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America's State Fairs-空中英語教室
2024/08/31 16:19:01瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
America’s State Fairs-美國農牧博覽會(上)
空中英語教室 20240830
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom we’re so glad
you’ve joined us for our program today
my name is Ann Marie
and my name is Gabe
thank you for coming here to studio classroom
and before we get started today
i’m wondering
if we could talk about the talk about it question oh
before we get into the lesson
before we get into the lesson okay
because we’re talking about america’s state fairs today
a fair is
it’s an event different things happen at different fairs
but often fairs are fun people are showing off different things
maybe doing different types of performances
there may be some amusement park rides there’s definitely food
probably music at a fair and Marie
the talk about it question is have you
ever visited a state fair explain okay
well i have been to many many many county fares over the years
you know every state is divided up into counties
it’s kind of like the districts in the state
and each of those counties has multiple towns or cities in them
and so
all of those cities will come together to have a county fair
so our county fair is fun do you think they’re worth visiting
i loved going to the county fair when i was growing up
you could go and see animals in different competitions
you could hear live music being played
you could ride on amusement park rides
there were all kinds of things to do at the
county fair it does sound like a lot of fun
especially hearing you talk about it
like that i’ve never been to a state fair in my life
especially having grown up here
but now i’m kind of curious our lesson is of course
about America’s state fairs
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
america’s state fairs it’s time for wild rides
great entertainment
and food on a stick when late summer and early fall arrive
state fairs pop up across America
sometimes called the beating heart of the United States
state fairs have agricultural origins in 1807
El Cana Watson got things rolling
when he put his sheep on public display in Massachusetts
but it wasn’t until 1841
that the country’s first official state fair
took place in Syracuse new York
hey everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack首先我们来看pop up这个片语
例如during summer
fruit and vegetable stands pop up in areas
where people tend to shop在夏天
或者是every time
Branda thought she had fixed the problem
another era would pop up on her screen
或是while Edward was reading an online newspaper
an advertisement for the latest cellphone
popped up catching his attention
friends its time for wild rides
great entertainment and food on a stick lets start
this lesson by talking about that phrase
its time for something yeah well
maybe it is time for something for you to do something right
maybe your teacher has said it’s time for class
that means everybody should get in their seats
and get ready for class
i tell my kids in the evening it’s time for a bath now
it’s time to go take a bath
so we read here it’s time for wild rides what is a wild ride
are we talking about
amusement park rides
roller coasters or like a hayride on the back of a truck well
it could be either of those things
it could even refer to some types of competitions that occur
at state fares
like bull riding or barrel racing things like that
as well this phrase can include both of those things
we also see here great entertainment
which of course
make you think of bands or performances and food on a stick okay
i just thought of corn dogs
because that’s often the food that i eat on a stick here
or maybe
one of those sausages
that you could get on the side of the road
but have you ever heard of this restaurant in the states
called hot dog on a stick
you have it
oh well they primarily sell corn
dogs yeah you should check it out
next time you go back
the reason a lot of food is served on a stick in the state fare
is so that it’s easy to walk around
and eat it at the same time kind of
like how at night markets here
a lot of food is put into those paper bags
we don’t really do that as much in the states
most of the time
our fried food at the fare is put on a stick
that’s a good point speaking of nightmarket food on a stick
i would love to see
someone try to sell pigs blood on a stick at a state fair
i mean i think it would probably work really
i think so a lot of people
eat some crazy things at the state fair it’s true
i think if they did not know what it was they may try it
but friends what kind of food on a stick
do you like talk about that in English later
right now let’s continue with this lesson when late summer
and early fall arrive
state fairs pop up
all across America
or across America that word pop up
or that phrase also made me think of the idea of pop up ads
when you’re browsing the internet
all of a sudden an ad just pops up that’s called a pop up ad
that’s right reading on here
sometimes called the beating heart of the United States
state fairs have
agricultural origins now what is agriculture
well it has to do with farming so what our writer is saying here
is that state fairs really have a lot to do with farming
and remember you have an agricultural background don’t you yeah
i do i grew up in farmtown America
that just means i grew up in a small town
where most people worked
and did some type of farming or raising animals
or something that had to do with that
so we’re seeing how these state fairs have agricultural origins
in 1807 Alcana Watson got things rolling
when he put his sheep on public display in Massachusetts
let’s take a look at a few things here to get things rolling
that means
