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2008/03/14 19:37:36瀏覽3012|回應8|推薦34 | |
Kirby? 靠超級演員般的推銷員在賣的吸力超強,並可以在十分鐘內從兩千美元降價到一千美元的吸塵器
有人願意免費幫你洗地毯,你會考慮多久,而會讓他們洗嗎? 昨天晚餐吃飯時,一個自稱在科比(Kirby)吸塵器公司實習的工讀生按我們的門鈴,她說她在實習,只要我們讓她們來示範洗地毯,絕對免費。Kirby是間不做任何廣告,不經過經銷管道的公司。 她說:他們提供的是免費清理一間房間,不但可以在10分鐘左右將該室清洗並且可以恢復房間的乾燥清潔,讓她安排,她還可以得到實習學分。 我們說:我們正在吃飯。 小姐說:沒關係,我半小時後再來。 半小時後沒出現,超級嗎咪送管家出門,我就開始幫小孩準備睡覺。 小孩正脫下衣服準備進去淋浴時,門鈴又响了,來的是另一對之前我沒見過的陌生人。他說,他們跟超級嗎咪說過了,會再慢半小時後再來,所以晚到了。從吃飽飯一直在越洋電話上的我,對他們這次來訪可是毫無準備。 超級嗎咪不在家,通常我是一概不讓這些人入門的。但是,他們很肯定的跟我說,超級嗎咪同意讓他們入門。 我問:多久會好? 他說:十分鐘就好。 我打超級嗎咪的手機,問她真的這麼晚還要他們進來嗎?我們才剛買了一台近年最“火紅“的 Dysun吸塵器,不可能會買的,我也不喜歡這種所謂的“免費“服務。 半推半就之後,不敢作主趕他們走,只好給他們機會了。 十分鐘之後,他們連吸塵器都還沒裝好。兩個小鬼倒是看得很高興,一直跟在他們身邊。 吸塵器裝好了,時鐘指著九點了,過了小孩上床時間,超級嗎咪還為了玄兒的洗牙機在外面奔波。 這位老兄,邊吸塵,邊換濾紙,不管我在忙什麼,盡跟我聊一些很明顯想跟我套關係卻極沒營養的話題。 不久之後,一片五、六坪的地上,放了不下三十張的濾紙,每張都有許多灰塵。天啊!有請專人來清掃,還如此,不可思議。這麼一吸,到九點半都還沒吸完。 超級媽咪回到家,看到地上這堆髒濾紙,跟我說:大家都說這個吸力強,所以有幾個朋友家都買了。 這時,這位仁兄把產品簡介給我,一張超級簡單的紙,最醒目的就是吸塵器定價兩千美元。是我當初猜想八百元的兩倍多。 這位仁兄邊吸地,邊跟我解釋一堆吸塵器的原理,從機械到物理可真是說得清晰啊。 這時,我完全失去耐心,跟他說,讓我打電話給我讀物理系的朋友,問問這些原理是合理的嗎?合理我下次換吸塵器一定考慮,而且會跟他買。 這位仁兄不顧我說什麼,把話題轉到他想做的試驗:把蘇打粉放到地毯上,試試看Kirby 的功力。 他先用我的Dysun來回吸了十次,看起來吸不了多少。他拿起Kirby吸了三次,吸起了許多蘇打粉,看來功能的確有水準。 我再跟他說一次,留電話給我,我研究一下再跟他連絡,今天也不用洗地毯了。 他說,沒關係,既然灰塵吸了,就讓他帶來的新員工練習一下,而且,他們公司的策略就是一個客戶只有一次機會,今天不買就沒機會了。 這時,他把價錢寫下來:“一千八百元“,之後他說他必須去另一個客人那邊。我請超級媽咪去哄小孩睡覺。 將近十點! 我邊顧著這位小姐,邊看我的東西,注意到她拆拆裝裝的,又搞了幾分鐘才開始洗。 這時,突然覺得這個吸塵器太過吵,搞得我快發瘋。 小姐洗的很勤快,態度也不錯,不像她的經理這麼的市儈,我才把敵意放輕些。 我很客氣的跟她解釋,一般人不會完全沒準備就花兩千元買一個根本沒編入預算的產品。 她說,不會啊,她們賣的很好,因為產品實在太好了。 我回答說,我又不是那些老太太,我不作些研究,完全沒機會去考慮買這麼貴的東西。再加上這個機器拆裝如此複雜,光搞機器就把我的時間用光了,哪有時間去吸地毯。而且,這個機器太重,又佔空間,我不可能這麼快就做決定的。 這時,小姐說,那些都不是問題,用久就習慣,至於價錢,如果她給我到我們可以負擔的價錢,我會不會買? 我回道:『不是買不買的起的問題,而是用錢一定有計畫的原則不是可以這麼輕易有例外的。』 這時,小姐快洗完地毯了,很課起的請我再多考慮一下。 小孩遊戲間的地毯的確感覺乾淨了些,但是“一千八百美元“? 我跟小姐說,下次換吸塵器,我一定會考慮,今天不行,接下來就開始上網,哇,這個機器強到連家中的無線網路都被干擾了,網路訊號不清,我就拿了本書看。 開始想想,空氣品質是跟健康最有關係的,我們才預計請人來清理空調的管路。家中已經算是很乾淨了,但底需要多乾淨呢?我們又不是買最爛的吸塵器?“一千八百美元“?我們可以做好多事情喔! 小姐終於洗完了地毯,機器關掉時,我的心底真是大大的歡呼,這段時間的噪音真把我弄的心神不寧。 小姐清理時,我仔細再想。 一.我們家的吸塵器是很高評價的,不可能差這麼多,可能這個Kirby 太強力了,或許是旅館或其他公共場合才用的上。 二.Kirby 實在是重。 三.拆裝太複雜,到時每次吸塵是得靠我來搞定機器。 四.那位經理說的技術原理不是很合我的邏輯,不知還有什麼是不合的。 她把機器整理好之後寫下了一個數字放在我的桌上:“一千美元“。 這時,我決定不跟這些人做生意了。我又不是"攀啊"(ㄆㄢ ㄚ),從兩千元直接降到一千元,倒底她們原本想賺我們多少?簡直把我們當猴子耍嘛! 十點半! 終於把鬼神送出門了。 這產品與銷售方式完全不符合我的購買習慣,那位經理又喜歡耍聰明,看到我們很勉強的態度,他還是堅持要蘇打粉,還給我灑了一地,就是搞毛人了。 一個晚上,被他們前後幾次搞了幾小時,雖然地毯乾淨些,但是小孩睡晚了,今天出門又得搞得一團亂。 奇怪,這明明是我家,為何這個推銷團隊可以把我搞得這麼毛。法律是如何保障屋主,不會被這種人纏整個晚上呢?人,到底要怎樣才能捍衛自己住家的權益,如何把這種不受歡迎的人盡快送出門? 最簡單,還是不要理他們,以後再划算的東西,也不要讓人輕易進門。 悠閒的晚上被打擾,還得踩在他保證會乾燥但卻溼漉漉的地毯上稍微整理東西一番,貪這個便宜真的很不值得。 若不是態度問題與他們的溝通方式,也許會給他們一些些機會。 看看加州消費者協會的公告:(http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/door.shtml) Before You Buy (Business and Professions Code sections 17500.3 and 17510.3) Take your time, never buy on the spot. It's usually best to compare prices and quality elsewhere. Products sold door-to-door are usually more expensive than those sold in retail stores. Since the seller may not have a permanent place of business, it may be difficult to resolve a problem with the product or service you purchase. If you live in a city or county that requires home solicitors to have licenses, ask to see the salesperson's solicitor's license. These licenses are usually issued by the local police department, and solicitors are usually required to display them. Also, make sure the solicitor has an appropriate occupational license if one is required (for instance, a contractor's license). Unless you already know the solicitor, you probably should not let the person into your home. Door-to-door selling can make a good cover for burglary and other crimes. If you do let a solicitor into your home, and the solicitor then refuses to leave, call the police. Watch Out for Door-to-Door Scams! While many companies that solicit sales at people's homes are legitimate, some are not. 