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2012/07/28 05:21:34瀏覽471|回應0|推薦14

友人 Dan 寄來他寫的英詩數首,特別愛這“早春?!”

Early Spring!?

Late Winter snowfall surprises the geminating green land
reflection of the evening street lights make the landscape bright white
this is an excellent time for tasty dinner and wine

I cook myself a favor dish and open a bottle of red wine
after 30 minutes breathing, full body taste of Sauvignon that costs only 7.99
I always like full body taste, rich and stable, something I can hold

After one half of the bottle, I start to enjoy Tenor Saxophone
along with the heavy bass string
Tenor Sax makes the sound so deep
make me feel I am anchored on a solid base
the bass string vibrates with my heart with a steady pace

I am so peaceful and vivid
I want to chew on beef while I still have teeth
I want to enjoy wine while my liver still can take it
I want to swing my body while my bone still intact

Late Winter or Early Spring snowfall is one of the kind
my aged body hesitates to embrace my elusive mind.




    English Poem Patient


Once, I was clinically depressed.

Once I was cured,

I lost my capacity to write poems.

What is the gain for my loss? 

Or loss for gain?

Can one actually be cured from depression?

I wonder if I should keep my illness

which never truly left, perhaps.

Depressed I am again.




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