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在第一堂課用英語自我介紹經常會使同學覺得緊張而坐立難安。但說一段簡短、幽默、陽光的自我介紹,可拉近與老師以及其他同學間的距離。同學可以介紹自己的主修系所、興趣嗜好、星座血型、綽號自嘲等,也可談談自己為何想修這門課,以及你對該課程的期待。 TEACHER: Now, let’s go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves. Feel free to share a few facts about yourself, your reasons for taking this course, and what you hope to get out of this class. TEACHER: 現在請大家輪流自我介紹,你可以談談自己、說一下選課理由,以及你希望從這門課學到什麼。 STUDENT 1: Hi, everyone. My name is Sidney. I noticed that there’s another Sidney in this class. I also go by Sid, so feel free to call me that. I’m a junior majoring in communications. I’m taking this class because I hope to learn more about intercultural communication. STUDENT 1: 各位同學好,我叫Sidney,我發現班上還有一位同學與我同名。大家也可直接叫我Sid。我是傳播系大三,選修這門課是想進一步瞭解跨文化溝通。 說明:片語go by 有多種涵義,在此自我介紹情境中是指「以……為名」、「稱之為……」,其後通常是接個人的小名或暱稱。其它常用意思還有「遵循」如 go by the rules/book (遵循規定)、或「經過」如 as time goes by (隨著時間過去)。
TEACHER: Welcome, Sidney, or I should say, Sid. We will be discussing communication across cultures throughout the semester, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic. Let’s continue going around the room. Kevin, how about you go next? 說明:此處comm是communications的縮寫,而要表達「我主修傳播」,除了用I am a communications major 之外,還可用 I am majoring in communications. / My major is communications. 等 _____________________________________________________________________ TEACHER: We have some time left before class ends. I would like to get to know each of you better. This will also help me remember names. I’ll go down the roster, and when I call your name, please tell us your major and why you’re interested in the politics of food––the topic covered in this seminar. Janet Lee, why don’t we start with you? TEACHER: 離下課還有一些時間,我想趁此機會認識一下班上同學,順便記住大家的名字。我會按照修課名單依序點名,被點到的同學請講一下你是哪個系的,並說明你為何會對本學期的課程主題食物政治學感興趣。我們先從 Janet Lee開始好嗎? STUDENT 1: Good morning, everyone. I’m Janet, currently enrolled as a biology major, but I hope to transfer to the chemistry department. I don’t have much prior knowledge about food politics, but I found the course name especially interesting and think it’s a timely topic in today’s world. STUDENT 1: 大家早,我是Janet,目前就讀生物系,但希望以後能轉到化學系。我其實不太清楚食物政治是什麼,只覺得課程名稱很有趣,似乎是目前正夯的議題。 TEACHER: Thank you, Janet. Next on my roster is Matthew Ing. TEACHER: 謝謝Janet的分享,按修課名單順序接下來請Matthew Ing。 STUDENT 2: Hello, everyone. My name is Matthew, but I go by Matt. I’m a third-year global studies major. The topic of food comes up very often in my courses. I’m curious and want to learn more about how our current environment has changed people’s relationship with food. STUDENT 2:大家好,我的名字是Matthew,大家叫我Matt就行了。目前就讀全球研究系三年級。本系有不少課程與食物的主題相關,我想多了解一下現今的環境如何改變了人類與食物間的關係。 TEACHER: Great, Matt. I appreciate you bringing up our relationship with food. We’ll be discussing this topic in-depth in a few weeks. Sarah Ling is next on my list. Sarah? TEACHER: 很好,Matt,謝謝你提到了人類與食物間的關係。未來幾週我們將深入探討這個議題。名單下一位是Sarah Ling,Sarah有來嗎? STUDENT 3: Thank you, Professor Stevens. I’m Sarah, and I’m wondering if I’m perhaps the only graduate student in this course. I studied Chinese literature in college, and I just started the M.A. program in art history here. Like Janet, I was drawn to the course name and think this is a critical issue today. STUDENT 3: 謝謝,Stevens教授,我是Sarah,可能是班上唯一的研究生吧。我大學主修中國文學,目前是藝術史碩一新生。我和Janet一樣被課程名稱吸引,我也同意食物政治是當前的重要議題。
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