第十一卷 第二期 Volume 11 Number 2 | [ 完整版 ] Entire version | | | | | | 研究論文 | |
中華獨立美術協會與早期「超現實主義」譯介 / 陳慶
The Chinese Independent Art Association and the Early Translation of “Surrealism” in China / Qing Chen
| 1-30 |
| | | | |
線上機器翻譯:東南亞新住民語言服務芻議 / 史宗玲
A Probe into the Language Service of Online Machine Translation for Southeast Asian Immigrants / Chung-ling Shih
| 31-60 | | | | | |
梅維恆《道德經》英譯:副文本之文化翻譯探討 / 陳致宏
A Cultural-Translation Study of Paratexts via Victor H. Mair’s English Translation of the Tao Te Ching / Chih-hong Rudy Chen
| 61-98 | | | | | |
譯者決策過程及合作模式之探討─以白樺的《遠方有個女兒國》為例 / 李姿儀
Translators’ Collaboration and Decision-Making in the Case of Bai Hua’sThe Remote Country of Women / Tzu-yi Elaine Lee
| 99-128 | | |
蘇曼殊英文能力之再議 / 強勇傑
Su Manshu’s English Proficiency Reexamined / Ivan Yung-chieh Chiang
| 129-162 | | | | | | | | | | 書評 | |
《福音演義:晚清漢語基督教小說的書寫》書評 / 周岫琴
Book Review of Attuning the Gospel: Chinese Christian Novels of the Late Qing Period / Hsiu-Chin Chou
| 163-172 | | | | | | | |
網址:http://ctr.naer.edu.tw/v11.2.php 全文PDF檔如下:http://ctr.naer.edu.tw/v11.2/ctr110200_entire.pdf