if there’s a process or something that will go on for a while
there has the beginning right
so he got things started when he did this
that’s another way of saying to get something started
to get it rolling
there’s a related phrase
that’s not in our lesson and that is to get the ball rolling so
if there’s something you need to do
and somebody needs to start the project well
you can get it started
you can get the ball rolling
here’s an example of how to use get things rolling in a sentence
the speaker got things rolling
with a joke at the beginning of his speech all right
we read on here
but it wasn’t until 1841 that the country’s first official
state fair took place in Syracuse new York
let’s continue right now with our next reading
america’s state fairs
fares became the venue for farmers to buy
sell trade or exhibit farm animals
it was also an opportunity to check out the latest
farming equipment
today you’ll still find those things
you’ll also find competitions for the fattest pig
or the biggest pumpkin
homemade cakes pies
cookies and jams are also judged and awarded prices
譬如the museum planned to exhibit
a rare collection of paintings by Matisse
或是the school encouraged students to exhibit
their projects at the science fair
譬如the exhibit included photographs by local photographers
as well as some from other parts of the country
譬如the Nobel Prize committee decided to award
the peace Prize to the woman for her work with refugees
或者是the author was awarded the lifetime achievement
award for his contributions to literature
譬如at the annual film Festival
the best director award
went to a newcomer for her stunning movie about elephants
all right thank you Jack well
we read here fares became the venue for farmers to buy
sell trade or exhibit farm animals so here
we are seeing the original story of why fairs came to be
they were a place
or a venue for farmers to trade
sell or by animals
it was also
an opportunity to check out the latest farming equipment now
i will say it has been a while
since i’ve been to a county fair probably about 20 years
but when i went to the last county fair
i had been to this was still true
the latest farming equipment could be checked out
at the county fair
well how exciting
i mean was that exciting
it actually was pretty exciting
because there was a lot of new technology that was coming out
when it came to you know
harvesting your crops
or knowing when they were ready and things like that
and these kind of things are really really offensive
so it was a chance for the general public to go and see them
a very interesting
it kind of reminds me of that talk
we had recently about agro forestry
so these the equipment that you could see at a
big state fair
or a county fair is it more for industrial farming
or do
you think that some of these things can also be used to do
something like agroforestry
like i said it’s been about 20 years yes
but the last time
i saw it was more for local farming practices oh
really more for local farming practices very cool well
this is interesting to me
we also see the word exhibit you saw that in the first sentence
and Jack talked about that in the language lab
i wanted to talk briefly
about the difference between an exhibit and an exhibition right
so generally an exhibition has several exhibits so
if you walk into a museum
and there’s an exhibition
that has to do with the artist monet for example
so that’s the exhibition
it’s got a lot of these different pieces of art
and you could say that each of those pieces of art
is an exhibit
that’s a good point well
we’re going to drop down to the next paragraph here
friends today
you’ll still find those things
you’ll also find competitions for the fattest
or the biggest pumpkin this today is still true at least as far
as i know most fares are still really big into competing animals
whether that is to see
which one is the biggest and will sell for the highest price
or which animals can do
the most extreme things
have you ever participated in a pig catching
race where they grease the pigs
i’ve only seen this in movies okay
have you heard of this before
i’ve heard of it before i have not competed yeah
they’ll put something slippery like grease on the pigs
and then you have to run around
and try to catch the pigs and hold them down
but of course
it’s really difficult to do
because they keep slipping away
does that sound like something you’d want to do
i don’t know if i would try it now
maybe 20 years ago i would have tried it but not now homemade
cakes pies
cookies and jams are also judged and awarded prizes
we’ll be right back
right after today’s infocloud
hey everyone
welcome to infocloud Rex
have you ever heard
someone say that something is the pride of the town
yeah i think so
but i don’t use the phrase much myself what does it mean
exactly well
when people say something is the pride of the town
they mean it’s something that the town is really proud of
and takes great satisfaction in ah
so it’s like the town’s shining achievement
exactly it could be a landmark
an event or even a person
that represents the best of what the town has to offer
can you give me an example
sure take the local library for instance
if it’s known for its extensive book collection
community programs and beautiful architecture
people might say it’s the pride of the community that makes
sense i think i usually hear the term describing people
though for example
a famous basketball player that was born and raised in a town
might be called the pride of whatever
the town’s name is right
but instead of a town you could also use a country
state county or even a specific community
like a church or school

the pride of the town
我们可以用the pride of the town来形容它
Times Square is the pride of the town in New York.
