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Chapter II   Cetasikasagahavibhāgo



2.1 序文(Cetasikā – Mental States


Ekuppāda-nirodhā ca


Cetoyuttā dvipaññāsa

Dhammā cetasikā matā



The fifty-two states that are associated with consciousness, that arise and perish together with consciousness, that have the same object and basis as consciousness, are known as Cetasikas (mental states).











Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique

Uppāda: (m) springing up, producing, appearance; birth; an omen 

Nirodha: (m) cessation, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding 

Ālambana, -a : (n) support; an object of sense  所緣,(感官)目標

Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative

Vatthuka: (adj) substitute for vatthu at the end of a compound  依處

Ceta: (m/n) the mind, the heart, the thoughts 

Yutta: (pp. yuñjati) yoked, joined, connected, attached; right, fitting; possessing; used, adopted, performed; engaged in, devoted to, versed  相應,結合

Yuñjati: to turn one’s attention to, be zealous, active, devote oneself to

Dvipaññāsa: (num) 52, fifty-two

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Mata: (pp. maññati) thought, considered, believed, understood, known

Maññati: to think, suppose, imagine, consider, esteem, know, believe, understand





( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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