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2.2 十三通一切心所(Aññasamāna-Cetasikā)
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Chapter II   Cetasikasagahavibhāgo



2.2 五十二心所(Dvipaññāsa Cetasikā


2.2.1 十三通一切心所(Aññasamānacetasikā 七遍一切心心所(Sabbacittasādhāraṇa-cetasikā



1. Phasso, 2. Vedanā, 3. Saññā, 4. Cetanā, 5. Ekaggatā, 6. Jīvitindriyaṃ, 7. Manasikāro cā ti.

Satt’ ime cetasikā sabbacittasādhāraṇā nāma.



(7 Universals)


How? 1. Contact, 2. feeling, 3. perception, 4. volition, 5. one-pointedness, 6. psychic life, 7. attention.


These seven mental states are common to every consciousness.









Dvipaññāsa: (num) 52, fifty-two

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Añña: (m) another    (adj) other; other than, different from  其他

Samāna (adj) similar, equal, same  類似,等同

Aññasamāna: (adj) common to each other  通一切

Sabba: (adj) all, every, whose, entire

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Sādhāraa: (adj) common, joint, general, universal  共通的,普遍的

Katha: (adv) How?

Phassa: (m) touch, contact 

Vedanā: (f) feeling, sensation; pain, suffering 

Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign, gesture 

Cetanā: (f) consciousness, sense, thought, intention, volition 

Ekaggatā: (f) tranquility of the mind, one-pointedness  一境性

Jīvita: (n) life 

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex  根,感官

Jīvitindriya: (n) principle of life, life, vitality  命根

Manasikāra: (m) attention (manasi: loc. of mano)  作意

Manasikaroti: to mind, attend to, pay attention to, bear in mind, think about, ponder, fix the mind on, take to heart  注意,思惟

Satta: (num) seven

Ime: (pron) these

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed



1. Vitakko, 2, Vicāro, 3. Adhimokkho, 4. Viriyaṃ, 5. Pīti, 6. Chando cā ti

Cha ime cetasikā pakiṇṇakā nāma.

Evam ete terasa cetasikā aññasamānā’ ti veditabbā.



(6 Particulars)


1. Initial application, 2. sustained application, 3. decision, 4. effort, 5. joy, 6. conation.


These six mental states are termed Particulars.


Thus these thirteen mental states should be understood as ‘common to each other’ (aññasamāna).









Vitakka: (m) reflection, thought; argument; reasoning; initial application 

Vicāra: (m) investigation, examination; sustained application 

Adhimokkha: (m) steadfastness, determination; certainty, confidence  勝解,決意

Viriya: (n) strength, vigor, energy; fortitude, effort, exertion  精進

Pīti: (f) joy, delight 

Chanda: (m) wish, desire; intention; will, resolve; consent, approval 

Cha: (num) six

Pakiṇṇaka: (adj) miscellaneous  雜(項); Particular

Evaṃ: (adv) thus

Ete: (pron) these, those

Terasa, telasa: (num) 13, thirteen

Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus; generally placed at the end of a book, or of a chapter or section, to introduce the title

Vidati: to know, ascertain   p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood





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