summer slide
it doesn’t have to be digital
but i do think that
we should take advantage of the devices
that we have instead of ignoring them
it’s easy for parents to say oh
don’t play video games and then so therefore
they think their kids should not even touch a computer right
but actually
there’s a lot of things that kids can learn with a computer
or an iPad or something like that yeah
that’s a really good
point kids are going to be using smartphones anyway
so you might as well make it educational well friends
that’s all the time we have for today
we will see you next time right here on studio classroom

Digital Tools for Summer Learning 暑期數位好幫手(下)
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Anne Marie and my name is Gabe
we’re very happy that you are joining us for our lesson here
yes we are
we are on day two of our article
called digital tools for summer learning
where we learned about a new term yesterday
the summer slide
what is the summer slide Gabe yeah
that’s where a lot of students during the summer
they don’t really do anything to keep their brains sharp
and so they kind of slide back a little bit in their learning
that’s right
because they’re not keeping their minds active
so what can you do about it
if you are a student friends well
you could download one of these apps
that we are learning about in our lesson to make learning
fun over the summer
we’ve already looked at two different apps
the first one was a scavenger hunt app
where you can go and find little geocheches
and leave treasures for other people to find the other one
we talked about was an app called project Noah
where you go out and encounter wildlife and document
your findings and this may actually
even benefit scientists who do real research in that field
we have more to look at today
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
digital tools for summer learning
as members of the 21st century
we know that technology plays the utmost importance
in our everyday lives to sharpen your digital skills
and further your understanding
learn how to code one of the most popular coding websites
code org designs its coding lessons as a series of games
this friendly
approach is a warm
welcome for beginners
set yourself up for an enriching goal this summer
by learning how to code
you will learn to exercise
both your creativity and analytical skills
and who knows
you may even be able to build a simple program by summer’s end
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the rescue team
worked with the utmost care to make sure the miners
trapped underground were safe
during the operation to save them
或是the museum handled the antiques with the utmost respect
because they knew their historical significance and value
譬如the Doctors did their utmost to save their patient
but in the end
it was no use
the study abroad program was designed to enrich students
academic experiences
例如the art class was an enriching experience for Archie
as she broadened her skills and met other artists
the enriching conversation with the visiting professor left
the students inspired and eager to learn more about the topic
thank you so much Jack for that enriching vocabulary lesson well
we read here as members of the 21st century
we know that technology
plays the utmost importance in our everyday lives
what does it mean to be a member of the 21st century
well i mean we’re alive at this time right in the 21st century
so we are naturally members of the 21st century
we can’t help that all right
we didn’t sign up for it
but we are here
but we do use the word member to talk about other things
as well of course
you can be a member of a club and i like to you know
be reminded that i want to be a contributing member to society
or contributing member of society in general
that’s a good point
we often use the word member with the word society as well well
we keep reading here to sharpen your digital skills
and further your understanding
learn how to code
i don’t know how to code
this is a skill that i do not have do you know how to code game
no i’ve never actually taken any courses in coding
this is interesting
as i was preparing for this lesson
it came out in the news that the ceo of Nvidia
Jensen Huang said
something like coding will no longer be necessary in the future
why is that
because because ai will be doing a lot of that obviously
you need to have a person to give the right prompts for ai
maybe that’ll change in the future as well
but it is an interesting topic to discuss friends at any rate
even if we no longer need human coders in the future
i do know that a lot of kids have learned a lot
and benefited a lot from learning how to code
even from a very young age that’s a good point
and even if we don’t need them in the future
it is a very important role that many people are playing now
we need people who know how to code
so we read here one of the most popular coding websites
code org designs its coding lessons as a series of games
let’s review
what it means if something is a series or in a series
that means that one thing follows another
in a specific order for example
a series of books if one book is in a series
it means that there are probably three
four or five books there
and then they go in a specific order
we also use series to talk about the weather
as well you could say
there have been a series of thunderstorms happening in our area
of course they don’t happen all at the same time
they happen one after another
so these games are games in a series
so you probably build on your skills yeah
that’s a really good point
