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Room of their own: where great writers write

原文作者:Alex Johnson
繪者:詹姆斯.歐瑟斯(James Oses

亞歷克斯.強森(Alex Johnson
亞歷克斯.強森是位記者,著有《書籍清單》(A Book of Book Lists)、《不可思議的圖書館》(Improbable Libraries)、《書架》(Bookshelf)和《棚屋:另類工作場所革命》(Shedworking: The Alternative Workplace Revolution)。目前和妻子、三個孩子,以及來自世界各地的大量書籍,住在倫敦的聖奧爾本斯。他經營網站 Shedworking(網址為 www.shedworking.co.uk)和 Bookshelf(網址為 www.onthebookshelf.co.uk)。


Marcel Proust The attraction of bed Bedroom, Paris

雖然大部分作家在工作時傾向於直立,但有些作家發現更放鬆的方式同樣具有吸引力。楚門.柯波帝稱自己是「徹底呈水平狀的作者」,除非躺在床上或躺椅上,否則無法思考:馬克.吐溫則寫到自己開心地坐在床上,抽著菸斗,一面在寫字板上筆走龍蛇。但領導臥床寫作大軍的是馬塞爾.普魯斯特,他的巨作《追憶似水年華》(The Remembrance of Things Past)開頭就是:「很長一段日子裡,我都是早早上床。」
While most writers tend to be fairly vertical when working, others have found a more relaxed approach equally attractive. Truman Capote described himself as a ‘completely horizontal author’ who could not think unless he was lying down on a bed or couch, while Mark Twain wrote about happily sitting up in bed with his pipe and scribbling away on a board. But leading the bed-based brigade is Marcel Proust, whose major work The Remembrance of Things Past begins ‘For a long time, I went to bed early’.

普魯斯特(一八七一一九二二)在父母去世不久之後,於一九年搬進巴黎奧斯曼大道(Boulevard Haussmann)的一戶公寓。他發現自己很難面對他們去世這件事,睡眠也有問題。他的解決方法是把自己隔離在臥室裡,在這裡,他養成了以夜間活動為主的作息,白天睡覺,晚上寫作。
In 1906, shortly after his parents died, Proust (1871–1922) moved into an apartment at the Boulevard Haussmann in Paris. He had found it very hard to cope with their deaths and had problems sleeping. His solution was to isolate himself in his bedroom, where he developed a largely nocturnal schedule, sleeping during the day and writing at night. It was quite a capacious room with 12ft- (3.7m-) high ceilings, previously owned by his uncle. Here, Proust cocooned himself using shutters and heavy satin curtains to help prevent pollen and outside dust contamination from bringing on his asthma.

除此之外,他還想盡量保持工作空間的安靜(雖然他把電話保留了一段時間,但最後還是拆掉了),於是在友人暨詩人安娜.德.諾埃伊(Anna de Noailles)的建議下,他把牆壁及天花板都貼上軟木。起初他打算再貼上壁紙,但一直沒實現,於是長年下來,軟木都被他用以抵禦哮喘的藥粉燃煙燻黑了。可是軟木仍然無法保持他所追求的靜音標準。普魯斯特給鄰居瑪麗.威廉斯夫人及其夫婿查爾斯(查爾斯是牙醫,他的椅子就在普魯斯特的臥室正上方)寫的信特別客氣,同時又充滿了「請保持安靜」的主題變奏。
Additionally, he wanted to keep his work space as quiet as possible (although he kept his telephone for a while, this also eventually had to go) and, on the advice of his friend the poet Anna de Noailles, he had the walls and ceiling lined with cork. Initially he intended to wallpaper them, but never got round to it, and over the years they darkened from the fumes of the medicinal powders he burnt against his asthma. Even this was not sufficient to maintain the standard of silence he was after. Proust’s letters to the neighbours – Mme Marie Williams and her husband, Charles (a dentist whose chair lay directly above Proust’s bedroom) – are both extraordinarily polite while at the same time full of variations on the theme of ‘please keep the noise down’.

在那張簡單的床上,普魯斯特身裹厚毛衣,周圍放著熱水袋,半坐著寫作,膝蓋充當書桌。女管家塞雷斯特.阿巴赫(Céleste Albaret)每天為他送來可頌麵包與源源不絕的熱咖啡,她說自己從來沒見過他站著寫東西,哪怕是一張字條。他用格線筆記本寫作,有紅色雙線的邊框。但這個姿勢並非完全舒適,長時間寫作經常使得他的手腕抽筋。
Wrapped up on his simple bed in jumpers and surrounded by hot water bottles, Proust wrote half-sitting-up, his knees substituting as a kind of desk. His housekeeper Céleste Albaret, who provided him with his daily croissants and top-ups of hot coffee, said she never saw him write even a note standing. He wrote in lined notebooks, with double-lined red margins. It was not a wholly comfortable position and long writing sessions sometimes left him with cramped wrists.

The room itself was surprisingly cluttered, which lessened the tomb-like effect. While Proust’s bed was tucked into a corner as far away from the window as possible, he kept three tables close by him for his writing needs, including his green-shaded bedside lamp, and other necessities, such as a bottle of Evian water. Further away, standing on the parquet floor, was his mother’s piano, his father’s library armchair and revolving bookcases, and a writing desk that Proust never used, all with happy emotional associations with his parents, even if unremarkable pieces in design terms. (A possibly apocryphal story has Oscar Wilde meeting Proust’s parents and exclaiming ‘How ugly your house is!’.) Elsewhere were oriental-style items: a screen, cabinet and rug. There were no paintings and the only decoration was a small white statuette of the young Jesus. Two mirrors were sited so that he could not see himself while in bed. It was not exactly spartan, but it was something of a blank canvas and there were effectively no distractions to lure him away from his writing, work he saw as his patriotic duty.

普魯斯特為什麼選擇在床上寫作,原因並不清楚。從這個房間裡的東西看來,與親愛的家人有關的日常物品可能給他帶來撫慰,但也許他需要一個既親密又只屬於他的地方來激發他的寫作。「心煩意亂的時候,能夠躺在自己的床上,周身溫暖圍裹,這是很愉快的,」他年輕時的第一本書《歡樂時光》(Les plaisirs et les jours; Pleasures and Regrets,一八九六)中寫道,「在那裡,所有努力與掙扎都結束了,甚至可能把頭埋在被子裡,徹底屈服於嚎哭,彷彿秋風中的樹枝。」
It is not clear exactly why Proust chose to write in bed. While the contents of Proust’s room suggest he found comfort in the familiarity of objects which had connections to loved ones, maybe he required somewhere that was both intimate and uniquely his own to stimulate his writing. ‘It is pleasant, when one is distraught, to lie in the warmth of one’s bed,’ he wrote as a young man in his first book Les plaisirs et les jours (Pleasures and Regrets, 1896), ‘and there, with all effort and struggle at an end, even perhaps with one’s head under the blankets, surrender completely to howling, like branches in the autumn wind.’

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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