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2016/05/06 07:12:16瀏覽402|回應0|推薦28 | |
【書摘】在少女們身旁—與阿爾貝蒂娜相識 (Acquainted with Albertine) 5 Pour commencer je trouvai à Albertine l’air assez intimidé à la place d’implacable ; elle me sembla plus comme il faut que mal élevée à en juger par les épithètes de « elle a un mauvais genre, elle a un drôle de genre », qu’elle appliqua à toutes les jeunes filles dont je lui parlai ; elle avait enfin comme point de mire du visage une tempe assez enflammée et peu agréable à voir, et non plus le regard singulier auquel j’avais toujours repensé jusque-là. Mais ce n’était qu’une seconde vue et il y en avait d’autres sans doute par lesquelles je devrais successivement passer. Ainsi ce n’est qu’après avoir reconnu non sans tâtonnements les erreurs d’optique du début qu’on pourrait arriver à la connaissance exacte d’un être si cette connaissance était possible. Mais elle ne l’est pas ; car tandis que se rectifie la vision que nous avons de lui, lui-même qui n’est pas un objectif inerte change pour son compte, nous pensons le rattraper, il se déplace, et, croyant le voir enfin plus clairement, ce n’est que les images anciennes que nous en avions prises que nous avons réussi à éclaircir, mais qui ne le représentent plus. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47) 剛一開始,我覺得阿爾貝蒂娜的神情非但不是桀驁不馴,反而很膽怯。對於我與她談到的每一個少女,她都加之以「她風度很差」或「她看上去很怪」這樣的形容語。由此判斷,我似乎覺得她很像樣而不是毫無教養。最後,她面孔上的瞄準點是有一側太陽穴相當火紅,看上去很不舒服。她那奇異的眼神也令人不舒服,直到現在我還一直忘不了這眼神。但這還只是第二眼,肯定還有其它的地方,我會漸漸地走過去。正是這樣,並非不經過摸索,只有辨認出了剛開始時觀察的錯誤,才能達到對一個人的正確認識,如果這種認識是可能的話。但是,認識是不可能的。因為當我們對這個人的視角不斷校正時,他本人並不是一個靜止不動的目標,他自己又變了。我們以為能追上他,但他又移動了位置。我們以為終於將他看清楚了,但是我們捕捉到的僅僅是從前的影像。我們終於將這些影像搞清楚了。但是這時,這些影像已經再也不代表他了。 (p.482 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992) 起先,我覺得阿爾貝蒂娜的神情怯生生的,毫無咄咄逼人的意味;我對她說起別的女孩時,她不是說「她沒什麼派頭」,就是說「她樣子挺怪的」,我聽著就心想,她不見得就那麼沒教養,好像還是挺斯文的;後來她臉上有個地方引起我的注意,那就是紅得出奇,叫人看著挺不舒服的太陽穴 (而不再是在那之前我常常想起的奇特的眼神)。不過我這還只是看了第二眼,接下去想必還有得要看的呢。事情就是這樣,我們只有一邊往前一邊回頭,認清剛開始時哪裡看走了眼,才會對一個人有準確的認識——如果這樣的認識有可能的話。但是那是不可能的;因為一個人並不是靜止不變的物體,就在我們校正對他的觀點的時候,他本身也在改變,我們想要趕上他的變化,他卻又換了地方,最後我們以為終於把他看清楚的時候,其實我們好不容易捕捉到的,只是他先前的形象而已,那已經不是現在的他了。 (p.258~259 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) To begin with, Albertine now struck me as not implacable so much as almost frightened; she seemed to me rather respectably than ill bred, judging by the description, ‘bad style,’ ‘a comic manner’ which she applied to each in turn of the girls of whom I spoke to her; finally, she presented as a target for my line of sight a temple that was distinctly flushed and hardly attractive to the eye, and no longer the curious gaze which I had always connected with her until then. But this was merely a second impression and there were doubtless others through which I was successively to pass. Thus it can be only after one has recognised, not without having had to feel one’s way, the optical illusions of one’s first impression that one can arrive at an exact knowledge of another person, supposing such knowledge to be ever possible. But it is not; for while our original impression of him undergoes correction, the person himself, not being an inanimate object, changes in himself, we think that we have caught him, he moves, and, when we imagine that at last we are seeing him clearly, it is only the old impressions which we had already formed of him that we have succeeded in making clearer, when they no longer represent him. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff) At the beginning, I thought Albertine looked somewhat intimidated, rather than ruthless; she seemed proper, and not ill mannered, judging by statements she nude about every one of the girl I mentioned to her, such as "She’s very ‘fast,‘" or " She’s perfectly unladylike"; and the local point of her face was one of her temples, flushed and unpleasant to look at, instead of the singular expression in her eyes, which until then had been the thing about her that had always been in my thoughts. But this was only my second sight of her, and there would undoubtedly be a sequence of other points of view from which I would have to see her. To achieve accurate knowledge of others, if such a thing were possible, we could only ever arrive at it through the slow and unsure recognition of our own initial optical inaccuracies. However, such knowledge is not possible: for, while our vision of others is being adjusted, they, who are not made of mere brute matter, are also changing; we think we have managed to see them more clearly, but they shift; and when we believe we have them fully in focus, it is merely our older images of them that we have clarified, but which are themselves already out of date. (Translated by James Grieve) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |