Michael Jackson 一生中最喜愛純真童稚的事物,最痛恨的則是不斷扭曲事實、扒糞抹黑的小報,其中又以英國的太陽報為最。搜尋網路上關於 MJ 的負面消息,通常第一手都是太陽報,太陽報的報導是出了名的「不準確」,但是傳開後相信的人就多了。MJ 還曾將太陽報寫入 "Black Or White" 的歌詞中。
MJ 非常排斥這種揭人隱私、挖瘡疤、抹黑造謠的手段,因此寫了這首歌 "Tabloid Junkie",同樣 funky 又搖滾的輕快歌曲,卻是暗藏最深沈的痛楚。他想告訴大家,看了報紙、雜誌、電視等各式媒體的報導,不要照單全收,要能判斷是非,並不是媒體這樣報導、就代表是事實。
Tabloid Junkie / 1995 / HIStory track 11 on the 2nd disc
Written and composed by Michael Jackson.
Produced by Michael Jackson.
Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
As the hounding media in hysteria
Who's the next for you to resurrect
JFK exposed the CIA
Truth be told the grassy knoll
As the blackmail story in all your glory
It's slander
You say it's not a sword
But with your pen you torture men
You'd crucify the Lord
And you don't have to read it, read it
And you don't have to eat it, eat it
To buy it is to feed it, feed it
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Though everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual, actual
They say he's homosexual
In the hood
Frame him if you could
Shoot to kill
To blame him if you will
If he dies sympathize
Such false witnesses
Damn self righteousness
In the black
Stab me in the back
In the face
To lie and shame the race
Heroine and Marilyn
As the headline stories of
All your glory
It's slander
With the words you use
You're a parasite in black and white
Do anything for news
And you don't go and buy it, buy it
And they won't glorify it, 'fy it
To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it
Then why do we keep foolin' ourselves
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
See, but everybody wants to believe all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
See, but everybody wants to believe all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual, actual
She's blonde and she's bisexual
With the words you use
You're a parasite in black and white
Do anything for news
And you don't go and buy it, buy it
And they won't glorify it, 'fy it
To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it
Why do we keep foolin' ourselves
You say it's not a sin
But with your pen you torture men
Then why do we keep foolin' ourselves
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Though everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
See, but everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual, actual
You're so damn disrespectable
被各式各樣的媒體抹黑搞臭後,MJ 封閉了自己,拒絕大多數媒體的訪問。直到有個叫 Martin Bashir 的媒體工作者騙取了他的信任,Bashir 說服 MJ 他將公正報導關於 MJ 及其莊園生活的真相,MJ 相信了並對 Bashir 展現真我。Bashir 與 MJ 共同生活數個月的時間,以誘導的方式獲得 MJ 毫無防備的發言並從旁紀錄訪談,事後移花接木、斷章取義地將紀錄片剪接成對 MJ 極度不利的角度,除了在電視頻道播出,他並發行 "Live with Michael Jackson" DVD 大撈一筆。
紀錄片播出後,這支紀錄片飽受專業媒體與觀眾(不只是 MJ 的歌迷)批判,這不叫紀錄片,他是設計好要陷害 MJ 的。MJ 也出面抗議並提出侵權告訴。但我想他最大的遺憾應該是自己付出的信任再次遭到背叛。
簡單說,Bashir 是個雙面人,比如他在 MJ 面前說:「從你與孩子的相處中,我覺得你是個好爸爸。」但在紀錄片旁白,他改口說,他覺得 MJ 教養孩子的方式有很大的問題。類似這樣的片段有很多,Bashir 讓觀眾認為 MJ 是個奢侈、幼稚、整型還不承認、非常糟糕的父親。
以下這個特別專訪是看不下去的媒體(衛視嗎?)製作的反證,因為 Bashir 錄製期間,MJ 身邊的人也用自己的攝影機側錄(這是他們一向的習慣,MJ 家庭錄影帶的來源),因而紀錄了訪談的原貌。他們同時訪問他身邊親近的人,針對 MJ 被曲解的談話進行分析、前後比對,然後,如果你有興趣,不妨看完這長度兩小時剪接後剩 70 分鐘(哇,廣告就佔去 50 分鐘啊?畢竟還是商業導向的。)的節目,你會發現 MJ 跟你在報紙上看到的那個怪胎真的很不一樣。
The Michael Jackson Interview
Tabloid Junkie 這首歌沒有官方出的 MV,網路上看到的都是歌迷自製的;因為 MJ 跟 Sony 的合約即將到期,Sony 可能也認為 MJ 過氣了而不打算像以前一樣砸大錢做專輯 Invincible 的宣傳,結果這張專輯只有拍兩支 MV,跟早期動輒拍個七八部 MV 的情況相比相差很多。
Invincible 是質量均佳的一張唱片,經過這麼多年的沉潛,MJ 正想好好再展身手,無奈 Sony 一切向錢看,而且很倒楣的是碰到美國的 911 恐怖攻擊事件,全美籠罩在一片哀戚驚恐的氣氛下,宣傳活動也只能暫時偃旗息鼓了。
後來這張專輯在全球僅賣了一千多萬張(其實也不少了,但跟 MJ 自己以前的唱片比起來是遜色許多),Sony 的策略要負很大一部分的責任;畢竟 911 的影響大半是在美國,但國際間的宣傳活動也幾乎沒有進行,就是 Sony 的問題了。
MJ 身後他的唱片又開始熱銷,根據外電報導,這些唱片的版稅足以清償 MJ 留下的債務,他大半的資產可以不必脫手折現,雖然很矛盾,但這也未嘗不是一種好事。