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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與少女們的情誼 (Friendship with Girls) 1
2016/06/06 05:29:59瀏覽258|回應0|推薦13
【書摘】在少女們身旁與少女們的情誼 (Friendship with Girls) 1
Ce n’était pas seulement une matinée mondaine, une promenade avec Mme de Villeparisis que j’eusse sacrifiées au « furet » ou aux « devinettes » de mes amies. À plusieurs reprises Robert de Saint-Loup me fit dire que puisque je n’allais pas le voir à Doncières, il avait demandé une permission de vingt-quatre heures et la passerait à Balbec. Chaque fois je lui écrivis de n’en rien faire, en invoquant l’excuse d’être obligé de m’absenter justement ce jour-là pour aller remplir dans le voisinage un devoir de famille avec ma grand-mère. Sans doute me jugea-t-il mal en apprenant par sa tante en quoi consistait le devoir de famille et quelles personnes tenaient en l’espèce le rôle de grand’mère. Et pourtant je n’avais peut-être pas tort de sacrifier les plaisirs non seulement de la mondanité, mais de l’amitié, à celui de passer tout le jour dans ce jardin. Les êtres qui en ont la possibilité – il est vrai que ce sont les artistes et j’étais convaincu depuis longtemps que je ne le serais jamais – ont aussi le devoir de vivre pour eux-mêmes ; or l’amitié leur est une dispense de ce devoir, une abdication de soi.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.521~522 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

It was not merely a social engagement, a drive with Mme. de Villeparisis, that I would have sacrificed to the ‘Ferret’ or ‘Guessing Games’ of my friends. More than once, Robert de Saint-Loup had sent word that, since I was not coming to see him at Doncières, he had applied for twenty-four hours’ leave, which he would spend at Balbec. Each time I wrote back that he was on no account to come, offering the excuse that I should be obliged to be away myself that very day, when I had some duty call to pay with my grandmother on family friends in the neighbourhood. No doubt I fell in his estimation when he learned from his aunt in what the ‘duty call’ consisted, and who the persons were who combined to play the part of my grandmother. And yet I had not been wrong, perhaps, after all, in sacrificing not only the vain pleasures of the world but the real pleasure of friendship to that of spending the whole day in this green garden. People who enjoy the capacity—it is true that such people are artists, and I had long been convinced that I should never be that—are also under an obligation to live for themselves. And friendship is a dispensation from this duty, an abdication of self.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Fashionable gatherings and Mme de Villeparisis’s invitations to carriage outings were not the only pastimes I was willing to sacrifice to my games of ring-on-a-string and riddles with the girls. Robert de Saint-Loup had several times sent me word that, since I never went to visit him at Doncières, he had requested twenty-four hours’ leave to come to Balbec. On each of these occasions I wrote to put him off, inventing the excuse of a family visit I said I was obliged to make that very day with my grandmother. He must have thought badly of me when he learned from his aunt the nature of this family visit and the identity of the people who were my grandmother for the occasion. Yet, in sacrificing not just the joys of foregathering with the fashionable, but the joys of friendship too, to the pleasure of dallying the whole day in this lovely garden, perhaps I was not ill advised. Those who have the opportunity to live for themselves
hey are artists, of course, and I was long since convinced that I would never be onealso have the duty to do so; and for them, friendship is a dereliction of that duty, a form of self-abdication.
(Translated by James Grieve)

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