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2011/06/24 09:17:10瀏覽1688|回應1|推薦28 | |
兩週年。 但是又有點不同了。 這兩年間,我去參加了庾澄慶(哈林)的演唱會。我從國小開始就聽哈林的歌,十來歲的時候,我沒錢去聽演唱會;廿來歲的時候,我沒有膽量去參加這種活動;到我卅來歲的時候,哈林已經五十歲了--就是跟 Michael Jackson 一樣的年齡--難道還要再等十年嗎?我知道再矜持下去,老了一定會後悔,所以就下定決心去了。最奇妙的事情是,在前往演唱會現場的途中,有一個不知從何而生的預感,覺得會聽見 Michael Jackson 的歌曲,真的就發生了!哈林唱了改編的 Billie Jean。當下我真的真的非常感動,我所喜愛的存在不同國度的兩個歌星,穿越時空而有所連結。
除了這個以外,我終於實現十幾年來的夢想:學爵士鼓。以前一直停留在想的階段,從沒真正下定決心,每次經過樂器行,就會想:下次進去問問看吧,然後下次復下次,一年拖過一年,就這樣過了而立之年;回想起來很可怕,我竟然白白浪費這麼多時間!仍是那句話:遲到總比不到好。終於我報了名 ,不過說真的也有點年紀了,即使以前身為運動選手,頗為自己身體協調力所自豪,遇到一整組的大小鼓及各樣的鈸,還是手忙腳亂,挫折感不少又進歩有限,真是燒錢哪。但是這次我決心不撤退,希望打鼓會成為我一輩子最大的興趣,當然,可以變成專長就更棒了。 Michael Jackson 驟逝這件事,與我的生活似乎是不會有甚麼關聯,但是某方面來說,卻在我的人生的幾個重要抉擇時刻,多少起了關鍵性的影響作用,甚至可以說是一種頓悟:再不做以後就來不及了;人往往因為幾秒鐘的念頭轉換,人生道路就走向不同的方向,而且無法扭轉,「如果我可以讓時光倒轉,我一定要如何如何」,這種話說再多也是白搭,還不如在抉擇之初就謹慎小心,然後大膽前進,期望會得到美好的結果。 說到 Michael Jackson 這首歌<THIS IS IT>,是新歌也不是新歌,而且爭議不少,就不提了,聽歌吧~ This Is It / This Is It / 2009 (1980) This is it, here I stand I'm the light of the world, I feel grand Got this love I can feel And I know yes for sure it is real And it feels as though I've seen your face a thousand times And you said you really know me too yourself And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes But you say you gonna live it for yourself. I never heard a single word about you Falling in love wasn't my plan I never thought that I would be your lover C'mon baby, just understand This is it, I can say, I'm the light of the world, run away We can feel, this is real Every time I'm in love that I feel And I feel as though I've known you since 1,000 years And you tell me that you've seen my face before. And you said to me you don't want me hanging round Many times, wanna do it here before I never heard a single word about you Falling in love wasn't my plan I never thought that I would be your lover C'mon baby, just understand This is it, I can feel I'm the light of the world, this is real Feel my song, we can say And I tell you I feel that way And I feel as though I've known you for a thousand years And you said you want some of this yourself And you said won't you go with me, on a while And I know that it's really cool myself I never heard a single word about you Falling in love wasn't my plan I never thought that I would be your lover C'mon baby, just understand I never heard a single word about you Falling in love wasn't my plan I never thought that I would be your lover C'mon baby, just understand Song Information The song was released worldwide on October 12 at midnight on www.michaeljackson.com, 2009. The song, written in 1980, bears a strong resemblance a song by Sa-Fire, known as "I Never Heard," which was written by Jackson and Paul Anka in
1991. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |