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【書摘】蓋爾芒特家那邊—蓋爾芒特之名 (The Name of Guermantes) 5
2016/09/16 06:10:51瀏覽353|回應0|推薦15
【書摘】蓋爾芒特家那邊—蓋爾芒特之名 (The Name of Guermantes) 5
Mais même en dehors des rares minutes comme celles-là, où brusquement nous sentons l’entité originale tressaillir et reprendre sa forme et sa ciselure au sein des syllabes mortes aujourd’hui, si dans le tourbillon vertigineux de la vie courante, où ils n’ont plus qu’un usage entièrement pratique, les noms ont perdu toute couleur comme une toupie prismatique qui tourne trop vite et qui semble grise, en revanche quand, dans la rêverie, nous réfléchissons, nous cherchons, pour revenir sur le passé, à ralentir, à suspendre le mouvement perpétuel où nous sommes entraînés, peu à peu nous revoyons apparaître, juxtaposées, mais entièrement distinctes les unes des autres, les teintes qu’au cours de notre existence nous présenta successivement un même nom.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 III蓋爾芒特家那邊 聯經版 1992)

But even apart from rare moments such as these, in which suddenly we feel the original entity quiver and resume its form, carve itself out of the syllables now soundless, dead; if, in the giddy rush of daily life, in which they serve only the most practical purposes, names have lost all their colour, like a prismatic top that spins too quickly and seems only grey, when, on the other hand, in our musings we reflect, we seek, so as to return to the past, to slacken, to suspend the perpetual motion by which we are borne along, gradually we see once more appear, side by side, but entirely distinct from one another, the tints which in the course of our existence have been successively presented to us by a single name.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Yet, even apart from rare moments such as this one, when we can suddenly feel the original entity give a stir and resume its shape, chisel itself out of syllables that have become lifeless, if in the dizzy whirl of daily life, where they serve merely the most practical purposes, names have lost all their color, like a prismatic top that revolves too fast and seems only gray, when, on the other hand, we reflect upon the past in our daydreams and seek to grasp it by slowing down and suspending the perpetual motion in which we are carried along, we can see the gradual reappearance, side by side but utterly distinct from one another, of the successive tints that a single name assumed for us in the course of our existence.
(Translated by Mark Treharne)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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