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Excerpt:費茲傑羅 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 的《夜未央》(Tender Is the Night)
2015/11/28 06:56:39瀏覽3190|回應0|推薦14
Excerpt:費茲傑羅 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 的《夜未央》(Tender Is the Night)

In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.
——F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up (1936)

《夜未央》(Tender Is the Night) 是費茲傑羅創作的第四本長篇小說,而在第五本長篇小說《最後的大亨》(The Love of the Last Tycoon) 未能完成之前他就英年早逝,以至於《夜未央》也可說是他生前最後的一本長篇小說。


Fitzgerald considered Tender Is the Night to be his greatest work. Although it received a tepid response upon release, it has grown in acclaim over the years and is widely regarded as among Fitzgerald's best work.

In 1998, the Modern Library included the novel at #28 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. Radcliffe later included it at #62 in their rival list. NPR included it at #69 on their 2009 100 Years, 100 Novels list. In 2012 it was listed as one of the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die.

Tender Is the Night
原文作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald



故事從一位年輕貌美的新生代影星蘿絲瑪麗愛上一位有婦 (妮可) 之夫迪克開始,每個角色定位都相當清楚、忠實地演繹他們的人生發展,既沒有雜亂冗長的情節,也沒有氾濫失控的情緒,從南法的 Riviera 海岸隨著鏡頭推移,然後再倒敘回到迪克初遇妮可的蘇黎世......,沒想到最終才華出眾、風度翩翩的迪克卻嗜酒成癮而變成一無所有。



He looked at her and for a moment she lived in the bright blue worlds of his eyes, eagerly and confidently. Then he shouldered his last piece of junk and went up to his car, and Rosemary came out of the water, shook out her peignoir and walked up to the hotel.

It was almost two when they went into the dining-room. Back and forth over the deserted tables a heavy pattern of beams and shadows swayed with the motion of the pines outside. Two waiters piling plates and talking loud Italian, fell silent when they came in and brought them a tired version of the cable d'hôte luncheon.
“I fell in love on the beach,“ said Rosemary.
“Who with?”
“First with a whole lot of people who looked nice. Then with one man.”





They looked at each other at last, murmuring names that were a spell. Softly the two names lingered on the air, died away more slowly than other words, other names, slower than music in the mind.
“I don’t know what came over me last night,” Rosemary said.
“That glass of champagne? I’ve never done anything like that before. “You simply said you loved me.“
“I do love you
I can’t change that.” It was time for Rosemary to cry, so she cried a little in her handkerchief.
“I’m afraid I’m in love with you,” said Dick, “and that’s not the best thing that could happen.”



He wheeled off his bicycle , feeling Nicole’s eyes following him, feeling her helpless first love, feeling it twist around inside him. He went three hundred yards up the slope to the other hotel , he engaged a room and found himself washing without a memory of the intervening ten minutes, only a sort of drunken flush pierced with voices, unimportant voices that did not know how much he was loved.



“Think how you love me,“ she whispered. “I don’t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside me there’ll always be the person I am tonight. “
But Dick had come away for his soul’s sake, and he began thinking about that. He had lost himself
he could not tell the hour when, or the day or the week, the month or the year. Once he had cut through things, solving the most complicated equations as the simplest problems of his simplest patients. Between the time he found Nicole flowering under a stone on the Zurichsee and the moment of his meeting with Rosemary the spear had been blunted.



It was as close as Dick had ever come to comprehending such a character from any but the pathological angle
he gathered that this very charm made it possible for Francisco to perpetrate his outrages, and, for Dick, charm always had an independent existence, whether it was the mad gallantry of the wretch who had died in the clinic this morning, or the courageous grace which this lost young man brought to a drab old story. Dick tried to dissect it into pieces small enough to store awayrealizing that the totality of a life may be different in quality from its segments, and also that life during the forties seemed capable of being observed only in segments. His love for Nicole and Rosemary, his friendship with Abe North, with Tommy Barban in the broken universe of the war’s endingin such contacts the personalities had seemed to press up so close to him that he became the personality itselfthere seemed some necessity of taking all or nothing; it was as if for the remainder of his life he was condemned to carry with him the egos of certain people, early met and early loved, and to be only as complete as they were complete themselves. There was some element of loneliness involvedso easy to be lovedso hard to love.



Since the evening on Golding’s yacht she had sensed what was going on. So delicately balanced was she between an old foothold that had always guaranteed her security, and the imminence of a leap from which she must alight changed in the very chemistry of blood and muscle, that she did not dare bring the matter into the true forefront of consciousness. The figures of Dick and herself, mutating, undefined, appeared as spooks caught up into a fantastic dance. For months every word had seemed to have an overtone of some other meaning, soon to be resolved under circumstances that Dick would determine. Though this state of mind was perhaps more hopeful,
he long years of sheer being had had an enlivening effect on the parts of her nature that early illness had killed, that Dick had not reachedthrough no fault of his hut simply because no one nature can extend entirely inside anotherit was still disquieting. The most unhappy aspect of their relations was Dick’s growing indifference, at present personified by too much drink; Nicole did not know whether she was to be crushed or sparedDick’s voice, throbbing with insincerity, confused the issue; she couldn’t guess how he was going to behave next upon the tortuously slow unrolling of the carpet, nor what would happen at the end ,at the moment of the leap.



( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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