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1.2 四究竟法(Catudhā Paramattha)
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Chapter I   Cittasagahavibhāgo



1.2 四究竟法(Catudhā Paramattha


Tattha vutt' ābhidhammatthā

Catudhā paramatthato

Cittaṃ cetasikaṃ rūpaṃ

Nibbānam iti sabbathā



In an ultimate sense the categories of Abhidhamma, mentioned therein, are fourfold in all — consciousness, mental states, matter, and Nibbāna.












Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address   pp. vutta, utta    aor. avoca

Abhidhamma: (m/n) higher doctrine, transcendental doctrine

Attha, aṭṭha, aṭṭa: (m) desire, want, need; occasion; cause, reason, purpose; object, thing, substance; advantage, good, welfare; property, wealth; meaning, sense, significance  事物,義,利 etc.

Catudhā: (adv) in four parts, fourfold

Parama: (adj) highest, first, best, greatest, chief, principal, extreme, exceeding

Paramattha: (m) best or highest sense; the truth, reality; completeness, perfection  究竟法     [abl. paramatthato]

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Nibbāna: (n) extinction; destruction, annihilation; Nirvāa; Arhatship  涅槃

Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly





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