so we read on here this friendly approach is a warm
welcome for beginners
and with something like coding for people
who are not tech savvy like myself
it is nice when people can set it up
so that it is a friendly thing for beginners right
you want to have a user interface for example
sometimes we call it a ui
a user interface that is user friendly
that’s right set yourself up for an enriching goal this summer
by learning how to code
you will learn to exercise both your creativity and analytical
let’s talk about those two things
creativity and analytical skills well
creativity is your ability to imagine things
and to create something new of course
we only can create with the things
that we have been given in life
right now that could be what we have in our minds
it could be something from our backgrounds that we remember
it could be the skills that we’re learning
or something that is happening in
everyday life around us
we use those things put them together in a new way
that is creativity
analytical skills
analyzing refers to examining in great detail
in order to explain or interpret something
so analyzing and especially analyzing facts
that’s a very important
part of critical thinking
that’s right
all right and we have another great phrase here and who knows
you may even be able to build a simple program by summers end
now this phrase and who knows in English
always has a sentence that follows it that’s right
because we’re not sure what is going to happen in the future
right but when would we use this phrase
when you want to share something encouraging
that is a possibility even though you don’t know for sure
but who knows
you may even be able to build a simple program by summers end
and i imagine if you’re able to do that
you will have a sense of achievement
or a sense of accomplishment
that is very important in young learners
there’s something else i want to talk about from this section
is the idea of setting yourself up for something
because you see here in our lesson
you can set yourself up for an enriching goal this summer
but i wanted to talk about the idea of setting yourself
up for success
there are things you can do in life
things that you can plan
so that you can hopefully have success in the future you’re
setting yourself up for success
that’s a great point alright
friends we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud hey
Garrett today
we are talking about the difference between hard skills
and soft skills hmm
that’s right
and it’s an important distinction especially in the workplace
hard skills and soft skills are both valuable
but they’re quite different hard skills are specific
teachable abilities that can be measured and quantified
hard skills are things like technical expertise
computer programming or proficiency in a foreign language
on the other hand
softskills are more about interpersonal
emotional intelligence
and personal attributes soft skills things like teamwork
leadership adaptability and problem solving
so while hard skills are often job specific
and can be learned through training or education
soft skills are more about how you interact with others
and navigate various situations
that’s right
soft skills are essential for success in almost any job
because they determine how effectively you can work with others
and handle challenges
so when employers talk about
looking for candidates with strong soft skills
they are emphasizing the importance of qualities
like communication
empathy and collaboration
exactly it is important to develop both hard
and soft skills to excel in the workplace and in life
专业技能也分为hard skills跟soft skills
hard skill就是硬技能
都算是hard skills
如果你拥有很厉害的hard skills
千万不要忘记soft skills
基本上hard skills跟soft skills
这就是今天的INFO cloud
digital tools for summer learning
coding is to building hard skills
as podcasting is to developing soft skills
hard skills are technical
while soft skills focus on communication
organization and critical thinking
whether you do it solo
or with others podcasting serves as a fabulous way to practice
telling stories by using free
recording software like audacity
you can spend the summer outlining a story
and recording it for others to enjoy
fire up your laptops and phones
this summer
and take advantage of the many digital tools out there
put these resources to work and let the learning begin
miles managed to find a fabulous deal
on an antique car that was in perfect condition
或是the event was a fabulous affair with a live orchestra
exotic cuisine and glamorous clothing
Iris returned from her vacation
with fabulous tales of hidden beaches
ancient ruins and adventures with people they had met there Iris
最后来看fire up这个片语
譬如the first thing we do when we get up in the morning
is fire up the coffee pot
fire up另外一个意思是使激动
譬如at the beginning of the concert
the band played some of their most energetic hits
to fire up the crowd
或是the coach’s speech managed to fire up
the team giving them energy and determination
as they ran on to the playing field
all right thank you so much Jack
let’s continue on with our lesson here
friends coding is to building hard skills
as podcasting is to developing soft skills
we’ve had some lessons about podcasting before friends
but let’s review what it is right now
yeah podcasting is great
so it is a kind of a radio or audio program
that is stored in digital form
and it can be downloaded
and usually they come in series
so it’s rare to have a podcast where there’s just one episode
but usually
people will start a podcast that revolves around a certain
topic or subject
and the whole podcast could be all about
that subject in some way
