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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與阿爾貝蒂娜相識 (Acquainted with Albertine) 8
2016/05/12 05:52:03瀏覽307|回應0|推薦17
【書摘】在少女們身旁與阿爾貝蒂娜相識 (Acquainted with Albertine) 8
D’ailleurs, si avait disparu provisoirement du moins de ma vie une angoisse qu’eût suffi à apaiser le souvenir des manières comme il faut, de cette expression « parfaitement commune » et de la tempe enflammée, ce souvenir éveillait en moi un autre genre de désir, qui bien que doux et nullement douloureux, semblable à un sentiment fraternel, pouvait à la longue devenir aussi dangereux en me faisant ressentir à tout moment le besoin d’embrasser cette personne nouvelle dont les bonnes façons et la timidité, la disponibilité inattendue, arrêtaient la course inutile de mon imagination, mais donnaient naissance à une gratitude attendrie.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Moreover, if there had disappeared, provisionally at any rate, from my life, an anguish that found adequate consolation in the memory of polite manners, of that expression‘perfectly common’ and of the glowing temple, that memory awakened in me desire of another kind which, for all that it was placid and not at all painful, resembling rather brotherly love, might in the long run become fully as dangerous by making me feel at every moment a compelling need to kiss this new person, whose charming ways, shyness, unlooked-for accessibility, arrested the futile process of my imagination but gave birth to a sentimental gratitude.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Besides, though my life was now at least temporarily free of an anguish any recurrence of which could have been quickly canceled by the memory of her properness, the expression “perfectly common,” and the flushed temple, this memory now roused in me a different sort of desire, which, though sweet and quite painless, rather like a brotherly feeling, was capable of becoming in time just as dangerous, by giving me a constant need to kiss this new person, whose good manners, shyness, and unexpected availability curbed the futile surges of my imagination, but gave rise to a touching gratitude.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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