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1.1 讚頌(Thutivacana)
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Chapter I   Cittasagahavibhāgo



1.1 讚頌(Thutivacana


Sammāsambuddham atulaṃ


Abhivādiya bhāsissaṃ




The Fully Enlightened Peerless One, with the Sublime Doctrine and the Noble Order, do I respectfully salute, and shall speak concisely of things contained in the Abhidhamma.












Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Sagaha: (m) taking, collecting; conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要

Vibhāga: (m) division  分析,分別

Thuti: (f) praise, thanks  讚美

Vacana: (n) speaking, saying, declaring; advice; word, speech, utterance, expression; sentence, passage, text

Sammā: (indecl) fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, really, truly

Sambuddha: (pp/m) thoroughly known or understood; one who is thoroughly enlightened, has known or discovered the Truth, a Buddha

Sammāsambuddha: (m) one who is truly and perfectly enlightened, who has true and perfect knowledge of the Truth, a supreme Buddha  正等覺

Atula: (adj) incomparable, admirable  無與倫比的

Sa-: (prefix) with, and

Saddhamma: (m) good doctrine, true religion, the true faith, the religion of Buddha, good condition  勝妙正法

Gaa: (m) a multitude, number, assemblage, troop, herd; a chapter of priests; the priesthood  群,僧伽

Uttama: (adj) best, highest, chief, excellent, eminent, supreme, first-rate

Abhivādeti: to salute respectfully, to salute, greet, welcome, honor         Ger. abhivādiya  禮敬

Bhāsati: to speak, say, address     1st sing. aor. (a)bhāsi or (a)bhāsissaṃ (conditional)     fut. 1st sing. bhāsissāmi, bhāsissa 

Abhidhamma: (m/n) higher doctrine, transcendental doctrine

Attha, aṭṭha, aṭṭa: (m) desire, want, need; occasion; cause, reason, purpose; object, thing, substance; advantage, good, welfare; property, wealth; meaning, sense, significance  事物,義,利 etc.





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