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[MJ] 1997/02/16 / Elizabeth, I Love You
2011/03/25 14:24:45瀏覽912|回應1|推薦14
MJ 視為一生摯友的 Elizabeth Taylor 日前過世,兩個不同年代的巨星相交近四十年的情誼,終於成為不朽的傳奇。現在世人稱 MJ 為流行樂之王 (King of Pop),也是因為 Elizabeth Taylor;事實上 Elizabeth Taylor 本來是說「流行樂、搖滾樂、靈魂樂之王(King of Pop, Rock and Soul)」。
我想 MJ 一輩子數得上真正的無利害關係的朋友的,Elizabeth Taylor 要排第一名吧。
Rosy 寫了一篇紀念性的文章,我把回應貼回來自己這兒,當作紀錄。

回應文章:Dearest you, rosylovesyou》文章創作》隔一天,有人來,有人走:胡迪尼的生與伊莉莎白泰勒之死

多年前看過的一部 MJ 的家庭錄影帶,其中一段讓我印象非常深刻:伊莉莎白泰勒準備了耶誕禮物,去敲晏起的 MJ 房門,在沒有心理準備下,帶給 MJ 大大的驚喜 ( 事實上 MJ 家族的信仰是不允許過耶誕節的 ) 。

然後兩個年紀相差廿六歲的忘年之交,像孩童一般,席地而坐拆開耶誕樹下一個又一個包裝好的禮物,其中大部分是 MJ 最愛的玩具水槍。雖然一個是中年男子、一個是遲暮美人,但是彷彿看見兩個純真快樂的小靈魂在大聲歡笑。

MJ 飽受流言之苦、抹黑之累的時候,泰勒依然不離不棄,自始至終堅定相信 MJ 的清白,這樣的情誼使 MJ 感受至深,加上兩人都是童星出身,彼此惺惺相惜, MJ 因而 (在泰勒 65 歲生日時) 寫下這首歌對泰勒致敬:Elizabeth, I Love You。

Welcome to Hollywood
That's what they told you
A child star in Hollywood
That's what they sold you
Grace with beauty, charme and talent
You would do what you were told
But they robbed you of your childhood
Took your youth and sold it for gold

Elizabeth, I love you
You're every star that shines in the world to me
Elizabeth can't you see that it's true
Elizabeth, I love you
You're more than just a star to me

Lovely Elizabeth
You have surpassed them all
My friend Elizabeth
Learned to outlast them all
Many started back when you did
Lost their way and now they're gone
But look at you, a true survivor
Full of life and carrying on

This is your life
You seem to have it all
You reached your peak
They wanted you to fall
It's very sad, this world can be so bad
But though all the heartaches
When they put you down
You know you were the victor
And you earned the crown
It's like walking through the fire
Determinded to win
You were beating life's battles
Again and again

Elizabeth, I love you
You're every star that shines in the world to me
Elizabeth can't you see that it's true

Remember the time I was alone
You stood by my side and said:
"Let's be strong"
You did all these things
That only a true friend can do

Elizabeth, I love you
The world knows your work now
I pray one day I'll be just like... you.

歌詞這一小段 (紅字) 短短幾句話,說明一切。


對啊,我是一個沒辦法有始有終的人,為 MJ 開了這個部落格,寫了一年的文章、又放空了將近一年。我本來覺得以文會友是很單純的交往,沒想到連在這兒認識的、自以為志氣相投的朋友,彼此間也勾心鬥角,耍心眼、抹黑、分化,比八點檔連續劇還精采。我自認無法適應這個環境,所以沮喪之下離開了。
( 時事評論人物 )
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2011/03/26 12:52
離ing(JustCold) 於 2011-03-27 09:46 回覆:
哎,也不只我啦 ,我知道有好幾個;而且他們也都比我有耐心多了!