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2014/04/04 01:12:13瀏覽357|回應0|推薦4

We Occupied the Parliament.

We are students from Taiwan. We occupied the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, peacefully and rationally, to defend our hard-earned democracy. Since March 19th, tens of thousands of citizens have joined us.
我們是台灣的學生(其實有許多不是),我們和平的理性的佔領(彌天大謊)了台灣立法院(應該是中華民國立法院),來捍衛我們嬴來不易的民主(他們除了破壞民主之外,為民主出過什麼力)。  自從三月十九日已有千萬公民參加我們。

It’s 4 AM in Taiwan. The constitutional democracy is sinking to its shadiest moment. Witness the coming dawn with us.
Democracy at 4 am
Morning without YOU is a dwindled dawn.

At 4am on March 19th, 2014, 400 students occupied the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan to protest the Service Trade Agreement with China. The Agreement raises national security implications and poses major risks to Taiwan’s economy. Over 10,000 students have joined the protests in peaceful sit-ins, galvanized by strong opposition to the government’s secret negotiations and handling of the Agreement. The Agreement was rushed through the Legislature without an item-by-item review as originally envisaged in an inter-party agreement. The “anti-black box protests” rejects the government’s lack of transparency and responsiveness to the people’s concerns. The occupation of the Legislative Yuan has become a people’s movement to wrest power back to the people. Professors, musicians, lawyers, doctors and tens of thousands of people from all walks of life have joined the protests in support.
三月十九日二零一四早晨四點,400個學生(還有假學生及台獨份子)佔領了台灣立法院來反對與中國的服貿協議,此協議牽涉到國家安全(他們佔領立院沒因牽涉到國家安全)與引起嚴重台灣經濟危機(是朝野共業)。 超過10,000學生因政府的秘密協商及處理此協定,已激起強烈反抗而參與此和平的(什麼都有就是沒和平...)靜坐抗議(多項抗議?還是一項抗議) 此協定匆促的通過立法,而無如同兩黨之間同意設想的那樣逐條審議。(民進黨六七個月來非法霸佔主席台杯葛議程,至使議會癱瘓,議事協商均無法進行,倒變成國民黨的不是了?) 這“反抗黑箱”抗爭(面對有民主素養的西洋,怎麼不敢撒30秒通過的謊了?)拒絕政府不透明也沒對百姓的關心憂慮負責。 立法院的佔領已是人民的運動將人民的權力奪回。 教授﹑音樂家﹑律師﹑醫生﹑及千萬各行各業的人民業已加入並支持此抗爭。
After the President and ruling party failed to respond, the students expanded their protest at 4am on March 24th. The authorities sent police to remove the peaceful protesters with batons, riot shields, belts and water cannons, beating them into submission. Police brutality resulted in multiple injuries to the protesters, who only had their bodies to shield themselves. The media, too, were removed from the scene.
當總統及執政黨沒有回應之後,學生們已於三月二十四日早晨四點將抗爭擴大。 當權者令警察以警棍﹑盾牌﹑腰帶﹑及水炮驅離和平的示威者,打到他們屈服為止。(不該?) 警察暴力對只有靠身驅為屏障的示威群眾造成多項創傷,媒體亦當場被驅離。 (還好有警察執法,雖然有限,不然你們會囂張到那裡去?  不要忘了你們對非綠媒體的打壓!)

One single Agreement has plunged Taiwan’s democracy back into the darkest hour of the night. All protesters and supporters of Taiwan’s democracy are unified in their resolve not to rest and not to give way. We will safeguard the bedrock of Taiwan’s democracy – that the government must be transparent and responsive to the people’s interests.
由一件協議將台灣民主沉淪至最黑暗的時候。 所有台灣民主的抗爭及支持者團結一致決定不休息亦不放棄。 我們將保衛台灣民主的基石 - 政府必需透明及對人民的利益負責。 (政府的透明度和責任感與公民的參與度成正比,與反對黨的無理杯葛﹑暴民暴亂﹑及選民無知成反比)

Taiwan needs your attention and support. Today, we ask you to join us, and hundred of thousands of supporters from over 50 cities, in support of basic democratic values.
台灣需要你的關懷及支持(惡人告洋狀,當年老共赤化大陸時及文革時,也是開口人民閉口人民,結果呢?  最後只有叫囂的是人,其餘的都是用完即丟的轎夫及賭本)。

We invite you to www.4am.tw. See the event firsthand through citizen’s eyes. Support us by leaving a message for us with a photo of you and a sunflower.

4am may appear to be a dark hour, but we believe that as more people awaken to the truth, the sunrise of democracy will not be far away.


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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