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2024/03/12 22:52:38瀏覽43|回應0|推薦1 | |
18-8一切實非實,亦實亦非實,非實非非實,是名諸佛法。 sarvam tathyam na vā tathyam tathyam ca atathyam eva ca | na eva atathyam na eva tathyam etat tad buddhaśasanam||18.8|| (翻譯)一切實或非實;既實又非實;既非實又非不實,這正是佛陀的教法。 (梵語關鍵字) 1.tathyam (tathya):n. truth(真實);a-tathyam(非實/a-否定) 2. eva :ind. indeed, truly, really 3. etat(原形etad): ind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now 4. tad: ind. thus, in this manner, with regard to that, 5.śasanam(śasana):n. an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction(教法) (摘要) 根據印順導師的見解,一切實或非實,乃是佛陀針對「普通根基」,宣說諸蘊等等一切法是真實,後為令其捨去執著,又說這一切並非真實;針對「中等根基」者,直接宣說名言中真實存在,在勝義當中卻並非真實的道理;對於上根人直示絕待門,當體即空,有相泯而空相不生,不但空不可說,非空也不可說。可見諸佛的善巧,隨機權宜施教,皆是引導入實相的方便之法。 (證入無二途—離戲論) 18-9自知不隨他,寂滅無戲論,無異無分別,是則名實相。 a-para-pratyayam śāntam prapañcais aprapañcitam | nir-vikalpam a-nānārtham etat tattvasya lakṣaṇam ||18.9|| (翻譯)不緣他、寂靜、不為戲論所戲論;無分別計執、無異義,這正是實性之相。 (梵語關鍵字) 1.pratyayam (pratyaya):m. conception, assumption, notion, idea 2.śāntam(śānta):mfn. abated, subsided, ceased, stopped, extinguished, averted(寂靜) 3.prapañca:m. appearance, phenomenon (戲論) 4.vikalpa:m. difference of perception, distinction 5. nānārtham (nānārtha): mfn. having different meanings(異義) 6. tattva: n. true or real state, truth, reality (摘要)不從外緣認知真實性,唯有親證才能滅除戲論;由於無戲論所以寂滅,由於寂滅所以自性空。 (圖片來源:Forest) |
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