你也可以说他是the pride of the town
除了town城镇之外你也可以说the pride of the country国家
community社区 church教会或是school学校
这就是今天的INFO cloud
america’s state fairs
the Oklahoma state fair has pig racing contests
Alaska gives a prize for the state’s heaviest cabbage
and Kentucky features award winning horses for almost 200 years
state fairs have been a symbol of the best things
that each state has to offer
additionally the fares feature tasty food
fun games exciting amusement
park rides and popular entertainment
the apple pie was so tasty that many guests praised the
flavor and asked for seconds苹果派非常好吃
或是famous for his tasty sandwiches
the street vendor attracted long lines of people
再看一句after a long hike
the simple meal of bread and cheese was a tasty treat
well here
we are learning about a couple different competitions
at a couple different state fairs
the Oklahoma state fair has pig racing contests
Alaska gives a prize for the state’s heaviest cabbage
and Kentucky features award winning horses
so here are three different states here
with three different types of competitions well
let’s talk about that which one sounds most interesting to you
would you like to go to the Oklahoma state fair
and see pigs racing against each other
would you rather go to Alaska to see
who has the heaviest cabbage or go to Kentucky to see
those award winning horses
Henry well
i have seen pig racing competitions before that sounds exciting
it’s pretty exciting yeah
pigs can run pretty fast and horse
these award winning horses is it also horse races
because there’s a Kentucky Derby that’s right
i’m assuming that it could be this
but a lot of times at the state fair
too courses can win awards for being the best groomed
or having the most correct body proportions as well
so our lesson doesn’t say what kinds of awards that they won
but it could be for either one of those things yeah
well friends
and then of course
there’s the heaviest cabbage ah
i don’t know what else to say about that i mean
maybe that’s really impressive to you ah yeah anyway
let’s do you don’t want to see the heaviest cabbage
i don’t know i don’t want to travel all the way to Alaska
just to see a heavy cabbage i would like to go to Alaska
and maybe go on a whale watching tour
yeah and maybe take a cabbage with a cabbage on the way
okay on the way
sure on the way
i would like to okay
anyway for almost 200 years
state fairs
have been a symbol of the best things
that each state has to offer okay
that’s cool this goes back for a long time almost 200 years
the best things that each state has to offer sometimes
we talk about a place
offering different things of course
people can offer something to you right
someone can offer you something to drink or something to eat
but here we’re talking about a place
like a state or a county
and what it has to offer in other words
what you can do and see an experience
there all right well
additionally the fares feature tasty food
fun games exciting amusement
park rides and popular entertainment and
these are just some of the things
that state fairs have to offer friends
as well there are a lot of student programs
where kids will have agricultural projects
or other types of projects
as well
and they are all on display they’re kind of like a small museum
you can go and see the projects there
there are really
all different kinds of things to do at the fair now
what kinds of amusement park rides
do you enjoy i love roller coasters
i didn’t always i used to think they were kind of scary
i also really love free fall rides
basically you go up really slowly
and you drop down real quickly i also love pirate ships
what kinds of amusement park rides
do you like talk about that in English
it’s time for something else fun right now friends
let’s go to today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i am detective Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that
in the the Minnesota
state fair chocolate chip cookies are very popular
i love chocolate chip cookies
they are my favorite
but get this over 1 million cookies are sold every day
that’s a lot of cookies
i don’t think i could eat that many you need help
and that is today’s fun fact
here is your quiz friends
close your magazine and fill in the blank
state fairs are sometimes called the beating
what of the United States
the beating sheep the beating cabbage
the beating pumpkin or the beating heart
well it would have made sense if you said the bleating sheep
because sheep do bleat
that’s the sound that they make a bleating sheep aha
okay but you didn’t say that you said the beating well
it has to be heart right
you didn’t want to say beating cabbage you
you would have liked that yeah
no you’re right the answer is heart
so state
are sometimes called the beating heart of the United States
there an exciting place to visit if you have the chance
we do have more to learn about America state varies
tomorrow come back here
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom
last a lifetime

America’s State Fairs-美國農牧博覽會(下)
空中英語教室 20240831
hello friends and welcome to studio classroom
thank you for joining us for our program today
my name is Anne Marie my name is Gabe
we are learning about America’s state fairs
and just hearing
Anne Marie talk about her past experiences at the county fairs
makes me actually pretty interested in visiting
or checking out one of these state fairs however
to repeat something we talked about yesterday
i don’t think
i’ll travel all the way to Alaska to see the heaviest cabbage
