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1.3 四種心(Catubbidha-Cittāni)
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Chapter I   Cittasagahavibhāgo



1.3 四種心(Catubbidha-Cittāni


Tattha cittaṃ tāva catubbidhaṃ hoti: (i) kāmāvacaraṃ;

(ii) rūpāvacaraṃ; (iii) arūpāvacaraṃ; (iv) lokuttarañ cā ti.



(The Four Classes of Consciousness)


Of them, consciousness, first, is fourfold — namely, (i) Consciousness pertaining to the Sensuous-Sphere, (ii) Consciousness pertaining to the Form-Sphere, (iii) Consciousness pertaining to the Formless-Sphere, and (iv) Supramundane consciousness.









Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Tāva: (adv) now, just, at once; really, indeed; yet, still

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Hoti, bhavati: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave

Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust 

Avacara: (m) sphere, realm, home 

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Arūpa: (adj) without form, formless, incorporeal, immaterial  無色

Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness  無色界

Loka: (m) the world, the universe; mankind; a being or creature 世間

Uttara: (adj) higher, high, superior, upper; northern; subsequent

Lokuttara: (adj) transcending the world, supramundane, spiritual  出世間





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