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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 16
2021/03/06 05:16:24瀏覽359|回應0|推薦6
【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 16
Trop de temps passé sans penser à elle eût rompu dans mon souvenir la continuité, qui est le principe même de la vie, qui pourtant peut se ressaisir après un certain intervalle de temps. N’en avait-il pas été ainsi de mon amour pour Albertine quand elle vivait, lequel avait pu se renouer après un assez long intervalle dans lequel j’étais resté sans penser à ellei? Or mon souvenir devait obéir aux mêmes lois, ne pas pouvoir supporter de plus longs intervalles, car il ne faisait, comme une aurore boréale, que refléter après la mort d’Albertine le sentiment que j’avais eu pour elle, il était comme l’ombre de mon amour.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.120~121 追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

A period of any length spent without thinking of her would have broken in my memory the continuity which is the very principle of life, which however may be resumed after a certain interval of time. Had not this been the case with my love for Albertine when she was alive, a love which had been able to revive after a quite long interval during which I had never given her a thought? Well, my memory must have been obedient to the same laws, have been unable to endure longer intervals, for all that it did was, like an aurora borealis, to reflect after Albertine’s death the sentiment that I had felt for her, it was like the phantom of my love.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Too long a time spent not thinking of her would have broken in my memory the continuity which is the very principle of life, although it may sometimes be reconstituted even after it has lapsed for some time. Had this not been the case with my love for Albertine while she was alive, which had been able to pick up the threads where they had left off after long periods of not thinking of her? At all events my memory must have been subject to the same laws and equally unable to withstand extended intervals, for after Albertines death it did no more than reflect, like the aurora borealis, the emotions that I had felt for her, as if it were merely the shadow of my love.
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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