all right well
there’s many other things
that you could see at different state fairs
if you’re not into cabbage
we learned yesterday
that these fairs often happen in late summer or early fall
all across America
okay so what can you see at a state fair
and what are the origins of state fairs
that’s something
we also talked about
we learned about somebody
who basically put his sheep on public display
and that kind of got the idea going
people thought it was a good idea to do something like this
and show off the different types of agriculture
and farming things
that they had at state fairs
but now it’s become quite a big ordeal
that’s right
most fairs center around different types of competitions
competition to see who has the biggest or best animal
or the best tasting pie
we do have more to learn today about state fares today
of course is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
america’s state fairs
when you enter a fairground
you’re often greeted by the smell of food
that will make your mouth water
state fairs are known for cotton
candy funnel cakes
corn dogs and almost anything
fried candy bars
pickles alligator
and butter are just a few fried food examples and of course
many items are placed on a stick for your eating
convenience bears come up with new mouth
watering treats each year
hi everyone welcome to language lab
例如Shannon always puts lots of pickles
and a big slice of onion on her Hamburger
如果是in a pickle
譬如finding himself
in a pickle Hank had to decide
whether to admit his mistake to his boss or try to fix
it quickly Hank发现自己陷入了困境
譬如every fall Dorothy
pickled various vegetables from her large garden
for the family to enjoy during the winter
i really do like pickles
do you like pickles friends
talk about that in English
well friends we read here when you enter a fairground
you’re often greeted by the smell of food
that will make your mouth water well
we see there a special word
fairground and this is a very good word for you to know in this
lesson friends
because this is where a fair takes place
every county in America
and every state has a fairground now
although fairs generally only happen once a year
what is the fairground used for all those other times
do you have that question too
i was wondering that Amy
i was wondering our fairgrounds temporary
because it seems like they’re temporary well
the one in my city was not temporary it was used for conventions
conferences and concerts when it wasn’t time for the fair
so are there actual buildings
there that are yeah tons
there are all kinds of not quite the size of stadiums
but arenas and things like that barns
where animals can be kept
all kinds of different venues to hold different types of events
because when i think of a fairground
i just think of this big empty plot of dirt
and maybe some tufts of grass here
and there that when the fairs are not there
it’s not being used for anything but that’s not the case well
you can think of it like a night market
some night markets are like that vendors
come in and set up their booths
every single week
but some night markets are permanent building
so fairgrounds can vary from state to state
all right well
when you enter
a fairground you’re often greeted by the smell of food
that will make your mouth water
you can be greeted by the smell
you can greet somebody with something
and greet someone with a handshake for example
or a wave
and then we also see in this section the word mouth watering
so it’s kind of using these words to talk about the same thing
there are certain foods or drinks
that even just thinking about them will make your mouth water
pickles really my mouth waters when i think about pickles
wow good you and my son because my son really likes pickles too
he always takes the pickles off of my hamburger
anything pickled
i really really like oh nice
so kimchi
yeah i love kimchi
one of my favorites all right state
fairs are known for cotton candy
which is on a stick funnel cakes
corn dogs and almost anything fried Candy
bars pickles
alligator and butter are just a few fried food examples i know
in recent years
Oreos are another popular choice
i have heard of deep fried butter
i think it sounds terrible nasty
but this is very interesting
one of these things is not like the other candy
bars pickles alligator and butter
i just think alligator on a stick i don’t know
if i’d like to try that
or not but maybe you wonder what
the difference between an alligator and a crocodile is well
here is the difference on one of their back teeth
the alligators have the letter a
and the crocodiles have the letter c and so
you just need to get up close
open the mouth and see
which letter is on the back teeth and now you know
if it’s an alligator or a crack attack
that’s not true friends
no don’t do that
that’s a dad joke
don’t try that yeah
sorry anyway and of course
many items are placed on a stick for your eating convenience
it’s so convenient to walk around the fairgrounds
holding a stick of your favorite
fried food fairs come up with new mouth
watering treats each year
this is totally true
many state fairs are famous for certain treats
but there are some fairs that are also famous
for having new things come up
every year let’s learn more with our next reading
america’s state fairs
carnival games another big attraction give people chances to win
giant stuffed animals or other prizes in addition
to food and games are the amusement park rides including Ferris
wheels roller
coasters and more
