睿智理財騏異世界 一畝桑田 20dc1f94 Sookhing 顏敏如 桃園MAD★店長★Red 馮紀游陸游:漫長當下 maimai JEhair 阿北
圖文互證:李提摩太《西遊記》英譯本的底本考論 /吳曉芳
Mutual Corroboration between Illustration and Text: On the Source Text of Timothy Richard’s English Translation of Xiyouji /Xiaofang Wu
他者之聲:文本中的語言多樣性與重譯──以《金甲蟲》為例 /吳碩禹
The Voices of the Other: A Case Study of The Gold Bug as a Multilingual Text in Retranslation /Shuoyu Charlotte Wu
Interpreting in the Language Classroom: Effects of Chinese-to-English Interpreting Strategy Training on EFL Undergraduates’ Oral Proficiency /Yinyin Wu / Posen Liao
語言課堂上的口譯練習:中進英口譯策略訓練對於大學部英語學習者口語能力之影響 /吳茵茵 廖柏森
Examining Teacher Identity Development: Translation Teachers in the University Context /Karen Chung-chien Chang
檢視教師認同發展:以大學翻譯課程教師為例 /張中倩
Images of Bohemia: The Translation of Czech Literature in Taiwan and Mainland China /Melissa Shih-hui Lin
波西米亞意象?──臺灣與中國的捷克文學翻譯 /林蒔慧
臺灣的記憶、世界的敘述──《天橋上的魔術師》法文版譯評 /林德祐