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1.8 十二無色界心(Arūpāvacara-Cittāni)
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Chapter I   Cittasagahavibhāgo



1.8 十二無色界心(Arūpāvacara-Cittāni


1.8.1 四無色界善心(Arūpāvacara-kusala-cittāni


1. Ākāsānañcāyatana-kusalacittaṃ.

2. Viññāṇañcāyatana-kusalacittaṃ.

3. Ākiñcaññāyatana-kusalacittaṃ.

4. Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana-kusalacittañ cā ti.

Imāni cattāri pi arūpāvacara-kusalacittāni nāma.



(Formless-Sphere Moral Consciousness—4)


(1) Moral Jhāna consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Space,”

(2) Moral Jhāna consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Consciousness,”

(3) Moral Jhāna consciousness dwelling on “Nothingness,”

(4) Moral Jhāna consciousness wherein “Perception neither is nor is not,”


These are the four types of Arūpajhāna Moral consciousness.



1. 空無邊處善心。

2. 識無邊處善心。

3. 無所有處善心。

4. 非想非非想處善心。







Arūpa: (adj) without form, formless, incorporeal, immaterial  無色

Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness  無色界

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious 

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Ākāsa: (m) the sky, air, heaven; the open air; space 

Ananta: (adj) endless, eternal; boundless, infinite  無邊     (n) the Infinite, Nirvāa

Āyatana: (n) place, dwelling, abode, home, seat; altar, shrine; place of origin, source, cause, origin 

Ākāsānañcāyatana = Ākāsa + ananta (anañca)+ āyatana

ananta + ya => anantya => anañca: (n) infinity, endlessness, boundlessness

Ākāsānañcāyatana: (n) the Realm or Sphere of the Infinity of Space; the name of the first of the Arūpabrahmalokas, so called because it is dwelled by beings who have mastered the idea that space is infinite  空無邊處

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Viññāañcāyatana = Viññāa + anañca (省略 ana ) + āyatana

Viññāañcāyatana: (n) the Realm or Sphere of the Infinity of Consciousness, so called because it is dwelled by beings who are filled with the idea that viññāa is infinite  識無邊處

Ākiñcañña: (n) nothingness, void; poverty, state of having nothing

Ākiñcaññāyatana: (n) the Realm or Sphere of Nothingness, so called because it is dwelled by beings who believe that nothing exists  無所有處

Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only

N’eva… na: neither… nor…

Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign, gesture 

Nevasaññānāsaññā: (f) neither perception nor non-perception  非想非非想

Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana: (n) the Realm or Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-perception  非想非非想處

Imāni: (pron. n.) these

Cattāri: (n. num) four     (m) cattāro, caturo     (f) catasso

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed





1.8.2 四無色界果報心(Arūpāvacara-vipāka-cittāni


5. Ākāsānañcāyatana-vipākacittaṃ.

6. Viññāṇañcāyatana-vipākacittaṃ.

7. Ākiñcaññāyatana-vipākacittaṃ.

8. Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana-vipākacittañ cā ti.

Imāni cattāri pi arūpāvacara-vipākacittāni nāma.



(Formless-sphere Resultant Consciousness—4)


(5) Resultant Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Space,”

(6) Resultant Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Consciousness,”

(7) Resultant Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on “Nothingness,”

(8) Resultant Jhāna-consciousness wherein “Perception neither is nor is not.”


These are four types of Arūpajhāna Resultant consciousness.



5. 空無邊處果報心。

6. 識無邊處果報心。

7. 無所有處果報心。

8. 非想非非想處果報心。






Vipāka: (m) result, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報





1.8.3 四無色界唯作心(Arūpāvacara-kriyā-cittāni


9. Ākāsānañcāyatana-kriyācittaṃ.

10. Viññāṇañcāyatana-kriyācittaṃ.

11. Ākiñcaññāyatana-kriyācittaṃ.

12. Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana-kriyācittañ cā ti.

Imāni cattāri pi arūpāvacara-kriyācittāni nāma.

Icc' evaṃ sabbathā pi dvādasa arūpāvacara-kusala-vipāka-kriyā-cittāni




(Formless-Sphere Functional Consciousness—4)


(9) Functional Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Space,”

(10) Functional Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on the “Infinity of Consciousness,”

(11) Functional Jhāna-consciousness dwelling on “Nothingness,”

(12) Functional Jhana-consciousness wherein “Perception neither is nor is not.”


These are the four types of Arūpajhāna Functional Consciousness.


Thus end, in all, the twelve types of Arūpajhāna Moral, Resultant, and Functional consciousness.



9. 空無邊處唯作心。

10. 識無邊處唯作心。

11. 無所有處唯作心。

12. 非想非非想處唯作心。








Kiriya; kiriyā, kriyā: (n; f) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus

Evaṃ: (adv) thus

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly

Dvādasa: (num) twelve

Samatta: (pp) concluded; complete, entire, all





1.8.4 無色界心之總結



Catudh' āruppamānasaṃ


Puna dvādasadhā ṭhitaṃ



Arūpajhāna consciousness is fourfold, differing according to the objects. Again they stand at twelve according to Moral, Resultant, and Functional types.







Ālambana, -a : (n) support; an object of sense  所緣,(感官)目標

Pabheda: (m) difference, distinction; sort, kind  分別

Catudhā: (adv) in four parts, fourfold

Mānasa: (n) the mind; intention, purpose 

Puñña: (n) goodness, good work, merit   (adj) good, virtuous, meritorious 

Pāka: (m/n) cooking; ripeness, maturity; result, fulfillment, accomplishment  果報

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別

Puna, puno: (adv) again, anew, afresh; back; after that; next, further, moreover

Dvādasadhā: (adv) in 12 ways, twelvefold

Tiṭṭhati, hāti: to stand, stay; remain behind, stop; dwell, continue, abide, last, endure; live, exist, be       pp. hita: standing, existing, remaining, lasting; firm, steady, permanent, etc.





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