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Happy 150th Birthday, Marcel Proust ! Excerpt:《普魯斯特私人詞典》之〈書名(Titres)〉
2021/07/10 04:43:56瀏覽391|回應0|推薦8


Happy 150th Birthday, Marcel Proust !


作者:(-保羅昂托旺 拉斐爾昂托旺


在普魯斯特傳記的最後版本中,塔迪耶給出了普魯斯特有一天在找到追憶似水年華這個書名以前,在一張紙上列出的一串書名。我們在此給出這些名字,不作任何評論,帶著虔誠又不免微笑:過去的鐘乳石«Les stalactites du passé»在過去的日子的鐘乳石面前«Devant quelques stalactites des jours écoulés»古色光澤上的倒影«Reflets dans la patine»拜訪姍姍來遲的過去«Visite du passé qui s’attarde»延遲的過去«Le passé prorogé»為時已晚的過去«Le passé tardif»)過去的訪客«Le visiter du passé»時光的倒影«Les reflets du temps»夢的鏡子«Les miroirs du rêve»過去的希望«L’espérance du passé»,等等。


Swanns Way (Du côté de chez Swann)
,是普魯斯特的巨作《追憶似水年華》七大冊的第一冊,中文翻譯為「斯萬之路」,有趣的是英國小說家兼翻譯家 Sydney Schiff 貴為普魯斯特的好友,卻曾經把 “Swanns Way” 硬翻譯回法文 “A la manière de Swann” (In the Manner of Swann),著實讓普魯斯特感到難以忍受。


Swanns Way 
曾經讓出版社退稿、讓法國諾貝爾文學獎得主紀德 (André Gide) 看走眼、讓千千萬萬的讀者半途而廢 (或許也讓千千萬萬的讀者瞬間入睡、一覺好眠……),但同樣的,Swanns Way 奠定了《追憶似水年華》成為世界經典名著的基石,藉由C. K. Scott Moncrieff 的英譯本讓全世界的讀者得以接觸並且進一步探索普魯斯特創造的另一個世界。

然則,最初普魯斯特對於 Moncrieff 的翻譯並不放心,以書名為例,Moncrieff 巧妙地引用莎士比亞的十四行詩 (Sonnet 30),將 À la recherche du temps perdu 譯為Remembrance of Things Past

Sonnet 30
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste;
(朱生豪 )

但普魯斯特卻不引為然,他寫信給Moncrieff,質疑這樣的翻譯可能喪失了這部作品想要傳達重新找回失去時光的本意,這封信在 Moncrieff 的傳記 Chasing Lost Time: The Life of C. K. Scott Moncrieff: Soldier, Spy, and Translator之中特別翻譯及引述,相當有趣,我摘要如下。

Dear Sir,
I have been very flattered and touched by the trouble you have taken in translating my Swann. The miracle is that I can thank you at all. I am in fact so gravely ill (not contagiously) that I cannot reply to anyone, you are the only one of my translators in many languages to whom I have written, perhaps after seeing the fine talent with which you have done this translation (I have not yet read it all, but just to let you know that I do not leave my bed and take no food etc). Nonetheless, I have one or two criticisms for you. For example À la recherche du temps perdu cannot possibly mean what you say. The verses that you add, the dedication to your friends do not replace the intentional ambiguity of Lost Time/Wasted Time, which finds itself again at the end of the work in Time Regained. As for Swanns Way that can mean Du côté de chez Swann, but also a la manière de Swann. If you had added the word ‘to’ you would have saved everything. I am sorry I have to write to you in French, but my English is so appalling, that no one understands it. ‘How can you criticise,’ I hear you say ‘when you hardly know one or two words of English if at all–in the face of all the praise for my translation?’
Please give my compliments to your editors for the remark able way they have had the translation done and please believe In my good faith …

事實上,目前《追憶似水年華》的英譯版本,大家較為熟悉的依舊是 C. K. Scott Moncrieff  1981  Terence Kilmartin 的修訂本、1992  D.J. Enright 的修訂本,另外則是企鵝出版社在 2002 年根據 Jean-Yves Tadié 主編的 Pléiade Gallimard (1978-89) 法文版本重新翻譯。

 11 月恰逢 Swanns Way 出版滿一百週年,知名的普魯斯特研究學者 William C. Carter  Moncrieff 的譯本為基礎進行修訂及註解,推出最新的英譯修訂本 (In the Shadow of Young Girls in FlowerThe Guermantes Way 修訂本已陸續出版,20218月也可預見第四冊 Sodom and Gomorrah出版了)Carter 相當推崇 Moncrieff 的翻譯功力,更直言認為 Moncrieff 的翻譯才能貼近普魯斯特的原意。他在最新譯本的〈序言〉(Introduction) 中提出了另一位文學大師費茲傑羅 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 寫給女兒的一封信做為佐證,事實上,費茲傑羅也認為:“Scott Moncrieff’s Proust is a masterpiece in itself.”

在〈序言〉裡頭,Carter 還提到了普魯斯特最喜愛的一段拉丁文引言  “habent sua fata libelli”books have their destiny.
我相信 Swanns Way 這本書早已經找到了它自己的命運。

Lost in Translation
Proust and Scott Moncrieff

By William C. Carter
November 14, 2013
Proust and Scott Moncrieff
William C. Carter, November 27, 2013

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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