many state fairs also feature live shows with famous artists
like Keith urban
and Nick Jonas
譬如the natural beauty of the national park
is the major attraction for hikers
and nature lovers who go to explore its scenic trails
或是the museum’s latest exhibition on ancient Egypt
has proven to be a popular attraction
tourist attraction是观光景点的意思
例如many cities in Europe
have so many tourist attractions
that people sometimes find it hard to choose what to do
all right friends
it’s time to talk about another popular attraction
at the fair carnival games
it’s another big attraction
they give people chances to win
giant stuffed animals or other prizes
this is another similarity to the state
fair and night market night markets
here have a lot of great carnival games yeah
you’re right one of the ones i loved growing up
when i was much younger was the ring toss
you can pay for a bucket of rings
and then you have to toss it
there’s different levels right the closer ones
to you are easier to get
and they’re the cheaper items and of course
you have bottles of whiskey and wine at the top
and other things like that it’s really hard to get the rings
around one of those things
though i never played these carnival games at the county fair
when i was growing up
because they were so expensive
and most of the games were really rigged
so that was really really hard to win
but then when i moved here to Asia
i did start playing those night market games
because they’re really inexpensive to play and a lot of times
you really do walk away with a price
so what is your favorite night market game
this is a really good question
i also do like the ring toss like the shooting ones
do you like the shooting
we have to shoot this balloon
really good at those
no yeah the ring toss
or maybe the one where you kind of play like pin ball
a little bit oh sure yeah
my kids like to do that every once in a while
it’s one for kids but i enjoy that one
but you know what
my son got smart now
he goes first to see what prizes are
there behind the pinball machine
that’s the way to do it if he doesn’t like any of the prizes
then we won’t play those games that’s you know very smart right
anyway what is your favorite game to play at a night market
what’s your favorite carnival game in general
there are some similar games that you might see at a state
fair similar to what you might see at a night market
so it gives people a chance to win
giant stuffed animals or other prizes in addition
to food and games are the amusement park rides
including Ferris
wheels roller
coasters and more
and i gotta say i guess it depends on the size of the fair too
because you can’t have an entire Disney world at a state fair
you can’t and this is another point
i want to make
i was never allowed to ride these rides at the fair
because they were first of all very expensive
and second of all most of these are temporary rides
so they’re constantly being taken down and put back up
so they’re not as safe as rides that are permanently
in one spot
there’s actually been a lot of accidents on these type of rides
so a lot of parents in the states
won’t let their kids ride them oh
like your parents
like my parents
right that’s an interesting thing to remember
keep that in mind friends in general
though do you like Ferris wheels
i do like Ferris wheels
and i especially like you love roller coasters
i really enjoy a good roller coaster with a very steep drop oh
man yeah
i love what it does to my stomach well
let’s continue here
many state fairs also feature live shows with famous artists
like Keith urban and Nick Jonas
i’m not a big fan of country music
you wouldn’t like the state fair
most of the music at state fairs is generally country music
Keith urban is a country singer
but not but i think of kind of i don’t know the Midwest
when i think of country music like what about a state fair
out in California
maybe it’s not country music
that’s a good point i’ve never been to a fair out in California
before another point here
that we could make is that in county fairs
a lot of local artists perform
so while state fairs might have bigger headlining names
county fairs also have live music
they just might not be as famous of musicians all right friends
let’s be right back after today’s infocloud
welcome to info cloud recently
i had dinner with one of my high school classmates
we had a great time talking about our high school days
it sounds like you had a walk down memory lane
what a great phrase
let’s discuss it piece by piece
a Lane is another word for a road or street
it’s a place you can walk a memory of course
is something that has happened to you in the past
something you remember
streets can have names to describe things
they are near like park road
probably goes along a park or maple lane
might have lots of maple trees
along it so being at memory lane
means you might be spending time with lots of memories
when you start
sharing things remember
it can feel like you are going back to that time
you are walking down memory lane
when we put walk and down together
it is called a phrasal verb
you are not really going down like down the stairs
but you are moving forward you are walking down the street we
could also change the word walk in this phrase to trip
you can take a trip down memory lane
that sounds like a nice trip
where you are remembering good times

take a trip down memory lane
你可以用take a trip down memory lane来形容
memory lane是记忆的巷弄
take a trip down memory lane
这就是taking a trip down memory lane