這裡是對屋主面對如此強勢銷售的基本權益(緬因州的不知道其他州),直接利用google 翻譯功能: Door-to-Door Sales 門到門銷售 Legal Guide to Door-to-Door Criminals 法律指南,以門到門的罪犯 The Legal Guide to Door-to-Door Criminals was developed for police and district attorneys and describes three Maine door-to-door criminal laws that currently exist to protect Maine homeowners. Typical door-to-door home repair services includes driveway paving, tree-trimming, chimney repairs, etc. 法律指南,以門到門的罪犯 法律指導,以門到門的罪犯被開發為警察和檢察官在起訴書中並描述了三個緬因州門到門刑事法律,目前存在的,以保護緬因州業主。 典型門到門家居維修服務,包括車道鋪路,植樹修剪,煙囪維修等。 The Consumer Solicitation Sales Act requires that a door-to-door seller of home repair services must use a specific written contract and wait three (3) days before even beginning the job. The purpose of the three-day waiting period is to provide consumers with a chance to reconsider decisions to buy certain goods or services that may have been sold "door-to-door" under high-pressure conditions. 消費者邀約銷售行為要求一項逐戶賣方的家居維修服務時,必須使用一個具體的書面合同,並等待三( 3 )前幾天,甚至一開始的工作。 目的,為期3天的等候期,是為了給消費者提供一個機會,使他們重新決定購買某種商品或服務,可能已售出的"門到門"高技術條件下的壓力條件。 The Transient Sales Act requires transient sellers of home repair services to register with the State if they do not have a permanent place of business in Maine. 瞬態銷售法規定的瞬態賣家的家居維修服務登記與國家,如果他們沒有固定的營業場所,在緬因州。 The Door-to-Door Seller of Home Repair Services Act any door-to-door seller of home repair services to be registered with the State and to carry a State issued registration card if he is soliciting in a municipality in which he does not have a permanent place of business. 該逐戶賣方的家居維修服務法任何逐戶賣方的家居維修服務,必須註冊,符合國家和攜帶一個國家發出的登記卡,如果他兜在直轄市中,他沒有一個常設的辦公地點。 英文好且有閒的朋友,這篇文章可以讀一讀: http://www.cockeyed.com/citizen/kirby/kirby.html My friend Ken and his wife were recently treated to one of the best sales presentations in the United States, the sales presentation of the Kirby Vacuum Salesman. I enjoyed hearing about the experience, and I thought you might too. Part I, Getting into your house. Doorbell rings, 7:30pm on Saturday night. Beautiful blonde woman and her handsome friend offer a "Room cleaned for free". Their offer is accompanied by a pink flier that seems to indicate that the room cleaning will demonstrate a dry foam cleaner. They indicate that the carpet cleaner will be by shortly (in about 10 minutes), and that he is being paid $25 to clean your one room. Blonde and friend leave. Part 2, Sucktacular demonstrations Sweaty vacuum guy arrives, and begins carefully unpacking the many pieces of a shiny metal vacuum cleaner from a cardboard box. Vacuum guy replaces the bag with a clear plastic chamber including black and white filters which display collected dirt very well. White filters are used first. Vacuum guy shows off the motorized vacuum head which he claims cost $29 million dollars for NASA to develop. Asks Ken how much such a vacuum might cost. Ken estimates $500. Vacuum guy says the vacuums sell for $2,200 to $1,800. "I have a lot more to show you", he