different aspects or angles of that subject
do you enjoy listening to podcast and Marie
or what kind of subjects
do you enjoy listening to you know
i don’t really listen to podcasts very often
i will watch like clips of them on YouTube
or sometimes on Instagram really hard for me to sit for like 20
30 or 40 minutes
and listen to people talking that whole time sure
it doesn’t really hold my attention
but i do know they’re really beneficial for a lot of people
especially if they can listen
while they’re doing something else
like commuting or something like that exactly
it’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone
if i’m folding my clothes
and i’m listening to a podcast
and i’m doing
just that i like personal finance podcasts those are great well
there’s an interesting sentence structure here in this sentence
that we should talk about okay
it’s a way to compare two different things okay
and you use something that everybody understands already
and then you use something else
that maybe you’re not sure about and compare it
with that first thing
everybody understands
so maybe everybody understands what hard skills are
and what coding is right
so coding is to building hard skills
as podcasting is to developing soft skills
so whatever coding does for your hard skills
what you’re doing
physically podcasting will do for your soft skills
here’s another way to use
that sentence structure
milk is to babies
what steak is to adults
i liked that example
or maybe steak is to adults
what milk is to babies
makes sense
all right well
if you’re still not quite sure about hard skills and soft skills
we have an explanation here in the next sentence
hard skills are technical
while soft skills focus on communication
organization and critical thinking
we mentioned this idea of critical thinking
earlier on in this section
when we talked about analytical skills and critical thinking
is objective analysis of an issue in order to form a judgment
so this isn’t just taking in information friends even
if you’re good at memorizing facts
that’s not critical thinking
critical thinking is being able to take those facts
and make your own opinions about them that’s right
and that’s where analyzing comes in right
you need to be able to explain and interpret
those facts correctly all right well
we read on here
whether you do it solo
or with others podcasting serves as a fabulous way to practice
telling stories
there are different ways we can use this word solo
it can be an adjective if it is before a noun for example
a solo ride right
that means you’re going for a ride on your bike by yourself
that’s a solo ride
or you can use it as an adverb if you put it after a verb okay
so i’m going to go riding solo this afternoon nobody
is going to come with me
the word itself doesn’t change it is always solo
but it becomes an adjective
or adverb depending on where you place
it in a sentence
or sometimes it can even be a noun
maybe you sing a solo in your choir
that’s right but remember what our lesson is about friends
we are talking about apps that keep us from the summer slide
so we are talking about audacity here
which is free recording software
you can spend the summer
outlining a story and recording it for others to enjoy
let’s talk about the idea of outlining something
if you outline something
or make an outline
you are giving kind of a rough
estimate as to what that audio file
or what that paper is going to be about this
is something that i like to do when i’m teaching a lesson
or when i’m giving a speech
i make an outline
i don’t write down every single word that i want to say
but i write my main ideas down
so that i don’t forget them all right
well let’s finish our lesson here
fire up your laptops and phones this summer
and take advantage of the many digital tools out there
of course
Jack just talked about how you can fire up
a crowd if you are a speaker for example
you get them excited about something
we can use this in a passive way as well perhaps
i heard the speaker
and i got inspired i got fired up to do something that’s right
put these resources to work
and let the learning begin
when you put something or someone to work
it means you’re making them do the work
you are making them get something done yeah
we have an event later
so we put the kids to work making cookies
that everybody can enjoy
so let the learning begin well
friends we’re about to let our learning end for our lesson today
but it’s not over yet let’s go to today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends did you know that many apps
let you build your own video game
haha it’s true i enjoy playing video games
but it’s even more fun to build one well
okay this is not as easy as playing a video game
but it is better for your brain ha ha
have you ever wanted to build a video game
i should build one where i’m a detective
and that’s today’s blip fun fact
all right friends
it’s time for a quiz are you ready
yes all right here we go soft skills focus on communication
organization and critical what critical sharpening
critical enriching
critical podcasting or critical thinking this one’s difficult
it is well
we did talk about sharpening the saw right
that is another way of
saying you want to sharpen your brain and keep your brain sharp
there’s different ways to do that
but no the phrase is critical thinking you
got it i hope you got that right as well friends
and we hope that you have enjoyed this lesson
we have a new one for you next time
so make sure you come back
and join us right here on studio classroom

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