we took a trip down memory lane at our high school reunion
america’s state fairs
for some going to the state fair is a yearly event
don griman has been going to the Iowa state fair
for over 80 years
and he understands the appeal according to grimman
there’s something at the fair you can’t see every day
every state fair is a celebration
offering something enjoyable for people of all ages
the appeal of the town on the coast
was its beautiful beaches and easygoing lifestyle
或是the design and features of the new smartphone
have a wide appeal
to those interested in technology and casual users
譬如the charity launched an appeal for donations of food
for those in need after the flood
譬如the entire town
joined in the celebration of the local team’s championship
victory with parades and festivities that lasted all evening
或是Robert and Melody’s fiftieth wedding anniversary
was a huge celebration with friends and family joining
in Robert和me Melody的50周年结婚纪念日
或是after months of hard work
the successful completion of the project
was marked by a small celebration
by the team members
now as we end our lesson friends
i want to point out that state fairs is
such a highly American cultural event
this is something that really
i think shows a lot of what American culture is all about
and that’s kind of what
we’re looking at here in this last section
for some going to the state fair is a yearly event
they go annually every time the state fair goes on
which is usually for about a week people will go to it now
that’s a good word you
mentioned the word annual
lee is an adverb and here you see the word yearly
which is actually an adjective
but it means annual okay
so annual and yearly could mean the same thing
you could say going to the state fair is an annual event
and this guy don we meet in our lesson
don he has been going to the Iowa state fair for over 8
80 years can you imagine going every year for 80 years
i think it would still be exciting
you only get to go once a year
and there’s always something new to see
always some new foods to eat but in general
the same competitions are going on
so there is kind of a sense of tradition at the same time yeah
i guess so like a sense of tradition i guess for a lot of people
it could be something it could become something like
Thanksgiving or Christmas
where it’s something
you really look forward to happening every year
yeah i think so well
don says there’s something at the fair you can’t see every day
and that’s the point the fair is a special time of year
so there’s something there
you can’t see every day maybe what happens at the fair
should stay at the fair
i don’t know that’s a you know
sometimes we say what happens there
stays there like don’t talk about it anywhere else
i don’t think that’s what he means here i think he’s
just talking about some really really unique things
that you could see at a state fair
that’s right and we see here
every state fair
is a celebration
offering something enjoyable for people of all ages
anybody of any age can enjoy the state fair
and i have to say too depending on the state fair
you go to in America
you will find something wildly different
because different states are famous for different things
the people from each state have different cultures
and they like to eat different things
so even if you go to one state fair
the next one might be totally different well Emory
i have a question for you
there’s something enjoyable for people of all ages what age
do you have to be to enjoy a heavy cabbage
you really want to think more about that heavy cabbage in Alaska
i don’t know
walk around with a heavy cabbage and listening to country music
i don’t think you could walk around with it okay
so you gotta just look at the heavy cabbage
just look at it
you can probably take a photo with it if you don’t touch it
i’m guessing okay
look at the heavy cabbage
listen to country music and avoid the amusement park rides
right and eat your corn dogs yes
or your pig’s blood on a stick
if they have it
if it’s there well that brings us to the end of our lesson
but it’s not over
yet let’s go to today’s fun fact
oh hello
fact friends
i am detective
Ernest finder and i have a fun fact for you today ow ow
ah did you know that corn dogs became famous at the Illinois
state fair
it’s true you know corn dogs
a hot dog on a stick and rolled in corn well
there is a lot of corn in Illinois
i don’t know how many dogs there are though ha ha
and that is today’s fun corn dog state fair fat
thank you Ernest finder and friends now
it is time for a quiz
so close your magazine
this is the last quiz of the month of August and 2024 here
we go
fares blank up with new mouth watering treats each year okay
they create up
they make up they think up
or they come up with new mouth watering treats each year well
makeup could work
there if the word with wasn’t also included in that sentence
so i know it’s not that word
though that kind of makes sense i remember from our lesson
it is come up with that’s right when you come up with something
that is a phrasal verb
and that means you’re thinking up new things
or creating different things
so they come up with new mouth watering treats each year
i know
i’ve joked around about certain things at these state fairs
but i really would like to check one out
all right friends
we hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson
and we’ll see you next month for a whole bunch of new lessons
right here on studio classroom

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