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2.4 廿五美心所(Sobhana-Cetasikā)
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Chapter II   Cetasikasagahavibhāgo



2.2 五十二心所(Dvipaññāsa Cetasikā


2.2.3 廿五美心所(Sobhanacetasikā 十九遍一切美心心所(Sobhanasādhāraa-cetasikā


1. Saddhā, 2. Sati, 3. Hiri, 4. Ottappaṃ, 5. Alobho, 6. Adoso, 7. Tatramajjhattatā, 8. Kāyapassaddhi, 9. Cittapassaddhi, 10. Kāyalahutā, 11. Cittalahutā, 12. Kāyamudutā 13. Cittamudutā, 14. Kāyakammaññatā, 15. Cittakammaññatā, 16. Kāyapāguññatā, 17. Cittapāguññatā, 18. Kāyujjukatā, 19. Cittujjukatā cā ti

Ekūnavīsat’ ime cetasikā sobhanasādhāraṇā nāma.                                      



(19 Beautiful)


1. Confidence, 2. mindfulness, 3. (moral) shame, 4. (moral) dread, 5. non-attachment, 6. goodwill, 7. equanimity, 8. tranquility of mental states, 9. tranquility of mind, 10. lightness of mental states, 11. lightness of mind, 12. pliancy of mental states, 13. pliancy of mind, 14. adaptability of mental states, 15. adaptability of mind, 16. proficiency of mental states, 17. proficiency of mind, 18. rectitude of mental states, 19. rectitude of mind.


These nineteen mental states are termed ‘Common to Beautiful’.





*此處的「身」意謂「名身」,即諸相應心所的整體(collection of the mental factors - namely, Vedanā, Saññā, and Sakhārā)






Sobhaa, sobhana: (adj) shining, resplendent, beautiful, good, embellishing 

Sādhāraa: (adj) common, joint, general, universal  共通的,普遍的

Saddhā: (f) faith 

Sati: (f) recollection; active state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any object; attention, attentiveness; thought, reflection, mindfulness 

Hiri, hirī: (f) shame; modesty; the shame which deters a man from sinning 

Ottappa: (n) fear of sinning, shrinking from sin 

Alobha: (m) absence of covetousness or desire, non-attachment  無貪

Adosa: (m) absence of hatred or anger  無瞋

Tatra, tattha,: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Majjhattatā: (f) impartiality, moderation, indifference

Tatramajjhattatā: (f) Equanimity  中捨性

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude  身;(此處意謂)心所(總集)

Passaddhi: (f) calming down, calmness, repose, tranquility  輕安

Kāyapassaddhi (f) tranquility of mental states  身輕安

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cittapassaddhi: (f) tranquility of the mind  心輕安

Lahutā: (f) lightness, buoyancy  輕快性

Kāyalahutā: (f) lightness of mental states  身輕快性

Cittalahutā: (f) lightness of the mind  心輕快性

Mudutā: (f) softness, pliancy  柔軟性

Kāyamudutā: (f) pliancy of mental states  身柔軟性

Cittamudutā: (f) pliancy of the mind  心柔軟性

Kammaññatā: (f) adaptability, readiness  適業性

Kāyakammaññatā: (f) adaptability of mental states  身適業性

Cittakammaññatā: (f) adaptability of the mind  心適業性

Pāguññatā: (f) familiarity with, experience, proficiency  練達性

Kāyapāguññatā: (f) proficiency of mental states  身練達性

Cittapāguññatā: (f) proficiency of the mind  心練達性

Ujjukatā: (f) rectitude, straightness  正直性

Kāyujjukatā: (f) rectitude of mental states  身正直性

Cittujjukatā: (f) rectitude of the mind  心正直性

Ekūnavīsati: (num) 19, nineteen

Ime: (pron) these

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed



1. Sammāvācā, 2. Sammākammanto, 3. Sammā-ājīvo cā ti

Tisso viratiyo nāma.



(3 Abstinences)


1. Right speech, 2. right action, 3. right livelihood.


These three are termed ‘Abstinences’.









Sammā: (indecl) fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, really, truly 

Vācā: (f) word, saying, speech 

Sammāvācā: (f) right speech  正語

Kammanta: (m) business, work, occupation, craft 

Sammākammanta: (m) right action  正業

Ājīva: (m) livelihood, living, profession, conduct  生計

Sammā-ājīva: (m) right livelihood  正命

Tisso: (num. f.) three    (m) tayo    (n) tīi

Virati: (f) abstinence   [+ abl ]  離,戒



1. Karuṇā, 2. Muditā pana

Appamaññāyo nāmā ti.



(2 Illimitables)


1. Compassion, 2. appreciative or sympathetic joy.


These are termed ‘Illimitables’.









Karuā: (f) compassion, mercy, pity for or sympathy with those who are suffering 

Muditā: (f) rejoicing with others in their happiness or prosperity  (隨)喜

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Appamaññā: (f) boundlessness, immeasurability  無量

 一無痴(Paññindriya / Amoho


Sabbathā pi paññindriyena saddhiṃ pañcavīsat’ ime cetasikā sobhanā’ ti veditabbā.



(1 Wisdom)


With the Faculty of Wisdom these twenty-five mental states are in every way to be understood as ‘Beautiful’.









Paññā: (f) wisdom, intellect, reason  慧,般若

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex  根,感官

Paññindriya: (n) faculty of wisdom  慧根

Amoha: (m) absence of ignorance or error, correct knowledge  無痴

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Saddhi: (adv) with, together with   [+ ins ]

Pañcavīsati: (num) 25, twenty-five

Vidati: to know, ascertain   p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood





2.2.4 總結


Ettāvatā ca -

Teras’ aññasamānā ca

Cuddasākusalā tathā

Sobhanā pañcavīsā’ ti

Dvipaññāsa pavuccare.





Thus -

Thirteen are common to each other.

Similarly fourteen are common to Immorals.

Twenty-five are ‘Beautiful’.

Thus fifty-two have been enumerated.











Ettāvatā: (adv) thus, so far, to that extent, thereabouts

Terasa, telasa: (num) 13, thirteen

Añña: (m) another    (adj) other; other than, different from  其他

Samāna (adj) similar, equal, same  類似,等同

Aññasamāna: (adj) common to each other  通一切

Cuddasa, catuddasa, coddasa: (num) 14, fourteen

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable  不善

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Dvipaññāsa: (num) 52, fifty-two

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed    pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare  被稱之





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