explains. Asks Ken to bring out his vacuum. And asks Ken which room he wants cleaned. Cleans the floor, first with Ken's Hoover, then with the Kirby vacuum. The Kirby picks up lots of dirt, despite the fact that this house and carpet are only about 3 months old. The salesman continually changes filter after soiled filter, cleaning 10 different spots on the carpet. Part 3, White powder Vacuum guy pours a thick line of white "carpet fresh"-style deodorant sand in a thick line on Ken's carpet. Vacuums the area with Ken's Hoover perhaps 15 times, cleaning up the line. The white line seems to be gone, but now he uses the Kirby vacuum cleaner (this time with black filters) 8 inches away from where the white powder line had been. Sure enough, lots and lots of white powder comes out. Piles of white powder. (salesmen sometimes use table salt for this demonstration, according to Karon Thackston) Part 4, Absent Authority Vacuum cleaning guy gets on his cell phone to see if he can get Ken a special deal on the vacuum. A brief conversation with the boss results in a price break. He offers Ken the Kirby Ultimate 8 for $1,640, if Ken trades in his Hoover vacuum. Part 5, Mite Poop Vacuum guy uses the upholstery attachment on Ken's new couch, sucking out a small amount of dirt. Declares the dirt to be dead skin and dust mite poop. Part 6, Wrapping up the deal Sprays dry aerosol cleaner onto the carpet in the hallway and showcases the Shampoo attachment. Calls the boss a second time, receiving permission to offer an Ultimate 8 for just $1,290. Payable on a 5 year payment plan, with just $1 down. Asks Ken's wife, "can you afford one dollar tonight?" Ken and his wife had dinner reservations, so they politely asserted their need to leave. The vacuumer slowly and meticulously disassembled the vacuum, asking for a few paper towels. He used all the towels on the roll, and started a second roll before finishing, cleaning and carefully repackaging the vacuum cleaner. Ken offered the man a cold Coca-Cola, which he accepted before leaving. The vacuum guy had spent more than 90 minutes on the sale. Upon returning from dinner, Ken found the empty Coke can on his porch. Summary $800. Eight hundred dollars. EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. That is the difference between a good vacuum cleaner and the Kirby Ultimate Eight supermega grande supremo vacuum champ. There must be something you'd rather spend $800 on than a super-duper incredible vacuum cleaner. If not, I'm sure you'd love the Kirby. Maybe you'd also like a $400 blender, a $280 toaster or a $470 coffee maker. Recently, a very powerful tool against door-to-door salespitches has emerged, and it is called EBAY. The next time a Kirby vacuum, Cutco knife, Fuller Brush, or any other kind of door-to-door salesman comes calling, take a look at Ebay. You'll always find their products at a fraction of their retail price. Regarding your marriage: If you are married, and haven't yet experienced a Kirby vacuum salesman, it might be a good idea to discuss the absurdity of $1,290 vacuum cleaners right now, before a vacuum salesman arrives. Consider drafting a "love contract to not buy thousand-dollar vacuum cleaners". This pre-planning may help prepare you for that day when the Kirby man comes calling. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |