【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—巴爾貝克 (Balbec) 1 Parmi les chambres dont j’évoquais le plus souvent l’image dans mes nuits d’insomnie, aucune ne ressemblait moins aux chambres de Combray, saupoudrées d’une atmosphère grenue, pollinisée, comestible et dévote, que celle du Grand-Hôtel de la Plage, à Balbec, dont les murs passés au ripolin contenaient, comme les parois polies d’une piscine où l’eau bleuit, un air pur, azuré et salin. Le tapissier bavarois qui avait été chargé de l’aménagement de cet hôtel avait varié la décoration des pièces et sur trois côtés fait courir le long des murs, dans celle que je me trouvai habiter, des bibliothèques basses, à vitrines en glace, dans lesquelles, selon la place qu’elles occupaient, et par un effet qu’il n’avait pas prévu, telle ou telle partie du tableau changeant de la mer se reflétait, déroulant une frise de claires marines, qu’interrompaient seuls les pleins de l’acajou. (Éditions Gallimard, 1987) 在我無眠之夜最常回憶的那些臥室當中,跟貢布雷的臥室差別最大的要數巴爾貝克海濱大旅社那間了,這間屋的牆塗了瓷漆,就跟碧波粼粼的游泳池光滑的內壁一樣,容有純淨、天藍色、帶鹽味的空氣,而貢布雷那幾間臥室則洋溢著帶有微塵、花粉、食品和虔誠味道的氣氛。負責裝飾旅社的那位巴伐利亞傢俱商讓各間房間的裝飾都有所不同,我住的那間沿著三面牆都有玻璃門矮書櫃,按照它們所處的位置不同,產生出設計者未曾料及的效果,反映出大海變幻無常的景色的一角,這就像是在牆上糊上一層海青色的壁紙,只不過被書櫃桃心木的門框分割成一片一片罷了。 (p.415 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992) 在無眠之夜經常浮現眼前的那些臥室中,跟貢布雷的臥室最不相像的,就是巴爾貝克海濱大酒店的那個房間了;貢布雷的每間臥室,都瀰漫著塵粒、花粉、食品的氣息和虔誠的氛圍,而在巴爾貝克酒店的房間裡,塗過瓷漆的牆壁有如碧波粼粼的游泳池光滑的內壁,給人一種清純的、天藍的、帶點鹽味的感覺。負責裝潢這家大酒店的巴伐利亞家具建材商,在每個房間的裝飾上都翻了花樣,我住的房間裡,沿三面牆壁排開帶玻璃門的矮書櫥,視各個書櫥的不同位置,玻璃櫥門起著一種意想不到的效果,猶如一幅描繪景色變幻的大海的油畫環壁而立,構成一道海青色的護牆板,只是被桃花心木的櫥框分割成了一小幅一小幅而巳。 (p.425 追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) Among the rooms which used most commonly to take shape in my mind during my long nights of sleeplessness, there was none that differed more utterly from the rooms at Combray, thickly powdered with the motes of an atmosphere granular, pollenous, edible and instinct with piety, than my room in the Grand Hôtel de la Plage, at Balbec, the walls of which, washed with ripolin, contained, like the polished sides of a basin in which the water glows with a blue, lurking fire, a finer air, pure, azure-tinted, saline. The Bavarian upholsterer who had been entrusted with the furnishing of this hotel had varied his scheme of decoration in different rooms, and in that which I found myself occupying had set against the walls, on three sides of it, a series of low book-cases with glass fronts, in which, according to where they stood, by a law of nature which he had, perhaps, forgotten to take into account, was reflected this or that section of the ever-changing view of the sea, so that the walls were lined with a frieze of sea-scapes, interrupted only by the polished mahogany of the actual shelves. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) Among the bedrooms whose images I summoned up most often in my nights of insomnia, none resembled less the rooms at Combray, dusted with an atmosphere that was grainy, pollinated, edible, and devout, than the room at the Grand-Hôtel de la Plage, at Balbec, whose enamel-painted walls contained, like the polished sides of a swimming pool which tints the water blue, a pure azure salt sea air. The Bavarian decorator commissioned to furnish the hotel had varied the design schemes of the rooms and on three sides, along the walls, in the one I was occupying, had placed low bookcases, with glass panes, in which, depending on the spot they occupied, and by an effect he had not foreseen, one part or another of the changing picture of the sea was reflected, unfurling a frieze of bright seascapes, which was interrupted only by the solid pieces of mahogany. (Translated by Lydia Davis)